Example #1
    def __init__(self, game_key = None, cum_stats = {}):

        # conversion to GameKey from tuple allowed
        self.game_key = game_key if hasattr(game_key, 'to_tuple') else GameKey(key_tup=game_key)

        self.toi = TOI(self.game_key)
        """The :py:class:`.TOI` summary"""

        self.rosters = Rosters(self.game_key)
        """The :py:class:`.Rosters` summary"""

        self.summary = getGameSummary(self.game_key)

        self.face_off_comp = FaceOffComparison(self.game_key)
        """The :py:class:`.FaceOffComparison` summary"""

        self.play_by_play = PlayByPlay(self.game_key, cum_stats)
        """The :py:class:`.PlayByPlay` summary"""

        self.event_summary = EventSummary(self.game_key)
        """The :py:class:`.EventSummary` summary"""
Example #2
    def test_face_off_comparison(self):
        from nhlscrapi.games.game import GameKey
        from nhlscrapi.games.faceoffcomp import FaceOffComparison

        gk = GameKey(2015, 3,
                     224)  # 2015, playoffs (3), NYR/WSH game 3 (game 224)
        foc = FaceOffComparison(gk)

            hth = foc.head_to_head(21, 21)  # laich v stepan
        except Exception as e:
            self.assertEqual(0, 1, 'Loading error: {0}'.format(e))

        # stepan 2/4 overall
        self.assertEqual(hth['away']['all'], {'won': 2, 'total': 4})

        # laich 1/1 in the defensive zone
        self.assertEqual(hth['home']['def'], {'won': 1, 'total': 1})

        # equivalently, stepan 0/1 in offensive
        self.assertEqual(hth['away']['off'], {'won': 0, 'total': 1})

        # face off win %
        rnd = {k: round(v, 2) for k, v in foc.fo_pct.items()}
        self.assertEqual(rnd, {'home': 0.57, 'away': 0.43})

        # neut zone face off records
        self.assertEqual(foc.by_zone['away']['neut'], {'won': 10, 'total': 24})
        self.assertEqual(foc.by_zone['home']['neut'], {'won': 14, 'total': 24})

        # neut zone face off %
        self.assertEqual(round(foc.fo_pct_by_zone['away']['neut'], 2), 0.42)

        # away off/home def zone face off records
        self.assertEqual(foc.by_zone['away']['off'], {'won': 9, 'total': 23})
        self.assertEqual(foc.by_zone['home']['def'], {'won': 14, 'total': 23})