Example #1
    def clean(self, **kwargs):
        cleaned_data = super(StatisticMapForm, self).clean()
        django_file = cleaned_data.get("file")

            "is_valid"] = True  #This will be only saved if the form will validate
        cleaned_data["tags"] = clean_tags(cleaned_data)

        if django_file and "file" not in self._errors and "hdr_file" not in self._errors:
            fileobj = StringIO(django_file.read())
            gzfileobj = GzipFile(filename=django_file.name,
            nii = nb.Nifti1Image.from_file_map(
                {'image': nb.FileHolder(django_file.name, gzfileobj)})
            cleaned_data["is_thresholded"], ratio_bad = is_thresholded(nii)
            cleaned_data["perc_bad_voxels"] = ratio_bad * 100.0

            if cleaned_data["is_thresholded"] and not cleaned_data.get(
                    "ignore_file_warning") and cleaned_data.get(
                        "map_type") != "R":
                self._errors["file"] = self.error_class([
                    "This map seems to be thresholded (%.4g%% of voxels are zeros). Please use an unthresholded version of the map if possible."
                    % (cleaned_data["perc_bad_voxels"])
                if cleaned_data.get("hdr_file"):
                    self._errors["hdr_file"] = self.error_class([
                        "This map seems to be thresholded (%.4g%% of voxels are zeros). Please use an unthresholded version of the map if possible."
                        % (cleaned_data["perc_bad_voxels"])
                    "ignore_file_warning"].widget = forms.CheckboxInput()
                cleaned_data["not_mni"], cleaned_data[
                    "brain_coverage"], cleaned_data[
                        "perc_voxels_outside"] = not_in_mni(nii)
                if cleaned_data["not_mni"] and not cleaned_data.get(
                        "ignore_file_warning") and cleaned_data.get(
                            "map_type") != "R":
                    self._errors["file"] = self.error_class([
                        "This map seems not to be in the MNI space (%.4g%% of meaningful voxels are outside of the brain). Please use transform your data to MNI space."
                        % (cleaned_data["perc_voxels_outside"])
                    if cleaned_data.get("hdr_file"):
                        self._errors["hdr_file"] = self.error_class([
                            "This map seems not to be in the MNI space (%.4g%% of meaningful voxels are outside of the brain). Please use transform your data to MNI space."
                            % (cleaned_data["perc_voxels_outside"])
                        "ignore_file_warning"].widget = forms.CheckboxInput()

            if cleaned_data.get("map_type") == "R":
                if "not_mni" in cleaned_data:
                    del cleaned_data["not_mni"]
                if "is_thresholded" in cleaned_data:
                    del cleaned_data["is_thresholded"]

        return cleaned_data
Example #2
    def clean(self, **kwargs):
        cleaned_data = super(StatisticMapForm, self).clean()
        django_file = cleaned_data.get("file")

        if django_file and "file" not in self._errors and "hdr_file" not in self._errors:
            gzfileobj = GzipFile(filename=django_file.name, mode='rb', fileobj=django_file.file)
            nii = nb.Nifti1Image.from_file_map({'image': nb.FileHolder(django_file.name, gzfileobj)})
            cleaned_data["is_thresholded"], ratio_bad = is_thresholded(nii)
            cleaned_data["perc_bad_voxels"] = ratio_bad*100.0

            if cleaned_data["is_thresholded"] and not cleaned_data.get("ignore_file_warning"):
                self._errors["file"] = self.error_class(["This map seems to be thresholded (%.4g%% of voxels are zeros). Please use an unthresholded version of the map if possible."%(cleaned_data["perc_bad_voxels"])])
                if cleaned_data.get("hdr_file"):
                    self._errors["hdr_file"] = self.error_class(["This map seems to be thresholded (%.4g%% of voxels are zeros). Please use an unthresholded version of the map if possible."%(cleaned_data["perc_bad_voxels"])])
                self.fields["ignore_file_warning"].widget = forms.CheckboxInput()
                cleaned_data["not_mni"], cleaned_data["brain_coverage"], cleaned_data["perc_voxels_outside"] = not_in_mni(nii)
                if cleaned_data["not_mni"] and not cleaned_data.get("ignore_file_warning"):
                    self._errors["file"] = self.error_class(["This map seems not to be in the MNI space (%.4g%% of meaningful voxels are outside of the brain). Please use transform your data to MNI space."%(cleaned_data["perc_voxels_outside"])])
                    if cleaned_data.get("hdr_file"):
                        self._errors["hdr_file"] = self.error_class(["This map seems not to be in the MNI space (%.4g%% of meaningful voxels are outside of the brain). Please use transform your data to MNI space."%(cleaned_data["perc_voxels_outside"])])
                    self.fields["ignore_file_warning"].widget = forms.CheckboxInput()

