Example #1
    def check_cache_dirs(self):
        @brief Check existence of object cache directories and create if necessary
        @retval string pathname for temporaries directory
        @throwIOError if file operations go wrong

        The storage_root directory has to be created and writeable before
        starting the server.

        For the rest of the tree, directories will be created if they do not

        The temporaries directory will also be be created if it does not exist
        and its pathname returned as the result of sucessfuloperations.

        Directories are checked to see they are readable, writeable and
        searchable if they exist.

        If an file IO operation fails, the appropriate exception is raised,
        logged and propagated. 
        if not os.path.isdir(self.storage_root):
            self.logerror("Storage root directory %s does not exist." %
            raise IOError("Storage root directory does not exist")

        # There is only one tree for the content files - metadata is in Redis
        for tree_name in (self.NDO_DIR,):
            tree_root = "%s%s" % (self.storage_root, tree_name)
            if not os.path.isdir(tree_root):
                self.loginfo("Creating object cache tree directory: %s" %
                    os.mkdir(tree_root, 0755)
                except Exception, e:
                    self.logerror("Unable to create tree directory %s : %s." % \
                                  (tree_root, str(e)))
            for auth_name in NIname.get_all_algs():
                dir_name = "%s%s" % (tree_root, auth_name)
                if not os.path.isdir(dir_name):
                    self.loginfo("Creating object cache directory: %s" %
                        os.mkdir(dir_name, 0755)
                    except Exception, e:
                        self.logerror("Unable to create cache directory %s : %s." %
                                      (dir_name, str(e)))
                elif not os.access(dir_name, os.R_OK | os.W_OK | os.X_OK):
                    self.logerror("Existing cache directory %s does not have rwx"
                                  "access permissions." % dir_name)
                    raise OSError("Cannot access cache directory")
Example #2
    def cache_list(self, alg_list = None):
        @brief Construct a dictionary listing current cache contents for
               specified digest algorithms 
        @param alg_list list of strings of digest algorithm names or None (= all)
        @return dictionary with listing or None

        Check if alg_list contains valid names - or get all from NIname.
        Return None if no valid names

        Read the metadata directory entries for selected algorithm names
        Build a dictionary with an entry for each selected algorithm name
        Value for each is an array of objects with two entries:
        - "dgst": digest (ni format)
        - "ce":   boolean indicating if content file exists

        Return dictionary constructed if alg_list contains known algorithms
        Return None if anything goes wrong and log infomational message.

        Note that we don't use the lock here.  At present cache entries are
        never explicitly deleted so the worst that can happen is that the
        listing is shy of a (very) few last microsedond entries
        all_algs = NIname.get_all_algs()
        if alg_list is None:
            alg_list = all_algs
            for alg in alg_list:
                if not alg in all_algs:
                    self.loginfo("cache_list: Unknown algorithm name requested %s" %
                    return None
        rslt = {}
        for alg in alg_list:
            mfd = "%s%s%s" % (self.storage_root, self.META_DIR, alg)
            cfd = "%s%s%s" % (self.storage_root, self.NDO_DIR, alg)
            entries = []

            # All cache entries are required to have metadata file,
            # and may have content file
                for dgst in os.listdir(mfd):
                    ce = os.path.isfile("%s/%s" % (cfd, dgst))
                    entries.append( { "dgst": dgst, "ce": ce })
            except Exception, e:
                self.logerror("cache_list: error while listing for alg %s: %s" %
                              (alg, str(e)))
                return None
            rslt[alg] = entries