Example #1
def login():
    Login a user and return his/her apikey.

    # parse post body
    req_data = request_data()
    email = req_data.get('email')
    password = req_data.get('password')

    # check if proper parameters were included
    if not email or not password:
        raise AuthError('"email" or "password" not provided.')

    # check user's existence
    user = User.query\

    if user is None:
        raise AuthError('A user with email "{}" does not exist.'.format(email))

    # check the supplied password if not the super user
    if password != settings.SUPER_USER_PASSWORD:
        if not user.check_password(password):
            raise ForbiddenError('Invalid password.')

    return jsonify(user.to_dict(incl_apikey=True))
Example #2
    def decorated_function(*args, **kw):

        # get the org
        org_id = arg_str('org', default=None)
        if not org_id:
            raise AuthError('An org is required for this request.')

        # get the user object.
        user = kw.get('user')

        org = fetch_by_id_or_field(Org, 'slug', org_id)

        # if it still doesn't exist, raise an error.
        if not org:
            raise NotFoundError(
                'An Org with ID/Slug {} does exist.'.format(org_id))

        # otherwise ensure the active user can edit this Org
        if user.id not in org.user_ids:
            raise ForbiddenError(
                'User "{}" is not allowed to access Org "{}".'.format(
                    user.name, org.name))

        # check if we should localize this request

        kw['org'] = org
        return f(*args, **kw)
Example #3
def org_add_user(user, org_id_slug, user_email):

    if not user.admin:
        raise AuthError('You must be an admin to add a user to an Org.')

    # fetch org
    org = fetch_by_id_or_field(Org, 'slug', org_id_slug)

    if not org:
        raise NotFoundError('This Org does not exist.')

    # ensure the active user can edit this Org
    if user.id not in org.user_ids:
        raise ForbiddenError('You are not allowed to edit this Org.')

    # localize

    # get this new user by id / email
    new_org_user = fetch_by_id_or_field(User, 'email', user_email)

    if not new_org_user:
        raise RequestError('User "{}" does not exist'.format(user_email))

    # ensure that user is not already a part of this Org.
    if new_org_user.id in org.user_ids:
        raise RequestError('User "{}" is already a part of Org "{}"'.format(
            new_org_user.email, org.name))


    return jsonify(new_org_user)
Example #4
def twt_auth(user, org):

    # raise error when configurations are not provided.
    if not settings.TWT_ENABLED:
        raise AuthError(
            'You must provide a "twitter_api_key" and "twitter_api_secret" in '
            'your NewsLynx configuration to enable Twitter integration. '
            'See http://dev.twitter.com for details on how to create '
            'an application on Twitter.')

    # get callback url
    oauth_callback = url_for('auth_twitter.twt_callback', _external=True)
    params = {'oauth_callback': oauth_callback}

    # make initial authentication request
    r = twt_oauth.get_raw_request_token(params=params)

    # parse out request tokens into the session
    data = parse_utf8_qsl(r.content)

    session['twitter_oauth'] = (data['oauth_token'],
    session['org_id'] = org.id
    session['redirect_uri'] = request.args.get('redirect_uri')

    # redirect the user to the auth url.
    auth_url = twt_oauth.get_authorize_url(data['oauth_token'], **params)
    return redirect(auth_url)
Example #5
def org_delete(user, org_id_slug):

    if not user.admin:
        raise AuthError('You must be an admin to delete an Org')

    # fetch org
    org = fetch_by_id_or_field(Org, 'slug', org_id_slug)

    # if it still doesn't exist, raise an error.
    if not org:
        raise NotFoundError('This Org does not exist.')

    # localize

    # ensure the active user can edit this Org
    if user.id not in org.user_ids:
        raise ForbiddenError(
            'User "{}" is not allowed to access Org "{}".'.format(
                user.name, org.name))


    return delete_response()
Example #6
def fb_callback():

    org_id = session.pop('org_id')
    redirect_uri = session.pop('redirect_uri')

    # check to make sure the user authorized the request
    if not 'code' in request.args:
        if not redirect_uri:
            raise AuthError('You did not authorize the request to facebook.')

        uri = url.add_query_params(redirect_uri, auth_success='false')
        return redirect(uri)

    # make a request for the access token credentials using code
    authorize_uri = url_for('auth_facebook.fb_callback', _external=True)
    data = dict(code=request.args['code'], redirect_uri=authorize_uri)

    # get a temporary access token
    temp_access_token = fb_oauth.get_access_token(data=data)
    tokens = fb_extend_oauth_token(temp_access_token)

    # upsert settings
    facebook_token = Auth.query\
        .filter_by(name='facebook', org_id=org_id)\

    if not facebook_token:

        # create settings object
        facebook_token = Auth(

        facebook_token.value = tokens


    if redirect_uri:
        uri = url.add_query_params(redirect_uri, auth_success='true')
        return redirect(uri)

    return jsonify(facebook_token)
Example #7
    def decorated_function(*args, **kw):

        # if we got an apikey...
        apikey = arg_str('apikey', default=None)
        if not apikey:
            raise AuthError('An apikey is required for this request.')

