Example #1
def morph_per_root(root):
    morph = []
    for sec in secs_with_root(root):
        n3d = int(h.n3d(sec=sec))
        x = [h.x3d(i, sec=sec) for i in xrange(n3d)]
        y = [h.y3d(i, sec=sec) for i in xrange(n3d)]
        z = [h.z3d(i, sec=sec) for i in xrange(n3d)]
        d = [h.diam3d(i, sec=sec) for i in xrange(n3d)]
        arc = [h.arc3d(i, sec=sec) for i in xrange(n3d)]
        length = sec.L
        half_dx = 0.5 / sec.nseg
        for seg in sec:
            morph.append(get_pts_between(x, y, z, d, arc, (seg.x - half_dx) * length, (seg.x + half_dx) * length))
    # add end points
    for end_pt in [0, 1]:
        for sec in secs_with_root(root):
            n3d = int(h.n3d(sec=sec))
            pt1 = [h.x3d(0, sec=sec), h.y3d(0, sec=sec), h.z3d(0, sec=sec), h.diam3d(0, sec=sec)]
            pt2 = [h.x3d(n3d - 1, sec=sec), h.y3d(n3d - 1, sec=sec), h.z3d(n3d - 1, sec=sec), h.diam3d(n3d - 1, sec=sec)]
            if h.section_orientation(sec=sec) == 0:
                morph_to_append = [pt1] if end_pt == 0 else [pt2]
                morph_to_append = [pt2] if end_pt == 0 else [pt1]
    return morph
Example #2
    def result(sec):
        if not isinstance(sec, nrn.Section):
            sec = sec._sec
        arc3d = [h.arc3d(i, sec=sec) for i in xrange(int(h.n3d(sec=sec)))]
        diam3d = [h.diam3d(i, sec=sec) for i in xrange(int(h.n3d(sec=sec)))]
        sas = numpy.zeros(sec.nseg)
        dx = sec.L / sec.nseg
        for iseg in xrange(sec.nseg):
            # get a list of all pts in the segment, including end points
            lo = iseg * dx
            hi = (iseg + 1) * dx
            pts = [lo] + [x for x in arc3d if lo < x < hi] + [hi]

            diams = numpy.interp(pts, arc3d, diam3d)

            # sum the surface areas of the constituent frusta
            sa = 0
            for i in xrange(len(pts) - 1):
                diam0, diam1 = diams[i:i + 2]
                pt0, pt1 = pts[i:i + 2]
                sa += scale * 0.5 * (diam0 +
                                     diam1) * numpy.sqrt(0.25 *
                                                         (diam0 - diam1)**2 +
                                                         (pt1 - pt0)**2)
            sas[iseg] = sa
        return sas
Example #3
    def volumes1d(self, sec):
        if not isinstance(sec, nrn.Section):
            sec = sec._sec
        arc3d = [h.arc3d(i, sec=sec) for i in xrange(int(h.n3d(sec=sec)))]
        diam3d = [h.diam3d(i, sec=sec) for i in xrange(int(h.n3d(sec=sec)))]
        vols = numpy.zeros(sec.nseg)
        dx = sec.L / sec.nseg
        for iseg in xrange(sec.nseg):
            # get a list of all pts in the segment, including end points
            lo = iseg * dx
            hi = (iseg + 1) * dx
            pts = [lo] + [x for x in arc3d if lo < x < hi] + [hi]

            diams = numpy.interp(pts, arc3d, diam3d)

            # sum the volume of the constituent frusta, hollowing out by the inside
            volume = 0
            for i in xrange(len(pts) - 1):
                diam0h, diam1h = self._hi * diams[i:i + 2]
                diam0l, diam1l = self._lo * diams[i:i + 2]
                pt0, pt1 = pts[i:i + 2]
                volume += numpy.pi * (pt1 - pt0) / 12. * (
                    (diam0h**2 + diam0h * diam1h + diam1h**2) -
                    (diam0l**2 + diam0l * diam1l + diam1l**2))
            vols[iseg] = volume

        return vols
Example #4
def get_pos_data_short():
    Get positions of all segments currently loaded in Neuron in a simple matrix.
    Section position information is not available.

        Matrix (3 x nSegments) With x,y,z positions. 
    :rtype: :class:`~numpy.ndarray`

        .. code-block:: python

            data = get_pos_data_short()
    n = 0
    for sec in h.allsec():
        n += int(h.n3d())
    data = np.zeros([4, n])
    cnt = 0
    for sec in h.allsec():
        for i in xrange(int(h.n3d())):
            data[0, cnt] = h.x3d(i)
            data[1, cnt] = h.y3d(i)
            data[2, cnt] = h.z3d(i)
            data[3, cnt] = h.diam3d(i)
            cnt += 1
    return data
Example #5
    def volumes1d(self, sec):
        if not isinstance(sec, nrn.Section):
            sec = sec._sec
        arc3d = [h.arc3d(i, sec=sec)
                 for i in range(int(h.n3d(sec=sec)))]
        diam3d = [h.diam3d(i, sec=sec)
                  for i in range(int(h.n3d(sec=sec)))]
        vols = numpy.zeros(sec.nseg)
        dx = sec.L / sec.nseg
        for iseg in range(sec.nseg):
            # get a list of all pts in the segment, including end points
            lo = iseg * dx
            hi = (iseg + 1) * dx
            pts = [lo] + [x for x in arc3d if lo < x < hi] + [hi]
            diams = numpy.interp(pts, arc3d, diam3d)
            # sum the volume of the constituent frusta, hollowing out by the inside
            volume = 0
            for i in range(len(pts) - 1):
                diam0h, diam1h = self._hi * diams[i : i + 2]
                diam0l, diam1l = self._lo * diams[i : i + 2]
                pt0, pt1 = pts[i : i + 2]
                volume += numpy.pi * (pt1 - pt0) / 12. * ((diam0h ** 2 + diam0h * diam1h + diam1h ** 2) - (diam0l ** 2 + diam0l * diam1l + diam1l ** 2))
            vols[iseg] = volume

        return vols
Example #6
def _volumes1d(sec):
    if not isinstance(sec, nrn.Section):
        sec = sec._sec
    arc3d = [h.arc3d(i, sec=sec)
             for i in range(int(h.n3d(sec=sec)))]
    diam3d = [h.diam3d(i, sec=sec)
              for i in range(int(h.n3d(sec=sec)))]
    vols = numpy.zeros(sec.nseg)
    dx = sec.L / sec.nseg
    for iseg in range(sec.nseg):
        # get a list of all pts in the segment, including end points
        lo = iseg * dx
        hi = (iseg + 1) * dx
        pts = [lo] + [x for x in arc3d if lo < x < hi] + [hi]
        diams = numpy.interp(pts, arc3d, diam3d)
        # sum the volume of the constituent frusta
        volume = 0
        for i in range(len(pts) - 1):
            diam0, diam1 = diams[i : i + 2]
            pt0, pt1 = pts[i : i + 2]
            volume += numpy.pi * (pt1 - pt0) / 12. * (diam0 ** 2 + diam0 * diam1 + diam1 ** 2)
        vols[iseg] = volume

