Example #1
def comment(u, cid):
    if current_user.is_anonymous():

        comic = get_comic_query(u).filter_by(id=cid).one()
    except NoResultFound:

    form = CommentForm()

    if form.validate_on_submit():
        if form.anonymous.data:
            name = "Anonymous"
            name = current_user.username

        post = Post(name, form.comment.data, "", None)
        post.thread = comic.thread

        image = form.datafile.file
        if image:
            post.filename = chan_filename(image)
            save_file(post.fp(), image)


    return redirect(url_for_comic(comic))
Example #2
def recent(u):
    char = request.args.get("char", None)
    if char is not None:
        if char == "anything-goes":
            # Get all characters that exist in this universe who have had any
            # appearances. This could fail, in which case we bail with a cute
            # error message.
            q = Character.query.filter_by(universe=u)
            chars = q.filter(Character.comics.any()).all()
            if not chars:
                flash("No characters have been introduced yet. Patience, "
                return redirect(url_for("recent", u=u))
            char = choice(chars)
            char = Character.query.filter_by(universe=u, slug=char).first()
            if not char:
                flash("That character doesn't exist. I'm sorry, but we don't "
                    "have fanfiction-based characters in the story.")
                return redirect(url_for("recent", u=u))
            elif not char.comics:
                flash("That character has not made an appearance yet. We "
                    "know how popular they are, though, so be prepared for "
                    "their debut!")
                return redirect(url_for("recent", u=u))

    q = get_comic_query(u)
    if char:
        q = q.filter(Comic.characters.contains(char))
    comic = q.order_by(Comic.id.desc()).first()

    if not comic:
        # We probably shouldn't have been able to get here, in general. This
        # could happen if there are no comics in this universe yet. However,
        # it could possibly happen if there is some bug in the above
        # character-sorting logic. Be aware of this when debugging this code
        # later. :3
        flash("No comics could be found. Something went wrong, perhaps?")
        return redirect(url_for("index"))

    if char:
        return redirect(url_for_comic(comic, char=char.slug))
        return redirect(url_for_comic(comic))
Example #3
def universe_rss(u):
    q = get_comic_query(u).order_by(Comic.time.desc())
    comics = q[:10]
    stuff = []
    for comic in comics:
        url = url_for_comic(comic, _external=True)
        stuff.append((url, comic))

    link = url_for("recent", _external=True, u=u)

    return make_rss2(link, u.title, stuff)
Example #4
def rss():
    # Filter out comics that have not yet gone live.
    q = Comic.query.filter(Comic.time < datetime.now())
    comics = q.order_by(Comic.time.desc())[:10]
    stuff = []
    for comic in comics:
        url = url_for_comic(comic, _external=True)
        stuff.append((url, comic))

    link = url_for("index", _external=True)

    return make_rss2(link, "DCoN", stuff)