Example #1
def test_validates():
    api1 = NinjaAPI()
        os.environ["NINJA_SKIP_REGISTRY"] = ""
        with pytest.raises(ConfigError):
            api2 = NinjaAPI()
        os.environ["NINJA_SKIP_REGISTRY"] = "yes"
Example #2
def test_examples():

    api = NinjaAPI()

    with patch("builtins.api", api, create=True):
        import docs.src.tutorial.path.code01  # noqa: F401

        client = TestClient(api)

        response = client.get("/items/123")
        assert response.json() == {"item_id": "123"}

    api = NinjaAPI()

    with patch("builtins.api", api, create=True):
        import docs.src.tutorial.path.code02  # noqa: F401
        import docs.src.tutorial.path.code010  # noqa: F401

        client = TestClient(api)

        response = client.get("/items/123")
        assert response.json() == {"item_id": 123}

        response = client.get("/events/2020/1/1")
        assert response.json() == {"date": "2020-01-01"}
        schema = api.get_openapi_schema("")
        events_params = schema["paths"]["/events/{year}/{month}/{day}"]["get"][
        # print(events_params, "!!")
        assert events_params == [
                "in": "path",
                "name": "year",
                "required": True,
                "schema": {
                    "title": "Year",
                    "type": "integer"
                "in": "path",
                "name": "month",
                "required": True,
                "schema": {
                    "title": "Month",
                    "type": "integer"
                "in": "path",
                "name": "day",
                "required": True,
                "schema": {
                    "title": "Day",
                    "type": "integer"
Example #3
def test_get_openapi_urls():

    api = NinjaAPI(openapi_url=None)
    paths = get_openapi_urls(api)
    assert len(paths) == 0

    api = NinjaAPI(docs_url=None)
    paths = get_openapi_urls(api)
    assert len(paths) == 1

    api = NinjaAPI(openapi_url="/path", docs_url="/path")
    with pytest.raises(
            match="Please use different urls for openapi_url and docs_url"):
Example #4
 def __init__(self, router_or_app):
     if isinstance(router_or_app, NinjaAPI):
         self.urls = router_or_app.urls[0]
         api = NinjaAPI()
         self.urls = list(router_or_app.urls_paths(""))
Example #5
def test_manytomany():
    class SomeRelated(models.Model):
        f = models.CharField()

        class Meta:
            app_label = "tests"

    class ModelWithM2M(models.Model):
        m2m = models.ManyToManyField(SomeRelated, blank=True)

        class Meta:
            app_label = "tests"

    WithM2MSchema = create_schema(ModelWithM2M, exclude=["id"])

    api = NinjaAPI()

    def post_with_m2m(request, payload: WithM2MSchema):
        return payload.dict()

    client = TestClient(api)

    response = client.post("/bar", json={"m2m": [1, 2]})
    assert response.status_code == 200, str(response.json())
    assert response.json() == {"m2m": [1, 2]}

    response = client.post("/bar", json={"m2m": []})
    assert response.status_code == 200, str(response.json())
    assert response.json() == {"m2m": []}
Example #6
def test_examples():

    api = NinjaAPI()

    with patch("builtins.api", api, create=True):
        import docs.src.tutorial.path.code010

        client = NinjaClient(api)

        response = client.get("/events/2020/1/1")
        assert response.json() == {"date": "2020-01-01"}
        schema = api.get_openapi_schema("")
        events_params = schema["paths"]["/events/{year}/{month}/{day}"]["get"][
        assert events_params == [
                "in": "path",
                "name": "year",
                "required": True
                "in": "path",
                "name": "month",
                "required": True
                "in": "path",
                "name": "day",
                "required": True
Example #7
def test_duplicate_schema_names():
    from django.db import models

    from ninja import NinjaAPI, Schema
    from ninja.orm import create_schema

    class TestModelDuplicate(models.Model):
        field1 = models.CharField()
        field2 = models.CharField()

        class Meta:
            app_label = "tests"

    class TestSchema(Schema):
        data1: create_schema(TestModelDuplicate,
                             fields=["field1"])  # noqa: F821
        data2: create_schema(TestModelDuplicate,
                             fields=["field2"])  # noqa: F821

    api = NinjaAPI()

