def searchlight(x, y, m=None, groups=None, cv=None, write=False, logger=None, **searchlight_args): """ Wrapper to launch searchlight :param x: Data :param y: labels :param m: mask :param groups: group labels :param cv: cross validator :param write: if image for writing is desired or not :param logger: :param searchlight_args:(default) process_mask_img(None), radius(2mm), estimator(svc), n_jobs(-1), scoring(none), cv(3fold), verbose(0) :return: trained SL object and SL results """ write_to_logger("starting searchlight... ", logger) from nilearn import image, decoding, masking if m is None: m = masking.compute_epi_mask(x) write_to_logger("searchlight params: " + str(searchlight_args)) sl = decoding.SearchLight(mask_img=m, cv=cv, **searchlight_args), y, groups) if write: return sl, image.new_img_like(image.mean_img(x), sl.scores_) else: return sl
process_mask_img = nibabel.Nifti1Image(process_mask.astype(, np.eye(4)) coefs = np.reshape(coefs, [size, size, size]) plot_slices(coefs, title="Ground truth") ############################################################################### # Compute the results and estimated coef maps for different estimators classifiers = [ ('bayesian_ridge', linear_model.BayesianRidge(normalize=True)), ('enet_cv', linear_model.ElasticNetCV(alphas=[5, 1, 0.5, 0.1], l1_ratio=0.05)), ('ridge_cv', linear_model.RidgeCV(alphas=[100, 10, 1, 0.1], cv=5)), ('svr', svm.SVR(kernel='linear', C=0.001)), ('searchlight', decoding.SearchLight( mask_img, process_mask_img=process_mask_img, radius=2.7, scoring='r2', estimator=svm.SVR(kernel="linear"), cv=KFold(y_train.size, n_folds=4), verbose=1, n_jobs=1)) ] # Run the estimators for name, classifier in classifiers: t1 = time() if name != "searchlight":, y_train) else: X = nilearn.masking.unmask(X_train, mask_img), y_train) del X elapsed_time = time() - t1
# that stands for `cross-validation`: in the list of possible `alpha` # values that they are given, they choose the best by cross-validation. estimators = [('bayesian_ridge', linear_model.BayesianRidge(normalize=True)), ('enet_cv', linear_model.ElasticNetCV(alphas=[5, 1, 0.5, 0.1], l1_ratio=0.05)), ('ridge_cv', linear_model.RidgeCV(alphas=[100, 10, 1, 0.1], cv=5)), ('svr', svm.SVR(kernel='linear', C=0.001)), ('searchlight', decoding.SearchLight( mask_img, process_mask_img=process_mask_img, radius=2.7, scoring='r2', estimator=svm.SVR(kernel="linear"), cv=KFold(n_splits=4), verbose=1, n_jobs=1, ))] ############################################################################### # Run the estimators # # As the estimators expose a fairly consistent API, we can all fit them in # a for loop: they all have a `fit` method for fitting the data, a `score` # method to retrieve the prediction score, and because they are all linear # models, a `coef_` attribute that stores the coefficients **w** estimated for name, estimator in estimators: t1 = time()
# Combine with localizer data X_full = np.vstack((X, Y)) run_labels_full = np.hstack((run_labels, run_labels_test)) ev_labels_full = np.hstack((ev_labels, mapped_labels)) # Create CV generator (1-fold, train on localizer, test on retrieval) cv = [] trainIndices = np.where(np.in1d(run_labels_full, loc_run_list)) testIndices = np.where(np.in1d(run_labels_full, mem_run_list)) cv.append((trainIndices, testIndices)) classifier = decoding.SearchLight(mask_img, radius=5.6, estimator=LogisticRegression( penalty='l2', C=1.), cv=cv, verbose=0, n_jobs=25) X_unmask = nilearn.masking.unmask(X_full, mask_img) print X_unmask.shape y = ev_labels_full print y.shape, y) # Save out scores in subj native space mean_fmri = image.mean_img(ts_path) searchlight_scores = image.new_img_like(mean_fmri, classifier.scores_) searchlight_scores.to_filename(
#Get Process Mask process_mask = nifti_masker.mask_img_.get_data().astype( picked_slice = 29 process_mask[..., (picked_slice + 1):] = 0 process_mask[..., :picked_slice] = 0 process_mask [:, 30:] = 0 process_mask_img = image.new_img_like(nifti_masker.mask_img_, process_mask) #CrossValidation cv = KFold(clean_labels.size, n_folds=6) print("presearch") #Process mask searchlight = decoding.SearchLight( nifti_masker.mask_img_, radius = 5.0, estimator=algorithm, n_jobs = 1, verbose=1, cv=cv, ) print("postsearch") print(smooth_img.shape), clean_labels) print(searchlight.scores_.shape) unique, counts = np.unique(searchlight.scores_, return_counts=True) map = dict(zip(unique,counts)) print(map) #Get searchlight_img, and plot it mean_fmri = image.mean_img(smooth_img) searchlight_img = image.new_img_like(mean_fmri, searchlight.scores_)
def run_searchlight(sub, space='T1w', factor='expression'): event_files = sorted(glob(f'../../{sub}/ses-*/func/*task-face*_events.tsv')) events = [] for i, ev in enumerate(event_files): ev = pd.read_csv(ev, sep='\t').query("trial_type != 'response' and trial_type != 'rating'") ev['run'] = i+1 ev['face_eth'] = ['asian' if 'sian' in s else s for s in ev['face_eth']] events.append(ev) events = pd.concat(events, axis=0) S = events.loc[:, factor] lab_enc = LabelEncoder() S = lab_enc.fit_transform(S) runs = events.loc[:, 'run'] files = sorted(glob(f'../../derivatives/nibetaseries_lsa_unn/{sub}/ses-*/func/*task-face*space-{space}*STIM*_betaseries.nii.gz')) R = [] pca = PCA(n_components=10) for ses in [1, 2]: for run in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]: these_f = [f for f in files if f'run-{run}' in f and f'ses-{ses}' in f] this_R = image.concat_imgs(these_f) brain_mask = image.math_img('img.mean(axis=3) != 0', img=this_R) this_R = image.math_img('(img - img.mean(axis=3, keepdims=True)) / img.std(axis=3, keepdims=True)', img=this_R) tmp = masking.apply_mask(this_R, brain_mask) #tmp_pca = pca.fit_transform(tmp)[:, :6] x = np.arange(tmp.shape[0]) #b = np.polyfit(x, tmp_pca, deg=8) b = np.polyfit(x, tmp, deg=8) lf = np.polyval(b, x[:, np.newaxis]) #tmp -= (lf @ np.linalg.lstsq(lf, tmp, rcond=-1)[0]) tmp = tmp - lf this_R = masking.unmask(tmp, brain_mask) R.append(this_R) R = image.concat_imgs(R) R.to_filename('filt.nii.gz') mask = image.math_img('img.sum(axis=-1) != 0', img=R) process_mask = np.zeros(mask.shape) process_mask[:, :, 18:27] = 1 process_mask = image.new_img_like(mask, process_mask) process_mask = masking.intersect_masks([process_mask, mask], threshold=1) clf = SVC(kernel='linear', class_weight='balanced') cv = LeaveOneGroupOut() b_acc = make_scorer(balanced_accuracy_score, adjusted=True) sl = decoding.SearchLight( mask_img=mask, process_mask_img=process_mask, radius=8, verbose=True, estimator=clf, cv=cv, scoring=b_acc, n_jobs=20 ) print("Starting fit ..."), S, runs) scores = image.new_img_like(mask, sl.scores_) scores.to_filename(f'{sub}_factor-{factor}_balancedaccuracyFILT.nii.gz')