Example #1
def register_aligned_track(probe_id,
    Register ephys aligned trajectory and channel locations to Alyx
    Here we update Alyx models on the database in 2 steps
    1) The trajectory computed from the final electrode channel locations
    2) Channel locations are set to the trajectory
    assert one
    brain_atlas = brain_atlas or atlas.AllenAtlas(25)
    if chn_coords is None:
        geometry = trace_header(version=1)
        chn_coords = np.c_[geometry['x'], geometry['y']]

    insertion = atlas.Insertion.from_track(xyz_channels, brain_atlas)
    tdict = create_trajectory_dict(probe_id,
                                   provenance='Ephys aligned histology track')

    hist_traj = one.alyx.rest('trajectories',
                              provenance='Ephys aligned histology track',
    # if the trajectory exists, remove it, this will cascade delete existing channel locations
    if len(hist_traj):
        if overwrite:
            one.alyx.rest('trajectories', 'delete', id=hist_traj[0]['id'])
            raise FileExistsError(
                'The session already exists, however overwrite is set to False.'
                'If you want to overwrite, set overwrite=True.')
    hist_traj = one.alyx.rest('trajectories', 'create', data=tdict)

    if channels:
        brain_regions = brain_atlas.regions.get(
        brain_regions['xyz'] = xyz_channels
        brain_regions['lateral'] = chn_coords[:, 0]
        brain_regions['axial'] = chn_coords[:, 1]
        assert np.unique([len(brain_regions[k])
                          for k in brain_regions]).size == 1
        channel_dict = create_channel_dict(hist_traj, brain_regions)
        one.alyx.rest('channels', 'create', data=channel_dict)
Example #2
def get_brain_regions(xyz, channels_positions=None, brain_atlas=None):
    :param xyz: numpy array of 3D coordinates corresponding to a picked track or a trajectory
    the deepest point is assumed to be the tip.
    :param channels_positions:
    :param brain_atlas:
    :return: brain_regions (associated to each channel),
             insertion (object atlas.Insertion, defining 2 points of entries
             (tip and end of probe))
    this is the depth along the probe (from the first point which is the deepest labeled point)
    Due to the blockiness, depths may not be unique along the track so it has to be prepared

    brain_atlas = brain_atlas or atlas.AllenAtlas(25)
    if channels_positions is None:
        geometry = trace_header(version=1)
        channels_positions = np.c_[geometry['x'], geometry['y']]

    xyz = xyz[np.argsort(xyz[:, 2]), :]
    d = atlas.cart2sph(xyz[:, 0] - xyz[0, 0], xyz[:, 1] - xyz[0, 1],
                       xyz[:, 2] - xyz[0, 2])[0]
    indsort = np.argsort(d)
    xyz = xyz[indsort, :]
    d = d[indsort]
    iduplicates = np.where(np.diff(d) == 0)[0]
    xyz = np.delete(xyz, iduplicates, axis=0)
    d = np.delete(d, iduplicates, axis=0)

    assert np.all(np.diff(d) > 0), "Depths should be strictly increasing"

    # Get the probe insertion from the coordinates
    insertion = atlas.Insertion.from_track(xyz, brain_atlas)

    # Interpolate channel positions along the probe depth and get brain locations
    TIP_SIZE_UM = 200
    xyz_channels = interpolate_along_track(
        xyz, (channels_positions[:, 1] + TIP_SIZE_UM) / 1e6)

    # get the brain regions
    brain_regions = brain_atlas.regions.get(
    brain_regions['xyz'] = xyz_channels
    brain_regions['lateral'] = channels_positions[:, 0]
    brain_regions['axial'] = channels_positions[:, 1]
    assert np.unique([len(brain_regions[k]) for k in brain_regions]).size == 1

    return brain_regions, insertion
Example #3
    def get_channels(self, alf_object, collection):
        electrodes = {}

            electrodes = self.one.load_object(self.eid, alf_object, collection=collection)
            electrodes['axial_um'] = electrodes['localCoordinates'][:, 1]
        except ALFObjectNotFound:
            _logger.warning(f'{alf_object} does not yet exist')

