class NewportMotionController(MotionController): ''' ''' mode = Enum('normal', 'grouped') groupobj = Instance(NewportGroup) group_commands = True _trajectory_mode = None def initialize(self, *args, **kw): ''' ''' # try to get x position to test comms if super(NewportMotionController, self).initialize(*args, **kw): r = True if self.get_current_position('x') is not None else False # force group destruction self.destroy_group(force=True) # get and clear any error self.read_error() self.setup_consumer() return r def load_additional_args(self, config): """ """ self.axes_factory(config) config_path = self.configuration_dir_path group = config.get('Optional', 'group') joystick = config.get('Optional', 'joystick') if group: self.load_optional_parameters(config_path, '{}.cfg'.format(group), 'group', '''NEWPORT GROUP PARAMETERS NOT SPECIFIED. YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO PERFORM GROUPED MOVES I.E. LINEAR OR CIRCULAR ''') if joystick: self.load_optional_parameters(config_path, '{}.txt'.format(joystick), 'joystick', '''NEWPORT JOYSTICK PARAMETERS NOT SPECIFIED. YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO USE THE HARDWARE JOYSTICK ''') # the esp 300 doesnt like grouped commands # ie 1PA1.0;2PA1.0 self.set_attribute(config, 'group_commands', 'General', 'group_commands', cast='boolean', optional=True) # set the drive calibration values return True def load_optional_parameters(self, base, path, paramname, warning): ''' ''' p = os.path.join(base, path) if os.path.isfile(p): with open(p, 'r') as f: func = getattr(self, 'load_{}_parameters'.format(paramname)) func(f, p) else: self.warning(warning) def load_joystick_parameters(self, f, p): ''' ''' self.joystick = Joystick(parent=self) self.joystick.load_parameters(f) # self.joystick_bits=[] def load_group_parameters(self, f, p): ''' ''' self.groupobj = NewportGroup() self.groupobj.load(p) def load_commands_from_file(self, p): ''' ''' with open(p, 'r') as f: for line in f: line = line[:-1] if line: if line[0] != '#': self.ask(line) def save_axes_parameters(self, axis=None): ''' ''' if axis is None: axes = self.axes.itervalues() else: axes = [axis] for a in axes: com = 'SM' return self.tell(com) def enable_joystick(self): ''' ''' self.joystick.enable() def disable_joystick(self): ''' ''' self.joystick.disable_laser() def xy_swapped(self): if self.axes.has_key('x'): return self.axes['x'].id == 2 #=============================================================================== # RPCable #=============================================================================== def get_current_position(self, aid): ''' ''' if isinstance(aid, str): if aid in self.axes: ax = self.axes[aid] aid = axis = else: return else: ax = self._get_axis_by_id(aid) axis = cmd = self._build_query('TP', xx=aid) f = self.ask(cmd, verbose=False) aname = '_{}_position'.format(axis) if f != 'simulation' and f is not None: try: f = float(f) f = self._sign_correct(f, axis, ratio=False) / ax.drive_ratio except ValueError: f = None else: # time.sleep(0.5) f = getattr(self, aname) self.axes[axis].position = f return f def relative_move(self, ax_key, direction): # move one pixel in the specified direction ax = self.axes[ax_key] v1 = self.parent.canvas.map_data((0, 0)) v2 = self.parent.canvas.map_data((5, 5)) if ax_key == 'y': v = (v2[1] - v1[1]) * direction * ax.sign # + self._y_position else: v = (v2[0] - v1[0]) * direction * ax.sign # + self._x_position self.single_axis_move(ax_key, v, block=False, mode='relative', verbose=False, update=False) def multiple_point_move(self, points, nominal_displacement=0.5): gid = self.timer = self.timer_factory() # use a nominal displacement to set the motion params self.configure_group(True, displacement=nominal_displacement) # is this command necessary or is it cmd = self._build_command('HQ',, nn=10) self.tell(cmd, verbose=True) avaliable_spaces = 10 while 1: # issue the first 10 points and wait cmd = ';'.join([self._build_command('HL', xx=gid, nn='{:0.5f},{:0.5f}'.format(self._sign_correct(x, 'x'), self._sign_correct(y, 'y'))) for x, y in points[:avaliable_spaces] ]) self.tell(cmd, verbose=True) waiting = True resp = 0 cmd = self._build_query('HQ', xx=gid) while waiting and not self.simulation: # wait until the via point buffer is empty # e.i HQ?