        # get the user object.
        user = User.query\

        # if it doesn't exist, throw an error
        if not user:
            raise ForbiddenError('Invalid apikey')

        kw['user'] = user
        return f(*args, **kw)
Example #8
def org_remove_user(user, org_id_slug, user_email):

    if not user.admin:
        raise AuthError('You must be an admin to remove a user from an Org.')

    # fetch org
    org = fetch_by_id_or_field(Org, 'slug', org_id_slug)

    # if it still doesn't exist, raise an error.
    if not org:
        raise NotFoundError('This Org does not exist.')

    # localize

    # ensure the active user can edit this Org
    if user.id not in org.user_ids:
        raise ForbiddenError("You are not allowed to access this Org.")

    # get this existing user by id / email
    existing_user = fetch_by_id_or_field(User, 'email', user_email)

    if not existing_user:
        raise RequestError('User "{}" does not yet exist'.format(user_email))

    # ensure that user is not already a part of this Org.
    if existing_user.id not in org.user_ids:
        raise RequestError('User "{}" is not a part of Org "{}"'.format(
            existing_user.email, org.name))

    # remove the user from the org

    # if we're force-deleting the user, do so
    # but make sure their recipes are re-assigned
    # to the super-user
    if arg_bool('force', False):
        cmd = "UPDATE recipes set user_id={} WHERE user_id={}"\
              .format(org.super_user.id, existing_user.id)

    return delete_response()
Example #9
def org_create_user(user, org_id_slug):

    if not user.admin:
        raise AuthError('You must be an admin to create a user for an Org.')

    # get the form.
    req_data = request_data()
    email = req_data.get('email')
    password = req_data.get('password')
    name = req_data.get('name')
    admin = req_data.get('admin', False)

    if not all([email, password, name]):
        raise RequestError(
            'An email, password, and name are required to create a User.')

    # fetch org
    org = fetch_by_id_or_field(Org, 'slug', org_id_slug)

    # if it still doesn't exist, raise an error.
    if not org:
        raise NotFoundError('This Org does not exist.')

    # localize

    # ensure the active user can edit this Org
    if user.id not in org.user_ids:
        raise ForbiddenError("You are not allowed to access this Org.")

    if User.query.filter_by(email=email).first():
        raise RequestError(
            'A User with email "{}" already exists'.format(email))

    if not mail.validate(email):
        raise RequestError('{} is an invalid email address.'.format(email))

    new_org_user = User(email=email, password=password, name=name, admin=admin)


    return jsonify(new_org_user)
def ga_auth(user, org):

    # raise error when configurations are not provided.
    if not settings.GA_ENABLED:
        raise AuthError(
            'You must provide a "google_analytics_client_id" and ' +
            '"google_analytics_client_secret in your ' +
            'NewsLynx configuration to enable Google Analytics integration. ' +
            'See https://developers.google.com/analytics/ for details on how to create '
            + 'an application on Google Analytics.')

    # store the user / apikey in the session:
    session['apikey'] = user.apikey
    session['org_id'] = org.id
    session['redirect_uri'] = request.args.get('redirect_uri')

    # Get Auth Url
    authorize_url = ga_oauth.step1_get_authorize_url()

    # Send the user to the auth URL.
    return redirect(authorize_url)
Example #11
def org_add_user(user, org_id, user_email):

    if not user.admin:
        raise AuthError('You must be an admin to add a user to an Org.')

    # fetch org
    org = fetch_by_id_or_field(Org, 'slug', org_id)

    if not org:
        raise NotFoundError('Org {} does not exist.'.format(org_id))

    # ensure the active user can edit this Org
    if user.id not in org.user_ids:
        raise ForbiddenError('You are not allowed to edit this Org.')

    # localize

    # get this new user by id / email
    new_org_user = fetch_by_id_or_field(User, 'email', user_email)

    # get the form.
    req_data = request_data()
    email = req_data.get('email')
    name = req_data.get('name')
    admin = req_data.get('admin', False)
    password = req_data.get('password')

    if email and not mail.validate(email):
        raise RequestError('{} is an invalid email address.'.format(email))

    # insert
    if not new_org_user:
        if not all([email, password, name]):
            raise RequestError(
                'An email, password, and name are required to create a User.')

        new_org_user = User(email=email,

    # ensure the active user can edit this Org
    elif new_org_user.id not in org.user_ids:
        raise ForbiddenError("You are not allowed to access this Org.")

    # update
    if name:
        new_org_user.name = name
    if email:
        new_org_user.email = email
    if admin:
        new_org_user.admin = admin
    if password:

    new_org_user.admin = admin
    return jsonify(new_org_user)