    @api.get("/test", response=TestSchema)
    def a_test_method(request):
        return []

    match = r"Looks like you may have created multiple orm schemas with the same name:"
    with pytest.raises(ConfigError, match=match):
        assert api.get_openapi_schema()
Example #8
def test_examples():

    api = NinjaAPI()

    with patch("builtins.api", api, create=True):
        import docs.src.tutorial.form.code01  # noqa: F401
        import docs.src.tutorial.form.code02  # noqa: F401

        client = TestClient(api)

        assert client.post("/items",
                               "name": "Katana",
                               "price": 299.00,
                               "quantity": 10
                           }).json() == {
                               "name": "Katana",
                               "description": None,
                               "price": 299.0,
                               "quantity": 10,

        assert client.post("/items/1?q=test",
                               "name": "Katana",
                               "price": 299.00,
                               "quantity": 10
                           }).json() == {
                               "item_id": 1,
                               "q": "test",
                               "item": {
                                   "name": "Katana",
                                   "description": None,
                                   "price": 299.0,
                                   "quantity": 10,

    with patch("builtins.api", api, create=True):
        import docs.src.tutorial.form.code03  # noqa: F401

        client = TestClient(api)

        assert client.post(
                "name": "Katana",
                "price": "",
                "quantity": "",
                "in_stock": ""
        ).json() == {
            "name": "Katana",
            "description": None,
            "in_stock": True,
            "price": 0.0,
            "quantity": 0,
async def test_asyncio_exceptions():
    api = NinjaAPI()

    async def thrower(request):
        raise Http404("test")

    client = NinjaAsyncClient(api)
    response = await client.get("/error")
    assert response.status_code == 404
Example #10
 def urls(self) -> List:
     if not hasattr(self, "_urls_cache"):
         self._urls_cache: List
         if isinstance(self.router_or_app, NinjaAPI):
             self._urls_cache = self.router_or_app.urls[0]
             api = NinjaAPI()
             self._urls_cache = list(self.router_or_app.urls_paths(""))
     return self._urls_cache
def test_no_handlers():
    api = NinjaAPI()
    api._exception_handlers = {}

    def thrower(request):
        raise RuntimeError("test")

    client = NinjaClient(api)

    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
Example #12
def test_examples():

    api = NinjaAPI()

    with patch("builtins.api", api, create=True):
        import docs.src.tutorial.body.code01
        import docs.src.tutorial.body.code02
        import docs.src.tutorial.body.code03

        client = NinjaClient(api)

        assert client.post("/items",
                               "name": "Katana",
                               "price": 299.00,
                               "quantity": 10
                           }).json() == {
                               "name": "Katana",
                               "description": None,
                               "price": 299.0,
                               "quantity": 10,

        assert client.put("/items/1",
                              "name": "Katana",
                              "price": 299.00,
                              "quantity": 10
                          }).json() == {
                              "item_id": 1,
                              "item": {
                                  "name": "Katana",
                                  "description": None,
                                  "price": 299.0,
                                  "quantity": 10,

        assert client.post("/items/1?q=test",
                               "name": "Katana",
                               "price": 299.00,
                               "quantity": 10
                           }).json() == {
                               "item_id": 1,
                               "q": "test",
                               "item": {
                                   "name": "Katana",
                                   "description": None,
                                   "price": 299.0,
                                   "quantity": 10,
Example #13
def test_docs_decorator():
    api = NinjaAPI(docs_decorator=staff_member_required)

    paths = get_openapi_urls(api)
    assert len(paths) == 2
    for ptrn in paths:
        request = Mock(user=Mock(is_staff=True))
        result = ptrn.callback(request)
        assert result.status_code == 200

        request = Mock(user=Mock(is_staff=False))
        request.build_absolute_uri = lambda: "http://example.com"
        result = ptrn.callback(request)
        assert result.status_code == 302
Example #14
def test_unique_operation_ids():

    api = NinjaAPI()

    def same_name(request):

    def same_name(request):

    with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
        schema = api.get_openapi_schema()
Example #15
def test_unique_operation_ids():

    api = NinjaAPI()

    def same_name(request):