=10 10 via point spaces available in buffer resp = self.ask(cmd, verbose=False) if resp is not None: resp = resp.strip() resp = int(resp) waiting = resp != 10 else: break time.sleep(0.1) points = points[avaliable_spaces:] if not points: break def linear_move(self, x, y, **kw): # calc the displacement dx = self._x_position - x dy = self._y_position - y tol = 0.033 if abs(dx) < tol: if 'grouped_move' in kw: kw.pop('grouped_move')'x displacement {} doing a hack axis move'.format(dx)) # points = [(x + 0.001, y / 2.0), (x, y)] # self.multiple_point_move(points, nominal_displacement = d) self.single_axis_move('y', y, **kw) # self._y_position = y return if abs(dy) < tol: if 'grouped_move' in kw: kw.pop('grouped_move')'y displacement {} doing a hack axis move'.format(dy)) # points = [(x / 2.0, y + 0.001), (x, y)] # self.multiple_point_move(points, nominal_displacement = d) self.single_axis_move('x', x, **kw) # self._x_position = x return errx = self._validate(x, 'x', cur=self._x_position) erry = self._validate(y, 'y', cur=self._y_position) if errx is None and erry is None: return 'invalid position {},{}'.format(x, y) d = math.sqrt(math.pow(dx, 2) + math.pow(dy, 2)) tol = 0.001 # should be set to the motion controllers resolution if d > tol: kw['displacement'] = d self.parent.canvas.set_desired_position(x, y) self._x_position = x self._y_position = y self.debug('doing linear move') self.timer = self.timer_factory() self._linear_move_(dict(x=x, y=y), **kw) else:'displacement of move too small {} < {}'.format(d, tol)) def single_axis_move(self, key, value, block=False, mode='absolute', velocity=None, update=250, immediate=False, **kw): args = (key, value, block, mode, velocity, update, kw) if block or immediate: self._single_axis_move(args) else: self.debug('add {} to consume queue'.format(args)) self.add_consumable((self._single_axis_move, args)) def _single_axis_move(self, args): key, value, block, mode, velocity, update, kw = args self.debug('single axis move {}'.format(args)) x = None y = None try: ax = self.axes[key] except KeyError: self.debug('No axes key. {} keys={}'.format(key, self.axes.keys)) aid = if self.groupobj is not None: if aid in map(int, self.groupobj.axes): self.destroy_group() if mode == 'absolute': cmd = 'PA' else: cmd = 'PR' cmd = self._build_command(cmd, xx=aid, nn='{:0.5f}'.format(self._sign_correct(value, key) * ax.drive_ratio)) self.debug('command {}'.format(cmd)) func = None if key != 'z': if key == 'x': x = value y = self._y_position o = self._x_position else: x = self._x_position y = value o = self._y_position if self._validate(value, key, cur=o) is None: value = float(value) if abs(value - o) <= 0.001: return 'At desired position. cur={} desired={}'.format(o, value) return 'invalid position {}'.format(value) if mode == 'absolute': self.parent.canvas.set_desired_position(x, y) dx = self._x_position - self._sign_correct(x, 'x') dy = self._y_position - self._sign_correct(y, 'y') else: dx, dy = x, y disp = math.sqrt(math.pow(dx, 2) + math.pow(dy, 2)) if velocity is not None: ax.velocity = velocity self.set_single_axis_motion_parameters(ax) elif self._check_motion_parameters(disp, ax): self.set_single_axis_motion_parameters(ax) else: func = self._z_inprogress_update if block: block = key if update: self.timer = self.timer_factory(func=func, period=update) else: if mode == 'absolute': if x is not None and y is not