        return cleaned_data
Example #3
    def save(self):
        if self.perc_bad_voxels == None and self.file:
            import neurovault.apps.statmaps.utils as nvutils
            gzfileobj = GzipFile(filename=self.file.name,
            nii = nb.Nifti1Image.from_file_map(
                {'image': nb.FileHolder(self.file.name, gzfileobj)})
            self.is_thresholded, ratio_bad = nvutils.is_thresholded(nii)
            self.perc_bad_voxels = ratio_bad * 100.0

        if self.brain_coverage == None and self.file:
            import neurovault.apps.statmaps.utils as nvutils
            gzfileobj = GzipFile(filename=self.file.name,
            nii = nb.Nifti1Image.from_file_map(
                {'image': nb.FileHolder(self.file.name, gzfileobj)})
            self.not_mni, self.brain_coverage, self.perc_voxels_outside = nvutils.not_in_mni(

        if self.map_type == self.OTHER:
            import neurovault.apps.statmaps.utils as nvutils
            gzfileobj = GzipFile(filename=self.file.name,
            nii = nb.Nifti1Image.from_file_map(
                {'image': nb.FileHolder(self.file.name, gzfileobj)})
            self.map_type = nvutils.infer_map_type(nii)

        # Calculation of image reduced_representation and comparisons
        file_changed = False
        if self.pk is not None:
            existing = Image.objects.get(pk=self.pk)
            if existing.file != self.file:
                file_changed = True
        do_update = True if file_changed else False
        new_image = True if self.pk is None else False

        # If we have an update, delete old pkl and comparisons first before saving
        if do_update and self.collection:
            if self.reduced_representation:  # not applicable for private collections

                # If more than one metric is added to NeuroVault, this must also filter based on metric
                comparisons = Comparison.objects.filter(
                    Q(image1=self) | Q(image2=self))
                if comparisons:
        super(BaseStatisticMap, self).save()

        # Calculate comparisons
        if do_update or new_image:

Example #4
    def clean(self, **kwargs):
        cleaned_data = super(StatisticMapForm, self).clean()
        django_file = cleaned_data.get("file")

        cleaned_data["is_valid"] = True #This will be only saved if the form will validate
        cleaned_data["tags"] = clean_tags(cleaned_data)
        # print cleaned_data

        if "analysis_level" in cleaned_data.keys():
            if cleaned_data.get('analysis_level') == 'S':
                cleaned_data['number_of_subjects'] = 1
                if 'number_of_subjects' in self._errors:
                    del self._errors['number_of_subjects']

        if "data_origin" in cleaned_data.keys() and cleaned_data["data_origin"] == "surface":
            cleaned_data["is_thresholded"] = False
            cleaned_data["not_mni"] = False
            cleaned_data["perc_bad_voxels"] = 0
            cleaned_data["brain_coverage"] = 100
        elif django_file and "file" not in self._errors and "hdr_file" not in self._errors:
            fileobj = StringIO(django_file.read())
            gzfileobj = GzipFile(
                filename=django_file.name, mode='rb', fileobj=fileobj)
            nii = nb.Nifti1Image.from_file_map(
                {'image': nb.FileHolder(django_file.name, gzfileobj)})
            cleaned_data["is_thresholded"], ratio_bad = is_thresholded(nii)
            cleaned_data["perc_bad_voxels"] = ratio_bad*100.0

            if cleaned_data["is_thresholded"] and not cleaned_data.get("ignore_file_warning") and cleaned_data.get("map_type") != "R":
                self._errors["file"] = self.error_class(
                    ["This map seems to be thresholded (%.4g%% of voxels are zeros). Please use an unthresholded version of the map if possible." % (cleaned_data["perc_bad_voxels"])])
                if cleaned_data.get("hdr_file"):
                    self._errors["hdr_file"] = self.error_class(
                        ["This map seems to be thresholded (%.4g%% of voxels are zeros). Please use an unthresholded version of the map if possible." % (cleaned_data["perc_bad_voxels"])])
                    "ignore_file_warning"].widget = forms.CheckboxInput()
                cleaned_data["not_mni"], cleaned_data["brain_coverage"], cleaned_data[
                    "perc_voxels_outside"] = not_in_mni(nii, target_template_image=cleaned_data["target_template_image"])
                if cleaned_data["not_mni"] and not cleaned_data.get("ignore_file_warning") and cleaned_data.get(
                    "map_type") != "R":
                    self._errors["file"] = self.error_class(
                        ["This map seems not to be in the MNI space (%.4g%% of meaningful voxels are outside of the brain). Please use transform your data to MNI space." % (cleaned_data["perc_voxels_outside"])])
                    if cleaned_data.get("hdr_file"):
                        self._errors["hdr_file"] = self.error_class(
                            ["This map seems not to be in the MNI space (%.4g%% of meaningful voxels are outside of the brain). Please use transform your data to MNI space." % (cleaned_data["perc_voxels_outside"])])
                        "ignore_file_warning"].widget = forms.CheckboxInput()

