def limitPushButtonPressed(self,button): self.limit_pushButton.setEnabled(False) if self.limit_comboBox.currentText() == "KB/S" : limit = str(self.limit_spinBox.value()) + str("K") else : limit = str(self.limit_spinBox.value()) + str("M") #if download was started before , send the limit_speed request to aria2 . else save the request in download_information_file if self.status != 'scheduled': download.limitSpeed(self.gid , limit) else: f = Open(download_info_folder + "/" + self.gid) download_info_file_lines = f.readlines() f.close() add_link_dictionary_str = str(download_info_file_lines[9].strip()) add_link_dictionary = ast.literal_eval(add_link_dictionary_str) add_link_dictionary['limit'] = limit f = Open(download_info_folder + "/" + self.gid , "w") for i in range(10): if i == 9 : f.writelines(str(add_link_dictionary) + "\n") else: f.writelines(download_info_file_lines[i].strip() + "\n") f.close()
def okPushButtonPressed(self,button): self.setting_dict['max-tries'] = self.tries_spinBox.value() self.setting_dict['retry-wait'] = self.wait_spinBox.value() self.setting_dict['timeout'] = self.time_out_spinBox.value() self.setting_dict['connections'] = self.connections_spinBox.value() self.setting_dict['download_path'] = self.download_folder_lineEdit.text() self.setting_dict['download_path_temp'] = self.temp_download_lineEdit.text() self.setting_dict['sound-volume'] = self.volume_dial.value() self.setting_dict['style'] = self.style_comboBox.currentText() self.setting_dict['color-scheme'] = self.color_comboBox.currentText() self.setting_dict['icons'] = self.icon_comboBox.currentText() self.setting_dict['font-size'] = self.font_size_spinBox.value() #this section creates temporary download folder and download folder and download sub folders if they did not existed. download_path_temp = self.setting_dict ['download_path_temp'] download_path = self.setting_dict [ 'download_path'] folder_list = [download_path_temp , download_path] for folder in [ 'Audios' , 'Videos', 'Others','Documents','Compressed' ]: folder_list.append(download_path + '/' + folder ) for folder in folder_list : if os.path.isdir(folder) == False : os.mkdir(folder) if self.enable_notifications_checkBox.isChecked() == True : self.setting_dict['sound'] = 'yes' else: self.setting_dict['sound'] = 'no' f = Open(setting_file , 'w') f.writelines(str(self.setting_dict)) f.close() self.close()
def afterCheckBoxToggled(self,checkBoxes): if self.after_checkBox.isChecked() == True : self.after_frame.setEnabled(True) else : self.after_frame.setEnabled(False) f = Open('/tmp/persepolis/shutdown/' + self.gid , 'w') f.writelines('canceled') f.close()
def afterCheckBoxToggled(self, checkBoxes): if self.after_checkBox.isChecked() == True: self.after_frame.setEnabled(True) else: self.after_frame.setEnabled(False) f = Open('/tmp/persepolis/shutdown/' + self.gid, 'w') f.writelines('canceled') f.close()
def okPushButtonPressed(self, button): self.setting_dict['max-tries'] = self.tries_spinBox.value() self.setting_dict['retry-wait'] = self.wait_spinBox.value() self.setting_dict['timeout'] = self.time_out_spinBox.value() self.setting_dict['connections'] = self.connections_spinBox.value() self.setting_dict[ 'download_path'] = self.download_folder_lineEdit.text() self.setting_dict[ 'download_path_temp'] = self.temp_download_lineEdit.text() self.setting_dict['sound-volume'] = self.volume_dial.value() self.setting_dict['style'] = self.style_comboBox.currentText() self.setting_dict['color-scheme'] = self.color_comboBox.currentText() self.setting_dict['icons'] = self.icon_comboBox.currentText() self.setting_dict[ 'notification'] = self.notification_comboBox.currentText() self.setting_dict['font-size'] = self.font_size_spinBox.value() #if user select qt notification >> enable_system_tray icon if self.setting_dict['notification'] == 'QT notification': self.enable_system_tray_checkBox.setChecked(True) #enable_system_tray_checkBox if self.enable_system_tray_checkBox.isChecked() == True: self.setting_dict['tray-icon'] = 'yes' self.parent.minimizeAction.setEnabled(True) self.parent.trayAction.setChecked(True) else: self.setting_dict['tray-icon'] = 'no' self.parent.system_tray_icon.hide() self.parent.minimizeAction.setEnabled(False) self.parent.trayAction.setChecked(False) #after_download_checkBox if self.after_download_checkBox.isChecked() == True: self.setting_dict['after-dialog'] = 'yes' else: self.setting_dict['after-dialog'] = 'no' #this section creates temporary download folder and download folder and download sub folders if they did not existed. download_path_temp = self.setting_dict['download_path_temp'] download_path = self.setting_dict['download_path'] folder_list = [download_path_temp, download_path] for folder in [ 'Audios', 'Videos', 'Others', 'Documents', 'Compressed' ]: folder_list.append(download_path + '/' + folder) for folder in folder_list: if os.path.isdir(folder) == False: os.mkdir(folder) if self.enable_notifications_checkBox.isChecked() == True: self.setting_dict['sound'] = 'yes' else: self.setting_dict['sound'] = 'no' f = Open(setting_file, 'w') f.writelines(str(self.setting_dict)) f.close() self.close()
def removeSelected(self,menu): global remove_flag remove_flag = 1 while remove_flag != 2 : sleep(0.1) gid_list = [] for row in range(self.download_table.rowCount()): status = self.download_table.item(row , 1).text() item = self.download_table.item(row , 0) if (item.checkState() == 2) and (status == 'complete' or status == 'error' or status == 'stopped' ): gid = self.download_table.item(row , 8 ).text() gid_list.append(gid) for gid in gid_list: for i in range(self.download_table.rowCount()): row_gid = self.download_table.item(i , 8).text() if gid == row_gid : row = i break file_name = self.download_table.item(row , 0).text() sleep(0.5) self.download_table.removeRow(row) #remove gid of download from download list file f = Open(download_list_file) download_list_file_lines = f.readlines() f.close() f = Open(download_list_file , "w") for i in download_list_file_lines: if i.strip() != gid: f.writelines(i.strip() + "\n") f.close() #remove gid of download from active download list file f = Open(download_list_file_active) download_list_file_active_lines = f.readlines() f.close() f = Open(download_list_file_active , "w") for i in download_list_file_active_lines: if i.strip() != gid: f.writelines(i.strip() + "\n") f.close() #remove download_info_file download_info_file = download_info_folder + "/" + gid f = Open(download_info_file) f.close() f.remove() #remove file of download form download temp folder if file_name != '***' and status != 'complete' : file_name_path = temp_download_folder + "/" + str(file_name) os.system('rm "' + str(file_name_path) +'"') file_name_aria = file_name_path + str('.aria2') os.system('rm "' + str(file_name_aria) +'"') remove_flag = 0