    return vols
Example #7
 def result(sec):
     if not isinstance(sec, nrn.Section):
         sec = sec._sec
     arc3d = [h.arc3d(i, sec=sec)
             for i in range(int(h.n3d(sec=sec)))]
     diam3d = [h.diam3d(i, sec=sec)
             for i in range(int(h.n3d(sec=sec)))]
     sas = numpy.zeros(sec.nseg)
     dx = sec.L / sec.nseg
     for iseg in range(sec.nseg):
         # get a list of all pts in the segment, including end points
         lo = iseg * dx
         hi = (iseg + 1) * dx
         pts = [lo] + [x for x in arc3d if lo < x < hi] + [hi]
         diams = numpy.interp(pts, arc3d, diam3d)
         # sum the surface areas of the constituent frusta
         sa = 0
         for i in range(len(pts) - 1):
             diam0, diam1 = diams[i : i + 2]
             pt0, pt1 = pts[i : i + 2]
             sa += scale * 0.5 * (diam0 + diam1) * numpy.sqrt(0.25 * (diam0 - diam1) ** 2 + (pt1 - pt0) ** 2)
         sas[iseg] = sa
     return sas
Example #8
    def d_lambda(self):
        freq = 100
        d_lambda = 0.1
        for dendType in self.dendTypeList:
            for sec in self.dendTypeList[dendType]:
                if h.n3d() < 2:
                    lambda_f = 1e5 * np.sqrt(
                        sec.diam / (4 * np.pi * freq * sec.Ra * sec.cm))
                    x1 = h.arc3d(0)
                    d1 = h.diam3d(0)
                    lam = 0
                    for ii in range(1, int(h.n3d())):
                        x2 = h.arc3d(ii)
                        d2 = h.diam3d(ii)
                        lam += (x2 - x1) / np.sqrt(d1 + d2)
                        x1 = x2
                        d1 = d2
                    lam *= np.sqrt(2) * 1e-5 * np.sqrt(
                        4 * np.pi * freq * sec.Ra * sec.cm)
                    lambda_f = sec.L / lam

                nseg = (int(
                    (sec.L / (d_lambda * lambda_f) + 0.9) / 2) * 2 + 1) / 2
                if nseg % 2 == 0:
                    nseg += 1

                sec.nseg = nseg
Example #9
    def get_coords_and_radii(self):

        nrn_section = self.nrn_section

        # Count 3D points
        point_count = int(h.n3d(sec=nrn_section))

        # Let NEURON create them if missing
        if point_count == 0:
            point_count = int(h.n3d(sec=self.nrn_section))

        # Collect the coordinates
        coords = [None] * point_count * 3  # 3 for xy and z
        radii = [None] * point_count

        for c in range(point_count):
            ci = c * 3
            coords[ci] = h.x3d(c, sec=nrn_section)
            coords[ci + 1] = h.y3d(c, sec=nrn_section)
            coords[ci + 2] = h.z3d(c, sec=nrn_section)

            radii[c] = h.diam3d(c, sec=nrn_section) / 2.0

        self.nseg = int(nrn_section.nseg)
        self.point_count = point_count
        self.coords = coords
        self.radii = radii
Example #10
def _volumes1d(sec):
    if not isinstance(sec, nrn.Section):
        sec = sec._sec
    arc3d = [h.arc3d(i, sec=sec) for i in xrange(int(h.n3d(sec=sec)))]
    diam3d = [h.diam3d(i, sec=sec) for i in xrange(int(h.n3d(sec=sec)))]
    vols = numpy.zeros(sec.nseg)
    dx = sec.L / sec.nseg
    for iseg in xrange(sec.nseg):
        # get a list of all pts in the segment, including end points
        lo = iseg * dx
        hi = (iseg + 1) * dx
        pts = [lo] + [x for x in arc3d if lo < x < hi] + [hi]

        diams = numpy.interp(pts, arc3d, diam3d)

        # sum the volume of the constituent frusta
        volume = 0
        for i in xrange(len(pts) - 1):
            diam0, diam1 = diams[i:i + 2]
            pt0, pt1 = pts[i:i + 2]
            volume += numpy.pi * (pt1 - pt0) / 12. * (diam0**2 +
                                                      diam0 * diam1 + diam1**2)
        vols[iseg] = volume

    return vols
Example #11
def modify_morphology(section_dict, cellname):

    for key, sec_list in section_dict.items():
        for sec in sec_list:
            sec.nseg = 11

    for sec in section_dict['basal']:
        for i in xrange(int(nrn.n3d())):
            nrn.pt3dchange(i, 0.76)

    for sec in section_dict['oblique_dendrites']:
        for i in xrange(int(nrn.n3d())):
            nrn.pt3dchange(i, 0.73)

    if cellname == 'n120':
        apic_root_segment = 'apic[9]'
    elif cellname == 'c12861':
        apic_root_segment = 'apic[92]'
        raise RuntimeError("Not known cellname!")

    apic_tuft_root_diam = None
    apic_tuft_root_dist = None

    for sec in section_dict['apic_trunk']:
        npts = int(nrn.n3d())
        cummulative_L = 0
        for i in xrange(npts):
            if not i == 0:
                delta_x = (nrn.x3d(i) - nrn.x3d(i - 1))**2
                delta_y = (nrn.y3d(i) - nrn.y3d(i - 1))**2
                delta_z = (nrn.z3d(i) - nrn.z3d(i - 1))**2
                cummulative_L += np.sqrt(delta_x + delta_y + delta_z)
            dist_from_soma = nrn.distance(0) + cummulative_L
            diam = 3.5 - 4.7e-3 * dist_from_soma
            # print diam, nrn.diam3d(i)
            nrn.pt3dchange(i, diam)
        if sec.name() == apic_root_segment:
            apic_tuft_root_diam = nrn.diam3d(npts - 1)
            apic_tuft_root_dist = nrn.distance(1.)

