Example #1
def test_Tcontrast():
    n, p, q = 100, 80, 10
    X, Y = np.random.randn(p, q), np.random.randn(p, n)
    labels, results = run_glm(Y, X, 'ar1')
    con_val = np.eye(q)[0]
    z_vals = compute_contrast(labels, results, con_val).z_score()
    assert_almost_equal(z_vals.mean(), 0, 0)
    assert_almost_equal(z_vals.std(), 1, 0)
Example #2
def test_fixed_effect_contrast():
    n, p, q = 100, 80, 10
    X, Y = np.random.randn(p, q), np.random.randn(p, n)
    lab, res = run_glm(Y, X, 'ols')
    c1, c2 = np.eye(q)[0], np.eye(q)[1]
    con = _compute_fixed_effect_contrast([lab, lab], [res, res], [c1, c2])
    z_vals = con.z_score()
    assert_almost_equal(z_vals.mean(), 0, 0)
    assert_almost_equal(z_vals.std(), 1, 0)
Example #3
def test_t_contrast_add():
    n, p, q = 100, 80, 10
    X, Y = np.random.randn(p, q), np.random.randn(p, n)
    lab, res = run_glm(Y, X, 'ols')
    c1, c2 = np.eye(q)[0], np.eye(q)[1]
    con = compute_contrast(lab, res, c1) + compute_contrast(lab, res, c2)
    z_vals = con.z_score()
    assert_almost_equal(z_vals.mean(), 0, 0)
    assert_almost_equal(z_vals.std(), 1, 0)
Example #4
def test_contrast_mul():
    n, p, q = 100, 80, 10
    X, Y = np.random.randn(p, q), np.random.randn(p, n)
    lab, res = run_glm(Y, X, 'ar1')
    for c1 in [np.eye(q)[0], np.eye(q)[:3]]:
        con1 = compute_contrast(lab, res, c1)
        con2 = con1 * 2
        assert_almost_equal(con1.effect * 2, con2.effect)
        assert_almost_equal(con1.z_score(), con2.z_score())
Example #5
def test_Fcontrast():
    n, p, q = 100, 80, 10
    X, Y = np.random.randn(p, q), np.random.randn(p, n)
    for model in ['ols', 'ar1']:
        labels, results = run_glm(Y, X, model)
        for con_val in [np.eye(q)[0], np.eye(q)[:3]]:
            z_vals = compute_contrast(labels,
            assert_almost_equal(z_vals.mean(), 0, 0)
            assert_almost_equal(z_vals.std(), 1, 0)
Example #6
def run_GLM(raw,
    Run GLM on data using supplied design matrix.

    This is a wrapper function for nilearn.stats.first_level_model.run_glm.

    raw : instance of Raw
        The haemoglobin data.
    design_matrix : as specified in Nilearn
        The design matrix.
    noise_model : {'ar1', 'ols'}, optional
        The temporal variance model. Defaults to 'ar1'.
    bins : : int, optional
        Maximum number of discrete bins for the AR(1) coef histogram.
    n_jobs : int, optional
        The number of CPUs to use to do the computation. -1 means
        'all CPUs'.
    verbose : int, optional
        The verbosity level. Defaut is 0

    glm_estimates : dict
        Keys correspond to the different labels values values are
        RegressionResults instances corresponding to the voxels.
    from nilearn.stats.first_level_model import run_glm

    picks = _picks_to_idx(raw.info, 'fnirs', exclude=[], allow_empty=True)
    ch_names = raw.ch_names

    results = dict()
    for pick in picks:
        labels, glm_estimates = run_glm(raw.get_data(pick).T,
        results[ch_names[pick]] = glm_estimates[labels[0]]

    return results
Example #7
def test_F_contrast_add():
    n, p, q = 100, 80, 10
    X, Y = np.random.randn(p, q), np.random.randn(p, n)
    lab, res = run_glm(Y, X, 'ar1')
    c1, c2 = np.eye(q)[:2], np.eye(q)[2:4]
    con = compute_contrast(lab, res, c1) + compute_contrast(lab, res, c2)
    z_vals = con.z_score()
    assert_almost_equal(z_vals.mean(), 0, 0)
    assert_almost_equal(z_vals.std(), 1, 0)