def afterCheckBoxToggled(self, checkBoxes): if self.after_checkBox.isChecked() == True: self.after_frame.setEnabled(True) else: self.after_frame.setEnabled(False) shutdown_file = os.path.join(persepolis_tmp, 'shutdown', self.gid) f = Open(shutdown_file, 'w') f.writelines('canceled') f.close()
def okButtonPressed(self): if self.dont_show_checkBox.isChecked() == True: f = Open(self.setting_file) setting_file_lines = f.readlines() f.close() setting_dict_str = str(setting_file_lines[0].strip()) setting_dict = ast.literal_eval(setting_dict_str) setting_dict['after-dialog'] = 'no' f = Open(self.setting_file, 'w') f.writelines(str(setting_dict)) f.close() self.close()
def propertiesCallback(self,add_link_dictionary , gid ): download_info_file = download_info_folder + "/" + gid f = Open(download_info_file) download_info_file_lines = f.readlines() f.close() f = Open(download_info_file , "w") for i in range(10): if i == 9 : f.writelines(str(add_link_dictionary) + "\n") else: f.writelines(download_info_file_lines[i].strip() + "\n") f.close()
def removeButtonPressed(self,button): self.removeAction.setEnabled(False) global remove_flag if remove_flag !=3 : remove_flag = 1 while remove_flag != 2 : sleep(0.1) selected_row_return = self.selectedRow() if selected_row_return != None: gid = self.download_table.item(selected_row_return , 8 ).text() file_name = self.download_table.item(selected_row_return , 0).text() status = self.download_table.item(selected_row_return , 1).text() sleep(0.5) self.download_table.removeRow(selected_row_return) #remove gid of download from download list file f = Open(download_list_file) download_list_file_lines = f.readlines() f.close() f = Open(download_list_file , "w") for i in download_list_file_lines: if i.strip() != gid: f.writelines(i.strip() + "\n") f.close() #remove gid of download from active download list file f = Open(download_list_file_active) download_list_file_active_lines = f.readlines() f.close() f = Open(download_list_file_active , "w") for i in download_list_file_active_lines: if i.strip() != gid: f.writelines(i.strip() + "\n") f.close() #remove download_info_file download_info_file = download_info_folder + "/" + gid f = Open(download_info_file) f.close() f.remove() #remove file of download form download temp folder if file_name != '***' and status != 'complete' : file_name_path = temp_download_folder + "/" + str(file_name) os.system('rm "' + str(file_name_path) +'"') file_name_aria = file_name_path + str('.aria2') os.system('rm "' + str(file_name_aria) +'"') else: self.statusbar.showMessage("Please select an item first!") remove_flag = 0 self.selectedRow()
def removeButtonPressed(self,button): self.removeAction.setEnabled(False) selected_row_return = self.selectedRow() if selected_row_return != None: gid = self.download_table.item(selected_row_return , 8 ).text() try: file_name = self.download_table.item(selected_row_return , 0).text() except: file_name = None sleep(0.5) self.download_table.removeRow(selected_row_return) #remove gid of download from download list file f = Open(download_list_file) download_list_file_lines = f.readlines() f.close() f = Open(download_list_file , "w") for i in download_list_file_lines: if i.strip() != gid: f.writelines(i.strip() + "\n") f.close() #remove gid of download from active download list file f = Open(download_list_file_active) download_list_file_active_lines = f.readlines() f.close() f = Open(download_list_file_active , "w") for i in download_list_file_active_lines: if i.strip() != gid: f.writelines(i.strip() + "\n") f.close() #remove download_info_file download_info_file = download_info_folder + "/" + gid f = Open(download_info_file) f.close() f.remove() #remove file of download form download temp folder if file_name != None : file_name_path = temp_download_folder + "/" + str(file_name) os.system('rm "' + str(file_name_path) +'"') file_name_aria = file_name_path + str('.aria2') os.system('rm "' + str(file_name_aria) +'"') else: self.statusbar.showMessage("Please select an item first!") self.selectedRow()
def shutDown(gid, password=None): shutdown_notification_file = os.path.join(persepolis_tmp, 'shutdown', gid) f = Open(shutdown_notification_file, 'w') f.writelines('wait') f.close() shutdown_notification = "wait" while shutdown_notification == "wait": sleep(1) f = Open(shutdown_notification_file, 'r') shutdown_notification_file_lines = f.readlines() f.close() shutdown_notification = str( shutdown_notification_file_lines[0].strip()) osCommands.remove(shutdown_notification_file) if shutdown_notification == "shutdown": print("shutdown in 20 seconds") logger.sendToLog("Shutting down in 20 seconds", "INFO") sleep(20) if os_type == 'Linux': os.system('echo "' + password + '" |sudo -S poweroff') elif os_type == 'Darwin': os.system('echo "' + password + '" |sudo -S shutdown -h now ') elif os_type == 'Windows': CREATE_NO_WINDOW = 0x08000000 subprocess.Popen(['shutdown', '-S'], shell=False, creationflags=CREATE_NO_WINDOW) elif os_type == 'FreeBSD' or os_type == 'OpenBSD': os.system('echo "' + password + '" |sudo -S shutdown -p now ')
def callBack(self , add_link_dictionary): gid = self.gidGenerator() download_info_file_list = ['***','waiting','***','***','***','***','***','***',gid , add_link_dictionary] download_info_file = config_folder + "/download_info/" + gid os.system("touch " + download_info_file ) writeList(download_info_file , download_info_file_list) self.download_table.insertRow(0) j = 0 download_info_file_list[9] = str(download_info_file_list[9]) for i in download_info_file_list : item = QTableWidgetItem(i) self.download_table.setItem(0,j,item) j = j + 1 if self.selectAction.isChecked() == True: item = self.download_table.item(0 , 0) item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) item.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Unchecked) f = Open (download_list_file , "a") f.writelines(gid + "\n") f.close() f = Open (download_list_file_active , "a") f.writelines(gid + "\n") f.close() new_download = DownloadLink(gid) self.threadPool.append(new_download) self.threadPool[len(self.threadPool) - 1].start() self.progressBarOpen(gid) if add_link_dictionary['start_hour'] == None : message = "Download Starts" else: message = "Download Scheduled" notifySend(message ,'' , 10000 , 'no', systemtray = self.system_tray_icon )
def limitCheckBoxToggled(self,checkBoxes): if self.limit_checkBox.isChecked() == True : self.limit_frame.setEnabled(True) self.after_pushButton.setEnabled(True) else : self.limit_frame.setEnabled(False) if self.status != 'scheduled': download.limitSpeed(self.gid , "0" ) else: f = Open(download_info_folder + "/" + self.gid) download_info_file_lines = f.readlines() f.close() add_link_dictionary_str = str(download_info_file_lines[9].strip()) add_link_dictionary = ast.literal_eval(add_link_dictionary_str) add_link_dictionary['limit'] = '0' f = Open(download_info_folder + "/" + self.gid , "w") for i in range(10): if i == 9 : f.writelines(str(add_link_dictionary) + "\n") else: f.writelines(download_info_file_lines[i].strip() + "\n") f.close()