    longest_tuft_branch = find_longest_tuft_branch(section_dict, apic_tuft_root_dist)

    tuft_smallest_diam = 0.3
    for sec in section_dict['apic_tuft']:
        npts = int(nrn.n3d())
        cummulative_L = 0
        start_dist_from_tuft_root = nrn.distance(0.0) - apic_tuft_root_dist
        for i in xrange(npts):
            if not i == 0:
                delta_x = (nrn.x3d(i) - nrn.x3d(i - 1))**2
                delta_y = (nrn.y3d(i) - nrn.y3d(i - 1))**2
                delta_z = (nrn.z3d(i) - nrn.z3d(i - 1))**2
                cummulative_L += np.sqrt(delta_x + delta_y + delta_z)
            dist_from_root = start_dist_from_tuft_root + cummulative_L
            diam = apic_tuft_root_diam - dist_from_root/longest_tuft_branch * (apic_tuft_root_diam - tuft_smallest_diam)
            # print nrn.diam3d(i), diam
            nrn.pt3dchange(i, diam, sec=sec)
Example #12
def _neighbor_areas1d(sec):
    if not isinstance(sec, nrn.Section):
        sec = sec._sec
    arc3d = [h.arc3d(i, sec=sec) for i in xrange(int(h.n3d(sec=sec)))]
    diam3d = [h.diam3d(i, sec=sec) for i in xrange(int(h.n3d(sec=sec)))]
    area_pos = numpy.linspace(0, sec.L, sec.nseg + 1)
    diams = numpy.interp(area_pos, arc3d, diam3d)
    return numpy.pi * 0.25 * diams**2
Example #13
 def result(sec):
     if not isinstance(sec, nrn.Section):
         sec = sec._sec
         arc3d = [h.arc3d(i, sec=sec) for i in xrange(int(h.n3d(sec=sec)))]
         diam3d = [h.diam3d(i, sec=sec) for i in xrange(int(h.n3d(sec=sec)))]
         area_pos = numpy.linspace(0, sec.L, sec.nseg + 1)
         diams = numpy.interp(area_pos, arc3d, diam3d)
         return scale * diams
Example #14
 def result(sec):
     if not isinstance(sec, nrn.Section):
         sec = sec._sec
         arc3d = [h.arc3d(i, sec=sec) for i in range(int(h.n3d(sec=sec)))]
         diam3d = [h.diam3d(i, sec=sec) for i in range(int(h.n3d(sec=sec)))]
         area_pos = numpy.linspace(0, sec.L, sec.nseg + 1)
         diams = numpy.interp(area_pos, arc3d, diam3d)
         return scale * diams
Example #15
def _neighbor_areas1d(sec):
    arc3d = [h.arc3d(i, sec=sec._sec)
             for i in xrange(int(h.n3d(sec=sec._sec)))]
    diam3d = [h.diam3d(i, sec=sec._sec)
              for i in xrange(int(h.n3d(sec=sec._sec)))]
    area_pos = numpy.linspace(0, sec.L, sec.nseg + 1)
    diams = numpy.interp(area_pos, arc3d, diam3d)
    return numpy.pi * 0.25 * diams ** 2
Example #16
 def neighbor_areas1d(self, sec):
     arc3d = [h.arc3d(i, sec=sec._sec)
              for i in xrange(int(h.n3d(sec=sec._sec)))]
     diam3d = [h.diam3d(i, sec=sec._sec)
               for i in xrange(int(h.n3d(sec=sec._sec)))]
     area_pos = numpy.linspace(0, sec.L, sec.nseg + 1)
     diams = numpy.interp(area_pos, arc3d, diam3d)
     if self._type == _lo_hi_shell:
         return numpy.pi * .25 * ((diams * self._hi) ** 2 - (diams * self._lo) ** 2)
Example #17
def get_axon_direction(hobj):
    for sec in hobj.somatic:
        n3d = int(h.n3d(sec=sec))  # get number of n3d points in each section
        soma_end = np.asarray([
            h.x3d(n3d - 1, sec=sec),
            h.y3d(n3d - 1, sec=sec),
            h.z3d(n3d - 1, sec=sec)
        mid_point = int(n3d / 2)
        soma_mid = np.asarray([
            h.x3d(mid_point, sec=sec),
            h.y3d(mid_point, sec=sec),
            h.z3d(mid_point, sec=sec)

    for sec in hobj.all:
        section_name = sec.name().split(".")[1][:4]
        if section_name == 'axon':
            n3d = int(
                h.n3d(sec=sec))  # get number of n3d points in each section
            axon_p3d = np.zeros(
                (n3d, 3)
            )  # to hold locations of 3D morphology for the current section
            for i in range(n3d):
                axon_p3d[i, 0] = h.x3d(i, sec=sec)
                axon_p3d[i, 1] = h.y3d(
                    i, sec=sec
                )  # shift coordinates such to place soma at the origin.
                axon_p3d[i, 2] = h.z3d(i, sec=sec)

    # Add soma coordinates to the list
    p3d = np.concatenate(([soma_mid], axon_p3d), axis=0)

    # Compute PCA
    pca = PCA(n_components=3)
    unit_v = pca.components_[0]

    mag_v = np.sqrt(pow(unit_v[0], 2) + pow(unit_v[1], 2) + pow(unit_v[2], 2))
    unit_v[0] = unit_v[0] / mag_v
    unit_v[1] = unit_v[1] / mag_v
    unit_v[2] = unit_v[2] / mag_v

    # Find the direction
    axon_end = axon_p3d[-1] - soma_mid
    if np.dot(unit_v, axon_end) < 0:
        unit_v *= -1

    axon_seg_coor = np.zeros((4, 3))
    # unit_v = np.asarray([0,1,0])
    axon_seg_coor[0] = soma_end
    axon_seg_coor[1] = soma_end + (unit_v * 30.)
    axon_seg_coor[2] = soma_end + (unit_v * 30.)
    axon_seg_coor[3] = soma_end + (unit_v * 60.)

    return axon_seg_coor
Example #18
def _neighbor_areas1d(sec):
    if not isinstance(sec, nrn.Section):
        sec = sec._sec
    arc3d = [h.arc3d(i, sec=sec)
             for i in range(int(h.n3d(sec=sec)))]
    diam3d = [h.diam3d(i, sec=sec)
              for i in range(int(h.n3d(sec=sec)))]
    area_pos = numpy.linspace(0, sec.L, sec.nseg + 1)
    diams = numpy.interp(area_pos, arc3d, diam3d)
    return numpy.pi * 0.25 * diams ** 2
Example #19
def get_axon_direction(hobj):
    for sec in hobj.somatic:
        n3d = int(h.n3d())  # get number of n3d points in each section
        soma_end = np.asarray([h.x3d(n3d - 1), h.y3d(n3d - 1), h.z3d(n3d - 1)])
        mid_point = int(n3d / 2)
        soma_mid = np.asarray(

    axon_p3d_all = []
    n_secs = 1
    for i, sec in enumerate(hobj.axonal):
        if i < n_secs:
            n3d = int(h.n3d())  # get number of n3d points in each section
            axon_p3d = np.zeros(
                (n3d, 3)
            )  # to hold locations of 3D morphology for the current section
            for i in range(n3d):
                axon_p3d[i, 0] = h.x3d(i)
                axon_p3d[i, 1] = h.y3d(i)
                axon_p3d[i, 2] = h.z3d(i)

    axon_p3d_all = np.concatenate(axon_p3d_all)
    # Add soma coordinates to the list
    p3d = np.concatenate(([soma_mid], axon_p3d_all))
    p3d = p3d - soma_mid  # set the origin at soma