        if self.hist_lookup[self.histology_status] == 3:
                electrodes['atlas_id'] = electrodes['brainLocationIds_ccf_2017']
                electrodes['mlapdv'] = electrodes['mlapdv'] / 1e6
            except KeyError:
                _logger.warning('Insertion resolved but brainLocationIds_ccf_2017 attribute do not exist')

        if self.hist_lookup[self.histology_status] > 0 and 'atlas_id' not in electrodes.keys():
            if not self.brain_atlas:
                self.brain_atlas = AllenAtlas()
                self.brain_regions = self.brain_regions or self.brain_atlas.regions
            if 'localCoordinates' not in electrodes.keys():
                geometry = trace_header(version=1)
                electrodes['localCoordinates'] = np.c_[geometry['x'], geometry['y']]
                electrodes['axial_um'] = electrodes['localCoordinates'][:, 1]

            depths = electrodes['localCoordinates'][:, 1]
            xyz = np.array(self.ins['json']['xyz_picks']) / 1e6

            if self.hist_lookup[self.histology_status] >= 2:
                traj = self.one.alyx.rest('trajectories', 'list', provenance='Ephys aligned histology track',
                align_key = self.ins['json']['extended_qc']['alignment_stored']
                feature = traj['json'][align_key][0]
                track = traj['json'][align_key][1]
                ephysalign = EphysAlignment(xyz, depths, track_prev=track,
                                            brain_atlas=self.brain_atlas, speedy=True)
                electrodes['mlapdv'] = ephysalign.get_channel_locations(feature, track)
                electrodes['atlas_id'] = self.brain_atlas.regions.get(self.brain_atlas.get_labels(electrodes['mlapdv']))['id']

            if self.hist_lookup[self.histology_status] == 1:
                xyz = xyz[np.argsort(xyz[:, 2]), :]
                electrodes['mlapdv'] = interpolate_along_track(xyz, (depths + TIP_SIZE_UM) / 1e6)
                electrodes['atlas_id'] = self.brain_atlas.regions.get(self.brain_atlas.get_labels(electrodes['mlapdv']))['id']

        return electrodes
Example #4
def make_synthetic_data(ns=10000, nc=384, nss=121, ncs=21, nspikes=1200, tr=None, sample=None):
    if tr is None:
        tr = np.random.randint(np.ceil(ncs / 2), nc - np.ceil(ncs / 2), nspikes)
    if sample is None:
        sample = np.random.randint(np.ceil(nss / 2), ns - np.ceil(nss / 2), nspikes)
    h = neuropixel.trace_header(1)
    icsmid = int(np.floor(ncs / 2))
    issmid = int(np.floor(nss / 2))
    template = a_little_spike(121)
    data = np.zeros((ns, nc))
    for m in np.arange(tr.size):
        itr = np.arange(tr[m] - icsmid, tr[m] + icsmid + 1)
        iss = np.arange(sample[m] - issmid, sample[m] + issmid + 1)
        offset = np.abs(h['x'][itr[icsmid]] + 1j * h['y'][itr[icsmid]] - h['x'][itr] - 1j * h['y'][itr])
        ampfac = 1 / (offset + 10) ** 1.3
        ampfac = ampfac / np.max(ampfac)
        tmp = template[:, np.newaxis] * ampfac[np.newaxis, :]
        data[slice(iss[0], iss[-1] + 1), slice(itr[0], itr[-1] + 1)] += tmp
    return data
Example #5
    def test_spike_detection(self):
        Test that creates a synthetic dataset with spikes and an amplitude decay function
        with the probe gemetry, and then pastes spikes all around the dataset and detects and
        The test is feeding the detections in a new round of simulation, and then computing
        the zero-lag cross-correlation between input and simulated output, and asserting on
        the similarity

        fs = 30000
        nspikes = 1200
        h = neuropixel.trace_header(version=1)
        ns, nc = (10000, len(h['x']))
        nss, ncs = (121, 21)
        display = False
        data = make_synthetic_data(ns, nc, nss, ncs, nspikes)
        detects = spikes.detection(data, fs=fs, h=h, detect_threshold=-0.8, time_tol=.0006)

        sample_out = (detects.time * fs + nss / 2 - 4).astype(np.int32)
        tr_out = detects.trace.astype(np.int32)
        data_out = make_synthetic_data(ns, nc, nss, ncs, tr=tr_out, sample=sample_out)

