Example #1
def orient_by_streamline(streamlines,
    Orient a bundle of streamlines to a standard streamline.

    streamlines : Streamlines, list
        The input streamlines to orient.
    standard : Streamlines, list, or ndarrray
        This provides the standard orientation according to which the
        streamlines in the provided bundle should be reoriented.
    n_points: int, optional
        The number of samples to apply to each of the streamlines.
    in_place : bool
        Whether to make the change in-place in the original input
        (and return a reference), or to make a copy of the list
        and return this copy, with the relevant streamlines reoriented.
        Default: False.
    as_generator : bool
        Whether to return a generator as output. Default: False
    affine : ndarray
        Affine transformation from voxels to streamlines. Default: identity.

    Streamlines : with each individual array oriented to be as similar as
        possible to the standard.

    # Start by resampling, so that distance calculation is easy:
    fgarray = set_number_of_points(streamlines, n_points)
    std_array = set_number_of_points([standard], n_points)

    if as_generator:
        if in_place:
            w_s = "Cannot return a generator when in_place is set to True"
            raise ValueError(w_s)
        return _orient_by_sl_generator(streamlines, std_array, fgarray)

    # If it's a generator on input, we may as well generate it
    # here and now:
    if isinstance(streamlines, types.GeneratorType):
        out = Streamlines(streamlines)

    elif in_place:
        out = streamlines
        # Make a copy, so you don't change the output in place:
        out = deepcopy(streamlines)

    return _orient_by_sl_list(out, std_array, fgarray)
Example #2
 def read_tracks(self):
     """ read the entire tractography
     I = self.offsets[:]
     TR = self.tracks[:]
     tracks = Streamlines()
     for i in range(len(I) - 1):
         off0, off1 = I[i:i + 2]
     return tracks
Example #3
def values_from_volume(data, streamlines, affine=None):
    """Extract values of a scalar/vector along each streamline from a volume.

    data : 3D or 4D array
        Scalar (for 3D) and vector (for 4D) values to be extracted. For 4D
        data, interpolation will be done on the 3 spatial dimensions in each

    streamlines : ndarray or list
        If array, of shape (n_streamlines, n_nodes, 3)
        If list, len(n_streamlines) with (n_nodes, 3) array in
        each element of the list.

    affine : ndarray, shape (4, 4)
        Affine transformation from voxels (image coordinates) to streamlines.
        Default: identity. For example, if no affine is provided and the first
        coordinate of the first streamline is ``[1, 0, 0]``, data[1, 0, 0]
        would be returned as the value for that streamline coordinate

    array or list (depending on the input) : values interpolate to each
        coordinate along the length of each streamline.

    Values are extracted from the image based on the 3D coordinates of the
    nodes that comprise the points in the streamline, without any interpolation
    into segments between the nodes. Using this function with streamlines that
    have been resampled into a very small number of nodes will result in very
    few values.
    data = np.asarray(data)
    if len(data.shape) == 4:
        if data.shape[-1] == 3:
            return _extract_vals(data,
        if isinstance(streamlines, types.GeneratorType):
            streamlines = Streamlines(streamlines)
        vals = []
        for ii in range(data.shape[-1]):
                _extract_vals(data[..., ii], streamlines, affine=affine))

        if isinstance(vals[-1], np.ndarray):
            return np.swapaxes(np.array(vals), 2, 1).T
            new_vals = []
            for sl_idx in range(len(streamlines)):
                sl_vals = []
                for ii in range(data.shape[-1]):
            return new_vals

    elif len(data.shape) == 3:
        return _extract_vals(data, streamlines, affine=affine)
        raise ValueError("Data needs to have 3 or 4 dimensions")
Example #4
def orient_by_rois(streamlines,
    """Orient a set of streamlines according to a pair of ROIs

    streamlines : list or generator
        List or generator of 2d arrays of 3d coordinates. Each array contains
        the xyz coordinates of a single streamline.
    roi1, roi2 : ndarray
        Binary masks designating the location of the regions of interest, or
        coordinate arrays (n-by-3 array with ROI coordinate in each row).
    in_place : bool
        Whether to make the change in-place in the original list
        (and return a reference to the list), or to make a copy of the list
        and return this copy, with the relevant streamlines reoriented.
        Default: False.
    as_generator : bool
        Whether to return a generator as output. Default: False
    affine : ndarray
        Affine transformation from voxels to streamlines. Default: identity.

    streamlines : list or generator
        The same 3D arrays as a list or generator, but reoriented with respect
        to the ROIs

    >>> streamlines = [np.array([[0, 0., 0],
    ...                          [1, 0., 0.],
    ...                          [2, 0., 0.]]),
    ...                np.array([[2, 0., 0.],
    ...                          [1, 0., 0],
    ...                          [0, 0,  0.]])]
    >>> roi1 = np.zeros((4, 4, 4), dtype=bool)
    >>> roi2 = np.zeros_like(roi1)
    >>> roi1[0, 0, 0] = True
    >>> roi2[1, 0, 0] = True
    >>> orient_by_rois(streamlines, roi1, roi2)
    [array([[ 0.,  0.,  0.],
           [ 1.,  0.,  0.],
           [ 2.,  0.,  0.]]), array([[ 0.,  0.,  0.],
           [ 1.,  0.,  0.],
           [ 2.,  0.,  0.]])]

    # If we don't already have coordinates on our hands:
    if len(roi1.shape) == 3:
        roi1 = np.asarray(np.where(roi1.astype(bool))).T
    if len(roi2.shape) == 3:
        roi2 = np.asarray(np.where(roi2.astype(bool))).T

    if affine is not None:
        roi1 = apply_affine(affine, roi1)
        roi2 = apply_affine(affine, roi2)

    if as_generator:
        if in_place:
            w_s = "Cannot return a generator when in_place is set to True"
            raise ValueError(w_s)
        return _orient_by_roi_generator(streamlines, roi1, roi2)

    # If it's a generator on input, we may as well generate it
    # here and now:
    if isinstance(streamlines, types.GeneratorType):
        out = Streamlines(streamlines)

    elif in_place:
        out = streamlines
        # Make a copy, so you don't change the output in place:
        out = deepcopy(streamlines)

    return _orient_by_roi_list(out, roi1, roi2)