    # Compute PCA
    pca = PCA(n_components=3)
    unit_v = pca.components_[0]

    mag_v = np.sqrt(pow(unit_v[0], 2) + pow(unit_v[1], 2) + pow(unit_v[2], 2))
    unit_v[0] = unit_v[0] / mag_v
    unit_v[1] = unit_v[1] / mag_v
    unit_v[2] = unit_v[2] / mag_v

    # Find the direction
    proj = p3d.dot(pca.components_[0])
    unit_v = np.sign(proj.mean()) * pca.components_[0]

    axon_seg_coor = np.zeros((4, 3))
    axon_seg_coor[0] = soma_end
    axon_seg_coor[1] = soma_end + (unit_v * 30.)
    axon_seg_coor[2] = soma_end + (unit_v * 30.)
    axon_seg_coor[3] = soma_end + (unit_v * 60.)

    return axon_seg_coor
Example #20
    def draw_mayavi(self, x, y, z, d, edges):
        "Draw the surface the first time"

        # rendering disabled
        self.mayavi.visualization.scene.disable_render = True

        points = mlab.pipeline.scalar_scatter(x, y, z, d / 2.0)
        dataset = points.mlab_source.dataset
        dataset.point_data.get_array(0).name = "diameter"
        dataset.lines = np.vstack(edges)
        self.dataset = dataset

        # The tube
        src = mlab.pipeline.set_active_attribute(points, point_scalars="diameter")
        stripper = mlab.pipeline.stripper(src)
        tube = mlab.pipeline.tube(stripper, tube_sides=6, tube_radius=1)
        tube.filter.capping = True
        #        tube.filter.use_default_normal = False
        tube.filter.vary_radius = "vary_radius_by_absolute_scalar"
        self.tube = tube

        # Setting the voltage
        # Making room for the voltage
        v = []
        for sec in h.allsec():
            v.extend(np.repeat(0.0, h.n3d()))

        v = np.array(v)
        self.draw_surface(v, "v")

        # ReEnable the rendering
        self.mayavi.visualization.scene.disable_render = False
def lambda_f(section, freq):
    if h.n3d() < 2:
        return 1e5*math.sqrt(section.diam/(math.pi*4*freq*section.Ra*section.cm))
        x1 = h.arc3d(0)
        d1 = h.diam3d(0)
        lam = 0
        for i in range(int(h.n3d())):
            x2 = h.arc3d(i)
            d2 = h.diam3d(i)
            lam += (x2 - x1)/math.sqrt(d1 + d2)
            x1 = x2
            d1 = d2
        lam *=  math.sqrt(2) * 1e-5*math.sqrt(4*math.pi*freq*section.Ra*section.cm)

    return section.L / lam
Example #22
def hoc2morph(hoc_file):
    Generate morph sectioning data from NEURON hoc file.
    sections = {}

    for sec in h.allsec():
        sections[sec.name()] = {}
        sections[sec.name()]["name"] = sec.name()
        sr = h.SectionRef(sec=sec)
        if sr.has_parent():
            parent = sr.parent.name()
            parent = None
        sections[sec.name()]["parent"] = parent

        children = []
        for child in sr.child:

        sections[sec.name()]["children"] = children
        x = []
        y = []
        z = []
        d = []
        n3d = int(h.n3d())
        sections[sec.name()]["points"] = []
        for i in range(n3d):
                [h.x3d(i), h.y3d(i), h.z3d(i),
    return sections
def coarse(hoc_filename,cube_length,save_filename):
	# INPUT: NEURON .hoc filename to import (str), voxel cube side length (fl/str for gcd), name of file to create for mesh output (str)
	# 		>> cube_length: 'gcd' (gcd of box dims) OR floating-point (must be common factor of all box dims)
	# This function reads in NEURON data and passes their info to
	# coarse_gen(), then associates the tets of the STEPS Tetmesh object returned
	# to the NEURON sections which exist inside of them. 
	# Returns a tet_hoc dictionary -- tet_hoc[tet_index] = [encapsulated hoc section references] -- as well as the Tetmesh object


	allp = [[],[],[]]
	for s in h.allsec():
		for j in range(int(h.n3d())):

	maxl = [max(allp[0]),max(allp[1]),max(allp[2])]
	minl = [min(allp[0]),min(allp[1]),min(allp[2])]
	bdim = [ maxl[0] - minl[0], maxl[1] - minl[1], maxl[2] - minl[2] ]
	print "dims: ", bdim
	print "mins: ", minl

	if (cube_length == 'gcd'):
		gcd = fractions.gcd(fractions.gcd(bdim[0],bdim[1]),fractions.gcd(bdim[2],bdim[1]))
		print "GCD: ", gcd
		cube_length = gcd

	sm = coarse_gen(cube_length,bdim,minl,save_filename)

	tet_hoc = tet_associate(sm[0])
	return tet_hoc, sm[0]
Example #24
    def retrieve_coordinate(self, sec):
        """Retrieve the coordinates of the section avoiding duplicates"""

        x, y, z, d = [], [], [], []

        tot_points = 0
        connect_next = False
        for i in range(int(h.n3d())):
            present = False
            x_i = h.x3d(i)
            y_i = h.y3d(i)
            z_i = h.z3d(i)
            d_i = h.diam3d(i)
            # Avoiding duplicates in the sec
            if x_i in x:
                ind = len(x) - 1 - x[::-1].index(
                    x_i)  # Getting the index of last value
                if y_i == y[ind]:
                    if z_i == z[ind]:
                        present = True

            if not present:
                k = (x_i, y_i, z_i)
        #adding num 3d points per section
        self.n3dpoints_per_sec[sec.name()] = len(d)
        return (np.array(x), np.array(y), np.array(z), np.array(d))
Example #25
def get_pos_data():
    Get positions x, y, z for all segments and their diameter. 

        4 lists: x,y,z,d. One element per section where each element is
        a :class:`~numpy.ndarray`.