    @api.get("/2")  # noqa: F811
    def same_name(request):  # noqa: F811

    match = 'operation_id "test_openapi_schema_same_name" is already used'
    with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match=match):
Example #16
def test_raises_on_cookie_auth():
    "It should raise if user picked Cookie based auth and csrf=False"

    class Auth(APIKeyCookie):
        def authenticate(self, request, key):
            return request.COOKIES[key] == "foo"

    api = NinjaAPI(auth=Auth(), csrf=False)

    def some_method(request):

    with pytest.raises(ConfigError):
Example #17
def test_reuse_router_error():
    test_api = NinjaAPI()
    test_router = Router()
    test_api.add_router("/", test_router)

    # django debug server can attempt to import the urls twice when errors exist
    # verify we get the correct error reported
    match = "Router@'/another-path' has already been attached to API NinjaAPI:1.0.0"
    with pytest.raises(ConfigError, match=match):
        with mock.patch("ninja.main._imported_while_running_in_debug_server",
            test_api.add_router("/another-path", test_router)

    # The error should be ignored under debug server to allow other errors to be reported
    with mock.patch("ninja.main._imported_while_running_in_debug_server",
        test_api.add_router("/another-path", test_router)
Example #18
def test_kwargs():
    api = NinjaAPI()

    def operation(request, a: str, *args, **kwargs):

    schema = api.get_openapi_schema()
    params = schema["paths"]["/api/"]["get"]["parameters"]
    assert params == [  # Only `a` should be here, not kwargs
            "in": "query",
            "name": "a",
            "schema": {
                "title": "A",
                "type": "string"
            "required": True,
Example #19
async def test_asyncio_operations():
    api = NinjaAPI()

    class KeyQuery(APIKeyQuery):
        def authenticate(self, request, key):
            if key == "secret":
                return key

    @api.get("/async", auth=KeyQuery())
    async def async_view(request, payload: int):
        await asyncio.sleep(0)
        return {"async": True}

    def sync_post_to_async_view(request):
        return {"sync": True}

    client = NinjaAsyncClient(api)

    # Actual tests --------------------------------------------------

    # without auth:
    res = await client.get("/async?payload=1")
    assert res.status_code == 401

    # async successful
    res = await client.get("/async?payload=1&key=secret")
    assert res.json() == {"async": True}

    # async innvalid input
    res = await client.get("/async?payload=str&key=secret")
    assert res.status_code == 422

    # async call to sync method for path that hahve async operations
    res = await client.post("/async")
    assert res.json() == {"sync": True}

    # invalid method
    res = await client.put("/async")
    assert res.status_code == 405
Example #20
def test_raises_on_cookie_auth():
    "It should raise if user picked Cookie based auth and csrf=False"

    class Auth(APIKeyCookie):
        def authenticate(self, request, key):
            return request.COOKIES[key] == "foo"

    api = NinjaAPI(auth=Auth(), csrf=False)

    def some_method(request):

    with pytest.raises(ConfigError):

        import os

        os.environ["NINJA_SKIP_REGISTRY"] = ""

        # Check for wrong error reported
        match = "Looks like you created multiple NinjaAPIs"
        with pytest.raises(ConfigError, match=match):

        # django debug server can attempt to import the urls twice when errors exist
        # verify we get the correct error reported
        match = "Cookie Authentication must be used with CSRF"
        with pytest.raises(ConfigError, match=match):
            with mock.patch(

        os.environ["NINJA_SKIP_REGISTRY"] = "yes"
Example #21
from client import NinjaClient

class RoomEnum(str, Enum):
    double = "double"
    twin = "twin"
    single = "single"

class Booking(BaseModel):
    start: date
    end: date
    room: RoomEnum = RoomEnum.double

api = NinjaAPI()

def create_booking(request, booking: Booking):
    return booking

def booking_search(request, room: RoomEnum):
    return {"room": room}

client = NinjaClient(api)