    # first test with dependent contrast
    con1 = compute_contrast(lab, res, c1)
    con2 = compute_contrast(lab, res, c1) + compute_contrast(lab, res, c1)
    assert_almost_equal(con1.effect * 2, con2.effect)
    assert_almost_equal(con1.variance * 2, con2.variance)
    assert_almost_equal(con1.stat() * 2, con2.stat())
Example #8
def test_contrast_values():
    # but this test is circular and should be removed
    n, p, q = 100, 80, 10
    X, Y = np.random.randn(p, q), np.random.randn(p, n)
    lab, res = run_glm(Y, X, 'ar1', bins=1)
    # t test
    cval = np.eye(q)[0]
    con = compute_contrast(lab, res, cval)
    t_ref = list(res.values())[0].Tcontrast(cval).t
    assert_almost_equal(np.ravel(con.stat()), t_ref)
    # F test
    cval = np.eye(q)[:3]
    con = compute_contrast(lab, res, cval)
    F_ref = list(res.values())[0].Fcontrast(cval).F
    # Note that the values are not strictly equal,
    # this seems to be related to a bug in Mahalanobis
    assert_almost_equal(np.ravel(con.stat()), F_ref, 3)
Example #9
def test_fixed_effect_contrast_nonzero_effect():
    X, y = make_regression(n_features=5, n_samples=20, random_state=0)
    y = y[:, None]
    labels, results = run_glm(y, X, 'ols')
    coef = LinearRegression(fit_intercept=False).fit(X, y).coef_
    for i in range(X.shape[1]):
        contrast = np.zeros(X.shape[1])
        contrast[i] = 1.
        fixed_effect = _compute_fixed_effect_contrast(
        assert_almost_equal(fixed_effect.effect_size(), coef.ravel()[i])
        fixed_effect = _compute_fixed_effect_contrast([labels] * 3,
                                                      [results] * 3,
                                                      [contrast] * 3)
        assert_almost_equal(fixed_effect.effect_size(), coef.ravel()[i])
Example #10
def test_second_level_model_glm_computation():
    with InTemporaryDirectory():
        shapes = ((7, 8, 9, 1),)
        mask, FUNCFILE, _ = write_fake_fmri_data_and_design(shapes)
        func_img = load(FUNCFILE)
        # Ordinary Least Squares case
        model = SecondLevelModel(mask_img=mask)
        Y = [func_img] * 4
        X = pd.DataFrame([[1]] * 4, columns=['intercept'])

        model = model.fit(Y, design_matrix=X)
        labels1 = model.labels_
        results1 = model.results_

        labels2, results2 = run_glm(
            model.masker_.transform(Y), X.values, 'ols')
        assert_almost_equal(labels1, labels2, decimal=1)
        assert len(results1) == len(results2)
        # Delete objects attached to files to avoid WindowsError when deleting
        # temporary directory (in Windows)
        del func_img, FUNCFILE, model, X, Y
Example #11
def test_run_glm():
    n, p, q = 100, 80, 10
    X, Y = np.random.randn(p, q), np.random.randn(p, n)

    # Ordinary Least Squares case
    labels, results = run_glm(Y, X, 'ols')
    assert_array_equal(labels, np.zeros(n))
    assert list(results.keys()) == [0.0]
    assert results[0.0].theta.shape == (q, n)
    assert_almost_equal(results[0.0].theta.mean(), 0, 1)
    assert_almost_equal(results[0.0].theta.var(), 1. / p, 1)

    # ar(1) case
    labels, results = run_glm(Y, X, 'ar1')
    assert len(labels) == n
    assert len(results.keys()) > 1
    tmp = sum([val.theta.shape[1] for val in results.values()])
    assert tmp == n

    # non-existant case
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        run_glm(Y, X, 'ar2')
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        run_glm(Y, X.T)
# The drift model is implicitly a cosine basis with a period cutoff at 128s.
from nilearn.stats.first_level_model import make_first_level_design_matrix
design_matrix = make_first_level_design_matrix(frame_times,
                                               hrf_model='glover + derivative')

# Setup and fit GLM.
# Note that the output consists in 2 variables: `labels` and `fit`.
# `labels` tags voxels according to noise autocorrelation.
# `estimates` contains the parameter estimates.
# We keep them for later contrast computation.

from nilearn.stats.first_level_model import run_glm
labels, estimates = run_glm(texture.T, design_matrix.values)

# Estimate contrasts
# ------------------
# Specify the contrasts.
# For practical purpose, we first generate an identity matrix whose size is
# the number of columns of the design matrix.
contrast_matrix = np.eye(design_matrix.shape[1])

# At first, we create basic contrasts.
basic_contrasts = dict([(column, contrast_matrix[i])
                        for i, column in enumerate(design_matrix.columns)])