        .. code-block:: python

            x,y,z,d = get_pos_data()
            for sec in xrange(len(x)):
                for seg in xrange(len(x[sec]):
                    print x[sec][seg], y[sec][seg], z[sec][seg]
    x = []
    y = []
    z = []
    d = []
    for sec in h.allsec():
        n3d = int(h.n3d())
        x_i, y_i, z_i = np.zeros(n3d), np.zeros(n3d), np.zeros(n3d),
        d_i = np.zeros(n3d)
        for i in xrange(n3d):
            x_i[i] = h.x3d(i)
            y_i[i] = h.y3d(i)
            z_i[i] = h.z3d(i)
            d_i[i] = h.diam3d(i)
    return x, y, z, d
Example #26
def setup_pcmorphology(kk, x, y, z):
    print 'i value is:', kk
    cellpc = Purkinje()

    sections = h.SectionList()
    n = h.n3d(sec=cellpc.soma)
    xs = [h.x3d(i) for i in range(int(n))]
    ys = [h.y3d(i) for i in range(int(n))]
    zs = [h.z3d(i) for i in range(int(n))]
    ds = [h.diam3d(i) for i in range(int(n))]
    j = 0
    for a, b, c, d in zip(xs, ys, zs, ds):
        #print 'sec here is:', sec
        h.pt3dchange(j, a + x, b + y, c + z, d)
        j += 1
    #call another function to locate the local granule neurons
    getpurksecs = h.SectionList()
    func_local_grcneurons(kk, getpurksecs)
Example #27
 def position(self, x, y, z):
     for i in range(h.n3d()):
         h.pt3dchange(i, x+self.x+h.x3d(i), y+self.y+h.y3d(i),
                      z+self.z+h.z3d(i), h.diam3d(i))
         self.x = x
         self.y = y
         self.z = z
Example #28
def get_nseg( mysec ):
    return the number of segments necesary to sample the smallest distance 
    between 2 consequtive 3D coordinates in a segment according to the
    Nysquid criterum (in our case 2 times smaller than the smallest 
    ncoord = int( h.n3d( sec = mysec) )

    # calculate distance between 0 and 1 coordinate
    x = h.x3d(0, sec = mysec) - h.x3d(1, sec = mysec)
    y = h.y3d(0, sec = mysec) - h.y3d(1, sec = mysec)
    z = h.z3d(0, sec = mysec) - h.z3d(1, sec = mysec)
    dist =  sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z) 

    for i in range(1, ncoord-1):
        x = h.x3d(i, sec = mysec) - h.x3d(i+1, sec = mysec)
        y = h.y3d(i, sec = mysec) - h.y3d(i+1, sec = mysec)
        z = h.z3d(i, sec = mysec) - h.z3d(i+1, sec = mysec)
        value = sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z)
        dist = value if value < dist else dist 

    nseg =  int((mysec.L/dist)*2.0) + 1 # odd number
    return( nseg ) 
Example #29
def morphology_to_dict(sections, outfile=None):
    section_map = {sec: i for i, sec in enumerate(sections)}
    result = []

    for sec in sections:
        my_parent = parent(sec)
        my_parent_loc = -1 if my_parent is None else parent_loc(sec, my_parent)
        my_parent = -1 if my_parent is None else section_map[my_parent]
        n3d = int(h.n3d(sec=sec))
            'section_orientation': h.section_orientation(sec=sec),
            'parent': my_parent,
            'parent_loc': my_parent_loc,
            'x': [h.x3d(i, sec=sec) for i in xrange(n3d)],
            'y': [h.y3d(i, sec=sec) for i in xrange(n3d)],
            'z': [h.z3d(i, sec=sec) for i in xrange(n3d)],
            'diam': [h.diam3d(i, sec=sec) for i in xrange(n3d)],
            'name': sec.hname()           

    if outfile is not None:
        with open(outfile, 'w') as f:
            json.dump(result, f)

    return result
Example #30
def get_section_path(h,sec):
    n3d = int(h.n3d(sec=sec))
    xyz = []
    for i in range(0,n3d):
    xyz = np.array(xyz)
    return xyz
def dend_connections(sec):

    n = int(h.n3d())

    x = h.Vector(n)
    y = h.Vector(n)
    z = h.Vector(n)
    s = h.Vector(n)

    for i in range(n):
        x.x[i] = h.x3d(i)
        y.x[i] = h.y3d(i)
        z.x[i] = h.z3d(i)
        s.x[i] = h.arc3d(i)

    # find arc to interp
    s1 = h.Vector()
    arc = params.mean_synapse_invl / 2
    while arc < sec.L:
        arc += params.mean_synapse_invl


    # interpolate
    x.interpolate(s1, s)
    y.interpolate(s1, s)
    z.interpolate(s1, s)
    s1.mul(1.0 / sec.L)

    return s1, x, y, z
Example #32
def get_section_path(h, sec):
    n3d = int(h.n3d(sec=sec))
    xyz = []
    for i in range(0, n3d):
        xyz.append([h.x3d(i, sec=sec), h.y3d(i, sec=sec), h.z3d(i, sec=sec)])
    xyz = np.array(xyz)
    return xyz
        def append_data(sec, xyzdv, parent_id, connections, func, segfunc):
            """ Append data to xyzdv
            if not segfunc: v = func(sec)
            n = int(h.n3d(sec=sec))

            for ii in xrange(1, n):
                x = h.x3d(ii, sec=sec)
                y = h.y3d(ii, sec=sec)
                z = h.z3d(ii, sec=sec)
                d = h.diam3d(ii, sec=sec)
                if 'node' in sec.name() or 'MYSA' in sec.name():
                    v = 1.0
                if segfunc:
                    if n == 1: v = func(sec(0.5))
                    else: v = func(sec(ii / float(n - 1)))
                xyzdv.append([x, y, z, d, v])
                child_id = len(xyzdv) - 1
                if len(xyzdv) > 1:
                    connections.append([child_id, parent_id])
                parent_id = child_id

            return xyzdv, connections
Example #34
def retrieve_coordinate(sec):
    x, y, z, d = [],[],[],[]
    area = 0
    tot_points = 0
    connect_next = False
    for i in range(int(h.n3d())):
        present = False
	x_i = h.x3d(i)
	y_i = h.y3d(i)
	z_i = h.z3d(i)
	d_i = h.diam3d(i)
	a_i = h.area(0.5)
	if x_i in x:
            ind = len(x) - 1 - x[::-1].index(x_i) # Getting the index of last value
	    if y_i == y[ind]:
                if z_i == z[ind]:
                    present = True
	if not present:
            k =(x_i, y_i, z_i)
	    area += np.sum(a_i)
        #adding num 3d points per section
    n3dpoints[sec.name()] = [np.array(x),np.array(y),np.array(z),np.array(d)]
    return (np.array(x),np.array(y),np.array(z),np.array(d),area)
Example #35
def retrieve_coordinate(sec):
    x, y, z, d = [], [], [], []
    area = 0
    tot_points = 0
    connect_next = False
    for i in range(int(h.n3d())):
        present = False
        x_i = h.x3d(i)
        y_i = h.y3d(i)
        z_i = h.z3d(i)
        d_i = h.diam3d(i)
        a_i = h.area(0.5)
        if x_i in x:
            ind = len(x) - 1 - x[::-1].index(
                x_i)  # Getting the index of last value
            if y_i == y[ind]:
                if z_i == z[ind]:
                    present = True