None: self.parent.canvas.set_stage_position(x, y) else: self._z_position = value self.z_progress = value self.debug('command={} block={}. kw={}'.format(cmd, block, kw)) setattr(self, '_{}_position'.format(key), value) self._axis_move(cmd, block=block, **kw) def multiple_axis_move(self, axes_list, block=False): """ block - wait for move to complete before returning control """ self.configure_group(False) cmd = ';'.join(['{}PA{:0.3f}'.format(ax, val) # self._sign_correct(val, # self._get_axis_by_id(ax).name)) for ax, val in axes_list]) self._axis_move(cmd, block=block) def arc_move(self, cx, cy, angle, block=True, sign_correct=True): ''' the radius of the resultant arc is the distance from the center to the current point ''' self.configure_group(True) if self.mode == 'group': if sign_correct: cx = self._sign_correct(cx, 'x') cy = self._sign_correct(cy, 'y') cmd = '1HC{:0.3f,:0.3f,:0.3f}'.format (cx, cy , angle) self.tell(cmd) if block: self._block_() def get_load_position(self): x = self.axes['x'].loadposition y = self.axes['y'].loadposition z = self.axes['z'].loadposition return x, y, z def home(self, axes, search_mode=4, block=True): ''' ''' # manual 3-104 # If nn = 0, the axes will search for zero position count. # If nn = 1, the axis will search for combined Home and # Index signal transitions. # If nn = 2, the axes will search for Home signal # transition only. # If nn = 3, the axes willsearch for positive limit signal transition. # If nn = 4, the axes will search for negative limit signal # transition. # If nn = 5, the axes will search for positive limit and index signal # transition. # If nn = 6, the axes will search for negative limit and # index signal transition. # destroy the grouping self.destroy_group(force=True) # cmd = ';'.join(['{}OR{{}}'.format( for k in self.axes.itervalues()]) # if all: # cmd = ';'.join(['{}OR{{}}'.format( for k in self.axes.itervalues()]) cmd = ';'.join([self._build_command('OR',, nn=search_mode if != 'z' else 3) for a in self.axes.itervalues() if in axes]) # force z axis home positive # cmd = '1OR{};2OR{};3OR{}' .format(search_mode, search_mode, 3) # cmd = cmd.format(*[search_mode if != 3 else 3 for k, v in self.axes.iteritems()]) # cmd = cmd.format(*[search_mode if != 3 else 3 for v in axes]) # if 'z' in axes: # axis = self.axes.keys().index('z') # search_mode = 3 # cmd = self._build_command('OR', xx = axis, nn = ) self.timer = self.timer_factory() if self.group_commands: self.tell(cmd) if block: self._block_() else: for c in cmd.split(';'): self.tell(c) if block: self._block_() def block_group(self, n=10): cmd = '1HQ%i' % n self.tell(cmd) while self.group_moving() and not self.simulation: time.sleep(0.1) def group_moving(self): # cmd = '1HS?' cmd = self._build_query('HS', m = True if self.ask(cmd) == '0' else False return m def stop(self, ax_key=None, verbose=False): if self.timer is not None: self.timer.Stop() if self.mode == 'grouped': # check group is moving cmd = '1HS' while self.group_moving() and not self.simulation: self.tell(cmd, verbose=verbose) time.sleep(0.35) else: if isinstance(ax_key, str): cmd = self._build_command('ST', xx=self.axes[ax_key].id) else: cmd = 'ST' self.tell(cmd, verbose=verbose) def destroy_group(self, force=False, mode=1): ''' ''' if self.mode == 'grouped' or force:'destroying group') com = '1HX' self.tell(com) self.set_trajectory_mode(mode) self.mode = 'normal' # if self.speed_mode == 'low': # self.set_low_speed() def set_home_position(self, **kw): cmd = [] for k in kw: if k in self.axes: aid = self.axes[k].id cmd.append(self._build_command('SH', xx=aid, nn=kw[k])) self.tell(';'.join(cmd)) def define_home(self, axis=None): ''' ''' if axis is not None: aid = self.axes[axis].id cmd = self._build_command('DH', xx=aid, nn=0) else: cmd = [] for k in ['x', 'y']: aid = self.axes[k].id