def __init__(self, filename=None, text=None, **bigram_parameters): if filename: with open(filename) as fp: self.text = elif text: self.text = text else: print "Error: need to pass in either filename or text" pairs = zip(*map(lambda x: x.strip().split(' '), \ filter(bool, self.text.strip().split('\n')))) self.tags = pairs[0] self.observations = pairs[1] self.observation_set = set(self.observations) self.tag_buckets = {} self.tag_counts = {} for index, tag in enumerate(self.tags): if tag in self.tag_buckets: self.tag_counts[tag] += 1 if self.observations[index] in self.tag_buckets[tag]: self.tag_buckets[tag][self.observations[index]] += 1 else: self.tag_buckets[tag][self.observations[index]] = 1 else: self.tag_counts[tag] = 1 self.tag_buckets[tag]= {self.observations[index]: 1} self.bigram_model = Bigram(prepared_tokens=self.tags, **bigram_parameters) self.likelihood_cache, self.prior_cache, self.in_vocab_cache = {}, {}, {}
class HiddenMarkovModel(): def __init__(self, filename=None, text=None, **bigram_parameters): if filename: with open(filename) as fp: self.text = elif text: self.text = text else: print "Error: need to pass in either filename or text" pairs = zip(*map(lambda x: x.strip().split(' '), \ filter(bool, self.text.strip().split('\n')))) self.tags = pairs[0] self.observations = pairs[1] self.observation_set = set(self.observations) self.tag_buckets = {} self.tag_counts = {} for index, tag in enumerate(self.tags): if tag in self.tag_buckets: self.tag_counts[tag] += 1 if self.observations[index] in self.tag_buckets[tag]: self.tag_buckets[tag][self.observations[index]] += 1 else: self.tag_buckets[tag][self.observations[index]] = 1 else: self.tag_counts[tag] = 1 self.tag_buckets[tag]= {self.observations[index]: 1} self.bigram_model = Bigram(prepared_tokens=self.tags, **bigram_parameters) self.likelihood_cache, self.prior_cache, self.in_vocab_cache = {}, {}, {} def getPriorProbability(self, bigram): first, second = bigram if first not in self.prior_cache: self.prior_cache[first] = { second: self.bigram_model.get_probability(bigram)} elif second not in self.prior_cache[first]: self.prior_cache[first][second] = self.bigram_model.get_probability(bigram) return self.prior_cache[first][second] def getLikelihoodProbability(self, word, tag): try: value = self.likelihood_cache[word][tag] except KeyError: if tag not in self.tag_buckets or word not in self.tag_buckets[tag]: value = 0. else: value = float(self.tag_buckets[tag][word])/float(self.tag_counts[tag]) if word not in self.likelihood_cache: self.likelihood_cache[word] = { tag: value} elif tag not in self.likelihood_cache[word]: self.likelihood_cache[word][tag] = value return value def isInVocabulary(self, word): if word not in self.in_vocab_cache: self.in_vocab_cache[word] = word in self.observation_set return self.in_vocab_cache[word]