        if not present:
            k = (x_i, y_i, z_i)
            area += np.sum(a_i)
    #adding num 3d points per section
    n3dpoints[sec.name()] = [
        np.array(x), np.array(y),
        np.array(z), np.array(d)
    return (np.array(x), np.array(y), np.array(z), np.array(d), area)
Example #36
def morphology_to_dict(sections, outfile=None):
    section_map = {sec: i for i, sec in enumerate(sections)}
    result = []

    for sec in sections:
        my_parent = parent(sec)
        my_parent_loc = -1 if my_parent is None else parent_loc(sec, my_parent)
        my_parent = -1 if my_parent is None else section_map[my_parent]
        n3d = int(h.n3d(sec=sec))
            'section_orientation': h.section_orientation(sec=sec),
            'parent': my_parent,
            'parent_loc': my_parent_loc,
            'x': [h.x3d(i, sec=sec) for i in xrange(n3d)],
            'y': [h.y3d(i, sec=sec) for i in xrange(n3d)],
            'z': [h.z3d(i, sec=sec) for i in xrange(n3d)],
            'diam': [h.diam3d(i, sec=sec) for i in xrange(n3d)],
            'name': sec.hname()

    if outfile is not None:
        with open(outfile, 'w') as f:
            json.dump(result, f)

    return result
Example #37
def h2morph(h):
    Generate morph sectioning data from NEURON h interface with preloaded morphology.
    sections = {}

    for sec in h.allsec():
        sections[sec.name()] = {}
        sections[sec.name()]["name"] = sec.name()
        sr = h.SectionRef(sec=sec)
        if sr.has_parent():
            parent = sr.parent.name()
            parent = None
        sections[sec.name()]["parent"] = parent

        children = []
        for child in sr.child:

        sections[sec.name()]["children"] = children
        n3d = int(h.n3d())
        sections[sec.name()]["points"] = []
        for i in range(n3d):
                [h.x3d(i), h.y3d(i), h.z3d(i),
    return sections
Example #38
    def insert(self):
        h = self.h

        if not hasattr(h, 'cvode'):

        if not h.cvode.use_fast_imem():

        if self.method == 'Point':
            LfpClass = SectionLfpPointMethod

        elif self.method == 'Line':
            LfpClass = SectionLfpLineMethod

        else:  # self.method == 'RC':
            LfpClass = SectionLfpRCMethod

        for sec in self.sec_list:  # h.allsec():
            if self.is_lfp_section(sec.name()):

                # Let NEURON create 3D points if missing
                if h.n3d(sec=sec) <= 0:

                # Keep track of sections being monitored
                self.section_lfps[sec] = LfpClass(self, sec)
Example #39
    def get_coord(self,
                  soma_center=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
        """Takes in a list of section_ids and section_x values and returns a list of coordinates, assuming the soma
        is at the center of the system.

        :param sec_ids: [float]: list of N section_ids
        :param sec_xs: [float]: list of N cooresponding section_x's
        :param soma_center: location of soma in respect to the coordinate system. (default (0, 0, 0)).
        :param rotation_matrix: List of rotations (not yet implemented)
        :return: [(float, float, float)]: for seach sec_ids/sec_xs returna the x,y,z coordinates as a tuple
        adjusted = self._morphology.get_soma_pos() - np.array(soma_center)
        absolute_coords = []
        for sec_id, sec_x in zip(sec_ids, sec_xs):
            sec = self._secs[sec_id]
            n_coords = int(h.n3d(sec=sec))
            coord_indx = int(sec_x * (n_coords - 1))
            swc_coords = np.array([
                h.x3d(coord_indx, sec=sec),
                h.y3d(coord_indx, sec=sec),
                h.x3d(coord_indx, sec=sec)
            adjusted_coords = swc_coords - adjusted

            if rotation_matrix is not None:
                adjusted_coords = np.dot(rotation_matrix, adjusted_coords)


        return absolute_coords
 def rotateZ(self, theta):
     """Rotate the cell about the Z axis."""
     rot_m = numpy.array([[sin(theta), cos(theta)], [cos(theta), -sin(theta)]])
     for sec in self.all:
         for i in range(int(h.n3d())):
             xy = numpy.dot([h.x3d(i), h.y3d(i)], rot_m)
             h.pt3dchange(i, xy[0], xy[1], h.z3d(i), h.diam3d(i))
Example #41
    def retrieve_coordinate(self, sec):
        """Retrieve the coordinates of the section avoiding duplicates"""
        x, y, z, d = [],[],[],[]

        tot_points = 0
        connect_next = False
        for i in range(int(h.n3d())):
            present = False
            x_i = h.x3d(i)
            y_i = h.y3d(i)
            z_i = h.z3d(i)
            d_i = h.diam3d(i)
            # Avoiding duplicates in the sec
            if x_i in x:
                ind = len(x) - 1 - x[::-1].index(x_i) # Getting the index of last value
                if y_i == y[ind]:
                    if z_i == z[ind]:
                        present = True
            if not present:
                k =(x_i, y_i, z_i)
        #adding num 3d points per section
        self.n3dpoints_per_sec[sec.name()] = len(d)
        return (np.array(x),np.array(y),np.array(z),np.array(d))
Example #42
    def interpxyz(self):
        Equivalent methods interpxyz and setrx from the xtra mechanism available on the NEURON website from Ted Carnevale
        Setrx has been modified to integrate the use of multipolar electrodes

        interpolated data, spaced at regular intervals



        # First, need to interpolate centers unto all compartments; from interpxyz.hoc
        for sec in self.allseclist:

            if h.ismembrane('xtra', sec=sec):

                nn = int(h.n3d(sec=sec))
                xx = h.Vector(nn)
                yy = h.Vector(nn)
                zz = h.Vector(nn)
                length = h.Vector(nn)

                # for ii in xrange(nn):
                for ii in range(nn):
                    xx.x[ii] = h.x3d(ii, sec=sec)
                    yy.x[ii] = h.y3d(ii, sec=sec)
                    zz.x[ii] = h.z3d(ii, sec=sec)
                    length.x[ii] = h.arc3d(ii, sec=sec)

                # to use Vector class's .interpolate() must first scale the independent variable i.e. normalize length along centroid
                length.div(length.x[nn - 1])
                # initialize the destination "independent" vector
                rr = h.Vector(sec.nseg + 2)
                rr.indgen(1. / sec.nseg)
                rr.sub(1. / (2. * sec.nseg))
                rr.x[0] = 0.
                rr.x[sec.nseg + 1] = 1.

