async def updatexxx(message): if not utils.get_arg(message): os.popen("git fetch") await message.edit("<i>Checking...</i>") await asyncio.sleep(1) updates = os.popen( "git log --pretty=format:'%s - %an (%cr)' --abbrev-commit" " --date=relative master..origin/master").readlines() if updates: ls = "<b>Updates:</b>\n\n" for i in updates: ls += f"◍ <i>{i.capitalize()}</i>" await message.edit( f"{ls}\n\n<b>Type</b> <i>.update now</i> <b>to update</b>") else: await message.edit("<i>Well, no updates yet</i>") return print(utils.get_arg(message)) await message.edit("<i>Updating</i>") update = os.popen("git pull").read() if "up to date" not in update: await message.edit(f"<i>Succesfully Updated</i>") await asyncio.sleep(1.5) await Misc.restartxxx(message) else: await message.edit(f"<i>{update}</i>")
async def disapprovexxx(message): """Prevents that person to PM you, you can either reply to user, type their username or use this in their chat""" id = None if not utils.get_arg(message) else ( await message.client.get_entity(utils.get_arg(message))).id reply = None if not message.is_reply else ( await message.get_reply_message()).sender_id chat = None if not hasattr(message.to_id, "user_id") else message.chat_id if not reply and not id and not chat: await message.edit("<b>No user found</b>") return pick = reply if not id and not chat else id or chat if pick == (await message.client.get_me()).id: await message.edit( "<b>Why would you wanna disapprove yourself?</b>") return if not await nicedb.check_approved(pick): await message.edit("<i>User is not approved</i>") return else: await nicedb.disapprove(pick) await message.edit( "<a href=tg://user?id={}>{}</a> <b>is disapproved to PM you now</b>" .format(pick, (await message.client.get_entity(pick)).first_name))
async def kangxxx(message): """Kangs a sticker or photo into you pack""" reply = await message.get_reply_message() if not and not reply.sticker: await message.edit("<i>Reply to an image or get out</i>") return img = await reply.download_media() await Stickers.resize(message, img) packid = await settings.check_pack() if not packid: msg = "<i>You have no sticker pack set, so I'm creating a new pack</i>" task = "/newpack" pn = pn = "NiceGrill" if not message.sender.username else message.sender.username.capitalize( ) result = ( "<i>Your new pack has been created.</i>\n" "<i>Click</i> <a href={}>Here</a> " "<i>to access it</i>") name, emoji, done, packid = False, False, False, False await Stickers.kang(message, msg, task, name, emoji, done, packid, result) else: msg = random.choice(Stickers.STRINGS) task = "/addsticker" result = ( "<i>Sticker kanged succesfully.</i>\n" "<i>Click</i> <a href={}>Here</a> " "<i>to access it</i>".format(packid)) emoji = utils.get_arg(message) if utils.get_arg(message) else False name, done = True, True await Stickers.kang(message, msg, task, name, emoji, done, packid, result)
async def codenamexxx(request): """ search for android codename """ textx = await request.get_reply_message() brand = utils.get_arg(request).split()[0].lower() device = utils.get_arg(request).split()[1].lower() if brand and device: pass elif textx: brand = textx.text.split(' ')[0] device = ' '.join(textx.text.split(' ')[1:]) else: await request.edit("<code>Usage: .codename <brand> <device></code>" ) return found = [ i for i in get(DEVICES_DATA).json() if i["brand"].lower() == brand and device in i["name"].lower() ] if len(found) > 8: found = found[:8] if found: reply = f'Search results for {brand.capitalize()} {device.capitalize()}:\n\n' for item in found: brand = item['brand'] name = item['name'] codename = item['device'] model = item['model'] reply += f'{brand} {name}\n' \ f'<b>Codename</b>: <code>{codename}</code>\n' \ f'<b>Model</b>: {model}\n\n' else: reply = f"<code>Couldn't find {device} codename!</code>\n" await request.edit(reply)
async def getpastexxx(message): if message.is_reply: reply = await message.get_reply_message() link = False for entity in reply.entities: if isinstance(entity, MessageEntityUrl): link = reply.message[entity.offset:entity.offset + entity.length] if not link: await message.edit("<i>You didn't specify a dogbin URL</i>") return await message.edit("<i>Fetching..</i>") elif utils.get_arg(message): link = utils.get_arg(message) await message.edit("<i>Fetching..</i>") else: await message.edit("<i>You didn't specify a dogbin URL</i>") return if not link.startswith(f"{URL}"): await message.edit("<i>Not a valid URL</i>") return if "raw" in link.split("/"): getpaste = get(link) else: link = link.split("/") link.insert(-1, "raw") print(link) link = "/".join(link) getpaste = get(link) await message.edit(getpaste.text)
