Example #1
 def function(self, *args: tp.Any, **kwargs: tp.Any) -> tp.Loss:
     out = self._func(*args, **kwargs)
     if isinstance(out, (bool, np.bool_)):
         raise errors.NevergradTypeError(
             "Constraint must be a positive float if unsatisfied constraint (not bool)"
     return np.maximum(0, out)  # type: ignore
Example #2
 def __init__(self, *args: tp.Any, **kwargs: tp.Any) -> None:
     if any(
             isinstance(x, Parameter)
             for x in args + tuple(kwargs.values())):
         raise errors.NevergradTypeError(
             "Operation with Parameter instances are not supported")
Example #3
 def _layered_sample(self) -> Data:
     if not self.uniform_sampling:
         return super()._layered_sample()  # type: ignore
     root = self._layers[0]
     if not isinstance(root, Data):
         raise errors.NevergradTypeError(f"BoundLayer {self} on a non-Data root {root}")
     shape = super()._layered_get_value().shape
     child = root.spawn_child()
     # send new val to the layer under this one for the child
     new_val = self.random_state.uniform(size=shape)
     del child.value  # make sure there is no cache
     child._layers[self._layer_index].set_normalized_value(new_val)  # type: ignore
     return child