cmd.append(self._build_command('DH', xx=aid, nn=0)) cmd = ';'.join(cmd) self.tell(cmd) err = self.read_error() if err is None: err = True return err def set_trajectory_mode(self, mode): ''' modes see ESP301 manual page 3-137 1. trapezoidal 2. s-curve 3. jog mode 4. slave to master's desired position (trajectory) 5. slave to master's actual position (feedback) 6. slave to master's actual velocity for jogging ''' if mode is self._trajectory_mode: return self._trajectory_mode = mode coms = [] for k in self.axes: coms.append(self._build_command('TJ', xx=self.axes[k].id, nn=mode)) if self.group_commands: com = ';'.join(coms) self.tell(com) else: for c in coms: self.tell(c) def read_assigned_groups(self): ''' ''' com = 'HB' r = self.ask(com) if not r or r == 'simulation': r = [] return r def read_error(self): error = None # cmd = 'TB?' cmd = self._build_query('TB') r = self.ask(cmd) if r is not None and r != 'simulation': eargs = r.split(',') try: error_code = int(eargs[0]) # error_msg = eargs[-1] if error_code == 0: error = None else: error = error_code self.warning('Newport Motion Controller:{} {}'.format(, r)) # gWarningDisplay.add_text('%s - %s' % (, error_msg)) except: pass return error def set_group_motion_parameters(self, acceleration=None, deceleration=None, velocity=None): if self.groupobj is not None: if acceleration is not None: self.groupobj.acceleration = acceleration if deceleration is not None: self.groupobj.acceleration = deceleration if velocity is not None: self.groupobj.velocity = velocity def _check_motion_parameters(self, displacement, obj): self.debug('checking motion parameters') if displacement <= 0: return if obj.calculate_parameters: change, nv, ac, dc = self.motion_profiler.check_motion(displacement, obj) self.debug('calculated {} {} {} {}'.format(change, nv, ac, dc)) if change: obj.trait_set(acceleration=ac, deceleration=dc, velocity=nv, trait_change_notify=False ) else: change = (obj.machine_acceleration != obj.acceleration or obj.machine_deceleration != obj.deceleration or obj.machine_velocity != obj.velocity) return change def configure_group(self, group, displacement=None, velocity=None, **kw): self.debug('configuring group') gobj = self.groupobj if not gobj and group: self.logger.warn('GROUPED MOVE NOT ENABLED') self.mode = 'normal' return False if group: if velocity is not None: change = abs(gobj.velocity - velocity) > 0.001 gobj.velocity = velocity else: change = self._check_motion_parameters(displacement, gobj) if self.mode == 'grouped': if not group: self.destroy_group() elif change: # the group needs a motion parameter change self._set_axis_grouping(new_group=False) else: # mode==normal if group: self._set_axis_grouping() else: self.destroy_group() return True def at_velocity(self, axkey, event, tol=0.25): if not self.simulation: desired_velocity = float(self.ask(self._build_query('VA', xx=self.axes[axkey].id))) av = self.read_actual_velocity(axkey) while av is not None and abs(abs(av) - desired_velocity) > tol: av = self.read_actual_velocity(axkey) time.sleep(0.01) event.clear() desired_velocity = 0 while av is not None and abs(abs(av) - desired_velocity) > tol: av = self.read_actual_velocity(axkey) time.sleep(0.01) event.set() def read_actual_velocity(self, axkey): ax = self.axes[axkey] # self._build_command('TV', xx =, nn = '?') cmd = self._build_query('TV', v = self.ask(cmd, verbose=False) if v is not None: return float(v) def _set_axis_grouping(self, new_group=True): # check group_parameters are acceptable if new_group: msg = 'setting new group' self.set_trajectory_mode(1) else: msg = 'changing group parameters' self.mode = 'grouped' cmd = self.groupobj.build_command(new_group) if self.group_commands: self.tell(cmd) else: for c in cmd.split(';'): self.tell(c) time.sleep(0.1) # self.read_error() # time.sleep(0.1) def