Example #1
def indx_cb(indx):

    version = 0 # box version

    def update(data):
        """ Assert data into the INDX.
            If the version is incorrect, the correct version will be grabbed and the update re-sent.

            data -- An object to assert into the box.
        global version
            response = indx.update(version, data)
            version = response['data']['@version'] # update the version
        except Exception as e:
            if isinstance(e, urllib2.HTTPError) and e.code == 409: # handle a version incorrect error, and update the version
                response = e.read()
                json_response = json.loads(response)
                version = json_response['@version']
                update(data) # try updating again now the version is correct
                logging.error("Error updating INDX: {0}".format(e))

    def get_last_date():
            resp = indx.get_by_ids([args['statusid']])
            data = resp['data']
            val = data[args['statusid']]['last_date'][0]
            return val['@value']
        except Exception as e:
            logging.error("Error reading last date (usually means this is the first time this has been run - not a problem), e: {0}".format(e))
            return args['earliest']

    def set_last_date(last_date):
        data = {"@id": args['statusid'], "last_date": last_date}

    def yesterday():
        from datetime import date, timedelta
        yesterday = date.today() - timedelta(1)
        return yesterday.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")

    last_date = get_last_date()

    nikeplus = nikeplus.NikePlus()
    nikeplus.login(args['email'], password)

    activities = nikeplus.get_activities(last_date, yesterday())
    for activity_container in activities:
        for activity in activity_container:
            activity_id = activity['activityId']
            logging.debug("activity id: {0}".format(activity_id))
            detail = nikeplus.get_activity_detail(activity_id)
            logging.debug("activity_details: {0}".format(pprint.pformat(detail)))
            detail['@id'] = "nikeplus-activity-detail-{0}".format(activity_id)
Example #2
""" A simple command-line client to demontrate usage of the library. """

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = "Use the Nike+ API")
parser.add_argument('email', type = str, help = "E-mail address of the user in the Nike+ system")
parser.add_argument('start_date', type = str, help = "Start date, like: 2013-03-20")
parser.add_argument('end_date', type = str, help = "End date, like: 2013-03-21")
parser.add_argument('--debug', default = False, action="store_true", help = "Turn on verbose debugging")

args = vars(parser.parse_args())
password = getpass.getpass()

if args['debug']:
    logging.basicConfig(level = logging.DEBUG)

nikeplus = nikeplus.NikePlus()
nikeplus.login(args['email'], password)

activities = nikeplus.get_activities(args['start_date'], args['end_date'])
#activities_all = []
activitiesDir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'activities')
for activity_list in activities:
    if type(activity_list) != type([]):
        activity_list = [activity_list]
    for activity in activity_list:
        activity_id = activity['activityId']
        activity_timedate = activity['startTime'][0:10] + '_' + activity['startTime'][11:13] + '-' + activity['startTime'][14:16] + '-' + activity['startTime'][17:19]
        logging.debug("activity id: {0}".format(activity_id))
        logging.debug("activity_details: {0}".format(pprint.pformat(nikeplus.get_activity_detail(activity_id))))
        logging.debug("gps_data: {0}".format(pprint.pformat(nikeplus.get_gps_data(activity_id))))