def downloadStop(gid): download_info_file = download_info_folder + "/" + gid f = Open(download_info_file) download_info_file_lines = f.readlines() f.close() status = download_info_file_lines[1].strip() if status != 'scheduled': try : answer = server.aria2.remove(gid) if status == 'downloading': server.aria2.removeDownloadResult(gid) except : answer = str ("None") print(answer + " stopped") else : answer = 'stopped' if answer != 'None': add_link_dictionary_str = str(download_info_file_lines[9].strip()) add_link_dictionary = ast.literal_eval(add_link_dictionary_str) add_link_dictionary['start_hour'] = None add_link_dictionary['start_minute'] = None add_link_dictionary['end_hour'] = None add_link_dictionary['end_minute'] = None add_link_dictionary['after_download'] = 'None' f = Open(download_info_file , "w") for i in range(10): if i == 1 : f.writelines("stopped" + "\n") elif i == 9 : f.writelines(str(add_link_dictionary) + "\n") else: f.writelines(download_info_file_lines[i].strip() + "\n") f.close() return answer
def callBack(self , add_link_dictionary): gid = self.gidGenerator() download_info_file_list = ['***','waiting','***','***','***','***','***','***',gid , str(add_link_dictionary)] download_info_file = config_folder + "/download_info/" + gid os.system("touch " + download_info_file ) f = Open(download_info_file , "w") for i in range(10): f.writelines(download_info_file_list[i] + "\n") f.close() self.download_table.insertRow(0) j = 0 for i in download_info_file_list : item = QTableWidgetItem(i) self.download_table.setItem(0,j,item) j = j + 1 f = Open (download_list_file , "a") f.writelines(gid + "\n") f.close() f = Open (download_list_file_active , "a") f.writelines(gid + "\n") f.close() new_download = DownloadLink(gid) self.threadPool.append(new_download) self.threadPool[len(self.threadPool) - 1].start() self.progressBarOpen(gid) if add_link_dictionary['start_hour'] == None : message = "Download Starts" else: message = "Download Scheduled" notifySend(message ,'' , 10000 , 'no')
def checkDownloadInfo(self,gid): try: #get download information from download_info_file according to gid and write them in download_table cells download_info_file = config_folder + "/download_info/" + gid f = Open(download_info_file) download_info_file_lines = f.readlines() f.close() #finding row of this gid! for i in range(self.download_table.rowCount()): row_gid = self.download_table.item(i , 8).text() if gid == row_gid : row = i break for i in range(10): #remove gid of completed download from active downloads list file if i == 1 : status = download_info_file_lines[i].strip() status = str(status) status_download_table = str(self.download_table.item(row , 1 ) . text()) if status == "complete": f = Open(download_list_file_active) download_list_file_active_lines = f.readlines() f.close() f = Open(download_list_file_active , "w") for line in download_list_file_active_lines : if line.strip() != gid : f.writelines(line.strip() + "\n") f.close() #update download_table cells item = QTableWidgetItem(download_info_file_lines[i].strip()) self.download_table.setItem(row , i , item) self.download_table.viewport().update() #update progresswindow try : member_number = self.progress_window_list_dict[gid] progress_window = self.progress_window_list[member_number] #link add_link_dictionary_str = str(download_info_file_lines[9].strip()) add_link_dictionary = ast.literal_eval(add_link_dictionary_str) link = "<b>Link</b> : " + str(add_link_dictionary ['link']) progress_window.link_label.setText(link) progress_window.setToolTip(link) #Save as final_download_path = add_link_dictionary['final_download_path'] if final_download_path == None : final_download_path = str(add_link_dictionary['download_path']) save_as = "<b>Save as</b> : " + final_download_path + "/" + str(download_info_file_lines[0].strip()) progress_window.save_label.setText(save_as) file_name = str(download_info_file_lines[0].strip()) if file_name != "***": progress_window.setWindowTitle(file_name ) #status progress_window.status = download_info_file_lines[1].strip() status = "<b>status</b> : " + progress_window.status progress_window.status_label.setText(status) if progress_window.status == "downloading": progress_window.resume_pushButton.setEnabled(False) progress_window.stop_pushButton.setEnabled(True) progress_window.pause_pushButton.setEnabled(True) elif progress_window.status == "paused": progress_window.resume_pushButton.setEnabled(True) progress_window.stop_pushButton.setEnabled(True) progress_window.pause_pushButton.setEnabled(False) elif progress_window.status == "waiting": progress_window.resume_pushButton.setEnabled(False) progress_window.stop_pushButton.setEnabled(False) progress_window.pause_pushButton.setEnabled(False) elif progress_window.status == "scheduled": progress_window.resume_pushButton.setEnabled(False) progress_window.stop_pushButton.setEnabled(True) progress_window.pause_pushButton.setEnabled(False) elif progress_window.status == "stopped" or progress_window.status == "error" or progress_window.status == "complete" : progress_window.close() self.progress_window_list[member_number] = [] del self.progress_window_list_dict[gid] if progress_window.status == "complete": notifySend("Download Complete" ,str(download_info_file_lines[0]) , 10000 , 'ok' ) elif progress_window.status == "stopped": notifySend("Download Stopped" , str(download_info_file_lines[0]) , 10000 , 'no') elif progress_window.status == "error": notifySend("Download Error" , str(download_info_file_lines[0]) , 10000 , 'fail') add_link_dictionary['start_hour'] = None add_link_dictionary['start_minute'] = None add_link_dictionary['end_hour'] = None add_link_dictionary['end_minute'] = None add_link_dictionary['after_download'] = 'None' f = Open(download_info_file , "w") for i in range(10): if i == 9 : f.writelines(str(add_link_dictionary) + "\n") else: f.writelines(download_info_file_lines[i].strip() + "\n") f.close() if os.path.isfile('/tmp/persepolis/shutdown/' + gid ) == True and progress_window.status != 'stopped': answer = download.shutDown() if answer == 'error': os.system('killall aria2c') f = Open('/tmp/persepolis/shutdown/' + gid , 'w') f.writelines('shutdown') f.close() elif os.path.isfile('/tmp/persepolis/shutdown/' + gid ) == True and progress_window.status == 'stopped': f = Open('/tmp/persepolis/shutdown/' + gid , 'w') f.writelines('canceled') f.close() #downloaded downloaded = "<b>Downloaded</b> : " + str(download_info_file_lines[3].strip()) + "/" + str(download_info_file_lines[2].strip()) progress_window.downloaded_label.setText(downloaded) #Transfer rate rate = "<b>Transfer rate</b> : " + str(download_info_file_lines[6].strip()) progress_window.rate_label.setText(rate) #Estimate time left estimate_time_left = "<b>Estimate time left</b> : " + str(download_info_file_lines[7].strip()) progress_window.time_label.setText(estimate_time_left) #Connections connections = "<b>Connections</b> : " + str(download_info_file_lines[5].strip()) progress_window.connections_label.setText(connections) #progressbar value = download_info_file_lines[4].strip() value = value[:-1] progress_window.download_progressBar.setValue(int(value)) except : pass except: pass