async def purgemexxx(message): """Perfect tool(like you 🥰) for a spring cleaning\n Purges the chat with a given message count or till the replied message but only your messages """ client = message.client count = int(utils.get_arg(message)) + \ 1 if utils.get_arg(message).isdigit() else None msgs = [] if not count and not message.is_reply: await message.edit("<b>Enter a number or reply to a message</b>") return elif not count and message.is_reply: count = (await message.get_reply_message()).id - 1 async for msg in client.iter_messages(message.chat_id, from_user='******', limit=count, min_id=count): msgs.append( await client.delete_messages(message.chat_id, msgs) success = (await client.send_message( message.chat_id, "<b>Purge has been successful. This message will disappear in 3 seconds.</b>" )) await asyncio.sleep(3) await client.delete_messages(message.chat_id,
async def setcityxxx(message): """Sets a default city so that you don't have to type it everytime""" if not utils.get_arg(message): await settings.delete("City") await message.edit("<b>Saved city name removed</b>") return await settings.delete("City") await settings.set_city(utils.get_arg(message)) await message.edit("<b>Successfully saved</b>")
async def lmgtfyxxx(message): keyword = ((await message.get_reply_message()).message if not utils.get_arg(message) else utils.get_arg(message)) if not keyword: await message.edit( "<i>You didn't specify a keyword. Reply to a message" " or enter a keyword</i>") return link = f"{keyword.replace(' ', '+')}" reply_id = ((await message.get_reply_message()).id if message.is_reply else None) await message.edit(link)
async def specsxxx(request): """ Mobile devices specifications """ textx = await request.get_reply_message() brand = utils.get_arg(request).split(",")[0].lower() device = utils.get_arg(request).split(",")[1].lower() if brand and device: pass elif textx: brand = textx.text.split(',')[0] device = ' '.join(textx.text.split(',')[1]) else: await request.edit("<code>Usage: .specs <brand> <device></code>") return all_brands = BeautifulSoup( get('').content, 'lxml').find('div', { 'class': 'brand-listing-container-news' }).findAll('a') brand_page_url = None try: brand_page_url = [ i['href'] for i in all_brands if brand == i.text.strip().lower() ][0] except IndexError: await request.edit(f'<code>{brand} is unknown brand!</code>') devices = BeautifulSoup(get(brand_page_url).content, 'lxml') \ .findAll('div', {'class': 'model-listing-container-80'}) device_page_url = None try: device_page_url = [ i.a['href'] for i in BeautifulSoup(str(devices), 'lxml').findAll('h3') if device in i.text.strip().lower() ] except IndexError: await request.edit(f"<code>can't find {device}!</code>") if len(device_page_url) > 2: device_page_url = device_page_url[:2] reply = '' for url in device_page_url: info = BeautifulSoup(get(url).content, 'lxml') reply = '\n<b>' + info.title.text.split( '-')[0].strip() + '</b>\n\n' info = info.find('div', {'id': 'model-brief-specifications'}) specifications = re.findall(r'<b>.*?<br/>', str(info)) for item in specifications: title = re.findall(r'<b>(.*?)</b>', item)[0].strip() data = re.findall(r'</b>: (.*?)<br/>', item)[0]\ .replace('<b>', '').replace('</b>', '').strip() reply += f'<b>{title}</b>: {data}\n' await request.edit(reply)
async def setgfolderxxx(message): """Specifies what folder your downloads go in in your drive""" gservice = GoogleDrive.get_service() gservice.auth() folder = gservice.list_folders_by_name(utils.get_arg(message))[0]["id"] if not folder: folder = gservice.create_folder(utils.get_arg(message)) await message.edit( "<b>You dont have this folder in your drive so i created it for you</b>" ) await settings.delete("GFolder") await settings.set_gfolder(folder) await message.edit("<b>Succesfully saved</b>")
