Example #1
def test_full_rank():
    n, p = 10, 5
    X = np.random.randn(n, p)
    X_, _ = full_rank(X)
    assert_array_almost_equal(X, X_)
    X[:, -1] = X[:, :-1].sum(1)
    X_, cond = full_rank(X)
    assert cond > 1.e10
    assert_array_almost_equal(X, X_)
Example #2
def test_full_rank():
    rng = np.random.RandomState(42)
    n, p = 10, 5
    X = rng.standard_normal(size=(n, p))
    X_, _ = full_rank(X)
    assert_array_almost_equal(X, X_)
    X[:, -1] = X[:, :-1].sum(1)
    X_, cond = full_rank(X)
    assert cond > 1.e10
    assert_array_almost_equal(X, X_)
Example #3
def make_first_level_design_matrix(frame_times,
    """Generate a design matrix from the input parameters

    frame_times : array of shape (n_frames,)
        The timing of acquisition of the scans in seconds.

    events : DataFrame instance, optional
        Events data that describes the experimental paradigm.
         The DataFrame instance might have these keys:
            'onset': column to specify the start time of each events in
                     seconds. An error is raised if this key is missing.
            'trial_type': column to specify per-event experimental conditions
                          identifier. If missing each event are labelled
                          'dummy' and considered to form a unique condition.
            'duration': column to specify the duration of each events in
                        seconds. If missing the duration of each events is set
                        to zero.
            'modulation': column to specify the amplitude of each
                          events. If missing the default is set to

        An experimental paradigm is valid if it has an 'onset' key
        and a 'duration' key.
        If these keys are missing an error will be raised.
        For the others keys a warning will be displayed.
        Particular attention should be given to the 'trial_type' key
        which defines the different conditions in the experimental paradigm.

    hrf_model : {'spm', 'spm + derivative', 'spm + derivative + dispersion',
        'glover', 'glover + derivative', 'glover + derivative + dispersion',
        'fir', None}, optional,
        Specifies the hemodynamic response function

    drift_model : {'polynomial', 'cosine', None}, optional
        Specifies the desired drift model,

    high_pass : float, optional
        High-pass frequency in case of a cosine model (in Hz).

    drift_order : int, optional
        Order of the drift model (in case it is polynomial).

    fir_delays : array of shape(n_onsets) or list, optional,
        In case of FIR design, yields the array of delays used in the FIR
        model (in scans).

    add_regs : array of shape(n_frames, n_add_reg) or pandas DataFrame, optional
        additional user-supplied regressors, e.g. data driven noise regressors
        or seed based regressors.

    add_reg_names : list of (n_add_reg,) strings, optional
        If None, while add_regs was provided, these will be termed
        'reg_%i', i = 0..n_add_reg - 1
        If add_regs is a DataFrame, the corresponding column names are used
        and add_reg_names is ignored. 

    min_onset : float, optional
        Minimal onset relative to frame_times[0] (in seconds)
        events that start before frame_times[0] + min_onset are not considered.

    oversampling: int, optional,
        Oversampling factor used in temporal convolutions.

    design_matrix : DataFrame instance,
        holding the computed design matrix, the index being the frames_times
        and each column a regressor.
    # check arguments
    # check that additional regressor specification is correct
    n_add_regs = 0
    if add_regs is not None:
        if isinstance(add_regs, pd.DataFrame):
            add_regs_ = add_regs.values
            add_reg_names = add_regs.columns.tolist()
            add_regs_ = np.atleast_2d(add_regs)
        n_add_regs = add_regs_.shape[1]
        assert add_regs_.shape[0] == np.size(frame_times), ValueError(
            'Incorrect specification of additional regressors: '
            'length of regressors provided: %d, number of '
            'time-frames: %d' % (add_regs_.shape[0], np.size(frame_times)))

    # check that additional regressor names are well specified
    if add_reg_names is None:
        add_reg_names = ['reg%d' % k for k in range(n_add_regs)]
    elif len(add_reg_names) != n_add_regs:
        raise ValueError(
            'Incorrect number of additional regressor names was provided'
            '(%d provided, %d expected' % (len(add_reg_names), n_add_regs))

    # computation of the matrix
    names = []
    matrix = None

    # step 1: events-related regressors
    if events is not None:
        # create the condition-related regressors
        if isinstance(hrf_model, str):
            hrf_model = hrf_model.lower()
        matrix, names = _convolve_regressors(events, hrf_model, frame_times,
                                             fir_delays, min_onset,

    # step 2: additional regressors
    if add_regs is not None:
        # add user-supplied regressors and corresponding names
        if matrix is not None:
            matrix = np.hstack((matrix, add_regs))
            matrix = add_regs
        names += add_reg_names

    # step 3: drifts
    drift, dnames = _make_drift(drift_model, frame_times, drift_order,

    if matrix is not None:
        matrix = np.hstack((matrix, drift))
        matrix = drift

    names += dnames
    # check column names are all unique
    if len(np.unique(names)) != len(names):
        raise ValueError('Design matrix columns do not have unique names')

    # step 4: Force the design matrix to be full rank at working precision
    matrix, _ = full_rank(matrix)

    design_matrix = pd.DataFrame(matrix, columns=names, index=frame_times)
    return design_matrix