def endTime(end_hour , end_minute , gid): time.sleep(1) print("end time actived") sigma_end = sigmaTime(end_hour , end_minute) sigma_now = nowTime() download_info_file = download_info_folder + "/" + gid while sigma_end != sigma_now : status_file = 'no' #wait for start downloading : while status_file == 'no': time.sleep(0.5) try : f = Open(download_info_file) download_info_file_lines = f.readlines() f.close() status_file = 'yes' status = download_info_file_lines[1].strip() except: status_file = 'no' #check download's status if status == 'downloading' or status == 'paused' : answer = 'continue' else: answer = 'end' print("Download ended before!") break sigma_now = nowTime() time.sleep(1.1) if answer != 'end': print("Time is Up") answer = downloadStop(gid) i = 0 while answer == 'None' and (i <= 9): time.sleep(1) answer = downloadStop(gid) i = i + 1 if answer == 'None': os.system("killall aria2c") f = Open(download_info_file) download_info_file_lines = f.readlines() f.close() add_link_dictionary_str = str(download_info_file_lines[9].strip()) add_link_dictionary = ast.literal_eval(add_link_dictionary_str) add_link_dictionary['end_hour'] = None add_link_dictionary['end_minute'] = None f = Open(download_info_file , "w") for i in range(10): if i == 1 : f.writelines("stopped" + "\n") elif i == 9 : f.writelines(str(add_link_dictionary) + "\n") else: f.writelines(download_info_file_lines[i].strip() + "\n") f.close()
def downloadStatus(gid): try : download_status = server.aria2.tellStatus(gid ,['status' ,'connections' ,'errorCode' , 'errorMessage' ,'downloadSpeed' , 'connections' , 'dir' , 'totalLength' , 'completedLength','files'] ) except: download_status = {'status': None ,'connections' : None ,'errorCode' : None , 'errorMessage' : None ,'downloadSpeed' : None , 'connections' : None , 'dir' : None , 'totalLength' : None , 'completedLength': None ,'files': None } #file_status contains name of download file try: file_status = str(download_status['files']) file_status = file_status[1:-1] file_status = ast.literal_eval(file_status) path = file_status['path'] file_name = str(path.split("/")[-1]) if not(file_name): file_name = None except : file_name = None for i in download_status.keys(): if not(download_status[i]): download_status[i] = None try: file_size = float (download_status['totalLength']) except: file_size = None try: downloaded = float (download_status['completedLength']) except: downloaded = None if (downloaded != None and file_size != None and file_size != 0): file_size_back = file_size if int(file_size/1073741824) != 0 : file_size = file_size/1073741824 size_str = str(round(file_size , 2)) + " GB" elif int(file_size/1048576) != 0: size_str = str(int(file_size/1048576)) + " MB" elif int(file_size/1024) != 0: size_str = str(int(file_size/1024)) + " KB" else: size_str = str(file_size) downloaded_back = downloaded if int(downloaded/1073741824) != 0: downloaded = downloaded/1073741824 downloaded_str = str(round(downloaded , 2)) + " GB" elif int((downloaded/1048576)) != 0: downloaded_str = str(int(downloaded/1048576)) + " MB" elif int(downloaded/1024) != 0: downloaded_str = str(int(downloaded/1024)) + " KB" else: downloaded_str = str(downloaded) file_size = file_size_back downloaded = downloaded_back percent = int(downloaded * 100 / file_size) percent_str = str(percent) + " %" else: percent_str = None size_str = None downloaded_str = None try: download_speed = int(download_status['downloadSpeed']) except: download_speed = 0 if (downloaded != None and download_speed != 0): estimate_time_left = int((file_size - downloaded)/download_speed) if int((download_speed/1073741824)) != 0: download_speed = download_speed/1073741824 download_speed_str = str(round(download_speed , 2))+ " GB/S" elif int((download_speed/1048576)) != 0: download_speed_num = download_speed/1048576 download_speed_str = str(round(download_speed_num , 2)) + " MB/S" elif int((download_speed/1024)) != 0: download_speed_str = str(int(download_speed/1024)) + " KB/S" else: download_speed_str = str(download_speed) eta = "" if estimate_time_left >= 3600: eta = eta + str(int(estimate_time_left/3600)) + "h" estimate_time_left = estimate_time_left % 3600 eta = eta + str(int(estimate_time_left/60)) + "m" estimate_time_left = estimate_time_left % 60 eta = eta + str(estimate_time_left) + "s" elif estimate_time_left >= 60: eta = eta + str(int(estimate_time_left/60)) + "m" estimate_time_left = estimate_time_left % 60 eta = eta + str(estimate_time_left) + "s" else : eta = eta + str(estimate_time_left) + "s" estimate_time_left_str = eta else: download_speed_str = "0" estimate_time_left_str = None try: connections_str = str(download_status['connections']) except: connections_str = None try : status_str = str(download_status['status']) except : status_str = None download_info_file = download_info_folder + "/" + gid f = Open(download_info_file) download_info_file_lines = f.readlines() f.close() add_link_dictionary_str = str(download_info_file_lines[9].strip()) add_link_dictionary = ast.literal_eval(add_link_dictionary_str) download_path = add_link_dictionary['download_path'] final_download_path = add_link_dictionary ['final_download_path'] #if final_download_path did not defined and download_path equaled to user default download folder then find final_download_path according to file extension if final_download_path == None : if file_name != None : #finding default download_path f = Open(setting_file) setting_file_lines = f.readlines() f.close() setting_dict_str = str(setting_file_lines[0].strip()) setting_dict = ast.literal_eval(setting_dict_str) if setting_dict['download_path'] == download_path : final_download_path = findDownloadPath(file_name , download_path) add_link_dictionary ['final_download_path'] = final_download_path #if download completed move file to the download folder if (status_str == "complete"): if final_download_path != None : download_path = final_download_path downloadCompleteAction(path , download_path ,file_name) #rename active status to downloading if (status_str == "active"): status_str = "downloading" #rename removed status to stopped if (status_str == "removed" ): status_str = "stopped" if (status_str == "None"): status_str = None download_info = [file_name , status_str , size_str , downloaded_str , percent_str , connections_str , download_speed_str ,estimate_time_left_str , None , str(add_link_dictionary) ] f = Open(download_info_file , "w") for i in range(10): if download_info[i] != None: f.writelines(download_info[i] + "\n") else: f.writelines(download_info_file_lines[i].strip() + "\n") f.close() return 'ready'