async def promotexxx(message): await message.edit("<b>Promoting...</b>") chat = message.input_chat try: user = ( (await message.client.get_entity(utils.get_arg(message))).id if not message.is_reply else (await message.get_reply_message()) except ValueError: await message.edit("<b>No user found in that name</b>") return try: await message.client(EditAdminRequest(chat, user, PROMOTE, "Admin")) await message.edit("<b>Successfully promoted</b>") except TypeError: await message.edit("<b>Are you sure this is a genuine chat?</b>") except AdminsTooMuchError: await message.edit("<b>There are too many admins in this chat</b>") except UserPrivacyRestrictedError: await message.edit("<b>The user's privacy settings do not allow you to do this</b>") except UserNotMutualContactError: await message.edit("<b>The provided user is not a mutual contact</b>") except UserIdInvalidError: await message.edit("<b>Specified user is a no go</b>") except UserCreatorError: await message.edit("<b>Wtf, that is the chat owner..</b>") except RightForbiddenError: await message.edit( "<b>You either don't have enough permissions or there's something wrong with the admin rights</b>") except ChatAdminRequiredError: await message.edit("<b>Oh honey, I'm not admin enough to promote this user 🙄</b>")
async def pastexxx(message): msg = utils.get_arg(message) repmsg = await message.get_reply_message() if repmsg: await message.edit("<i>Pasting..</i>") if repmsg.document and repmsg.document.mime_type == "text/plain": doc = await repmsg.download_media() with open(doc, "r") as file: context = os.remove(doc) elif repmsg.message: context = repmsg.message.encode() else: await message.edit( "<i>Input or reply to some text to paste</i>") return paste = post(f"{URL}documents", data=context).json() elif msg: await message.edit("<i>Pasting..</i>") paste = post(f"{URL}documents", data=msg.encode()).json() else: await message.edit("<i>Input or reply to some text to paste</i>") return if paste["key"]: await message.edit("<i>Your text pasted successfully.\n" f"Here's the link:</i> {URL + paste['key']}") else: await message.edit("<i>Something went wrong</i>")
async def twrpxxx(request): """ get android device twrp """ textx = await request.get_reply_message() device = utils.get_arg(request) if device: pass elif textx: device = textx.text.split(' ')[0] else: await request.edit("<code>Usage: .twrp <codename></code>") return url = get(f'{device}/') if url.status_code == 404: reply = f"<code>Couldn't find twrp downloads for {device}!</code>\n" await request.edit(reply) return page = BeautifulSoup(url.content, 'lxml') download = page.find('table').find('tr').find('a') dl_link = f"{download['href']}" dl_file = download.text size = page.find("span", {"class": "filesize"}).text date = page.find("em").text.strip() reply = f'<b>Latest TWRP for {device}:</b>\n' \ f'[{dl_file}]({dl_link}) - <i>{size}</i>\n' \ f'<b>Updated:</b> <i>{date}</i>\n' await request.edit(reply)
async def langxxx(message): lang = utils.get_arg(message) if lang: TextToSpeech.TTS_LANG = lang await message.edit("<i>Dil ayarlandı</i>") else: await message.edit("<i>Dil belirle moron</i>")
async def evalxxx(message): """A nice tool (like you 🥰) to test python codes""" args = utils.get_arg(message).strip() caption = "<b>⬤ Evaluated expression:</b>\n<code>{}</code>\n\n<b>⬤ Result:</b>\n".format( args) preserve_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = StringIO() try: res = str(await meval(args, globals(), **await Python.funcs(message))) except Exception: caption = "<b>⬤ Evaluation failed:</b>\n<code>{}</code>\n\n<b>⬤ Result:</b>\n".format( args) etype, value, tb = sys.exc_info() res = ''.join(traceback.format_exception(etype, value, None, 0)) sys.stdout = preserve_stdout try: val = sys.stdout.getvalue() except AttributeError: val = None printed = f"<b>⬤ Printed Result:</b>\n<code>{html.escape(val) if val else 'None'}</code>" sys.stdout = preserve_stdout try: await message.edit(caption + f"<code>{html.escape(res)}</code>\n\n{printed}") except MessageTooLongError: res = textwrap.wrap(res, 4096-len(caption)) await message.edit(caption + f"<code>{res[0]}</code>") for part in res[1::]: await asyncio.sleep(1) await message.reply(f"<code>{part}</code>")
async def devicexxx(request): """ get android device basic info from its codename """ textx = await request.get_reply_message() device = utils.get_arg(request) if device: pass elif textx: device = textx.text else: await request.edit( "<code>Usage: .device <codename> / <model></code>") return found = [ i for i in get(DEVICES_DATA).json() if i["device"] == device or i["model"] == device ] if found: reply = f'Search results for {device}:\n\n' for item in found: brand = item['brand'] name = item['name'] codename = item['device'] model = item['model'] reply += f'{brand} {name}\n' \ f'<b>Codename</b>: <code>{codename}</code>\n' \ f'<b>Model</b>: {model}\n\n' else: reply = f"<code>Couldn't find info about {device}!</code>\n" await request.edit(reply)