                # length contains the normalized distances of the pt3d points along the centroid of the section.
                # These are spaced at irregular intervals.
                # range contains the normalized distances of the nodes along the centroid of the section.
                # These are spaced at regular intervals.

                # Ready to interpolate.
                xint = h.Vector(sec.nseg + 2)
                yint = h.Vector(sec.nseg + 2)
                zint = h.Vector(sec.nseg + 2)
                xint.interpolate(rr, length, xx)
                yint.interpolate(rr, length, yy)
                zint.interpolate(rr, length, zz)

                # for each node, assign the xyz values to x_xtra, y_xtra, z_xtra
                # don't bother computing coords of the 0 and 1 ends
                # also avoid writing coords of the 1 end into the last internal node's coords
                for ii in range(1, sec.nseg + 1):
                    xr = rr.x[ii]
                    sec(xr).x_xtra = xint.x[ii]
                    sec(xr).y_xtra = yint.x[ii]
                    sec(xr).z_xtra = zint.x[ii]
Example #43
def accumulate_density(sec, density, domain):
  for i in range(int(h.n3d())):
    x,y = (h.x3d(i), h.y3d(i))
    r = (round(x, domain[0]),round(y, domain[1]))
    if not False in r:
      density[r] += 1
Example #44
 def retrieve_coordinates(self, sec):
     xyzds = []
     for ii in xrange(int(h.n3d(sec=sec))):
     return xyzds
Example #45
        def append_v(sec, v):
            """ Append data to v """
            for ii in xrange(1, int(nrn.n3d())):

            return v
Example #46
def get_coordinates(sec):
    ptn = h.n3d(sec=sec)
    xc = []
    yc = []
    for i in range(int(ptn)):
        xc.append(h.x3d(i,   sec=sec))
        yc.append(h.y3d(i,   sec=sec))
    return np.array([xc,   yc])
Example #47
def modify_morphology(apic_trunk, basal, apic_tuft):

    for sec in basal:
        for i in xrange(int(nrn.n3d())):
            nrn.pt3dchange(i, 0.76)

    apic_tuft_root_diam = None
    apic_tuft_root_dist = None
    for sec in apic_trunk:

        npts = int(nrn.n3d())
        cummulative_L = 0
        for i in xrange(npts - 1):
            delta_x = (nrn.x3d(i + 1) - nrn.x3d(i))**2
            delta_y = (nrn.y3d(i + 1) - nrn.y3d(i))**2
            delta_z = (nrn.z3d(i + 1) - nrn.z3d(i))**2
            cummulative_L += np.sqrt(delta_x + delta_y + delta_z)
            diam = 3.5 - 4.7e-3 * cummulative_L
            nrn.pt3dchange(i, diam, sec=sec)

        apic_tuft_root_diam = nrn.diam3d(npts - 1)
        apic_tuft_root_dist = cummulative_L

    # for sec in nrn.somatic:
    #     if sec.name() == 'soma[2]':
    #         nrn.distance(0, 1)
    # for sec in apic_tuft:
    #     npts = int(nrn.n3d())
    #     cummulative_L = 0
    #     start_dist_from_soma = nrn.distance(0)
    #     start_dist_from_tuft_root = start_dist_from_soma - apic_tuft_root_dist
    #     for i in xrange(npts - 1):
    #         delta_x = (nrn.x3d(i + 1) - nrn.x3d(i))**2
    #         delta_y = (nrn.y3d(i + 1) - nrn.y3d(i))**2
    #         delta_z = (nrn.z3d(i + 1) - nrn.z3d(i))**2
    #         cummulative_L += np.sqrt(delta_x + delta_y + delta_z)
    #         dist_from_root = start_dist_from_tuft_root + cummulative_L
    #         diam = apic_tuft_root_diam - 18e-3 * dist_from_root
    #         print diam, nrn.diam3d(i)
    #         # nrn.pt3dchange(i, diam, sec=sec)

    return apic_tuft_root_diam
Example #48
    def _indices_from_sec_x(self, sec, position):
        # TODO: the assert is here because the diameter is not computed correctly
        #       unless it coincides with a 3d point, which we only know to exist at the
        #       endpoints and because the section does not proceed linearly between
        #       the endpoints (in general)... which affects the computation of the
        #       normal vector as well
        assert(position in (0, 1))
        # NOTE: some care is necessary in constructing normal vector... must be
        #       based on end frusta, not on vector between end points
        if position == 0:
            x = h.x3d(0, sec=sec)
            y = h.y3d(0, sec=sec)
            z = h.z3d(0, sec=sec)
            nx = h.x3d(1, sec=sec) - x
            ny = h.y3d(1, sec=sec) - y
            nz = h.z3d(1, sec=sec) - z
        elif position == 1:
            n = int(h.n3d(sec=sec))
            x = h.x3d(n - 1, sec=sec)
            y = h.y3d(n - 1, sec=sec)
            z = h.z3d(n - 1, sec=sec)
            # NOTE: sign of the normal is irrelevant
            nx = x - h.x3d(n - 2, sec=sec)
            ny = y - h.y3d(n - 2, sec=sec)
            nz = z - h.z3d(n - 2, sec=sec)
            raise RxDException('should never get here')
        # x, y, z = x * x1 + (1 - x) * x0, x * y1 + (1 - x) * y0, x * z1 + (1 - x) * z1
        r = sec(position).diam * 0.5
        plane_of_disc = geometry3d.graphicsPrimitives.Plane(x, y, z, nx, ny, nz)
        potential_coordinates = []
        mesh = self._mesh
        xs, ys, zs = mesh._xs, mesh._ys, mesh._zs
        xlo, ylo, zlo = xs[0], ys[0], zs[0]
        # locate the indices of the cube containing the sphere containing the disc
        # TODO: write this more efficiently
        i_indices = [i for i, a in enumerate(xs) if abs(a - x) < r]
        j_indices = [i for i, a in enumerate(ys) if abs(a - y) < r]
        k_indices = [i for i, a in enumerate(zs) if abs(a - z) < r]
        sphere_indices = [(i, j, k)
                          for i, j, k in itertools.product(i_indices, j_indices, k_indices)
                          if (xs[i] - x) ** 2 + (ys[j] - y) ** 2 + (zs[k] - z) ** 2 < r ** 2]
        dx2 = self.dx * 0.5
        dx = self.dx
        disc_indices = []
        for i, j, k in sphere_indices:
#            a, b, c = xs[i], ys[j], zs[k]
            # TODO: no need to compute all; can stop when some True and some False
#            on_side1 = [plane_of_disc.distance(x, y, z) >= 0 for x, y, z in itertools.product([a - dx2, a + dx2], [b - dx2, b + dx2], [c - dx2, c + dx2])]
            # NOTE: the expression is structured this way to make sure it tests the exact same corner coordinates for corners shared by multiple voxels and that there are no round-off issues (an earlier attempt had round-off issues that resulted in double-thick discs when the frustum ended exactly on a grid plane)
            on_side1 = [plane_of_disc.distance(x, y, z) >= 0 for x, y, z in itertools.product([(xlo + (i - 1) * dx) + dx2, (xlo + i * dx) + dx2], [(ylo + (j - 1) * dx) + dx2, (ylo + j * dx) + dx2], [(zlo + (k - 1) * dx) + dx2, (zlo + k * dx) + dx2])]
            # need both sides to have at least one corner
            if any(on_side1) and not all(on_side1):
                # if we're here, then we've found a point on the disc.
                disc_indices.append((i, j, k))
        return disc_indices
Example #49
 def retrieve_coordinates(self, sec):
     xyzds = []
     for ii in xrange(int(nrn.n3d())):
     return xyzds
Example #50
 def set_position(self, x, y, z):
     Set the base location in 3D and move all other
     parts of the cell relative to that location.
     for sec in self.all:
         for i in range(int(h.n3d())):
                     x - self.x + h.x3d(i),
                     y - self.y + h.y3d(i),
                     z - self.z + h.z3d(i),
     self.x, self.y, self.z = x, y, z
Example #51
def computeCenter(seg):
    """Compute the distance from soma
    Assuming soma is at (0,0,0)

