def init(self): """ Global Constants """ # 1.INIT Parent Class initbciclass.init(self) # 2.Alter or add other vars #INIT SAVING self.TASK = 'PRIME' # self.subtask = "ALLTASKS" #ALL TASKs in same FILE #INIT PRESENTATION VARS #Presentation PROTOCOL VARS self.PROTOCOL_TYPE = "prime" # self.PROTOCOL_DESIGN = "normal" #normal, test #presentation init screen self.INIT_TEXT = "Vamos iniciar a tarefa de Pre-treino:" self.STIM_TIME = 60 * 3 #s ##EXPERIMENT VARS #INIT prime Stimulus #random seed self.random_seed = None #None or no argument seeds from current time or from an operating system specific randomness source if available #STIMULUS LIST self.audiostimulus_l = [ "breathingv6.ogg", "imageryv6.ogg" ] #stimulus file name from maincode.stimulus folder self.videostimulus_l = None self.imagestimulus_l = None
def init(self): """ Global Constants """ #1.INIT Parent Class initbciclass.init(self) #2.Alter or add other functions #INIT SAVING self.TASK = "REST" self.subtask = "" #INIT PRESENTATION VARS #Presentation PROTOCOL VARS- TODO: randomize protocol_feature self.PROTOCOL_TYPE = "REST" #NFT or REST the functions will change it accordingly self.PROTOCOL_DESIGN = "normal" #ABA or Normal - self.STIM_TIME = 60 * 3 #60*2
def init(self): """ Global Constants """ #1.INIT Parent Class initbciclass.init(self) #2.Alter or add other functions #INIT SAVING self.TASK = 'REPORT' self.subtask = "" self.SAVE=False #always #INIT PRESENTATION VARS #Presentation PROTOCOL VARS- TODO: randomize protocol_feature self.PROTOCOL_TYPE = "REPORT" # report self.PROTOCOL_DESIGN = "normal" #ABA or Normal - #presentation init screen self.INIT_TEXT = "TAREFA: RESPONDER AOS QUESTIONÁRIOS \n\n\nPor favor, pegue nos questionários indicados e preencha. \n\n\nAssim que preencher, continue com as tarefas neste computador após clicar no enter." #stimulus screen(No Stim) self.STIMULUS_TEXT ="\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCarregando tarefa....." self.STIM_TIME = 0.5 #s
def init(self): """ Global Constants """ #1.INIT Parent Class initbciclass.init(self) #2.Alter or add other functions #INIT SAVING self.TASK = 'NFT' # NFT self.subtask = "" #ALL TASKs in same FILE #INIT PRESENTATION VARS #Presentation PROTOCOL VARS- TODO: randomize protocol_feature self.PROTOCOL_TYPE = "" #NFT or REST the functions will change it accordingly self.PROTOCOL_DESIGN = "normal" #ABA or Normal - #presentation init screen self.INIT_TEXT = "" self.STIM_TIME = 30 #s ##EXPERIMENT VARS self.datatdir = my.get_test_folder(foldername="e2_data") self.subjectdir = "EG/S001" # self.fileid = "online_result" #id that identifies the file #protocol features of NFT self.PROTOCOL_FEATURES_L = ["SMR", "upper_alpha"] #List self.PROTOCOL_FEATURE = "SMR" #SMR or upper_alpha self.random_seed = None #None or no argument seeds from current time or from an operating system specific randomness source if available #OFFLINE PROCESSING - #reward and inhibit bands - dict objects to buffer band features self.initial_reward_bands, self.initial_inhibit_bands = {}, { } #initial bands self.reward_bands, self.inhibit_bands = {}, { } #state bands - updated during online neurofeedback
def init(self): """ Global Constants """ #1.INIT Parent Class initbciclass.init(self) #2.Alter or add other functions #INIT SAVING self.TASK = 'NFT' # NFT self.subtask = "" #ALL TASKs in same FILE #INIT PRESENTATION VARS #Presentation PROTOCOL VARS- TODO: randomize protocol_feature self.PROTOCOL_TYPE = "" #NFT or REST the functions will change it accordingly self.PROTOCOL_DESIGN = "normal" #ABA or Normal - #presentation init screen self.INIT_TEXT = "" self.STIM_TIME = 30 #s ##EXPERIMENT VARS #protocol features of NFT self.PROTOCOL_FEATURES_L = ["SMR", "upper_alpha"] #List self.PROTOCOL_FEATURE = "SMR" #SMR or upper_alpha self.random_seed = None #None or no argument seeds from current time or from an operating system specific randomness source if available #OFFLINE PROCESSING - self.get_baseline_thresholds = False #play self.acquire_baseline_data = False #True, get data or False, simulate #reward and inhibit bands - dict objects to buffer band features self.initial_reward_bands, self.initial_inhibit_bands = {}, { } #initial bands self.reward_bands, self.inhibit_bands = {}, { } #state bands - updated during online neurofeedback #ONLINE PROCESSING #INIT PARAMETERS of nftalgorithm #for advanced edition go to self.window_time = 1024 #ms window in ms to segment the data and process - NOTE:2^8 is better for n_fft (window to segment and epoching) self.sampleRate = 1000 #Hz sample rate of the EEG amplifier self.blocktime = 50 #ms multiple of block to add in window ring buffer (multiples of this value will be added) #NOTE: Because of online routine is ~250ms it will put >200ms online, and it's not constant self.calculate_iaf = False #True/False - activate Individual Alpha Frequency calculation self.show_inhibit_bands = False #True/False - show or not inhibit bands in feedback(goes to presentation) #PREPROCESSING ( self.l_freq = 40 #hz - for limit see bands used for feature - Till 40 we let pass some muscle artifacts self.h_freq = 1 #Hz - NOTE:Removes DC offset= constant freqs self.subsample = None #None | hz - it interferes with fft self.select_chs = [ 'Fp1', 'Fp2', 'Fz', 'Pz' ] #chs used throught the processing #NOTE: Include Fp1 and Fp2 for rejection of blinks and saccades self.ref_channels = [ ] #rereferencing ; ref_channels= "average" | [] No-rereferencing | ['CH'] for rereference - WARNING:online is better to be Cz or Pz, not average self.rej_max_peaktopeak = 100e-6 #V self.rej_min_peaktopeak = 0.5e-6 #V #PROCESSING self.n_fft = 1024 #samples, window_time * sampleRAte self.n_per_seg = self.n_fft * 1 #fft window size percentage self.n_overlap = int(math.ceil(self.n_per_seg * 0.25)) self.pink_max_r2 = None #None #0.95 , None - doesnt check for noise in signal (#WARNING: if used it stops program) self.threshold_reward_level = -0.38 #std (-0.38*std => 65% above) self.threshold_inhibit_level = 1 self.feedback_reward_level = 0 self.feedback_inhibit_level = 0 #additional processing self.adaptative_threshold_intask = None #s None| int seconds #update during task self.adaptative_threshold_aftertask = True #update threshold at the end of the nfttask