async def unmutexxx(message): await message.edit("<b>Unmuting...</b>") chat = message.input_chat try: user = ( (await message.client.get_entity(utils.get_arg(message))).id if not message.is_reply else (await message.get_reply_message()) except ValueError: await message.edit("<b>No user found in that name</b>") return if not await nicedb.check_user(user): await nicedb.add_user(user, False, False, False, message.chat_id) else: await nicedb.update_user({"User": user}, {"Mute": False}) try: await message.client(EditBannedRequest(chat, user, UNMUTE)) # add_unmuted(user) await message.edit("<b>Unmuted</b>") except TypeError: await message.edit("<b>You need to be in a chat to do this</b>") return except TypeError: await message.edit("<b>You need to be in a chat to do this</b>") return except UserAdminInvalidError: await message.edit("<b>You're either not an admin or that's more admin than you</b>") except UserIdInvalidError: await message.edit("<b>Specified user is a no go</b>") except ChatAdminRequiredError: await message.edit("<b>Oh honey, I'm not admin enough to unmute this user 🙄</b>")
async def unbanxxx(message): chat = message.input_chat try: user = ((await message.client.get_entity( utils.get_arg(message))).id if not message.is_reply else (await message.get_reply_message()) except ValueError: await message.edit("<b>No user found in that name</b>") return try: await message.client(EditBannedRequest(chat, user, UNBAN)) await message.edit( "<b>Alright, fine..All is forgiven, unbanned..</b>") except TypeError: await message.edit("<b>You need to be in a chat to do this</b>") return except UserAdminInvalidError: await message.edit( "<b>You're either not an admin or that's more admin than you</b>" ) except UserIdInvalidError: await message.edit("<b>Specified user is a no go</b>") except ChatAdminRequiredError: await message.edit( "<b>Oh honey, I'm not admin enough to unban this user 🙄</b>" )
async def kickxxx(message): chat = message.input_chat try: user = ((await message.client.get_entity( utils.get_arg(message))).id if not message.is_reply else (await message.get_reply_message()) except ValueError: await message.edit("<b>No user found in that name</b>") return try: await message.client( EditBannedRequest( chat, user, ChatBannedRights(until_date=None, view_messages=True))) await message.edit("<b>Kicked...</b>") except TypeError: await message.edit("<b>You need to be in a chat to do this</b>") return except UserAdminInvalidError: await message.edit( "<b>You're either not an admin or that's more admin than you</b>" ) except UserIdInvalidError: await message.edit("<b>Specified user is a no go</b>") except ChatAdminRequiredError: await message.edit( "<b>Oh honey, I'm not admin enough to kick this user 🙄</b>")
async def gdrivexxx(message): """Uploads the replied media or input url to your gdrive with a progressbar""" gservice = GoogleDrive.get_service() gservice.auth() # await message.edit("<b>Check your terminal screen for authorization # link</b>") arg = utils.get_arg(message) if message.is_reply or arg.startswith("http") or arg.startswith("www"): file = (await dl.dlxxx(message)).split("/") elif "/" not in arg: file = arg.split("/") if await settings.check_gfolder(): folder = await settings.check_gfolder() elif gservice.list_folders_by_name('Telegram'): folder = gservice.list_folders_by_name('Telegram')[0]["id"] else: folder = gservice.create_folder('Telegram') await message.edit("<i>Uploading to GDrive</i>") try: up = gservice.upload_file(file[-1], "/".join(file), folder) except MemoryError: await message.edit("<b>Your drive is full</b>") return except NameError: await message.edit("<b>This file type is not supported</b>") return except FileNotFoundError: await message.edit("<b>This file doesn't exist</b>") return await message.edit( f"<i>{file[-1]}</i> <b>uploaded to your GDrive folder. </b>" f"<a href={gservice.anyone_permission(up)}>Click Here</a> <b>to access it</b>" ) os.remove("/".join(file))
async def helpxxx(message): funcs = {} for cls in mods: for func in mods[cls]: funcs.update(mods[cls]) help = " \n•{}•".format("<b>Help</b>".center(85)) name = utils.get_arg(message) if name and (name in funcs or name in classinfo): for cmd, value in funcs.items(): if name == cmd: templ = ( "{}\n\n<b>Here's the help for</b> <i>{}</i> <b>command:</b>\n\n" .format(help, cmd)) await message.edit( templ + funcs[cmd].__doc__) if value.__doc__ else await message.edit( "<b>No help found for that command</b>") return for cls in classinfo: if name == cls: templ = ( "{}\n\n<b>Here's the commands in</b> <i>{}</i> <b>module:</b>\n\n" .format(help, cls)) await message.edit( templ + ", ".join(classinfo[cls])) return elif name: await message.edit("<b>There's nothing found under that name</b>") return for cls in classinfo: help += "\n\n<b>⬤ {}:</b>\n<i>".format(cls) help += ", ".join(classinfo[cls]) + "</i>" await message.edit(help)