    # n3d returns the number of 3d points in a segment. 
    xpoints = ypoints = zpoints = np.zeros(h.n3d(seg))
    for i in range(len(xpoints)):
        xpoints[i] = h.x3d(i, seg)
        ypoints[i] = h.y3d(i, seg)
        zpoints[i] = h.z3d(i, seg)
    center = np.array([xpoints.mean(), ypoints.mean(), zpoints.mean()])
    r =  np.sqrt(np.mean(center))
    return r, center
Example #52
 def find_middle_coordinates(self) :
     cell_list = []
     self.m_coordinates = []
     for n in range(self.num_neurons) :
         cell = []
         print "Neuron ", n
         for i in range(self.NSize[n]):
             exec "cell.append(h.neuron"+str(n)+"_tree["+str(i)+"])";
             middle = int(h.n3d()/2)# It has to be integer!!
             #print "Yo(", i, ") Middle is ", middle, Coordinates[i]
 def set_position(self, x, y, z):
     Set the base location in 3D and move all other
     parts of the cell relative to that location.
     for sec in self.all:
         # note: iterating like this changes the context for all NEURON
         # functions that depend on a section, so no need to specify sec=
         for i in range(int(h.n3d())):
                     x - self.x + h.x3d(i),
                     y - self.y + h.y3d(i),
                     z - self.z + h.z3d(i),
     self.x, self.y, self.z = x, y, z
Example #54
def objects_by_segment(sec):
    given a section, returns a dictionary whose entries are lists of objects
    that should be used for distance calculations, keyed by section
    .. warning::
        Does not currently support non-frustum based sections (i.e. no support
        for new 3d styles, like soma outlines)
    .. warning::
        This assumes a 3d style exists. The safest way to call this is to call
        h.define_shape() first
    # TODO: fix the issue described in the warning
    #       (when this was written, these objects were only under development)
    n3d = int(h.n3d(sec=sec))
    length = sec.L
    arc3d = [h.arc3d(i, sec=sec) for i in xrange(n3d)]
    x3d = numpy.array([h.x3d(i, sec=sec) for i in xrange(n3d)])
    y3d = numpy.array([h.y3d(i, sec=sec) for i in xrange(n3d)])
    z3d = numpy.array([h.z3d(i, sec=sec) for i in xrange(n3d)])
    diam3d = numpy.array([h.diam3d(i, sec=sec) for i in xrange(n3d)])
    dx = length / sec.nseg
    objs = {}
    for i in xrange(sec.nseg):
        x_lo = i * dx
        x_hi = (i + 1) * dx
        pts = [x_lo] + _values_strictly_between(x_lo, x_hi, arc3d) + [x_hi]
        local_x3d = numpy.interp(pts, arc3d, x3d)
        local_y3d = numpy.interp(pts, arc3d, y3d)
        local_z3d = numpy.interp(pts, arc3d, z3d)
        local_diam3d = numpy.interp(pts, arc3d, diam3d)
        local_objs = []
        for j in xrange(len(pts) - 1):
            x0, y0, z0, r0 = local_x3d[j], local_y3d[j], local_z3d[j], local_diam3d[j] / 2.
            x1, y1, z1, r1 = local_x3d[j + 1], local_y3d[j + 1], local_z3d[j + 1], local_diam3d[j + 1] / 2.
            if r0 == r1:
                local_objs.append(Cylinder(x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1, r0))
                local_objs.append(Cone(x0, y0, z0, r0, x1, y1, z1, r1))
        objs[sec((i + 0.5) / sec.nseg)] = local_objs
    return objs
 def set_position(self, x, y, z):
     Set the base location in 3D and move all other
     parts of the cell relative to that location.
     for sec in self.all:
         #print('secname = %s, h.n3d = %d' % (h.secname(), h.n3d()))
         for i in range(int(h.n3d())):
                     x - self.x + h.x3d(i),
                     y - self.y + h.y3d(i),
                     z - self.z + h.z3d(i),
                     h.diam3d(i), sec=sec)
     self.x, self.y, self.z = x, y, z
def tet_associate(sm):
	# INPUT: Tetmesh object
	# This function associates .hoc sections to the tets which contain them, and returns the association dictionary. 
	# It's packaged separately from the coarse() function so it can be used independently in scripts which load a Tetmesh from file
	# and don't need any Tetmesh to be generated from a .hoc file. 
	tet_hoc = {}
	for s in h.allsec():
		for j in range(int(h.n3d())):
			containing_tet = sm.findTetByPoint((h.x3d(j),h.y3d(j),h.z3d(j)))
			if (containing_tet) not in tet_hoc.keys():
				tet_hoc[containing_tet] = [s]
			elif (containing_tet) in tet_hoc.keys():
				if (s) not in tet_hoc[containing_tet]:

	return tet_hoc
Example #57
def retrieve_coordinate(sec):
    x, y, z = [], [], []
    connect_next = False
    for i in range(int(h.n3d())):
        present = False
        x_i = h.x3d(i)
        y_i = h.y3d(i)
        z_i = h.z3d(i)
        if x_i in x:
            ind = len(x) - 1 - x[::-1].index(x_i)
            if y_i == y[ind]:
                if z_i == z[ind]:
                    present = True
        if not present:
    return (np.array(x),np.array(y),np.array(z))