        if display:
            from easyqc.gui import viewseis
            eqc = viewseis(data, si=1 / 30000 * 1e3, taxis=0, title='data')
            eqc.ctrl.add_scatter(detects.time * 1e3, detects.trace)
            eqco = viewseis(data_out, si=1 / 30000 * 1e3, taxis=0, title='data_out')  # noqa

        xcor = np.zeros(nc)
        for tr in np.arange(nc):
            if np.all(data[:, tr] == 0):
                xcor[tr] = 1
            xcor[tr] = np.corrcoef(data[:, tr], data_out[:, tr])[1, 0]

        assert np.mean(xcor > .8) > .95
        assert np.nanmedian(xcor) > .99
Example #6
 def tests_headers(self):
     th = neuropixel.trace_header()
     assert set(th.keys()) == set(['x', 'y', 'row', 'col', 'ind', 'adc', 'sample_shift', 'shank'])
Example #7
    def upload_channels(self, alignment_key, upload_alyx, upload_flatiron):
        Upload channels to alyx and flatiron based on the alignment specified by the alignment key

        feature = np.array(self.alignments[alignment_key][0])
        track = np.array(self.alignments[alignment_key][1])

            meta_dset = self.one.list_datasets(self.insertion['session'], '*ap.meta',

            meta_file = self.one.load_dataset(self.insertion['session'], meta_dset[0].split('/')[-1],
            geometry = spikeglx.read_geometry(meta_file)
            chns = np.c_[geometry['x'], geometry['y']]
        except Exception as err:
            self.log.warning(f"Could not compute channel locations from meta file, errored with message: {err}. "
                             f"Will use default Neuropixel 1 channels")
            geometry = trace_header(version=1)
            chns = np.c_[geometry['x'], geometry['y']]

        ephysalign = EphysAlignment(self.xyz_picks, chns[:, 1],
        channels_mlapdv = np.int32(ephysalign.get_channel_locations(feature, track) * 1e6)
        channels_atlas_id = ephysalign.get_brain_locations(channels_mlapdv / 1e6)['id']

        # Need to change channels stored on alyx as well as the stored key is not the same as the latest key
        if upload_alyx:
            if alignment_key != self.align_keys_sorted[0]:
                histology.register_aligned_track(self.eid, channels_mlapdv / 1e6,
                                                 chn_coords=chns, one=self.one,
                                                 overwrite=True, channels=self.channels_flag,

                ephys_traj = self.one.alyx.get(f'/trajectories?&probe_insertion={self.eid}'
                                               '&provenance=Ephys aligned histology track',
                patch_dict = {'json': self.alignments}
                self.one.alyx.rest('trajectories', 'partial_update', id=ephys_traj[0]['id'],

        files_to_register = []
        if upload_flatiron:
            ftp_patcher = FTPPatcher(one=self.one)

            alf_path = self.one.eid2path(self.insertion['session']).joinpath('alf', self.insertion["name"])
            alf_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)

            f_name = alf_path.joinpath('electrodeSites.mlapdv.npy')
            np.save(f_name, channels_mlapdv)

            f_name = alf_path.joinpath('electrodeSites.brainLocationIds_ccf_2017.npy')
            np.save(f_name, channels_atlas_id)

            f_name = alf_path.joinpath('electrodeSites.localCoordinates.npy')
            np.save(f_name, chns)

            probe_collections = self.one.list_collections(self.insertion['session'], filename='channels*',

            for collection in probe_collections:
                chns = self.one.load_dataset(self.insertion['session'], 'channels.localCoordinates', collection=collection)
                ephysalign = EphysAlignment(self.xyz_picks, chns[:, 1],
                channels_mlapdv = np.int32(ephysalign.get_channel_locations(feature, track) * 1e6)
                channels_atlas_id = ephysalign.get_brain_locations(channels_mlapdv / 1e6)['id']

                alf_path = self.one.eid2path(self.insertion['session']).joinpath(collection)
                alf_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)

                f_name = alf_path.joinpath('channels.mlapdv.npy')
                np.save(f_name, channels_mlapdv)

                f_name = alf_path.joinpath('channels.brainLocationIds_ccf_2017.npy')
                np.save(f_name, channels_atlas_id)

            self.log.info("Writing datasets to FlatIron")

        return files_to_register
Example #8
    def run(self, update: bool = False, overwrite: bool = True, stream: bool = None, **kwargs) -> (str, dict):
        Run QC on samples of the .ap file, and on the entire file for .lf data if it is present.