async def clearxxx(message): args = utils.get_arg(message) chatid = message.chat_id if not await nicedb.check_one("Notes", chatid, args): await message.edit("<b>No notes found in that name</b>") return await nicedb.delete_one("Notes", chatid, args) await message.edit("<b>Note deleted successfully</b>")
async def execxxx(message): """A nice tool (like you 🥰) to test python codes There's no output on this one tho""" args = utils.get_arg(message).strip() try: await meval(args, globals(), **await Python.funcs(message)) except Exception as e: Python.logger.error(e)
async def weatherxxx(message): """Shows the weather of specified city""" if not await settings.check_city() and not utils.get_arg(message): await message.edit("<b>Enter a city name first</b>") return city = await settings.check_city( ) if not utils.get_arg(message) else utils.get_arg(message) weather = wtr.find(city) await message.edit( f"<b>City:</b> <i>{weather['weather']['city']}</i>\n" f"<b>Temperature:</b> <i>{round(weather['weather']['temp'])}°C</i>\n" f"<b>Pressure:</b> <i>{weather['weather']['pressure']} hPa</i>\n" f"<b>Humidity:</b> <i>{weather['weather']['humidity']}%</i>\n" f"<b>Latency:</b> <i>{weather['weather']['lat']}</i>\n" f"<b>Status:</b> <i>{weather['main']}</i>\n" f"<b>Description:</b> <i>{weather['description'].capitalize()}</i>\n" f"<b>Wind Speed:</b> <i>{weather['wind']['speed']} m/s</i>\n")
async def quotefxxx(message): """Converts the replied message into an independent sticker""" reply = message user = await message.client.get_entity( utils.get_arg(message).split(",")[0]) reply.text = utils.get_arg(message).split(",")[1].strip() await message.delete() msg = reply.text repliedreply = await reply.get_reply_message() res, canvas = await Quote.process(msg, user, message.client, reply) if not res: return'.tmp/sticker.webp') await message.respond(file=".tmp/sticker.webp") os.remove('.tmp/sticker.webp') await message.respond(file=".tmp/sticker.webp") os.remove('.tmp/sticker.webp')
async def afkxxx(message): """AFK means Away from Keyboard ya dummy.. duh!""" msg = utils.get_arg(message) current = str( if not msg: msg = "No Reason" await nicedb.set_afk(msg, current) await message.edit("<b>I'm going AFK</b>")
async def pinxxx(message): reply = await message.get_reply_message() loud = True if utils.get_arg(message) == "loud" else False if not reply: await message.edit("<b>Reply to a message first.</b>") return await message.client.pin_message( message.input_chat,, notify=loud) await message.edit("<b>Pinned succesfully.</b>")
async def ytsxxx(video_q): """ For .yt command, do a YouTube search from Telegram. """ query = utils.get_arg(video_q) if not query: await video_q.edit("<i>Enter a search query.</i>") results = json.loads(YoutubeSearch(str(query), max_results=8).to_json()) text = "" for i in results["videos"]: text += f"<b>◍ {i['title']}</b>\n{i['link']}\n\n" await video_q.edit(text)
async def unblockxxx(message): """Simply unblocks the person..duh!!""" id = None if not utils.get_arg(message) else ( await message.client.get_entity(utils.get_arg(message))).id reply = None if not message.is_reply else ( await message.get_reply_message()).sender_id chat = None if not hasattr(message.to_id, "user_id") else message.chat_id if not reply and not id and not chat: await message.edit("<i>No user found</i>") return pick = reply or id or chat if pick == (await message.client.get_me()).id: await message.edit("<i>Why would you wanna unblock yourself?</i>") return await message.client(functions.contacts.UnblockRequest(id=pick)) await message.edit( "<a href=tg://user?id={}>{}</a> <i>has been unblocked</i>".format( pick, (await message.client.get_entity(pick)).first_name))
async def setpathxxx(message): """Sets a download path, make sure to add / in the end""" pathname = utils.get_arg(message) if not os.path.exists(pathname): os.mkdir(pathname, 0o755) await settings.delete("Path") if await settings.set_path(pathname): await message.edit("<b>Successfully set.</b>") else: await message.edit("<b>Something went wrong.</b>")