            if cleaned_data.get("map_type") == "R":
                if "not_mni" in cleaned_data:
                    del cleaned_data["not_mni"]
                if "is_thresholded" in cleaned_data:
                    del cleaned_data["is_thresholded"]

        return cleaned_data
Example #5
 def testThresholded(self):
     for p,t in zip(self.ratios, self.thresholded):
         empty_data = np.ones(self.brain.shape)
         if p != 0.0:
             number_voxels = int(np.floor(p * empty_data.size))
             random_idx = np.random.choice(range(empty_data.size), number_voxels, replace=False)
             empty_data[np.unravel_index(random_idx, empty_data.shape)] = 0
         empty_nii = nb.Nifti1Image(empty_data,affine=self.brain.get_affine(),header=self.brain.get_header())
         is_thr, ratio_bad = is_thresholded(nii_obj=empty_nii)
         print "Zeroed %s of values, is_thresholded returns [%s:%s]" %(p,is_thr,ratio_bad)
         self.assertAlmostEqual(p, ratio_bad, delta=0.001)
         self.assertEquals(t, is_thr)
Example #6
    def save(self):
        if self.perc_bad_voxels == None and self.file:
            import neurovault.apps.statmaps.utils as nvutils
            gzfileobj = GzipFile(filename=self.file.name, mode='rb', fileobj=self.file.file)
            nii = nb.Nifti1Image.from_file_map({'image': nb.FileHolder(self.file.name, gzfileobj)})
            self.is_thresholded, ratio_bad = nvutils.is_thresholded(nii)
            self.perc_bad_voxels = ratio_bad*100.0

        if self.brain_coverage == None and self.file:
            import neurovault.apps.statmaps.utils as nvutils
            gzfileobj = GzipFile(filename=self.file.name, mode='rb', fileobj=self.file.file)
            nii = nb.Nifti1Image.from_file_map({'image': nb.FileHolder(self.file.name, gzfileobj)})
            self.not_mni, self.brain_coverage, self.perc_voxels_outside = nvutils.not_in_mni(nii)

        if self.map_type == self.OTHER:
            import neurovault.apps.statmaps.utils as nvutils
            gzfileobj = GzipFile(filename=self.file.name, mode='rb', fileobj=self.file.file)
            nii = nb.Nifti1Image.from_file_map({'image': nb.FileHolder(self.file.name, gzfileobj)})
            self.map_type = nvutils.infer_map_type(nii)

        # Calculation of image reduced_representation and comparisons
        file_changed = False
        if self.pk is not None:
            existing = Image.objects.get(pk=self.pk)
            if existing.file != self.file:
                file_changed = True
        do_update = True if file_changed else False
        new_image = True if self.pk is None else False

        # If we have an update, delete old pkl and comparisons first before saving
        if do_update and self.collection:
            if self.reduced_representation: # not applicable for private collections

                # If more than one metric is added to NeuroVault, this must also filter based on metric
                comparisons = Comparison.objects.filter(Q(image1=self) | Q(image2=self))
                if comparisons:
        super(BaseStatisticMap, self).save()

        # Calculate comparisons
        if do_update or new_image:

Example #7
 def testThresholded(self):
     for p, t in zip(self.ratios, self.thresholded):
         empty_data = np.ones(self.brain.shape)
         if p != 0.0:
             number_voxels = int(np.floor(p * empty_data.size))
             random_idx = np.random.choice(range(empty_data.size),
             empty_data[np.unravel_index(random_idx, empty_data.shape)] = 0
         empty_nii = nb.Nifti1Image(empty_data,
         is_thr, ratio_bad = is_thresholded(nii_obj=empty_nii)
         print "Zeroed %s of values, is_thresholded returns [%s:%s]" % (
             p, is_thr, ratio_bad)
         self.assertAlmostEqual(p, ratio_bad, delta=0.001)
         self.assertEquals(t, is_thr)