        :param update: bool, whether to update the qc json fields for this probe. Default is False.
        :param overwrite: bool, whether to overwrite locally existing outputs of this function. Default is False.
        :param stream: bool, whether to stream the samples of the .ap data if not locally available. Defaults to value
        set in class init (True if none set).
        :return: A list of QC output files. In case of a complete run that is one file for .ap and three files for .lf.
        # If stream is explicitly given in run, overwrite value from init
        if stream is not None:
            self.stream = stream
        # Load data
        qc_files = []
        # If ap meta file present, calculate median RMS per channel before and after destriping
        # NB: ideally this should go a a separate function once we have a spikeglx.Streamer that behaves like the Reader
        if self.data.ap_meta:
            files = {'rms': self.probe_path.joinpath("_iblqc_ephysChannels.apRMS.npy"),
                     'spike_rate': self.probe_path.joinpath("_iblqc_ephysChannels.rawSpikeRates.npy"),
                     'channel_labels': self.probe_path.joinpath("_iblqc_ephysChannels.labels.npy"),
                     'ap_freqs': self.probe_path.joinpath("_iblqc_ephysSpectralDensityAP.freqs.npy"),
                     'ap_power': self.probe_path.joinpath("_iblqc_ephysSpectralDensityAP.power.npy"),
            if all([files[k].exists() for k in files]) and not overwrite:
                _logger.warning(f'RMS map already exists for .ap data in {self.probe_path}, skipping. '
                                f'Use overwrite option.')
                results = {k: np.load(files[k]) for k in files}
                sr = self.data['ap']
                nc = sr.nc - sr.nsync
                # verify that the channel layout is correct according to IBL layout
                h = neuropixel.trace_header(sr.major_version)
                th = sr.geometry
                if not (np.all(h['x'] == th['x']) and np.all(h['y'] == th['y'])):
                    _logger.critical("Channel geometry seems incorrect")
                    raise ValueError("Wrong Neuropixel channel mapping used - ABORT")
                t0s = np.arange(TMIN, sr.rl - SAMPLE_LENGTH, BATCHES_SPACING)
                all_rms = np.zeros((2, nc, t0s.shape[0]))
                all_srs, channel_ok = (np.zeros((nc, t0s.shape[0])) for _ in range(2))
                psds = np.zeros((nc, fourier.fscale(WELCH_WIN_LENGTH_SAMPLES, 1, one_sided=True).size))

                _logger.info(f'Computing RMS samples for .ap data {self.probe_path}')
                for i, t0 in enumerate(t0s):
                    sl = slice(int(t0 * sr.fs), int((t0 + SAMPLE_LENGTH) * sr.fs))
                    raw = sr[sl, :-sr.nsync].T
                    all_rms[0, :, i], all_rms[1, :, i], all_srs[:, i], channel_ok[:, i], psd =\
                        self._compute_metrics_array(raw, sr.fs, h)
                    psds += psd
                # Calculate the median RMS across all samples per channel
                results = {'rms': np.median(all_rms, axis=-1),
                           'spike_rate': np.median(all_srs, axis=-1),
                           'channel_labels': stats.mode(channel_ok, axis=1)[0],
                           'ap_freqs': fourier.fscale(WELCH_WIN_LENGTH_SAMPLES, 1 / sr.fs, one_sided=True),
                           'ap_power': psds.T / len(t0s),  # shape: (nfreqs, nchannels)
                for k in files:
                    np.save(files[k], results[k])
            qc_files.extend([files[k] for k in files])
            for p in [10, 90]:
                self.metrics[f'apRms_p{p}_raw'] = np.format_float_scientific(
                    np.percentile(results['rms'][0, :], p), precision=2)
                self.metrics[f'apRms_p{p}_proc'] = np.format_float_scientific(
                    np.percentile(results['rms'][1, :], p), precision=2)
            if update:
        # If lf meta and bin file present, run the old qc on LF data
        if self.data.lf_meta and self.data.lf:
            qc_files.extend(extract_rmsmap(self.data.lf, out_folder=self.probe_path, overwrite=overwrite))

        return qc_files