def downloadAria(gid): #add_link_dictionary is a dictionary that contains user download request information download_info_file = download_info_folder + "/" + gid f = Open(download_info_file) download_info_file_lines = f.readlines() f.close() add_link_dictionary_str = str(download_info_file_lines[9].strip()) add_link_dictionary = ast.literal_eval(add_link_dictionary_str) link = add_link_dictionary ['link'] ip = add_link_dictionary['ip'] port = add_link_dictionary['port'] proxy_user = add_link_dictionary['proxy_user'] proxy_passwd = add_link_dictionary['proxy_passwd'] download_user = add_link_dictionary['download_user'] download_passwd = add_link_dictionary['download_passwd'] connections = add_link_dictionary['connections'] limit= add_link_dictionary['limit'] start_hour = add_link_dictionary['start_hour'] start_minute = add_link_dictionary['start_minute'] end_hour = add_link_dictionary['end_hour'] end_minute = add_link_dictionary['end_minute'] header = add_link_dictionary['header'] out = add_link_dictionary['out'] user_agent = add_link_dictionary['user-agent'] cookies = add_link_dictionary['load-cookies'] referer = add_link_dictionary['referer'] if start_hour != None : download_info_file_lines[1] = "scheduled" f = Open(download_info_file , "w") for i in range(10): f.writelines(download_info_file_lines[i].strip() + "\n") f.close() if ip : ip_port = str(ip) + ":" + str(port) else: ip_port = "" if start_hour != None : start_time_status = startTime(start_hour , start_minute , gid) else : start_time_status = "downloading" if start_time_status == "scheduled": #read new limit option before starting download! perhaps user changed this with progress bar window f = Open(download_info_file) download_info_file_lines = f.readlines() f.close() add_link_dictionary_str = str(download_info_file_lines[9].strip()) add_link_dictionary = ast.literal_eval(add_link_dictionary_str) limit = add_link_dictionary['limit'] #eliminate start_hour and start_minute! add_link_dictionary['start_hour'] = None add_link_dictionary['start_minute'] = None f = Open(download_info_file , "w") for i in range(10): if i == 9 : f.writelines(str(add_link_dictionary) + "\n") else: f.writelines(download_info_file_lines[i].strip() + "\n") f.close() #find download_path_temp from setting_file f = Open(setting_file) setting_file_lines = f.readlines() f.close() setting_dict_str = str(setting_file_lines[0].strip()) setting_dict = ast.literal_eval(setting_dict_str) download_path_temp = setting_dict ['download_path_temp' ] if start_time_status != 'stopped': #send download request to aria2 aria_dict = {'gid':gid ,'max-tries' : str(setting_dict['max-tries']) , 'retry-wait': int(setting_dict['retry-wait']) , 'timeout' : int(setting_dict['timeout']) , 'header': header ,'out': out , 'user-agent': user_agent , 'load-cookies': cookies , 'referer': referer , 'all-proxy': ip_port , 'max-download-limit': limit , 'all-proxy-user':str(proxy_user), 'all-proxy-passwd':str(proxy_passwd), 'http-user':str(download_user), 'http-passwd':str(download_passwd) , 'split':'16', 'max-connection-per-server':str(connections) , 'min-split-size':'1M', 'continue':'true', 'dir':str(download_path_temp) } try: if ("http" in link[0:5]): answer = server.aria2.addUri([link],aria_dict) else: answer = server.aria2.addUri([link],aria_dict) print(answer + " Starts") if end_hour != None: endTime(end_hour , end_minute , gid) except: print("None Starts") #if request was unsuccessful return None! return 'None' else : #if start_time_status is "stopped" it means download Canceled by user print("Download Canceled")
def chromiumPressed(self, browser): if os_type == 'Linux': exec_path = '/usr/bin/persepolis' if browser == 'chromium': native_message_folder = home_address + '/.config/chromium/NativeMessagingHosts' elif browser == 'chrome': native_message_folder = home_address + \ '/.config/google-chrome/NativeMessagingHosts' elif os_type == 'FreeBSD' or os_type == 'OpenBSD': exec_path = '/usr/local/bin/persepolis' if browser == 'chromium': native_message_folder = home_address + '/.config/chromium/NativeMessagingHosts' elif browser == 'chrome': native_message_folder = home_address + \ '/.config/google-chrome/NativeMessagingHosts' elif os_type == 'Darwin': cwd = sys.argv[0] current_directory = os.path.dirname(cwd) exec_path = os.path.join( current_directory, 'Persepolis Download Manager') if browser == 'chromium': native_message_folder = home_address + \ '/Library/Application Support/Chromium/NativeMessagingHosts' elif browser == 'chrome': native_message_folder = home_address + \ '/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/NativeMessagingHosts' elif os_type == 'Windows': cwd = sys.argv[0] current_directory = os.path.dirname(cwd) exec_path = os.path.join( current_directory, 'Persepolis Download Manager.exe') # the execution path in jason file for Windows must in form of # c:\\Users\\...\\Persepolis Download Manager.exe , so we need 2 # "\" in address exec_path = exec_path.replace('\\', r'\\') native_message_folder = os.path.join( home_address, 'AppData\Local\persepolis_download_manager') json_file_lines = ['{', ' "name": "com.persepolis.pdmchromewrapper",', ' "description": "Integrate Persepolis with Google Chrome",', ' "path": "' + str(exec_path) + '",', ' "type": "stdio",', ' "allowed_origins": [', ' "chrome-extension://legimlagjjoghkoedakdjhocbeomojao/"', ' ]', '}'] native_message_file = os.path.join( native_message_folder, 'com.persepolis.pdmchromewrapper.json') osCommands.makeDirs(native_message_folder) f = Open(native_message_file, 'w') for i in json_file_lines: f.writelines(str(i) + '\n') f.close() if os_type != 'Windows': os.system('chmod +x "' + str(native_message_file) + '"') else: CREATE_NO_WINDOW = 0x08000000 # subprocess.Popen(['REG','ADD','"HKCU\\Software\\Google\Chrome\\NativeMessagingHosts\\com.persepolis.pdmchromewrapper.json"', '/ve' , '/t' , 'REG_SZ' ,'/d' , '"' + str(exec_path) + '"' , '/f'] , shell = False ,creationflags = CREATE_NO_WINDOW ) os.system(r'REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Google\Chrome\NativeMessagingHosts\com.persepolis.pdmchromewrapper" /ve /t REG_SZ /d "' + native_message_file + '" /f') if browser == 'chromium': self.chromium_label.setText('Done!') elif browser == 'chrome': self.chrome_label.setText('Done!')