set_single_axis_motion_parameters(self, axis=None, pdict=None): ''' ''' pmap = dict(velocity='VA', acceleration='AC', deceleration='AG') if pdict: axis = self.axes[pdict['key']] cmds = [] for k in pdict.keys(): if k is not 'key': cmds.append('{}{}{}'.format(, pmap[k], pdict[k])) cmd = ';'.join(cmds) else: param_coms = [('VA', 'velocity'), ('AC', 'acceleration'), ('AG', 'deceleration')] pdict = dict(velocity=axis.velocity, acceleration=axis.acceleration, deceleration=axis.deceleration) cmd = ';'.join(['{:n}{}{{{}:0.2f}}'.format(*(,) + p) for p in param_coms]) # ex cmd # 1VA1.00;1AC2.00;1AG2.00 cmd = cmd.format(**pdict) if self.group_commands: self.tell(cmd) else: for c in cmd.split(';'): self.tell(c) time.sleep(0.1) def _get_axis_by_id(self, aid): ''' ''' for k in self.axes: a = self.axes[k] if == aid: return a def _linear_move_(self, kwargs, block=False, grouped_move=True, sign_correct=True, **kw): ''' ''' self.configure_group(grouped_move, **kw) self.debug('group configured') for k in kwargs: key = k[0] if sign_correct: # axis = self.axes[key] val = self._sign_correct(kwargs[k], key, ratio=True) kwargs[k] = val if self.mode == 'grouped': gid = st = '{:n}HL{x:0.5f},{y:0.5f}'.format(gid, **kwargs) # this switch is accomplished by the group_parameter axes orer # axes=2,1 # if self.axes['x'].id == 2: # st = '{:n}HL{y:0.3f},{x:0.3f}'.format(id, **kwargs) self.tell(st, verbose=True) else: self.multiple_axis_move([ (self.axes['y'].id, kwargs['y']), (self.axes['x'].id, kwargs['x']) ]) if block:'moving to {x:0.5f},{y:0.5f}'.format(**kwargs)) self._block_()'move to {x:0.5f},{y:0.5f} complete'.format(**kwargs)) self.update_axes() def _axis_move(self, com, block=False, verbose=True, **kw): ''' ''' if self.group_commands: self.tell(com, verbose=verbose) else: for c in com.split(';'): self.tell(c) time.sleep(0.1) if block: self.debug('blocking {}'.format(block)) self._block_(axis=block) # def _block_(self, axis=None, event=None): # ''' # ''' # if event is not None: # event.clear() # # if self.timer: # #timer is calling self._moving_ # func = lambda: self.timer.isRunning() # else: # func = lambda: self._moving_(axis=axis) # # while func(): # time.sleep(0.25) # # if event is not None: # event.set() def _moving_(self, axis=None, verbose=False): ''' use TX to read the controllers state. see manual 3-141 return value of P==0101000 bits 7654321 7,6,5=reserved 4=trajectory executing yes=1 return True if moving ''' moving = False if axis is not None: if isinstance(axis, str): axis = self.axes[axis].id if self.mode == 'grouped': return self.group_moving() else: r = self.repeat_command(('MD?', axis), 5, check_type=int, verbose=verbose) if r is not None: # stage is moving if r==0 moving = not int(r) elif not self.simulation: r = self.repeat_command('TX', 5, check_type=str, verbose=verbose) if r is not None and len(r) > 0: controller_state = ord(r[0]) cs = make_bitarray(controller_state, width=8) moving = cs[3] == '1' else: time.sleep(0.5) return moving def _build_command(self, command, xx=None, nn=None): ''' ''' if isinstance(nn, list): nn = ','.join([str(n) for n in nn]) cmd = '{}' args = (command,) if xx is not None: cmd += '{}' args = (xx, command) if nn is not None: cmd += '{}' args = (xx, command, nn) return cmd.format(*args) def _build_query(self, command, xx=' '): return self._build_command(command, xx=xx, nn='?') def _axis_factory(self, path, **kw): ''' ''' na = NewportAxis(parent=self, **kw ) p = na.load(path) if p: with open(p, 'r') as f: na = pickle.load(f) na.parent = self na.loaded = True return na def _joystick_inprogress_update(self): ''' ''' for a in ['x', 'y', 'z']: val = self.get_current_position(a) setattr(self, '_%s_position' % a, val) self.parent.canvas.set_stage_position(self._x_position, self._y_position)
def load_group_parameters(self, f, p): ''' ''' self.groupobj = NewportGroup() self.groupobj.load(p)