def okButtonPressed(self, button): if self.proxy_checkBox.isChecked() == False: ip = None port = None proxy_user = None proxy_passwd = None else: ip = self.ip_lineEdit.text() if not(ip): ip = None port = str(self.port_spinBox.value()) if not(port): port = None proxy_user = self.proxy_user_lineEdit.text() if not(proxy_user): proxy_user = None proxy_passwd = self.proxy_pass_lineEdit.text() if not(proxy_passwd): proxy_passwd = None if self.download_checkBox.isChecked() == False: download_user = None download_passwd = None else: download_user = self.download_user_lineEdit.text() if not(download_user): download_user = None download_passwd = self.download_pass_lineEdit.text() if not(download_passwd): download_passwd = None if self.limit_checkBox.isChecked() == False: limit = 0 else: if self.limit_comboBox.currentText() == "KB/S": limit = str(self.limit_spinBox.value()) + str("K") else: limit = str(self.limit_spinBox.value()) + str("M") if self.start_checkBox.isChecked() == False: start_hour = None start_minute = None else: start_hour = str(self.start_hour_spinBox.value()) start_minute = str(self.start_minute_spinBox.value()) if self.end_checkBox.isChecked() == False: end_hour = None end_minute = None else: end_hour = str(self.end_hour_spinBox.value()) end_minute = str(self.end_minute_spinBox.value()) link = self.link_lineEdit.text() connections = self.connections_spinBox.value() download_path = self.download_folder_lineEdit.text() self.add_link_dictionary['start_hour'] = start_hour self.add_link_dictionary['start_minute'] = start_minute self.add_link_dictionary['end_hour'] = end_hour self.add_link_dictionary['end_minute'] = end_minute self.add_link_dictionary['link'] = link self.add_link_dictionary['ip'] = ip self.add_link_dictionary['port'] = port self.add_link_dictionary['proxy_user'] = proxy_user self.add_link_dictionary['proxy_passwd'] = proxy_passwd self.add_link_dictionary['download_user'] = download_user self.add_link_dictionary['download_passwd'] = download_passwd self.add_link_dictionary['download_path'] = download_path self.add_link_dictionary['limit'] = limit self.add_link_dictionary['connections'] = connections new_category = str(self.add_queue_comboBox.currentText()) if new_category != self.current_category: # it means category changed # first download must eliminated form former category # reading current_category current_category_file = os.path.join( category_folder, self.current_category) f = Open(current_category_file) f_list = f.readlines() f.close() # eliminating gid of download from current_category_file f = Open(current_category_file, 'w') for line in f_list: gid = line.strip() if gid != self.gid: f.writelines(gid + '\n') f.close() # adding download to the new category new_category_file = os.path.join( category_folder, str(new_category)) f = Open(new_category_file, 'a') f.writelines(self.gid + '\n') f.close() self.callback(self.add_link_dictionary, self.gid, new_category) self.close()
def checkDownloadInfo(self,gid): try: #get download information from download_info_file according to gid and write them in download_table cells download_info_file = config_folder + "/download_info/" + gid download_info_file_list = readList(download_info_file) download_info_file_list_string = readList(download_info_file ,'string') #finding row of this gid! for i in range(self.download_table.rowCount()): row_gid = self.download_table.item(i , 8).text() if gid == row_gid : row = i break for i in range(10): #check flag of download! #It's showing that selection mode is active or not! if i == 0 : flag = int(self.download_table.item(row , i).flags()) #remove gid of completed download from active downloads list file elif i == 1 : status = str(download_info_file_list[i]) status_download_table = str(self.download_table.item(row , 1 ) . text()) if status == "complete": f = Open(download_list_file_active) download_list_file_active_lines = f.readlines() f.close() f = Open(download_list_file_active , "w") for line in download_list_file_active_lines : if line.strip() != gid : f.writelines(line.strip() + "\n") f.close() #update download_table cells item = QTableWidgetItem(download_info_file_list_string[i]) #48 means that item is checkable and enabled if i == 0 and flag == 48: item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) if self.download_table.item(row , i).checkState() == 2: item.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Checked) else: item.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Unchecked) self.download_table.setItem(row , i , item) self.download_table.viewport().update() #update progresswindow try : #finding progress_window for gid member_number = self.progress_window_list_dict[gid] progress_window = self.progress_window_list[member_number] #link add_link_dictionary = download_info_file_list[9] link = "<b>Link</b> : " + str(add_link_dictionary ['link']) progress_window.link_label.setText(link) progress_window.link_label.setToolTip(link) #Save as final_download_path = add_link_dictionary['final_download_path'] if final_download_path == None : final_download_path = str(add_link_dictionary['download_path']) save_as = "<b>Save as</b> : " + final_download_path + "/" + str(download_info_file_list[0]) progress_window.save_label.setText(save_as) progress_window.save_label.setToolTip(save_as) #status progress_window.status = download_info_file_list[1] status = "<b>Status</b> : " + progress_window.status progress_window.status_label.setText(status) if progress_window.status == "downloading": progress_window.resume_pushButton.setEnabled(False) progress_window.stop_pushButton.setEnabled(True) progress_window.pause_pushButton.setEnabled(True) elif progress_window.status == "paused": progress_window.resume_pushButton.setEnabled(True) progress_window.stop_pushButton.setEnabled(True) progress_window.pause_pushButton.setEnabled(False) elif progress_window.status == "waiting": progress_window.resume_pushButton.setEnabled(False) progress_window.stop_pushButton.setEnabled(True) progress_window.pause_pushButton.setEnabled(False) elif progress_window.status == "scheduled": progress_window.resume_pushButton.setEnabled(False) progress_window.stop_pushButton.setEnabled(True) progress_window.pause_pushButton.setEnabled(False) elif progress_window.status == "stopped" or progress_window.status == "error" or progress_window.status == "complete" : #close progress_window if download status is stopped or completed or error progress_window.close() self.progress_window_list[member_number] = [] del self.progress_window_list_dict[gid] if progress_window.status == "stopped": notifySend("Download Stopped" , str(download_info_file_list[0]) , 10000 , 'no', systemtray = self.system_tray_icon ) elif progress_window.status == "error": notifySend("Error - " + add_link_dictionary['error'] , str(download_info_file_list[0]) , 10000 , 'fail', systemtray = self.system_tray_icon ) add_link_dictionary['start_hour'] = None add_link_dictionary['start_minute'] = None add_link_dictionary['end_hour'] = None add_link_dictionary['end_minute'] = None add_link_dictionary['after_download'] = 'None' for i in range(10): if i == 9 : download_info_file_list[i] = add_link_dictionary download_info_file_list[9] = add_link_dictionary writeList(download_info_file , download_info_file_list ) #this section is sending shutdown signal to the shutdown script(if user select shutdown for after download) if os.path.isfile('/tmp/persepolis/shutdown/' + gid ) == True and progress_window.status != 'stopped': answer = download.shutDown() #KILL aria2c if didn't respond if answer == 'error': os.system('killall aria2c') f = Open('/tmp/persepolis/shutdown/' + gid , 'w') notifySend('Persepolis is shutting down','your system in 20 seconds' , 15000 ,'warning', systemtray = self.system_tray_icon ) f.writelines('shutdown') f.close() elif os.path.isfile('/tmp/persepolis/shutdown/' + gid ) == True and progress_window.status == 'stopped': f = Open('/tmp/persepolis/shutdown/' + gid , 'w') f.writelines('canceled') f.close() #showing download compelete dialog #check user's Preferences f = Open(setting_file) setting_file_lines = f.readlines() f.close() setting_dict_str = str(setting_file_lines[0].strip()) setting_dict = ast.literal_eval(setting_dict_str) if progress_window.status == "complete" and setting_dict['after-dialog'] == 'yes' : afterdownloadwindow = AfterDownloadWindow(download_info_file_list,setting_file) self.afterdownload_list.append(afterdownloadwindow) self.afterdownload_list[len(self.afterdownload_list) - 1].show() elif progress_window.status == "complete" and setting_dict['after-dialog'] == 'no' : notifySend("Download Complete" ,str(download_info_file_list[0]) , 10000 , 'ok' , systemtray = self.system_tray_icon ) #downloaded downloaded = "<b>Downloaded</b> : " + str(download_info_file_list[3]) + "/" + str(download_info_file_list[2]) progress_window.downloaded_label.setText(downloaded) #Transfer rate rate = "<b>Transfer rate</b> : " + str(download_info_file_list[6]) progress_window.rate_label.setText(rate) #Estimate time left estimate_time_left = "<b>Estimate time left</b> : " + str(download_info_file_list[7]) progress_window.time_label.setText(estimate_time_left) #Connections connections = "<b>Connections</b> : " + str(download_info_file_list[5]) progress_window.connections_label.setText(connections) #progressbar value = download_info_file_list[4] file_name = str(download_info_file_list[0]) if file_name != "***": windows_title = '(' + str(value) + ')' + str(file_name) progress_window.setWindowTitle(windows_title) value = value[:-1] progress_window.download_progressBar.setValue(int(value)) except : pass except: pass
def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.statusbar.showMessage('Please Wait ...') #threads self.threadPool=[] #starting aria start_aria = StartAria2Thread() self.threadPool.append(start_aria) self.threadPool[0].start() self.threadPool[0].ARIA2RESPONDSIGNAL.connect(self.startAriaMessage) #initializing #add downloads to the download_table f_download_list_file = Open(download_list_file) download_list_file_lines = f_download_list_file.readlines() f_download_list_file.close() for line in download_list_file_lines: gid = line.strip() self.download_table.insertRow(0) download_info_file = download_info_folder + "/" + gid f = Open(download_info_file) download_info_file_lines = f.readlines() f.close() for i in range(10): item = QTableWidgetItem(download_info_file_lines[i].strip()) self.download_table.setItem(0 , i , item) row_numbers = self.download_table.rowCount() for row in range(row_numbers): status = self.download_table.item(row , 1).text() if (status != "complete" and status != "error"): gid = self.download_table.item(row,8).text() add_link_dictionary_str = self.download_table.item(row,9).text() add_link_dictionary = ast.literal_eval(add_link_dictionary_str.strip()) add_link_dictionary['start_hour'] = None add_link_dictionary['start_minute'] = None add_link_dictionary['end_hour'] = None add_link_dictionary['end_minute'] = None add_link_dictionary['after_download'] = 'None' download_info_file = download_info_folder + "/" + gid f = Open(download_info_file) download_info_file_lines = f.readlines() f.close() f = Open(download_info_file , "w") for i in range(10): if i == 1 : f.writelines("stopped" + "\n") item = QTableWidgetItem('stopped') self.download_table.setItem(row , i , item ) elif i == 9 : f.writelines(str(add_link_dictionary) + "\n") item = QTableWidgetItem(str(add_link_dictionary)) self.download_table.setItem(row,i , item) else: f.writelines(download_info_file_lines[i].strip() + "\n") f.close() self.addlinkwindows_list = [] self.propertieswindows_list = [] self.progress_window_list = [] self.progress_window_list_dict = {} check_download_info = CheckDownloadInfoThread() self.threadPool.append(check_download_info) self.threadPool[1].start() self.threadPool[1].DOWNLOAD_INFO_SIGNAL.connect(self.checkDownloadInfo) check_selected_row = CheckSelectedRowThread() self.threadPool.append(check_selected_row) self.threadPool[2].start() self.threadPool[2].CHECKSELECTEDROWSIGNAL.connect(self.checkSelectedRow) check_flashgot = CheckFlashgot() self.threadPool.append(check_flashgot) self.threadPool[3].start() self.threadPool[3].CHECKFLASHGOTSIGNAL.connect(self.checkFlashgot) self.system_tray_icon = QSystemTrayIcon() self.system_tray_icon.setIcon(QIcon('icon')) system_tray_menu = QMenu() system_tray_menu.addAction(self.addlinkAction) system_tray_menu.addAction(self.pauseAllAction) system_tray_menu.addAction(self.stopAllAction) system_tray_menu.addAction(self.minimizeAction) system_tray_menu.addAction(self.exitAction) self.system_tray_icon.setContextMenu(system_tray_menu) self.system_tray_icon.activated.connect(self.systemTrayPressed)
'max-tries': 5, 'retry-wait': 0, 'timeout': 60, 'connections': 16, 'download_path_temp': download_path_temp, 'download_path': download_path, 'sound': 'yes', 'sound-volume': 90, 'style': 'Fusion', 'color-scheme': 'Persepolis Dark Red', 'icons': 'Archdroid-Red', 'font': 'Ubuntu', 'font-size': 9 } f = Open(setting_file, 'w') f.writelines(str(default_setting)) f.close() f = Open(setting_file) setting_file_lines = f.readlines() f.close() setting_dict_str = str(setting_file_lines[0].strip()) setting_dict = ast.literal_eval(setting_dict_str) #this section creates temporary download folder and download folder and download sub folders if they did not existed. download_path_temp = setting_dict['download_path_temp'] download_path = setting_dict['download_path'] folder_list = [download_path_temp, download_path] for folder in ['Audios', 'Videos', 'Others', 'Documents', 'Compressed']: folder_list.append(download_path + '/' + folder)
def okButtonPressed(self,button): global init_file f = Open(init_file , "w") #writing user's input data to init file for i in self.ip_lineEdit.text(),self.port_spinBox.value(),self.proxy_user_lineEdit.text(),self.download_user_lineEdit.text() : f.writelines(str(i) + "\n") f.close() if self.proxy_checkBox.isChecked() == False : ip = None port = None proxy_user = None proxy_passwd = None else : ip = self.ip_lineEdit.text() if not(ip): ip = None port = self.port_spinBox.value() if not(port): port = None proxy_user = self.proxy_user_lineEdit.text() if not(proxy_user): proxy_user = None proxy_passwd = self.proxy_pass_lineEdit.text() if not(proxy_passwd): proxy_passwd = None if self.download_checkBox.isChecked() == False : download_user = None download_passwd = None else : download_user = self.download_user_lineEdit.text() if not(download_user): download_user = None download_passwd = self.download_pass_lineEdit.text() if not(download_passwd): download_passwd = None if self.limit_checkBox.isChecked() == False : limit = 0 else : if self.limit_comboBox.currentText() == "KB/S" : limit = str(self.limit_spinBox.value()) + str("K") else : limit = str(self.limit_spinBox.value()) + str("M") if self.start_checkBox.isChecked() == False : start_hour = None start_minute = None else : start_hour = str(self.start_hour_spinBox.value()) start_minute = str(self.start_minute_spinBox.value()) if self.end_checkBox.isChecked() == False : end_hour = None end_minute = None else : end_hour = str(self.end_hour_spinBox.value()) end_minute = str(self.end_minute_spinBox.value()) link = self.link_lineEdit.text() connections = self.connections_spinBox.value() download_path = self.download_folder_lineEdit.text() if not ('referer' in self.flashgot_add_link_dictionary) : self.flashgot_add_link_dictionary['referer'] = None if not ('header' in self.flashgot_add_link_dictionary): self.flashgot_add_link_dictionary['header'] = None if not ('out' in self.flashgot_add_link_dictionary): self.flashgot_add_link_dictionary['out'] = None if not('user-agent' in self.flashgot_add_link_dictionary): self.flashgot_add_link_dictionary['user-agent'] = None if not('load-cookies' in self.flashgot_add_link_dictionary): self.flashgot_add_link_dictionary['load-cookies'] = None final_download_path = None self.add_link_dictionary = {'final_download_path':final_download_path , 'start_hour':start_hour ,'start_minute' : start_minute ,'end_hour' : end_hour ,'end_minute':end_minute , 'link':link , 'ip':ip , 'port':port , 'proxy_user':proxy_user , 'proxy_passwd' : proxy_passwd , 'download_user':download_user , 'download_passwd': download_passwd ,'connections':connections , 'limit':limit, 'download_path':download_path } for i in self.flashgot_add_link_dictionary.keys(): self.add_link_dictionary[i] = self.flashgot_add_link_dictionary[i] self.callback(self.add_link_dictionary) self.close()
def okButtonPressed(self, button): global init_file f = Open(init_file, "w") #writing user's input data to init file for i in self.ip_lineEdit.text(), self.port_spinBox.value( ), self.proxy_user_lineEdit.text(), self.download_user_lineEdit.text(): f.writelines(str(i) + "\n") f.close() if self.proxy_checkBox.isChecked() == False: ip = None port = None proxy_user = None proxy_passwd = None else: ip = self.ip_lineEdit.text() if not (ip): ip = None port = self.port_spinBox.value() if not (port): port = None proxy_user = self.proxy_user_lineEdit.text() if not (proxy_user): proxy_user = None proxy_passwd = self.proxy_pass_lineEdit.text() if not (proxy_passwd): proxy_passwd = None if self.download_checkBox.isChecked() == False: download_user = None download_passwd = None else: download_user = self.download_user_lineEdit.text() if not (download_user): download_user = None download_passwd = self.download_pass_lineEdit.text() if not (download_passwd): download_passwd = None if self.limit_checkBox.isChecked() == False: limit = 0 else: if self.limit_comboBox.currentText() == "KB/S": limit = str(self.limit_spinBox.value()) + str("K") else: limit = str(self.limit_spinBox.value()) + str("M") if self.start_checkBox.isChecked() == False: start_hour = None start_minute = None else: start_hour = str(self.start_hour_spinBox.value()) start_minute = str(self.start_minute_spinBox.value()) if self.end_checkBox.isChecked() == False: end_hour = None end_minute = None else: end_hour = str(self.end_hour_spinBox.value()) end_minute = str(self.end_minute_spinBox.value()) if self.change_name_checkBox.isChecked() == False: out = None else: out = str(self.change_name_lineEdit.text()) link = self.link_lineEdit.text() connections = self.connections_spinBox.value() download_path = self.download_folder_lineEdit.text() if not ('referer' in self.flashgot_add_link_dictionary): self.flashgot_add_link_dictionary['referer'] = None if not ('header' in self.flashgot_add_link_dictionary): self.flashgot_add_link_dictionary['header'] = None if not ('user-agent' in self.flashgot_add_link_dictionary): self.flashgot_add_link_dictionary['user-agent'] = None if not ('load-cookies' in self.flashgot_add_link_dictionary): self.flashgot_add_link_dictionary['load-cookies'] = None final_download_path = None self.add_link_dictionary = { 'out': out, 'final_download_path': final_download_path, 'start_hour': start_hour, 'start_minute': start_minute, 'end_hour': end_hour, 'end_minute': end_minute, 'link': link, 'ip': ip, 'port': port, 'proxy_user': proxy_user, 'proxy_passwd': proxy_passwd, 'download_user': download_user, 'download_passwd': download_passwd, 'connections': connections, 'limit': limit, 'download_path': download_path } for i in self.flashgot_add_link_dictionary.keys(): self.add_link_dictionary[i] = self.flashgot_add_link_dictionary[i] del self.flashgot_add_link_dictionary self.callback(self.add_link_dictionary) self.close()
def compatibility(): if os.path.isdir(download_info_folder) == True: f = Open(download_list_file) download_list_file_lines = f.readlines() f.close() for line in download_list_file_lines: gid = line.strip() download_info_file = download_info_folder + "/" + gid f_download_info_file = Open(download_info_file) download_info_file_lines = f_download_info_file.readlines() f_download_info_file.close() if len(download_info_file_lines) == 10: list = [] for i in range(10): line_strip = download_info_file_lines[i].strip() if i == 9: line_strip = ast.literal_eval(line_strip) list.append(line_strip) dictionary = {'list': list} os.system('echo "' + str(dictionary) + '" > "' + str(download_info_file) + '"') f_download_info_file = Open(download_info_file, 'w') f_download_info_file.writelines(str(dictionary)) f_download_info_file.close() #compatibility between version 2.2 and version 2.3 date_list = [] for i in ['%Y', '%m', '%d', '%H', '%M', '%S']: date_list.append(time.strftime(i)) for line in download_list_file_lines: gid = line.strip() download_info_file = download_info_folder + "/" + gid f = Open(download_info_file, 'r') f_string = f.readline() f.close() dictionary = ast.literal_eval(f_string.strip()) list = dictionary['list'] if len(list) == 10: add_link_dictionary = list[9] add_link_dictionary['firs_try_date'] = date_list add_link_dictionary['last_try_date'] = date_list list[9] = add_link_dictionary try_date = str(date_list[0]) + '/' + str( date_list[1]) + '/' + str(date_list[2]) + ' , ' + str( date_list[3]) + ':' + str(date_list[4]) + ':' + str( date_list[5]) list.append(try_date) list.append(try_date) list.append('Single Downloads') dictionary = {'list': list} f = Open(download_info_file, 'w') f.writelines(str(dictionary)) f.close() print(str(dictionary)) f = Open(download_list_file) f_lines = f.readlines() f.close() f = Open(single_downloads_list_file, 'w') for line in f_lines: f.writelines(line) f.close() elif len(list) == 12: list.append('Single Downloads') dictionary = {'list': list} f = Open(download_info_file, 'w') f.writelines(str(dictionary)) f.close() f = Open(download_list_file) f_lines = f.readlines() f.close() f = Open(single_downloads_list_file, 'w') for line in f_lines: gid = line.strip() f.writelines(gid + '\n') f.close()
def deleteSelected(self,menu): global remove_flag remove_flag = 1 while remove_flag != 2 : sleep(0.1) gid_list = [] for row in range(self.download_table.rowCount()): status = self.download_table.item(row , 1).text() item = self.download_table.item(row , 0) if (item.checkState() == 2) and (status == 'complete' or status == 'error' or status == 'stopped' ): gid = self.download_table.item(row , 8 ).text() gid_list.append(gid) for gid in gid_list: for i in range(self.download_table.rowCount()): row_gid = self.download_table.item(i , 8).text() if gid == row_gid : row = i break file_name = self.download_table.item(row , 0).text() add_link_dictionary_str = self.download_table.item(row , 9).text() add_link_dictionary = ast.literal_eval(add_link_dictionary_str) sleep(0.5) self.download_table.removeRow(row) #remove gid of download from download list file f = Open(download_list_file) download_list_file_lines = f.readlines() f.close() f = Open(download_list_file , "w") for i in download_list_file_lines: if i.strip() != gid: f.writelines(i.strip() + "\n") f.close() #remove gid of download from active download list file f = Open(download_list_file_active) download_list_file_active_lines = f.readlines() f.close() f = Open(download_list_file_active , "w") for i in download_list_file_active_lines: if i.strip() != gid: f.writelines(i.strip() + "\n") f.close() #remove download_info_file download_info_file = download_info_folder + "/" + gid f = Open(download_info_file) f.close() f.remove() #remove file of download form download temp folder if file_name != '***' and status != 'complete' : file_name_path = temp_download_folder + "/" + str(file_name) os.system('rm "' + str(file_name_path) +'"') file_name_aria = file_name_path + str('.aria2') os.system('rm "' + str(file_name_aria) +'"') #remove download file if status == 'complete': if 'file_path' in add_link_dictionary: file_path = add_link_dictionary['file_path'] if os.path.isfile(file_path): os.system("rm '" + file_path + "'" ) else: notifySend(str(file_path) ,'Not Found' , 5000 , 'warning' , systemtray = self.system_tray_icon ) remove_flag = 0