Example #22
from ninja import NinjaAPI
from django.conf import settings
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
from client import NinjaClient

csrf_OFF = NinjaAPI(urls_namespace="csrf_OFF")
csrf_ON = NinjaAPI(urls_namespace="csrf_ON", csrf=True)

def post_off(request):
    return {"success": True}

def post_on(request):
    return {"success": True}

def post_on_with_exempt(request):
    return {"success": True}

TOKEN = "1bcdefghij2bcdefghij3bcdefghij4bcdefghij5bcdefghij6bcdefghijABCD"

def test_csrf_off():
    client = NinjaClient(csrf_OFF)
Example #23
from emp_main.models import ValueMessage as ValueHistoryDb
from emp_main.models import LastValueMessage as ValueLatestDb
from emp_main.models import ScheduleMessage as ScheduleHistoryDb
from emp_main.models import LastScheduleMessage as ScheduleLatestDb
from emp_main.models import SetpointMessage as SetpointHistoryDb
from emp_main.models import LastSetpointMessage as SetpointLatestDb
from emp_main.models import ForecastMessage as ForecastMessageDb
from emp_main.models import Product as ProductDb
from emp_main.models import ProductRun as ProductRunDb
from emp_main.models import Plant as PlantDb

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

api = NinjaAPI(
    title="EMP API",

class GenericAPIView:
    Some generic stuff that should be relevant for all API endpoints.

    PydanticModel: esg.models._BaseModel instance
        The Model that should be used to parse the input of `update_*` and
        serialize the output of `list_*` operations.
    DBModel: esg.django_models.DjangoBaseModel instance.
        The django model to interact with the DB.
Example #24
def test_examples():
    from someapp.models import Client

    api = NinjaAPI(csrf=True)

    with patch("builtins.api", api, create=True):
        import docs.src.tutorial.authentication.code002
        import docs.src.tutorial.authentication.apikey01
        import docs.src.tutorial.authentication.apikey02
        import docs.src.tutorial.authentication.apikey03
        import docs.src.tutorial.authentication.basic01
        import docs.src.tutorial.authentication.bearer01
        import docs.src.tutorial.authentication.code001
        import docs.src.tutorial.authentication.schema01
        import docs.src.tutorial.authentication.multiple01

        client = NinjaClient(api)

        response = client.get("/ipwhiltelist",
                              META={"REMOTE_ADDR": ""})
        assert response.status_code == 401
        response = client.get("/ipwhiltelist", META={"REMOTE_ADDR": ""})
        assert response.status_code == 200

        # Api key --------------------------------

        response = client.get("/apikey")
        assert response.status_code == 401
        response = client.get("/apikey?api_key=12345")
        assert response.status_code == 200

        response = client.get("/headerkey")
        assert response.status_code == 401
        response = client.get("/headerkey",
                              headers={"X-API-Key": "supersecret"})
        assert response.status_code == 200

        response = client.get("/cookiekey")
        assert response.status_code == 401
        response = client.get("/cookiekey", COOKIES={"key": "supersecret"})
        assert response.status_code == 200

        # Basic http --------------------------------

        response = client.get("/basic")
        assert response.status_code == 401
        response = client.get(
            "/basic", headers={"Authorization": "Basic YWRtaW46c2VjcmV0"})
        assert response.status_code == 200
        assert response.json() == {"httpuser": "******"}

        # Bearer http --------------------------------

        response = client.get("/bearer")
        assert response.status_code == 401

        response = client.get("/bearer",
                              headers={"Authorization": "Bearer supersecret"})
        assert response.status_code == 200

        # Multiple ------------------------------------
        assert client.get("/multiple").status_code == 401
        assert client.get("/multiple?key=supersecret").status_code == 200
        assert (client.get("/multiple", headers={
            "key": "supersecret"
        }).status_code == 200)
Example #25
from ninja import NinjaAPI
from users.router import router as users_router
from properties.router import router as properties_router
from appointments.router import router as appointments_router
from communications.router import router as communications_router
from locations.router import router as locations_router
from .security import UserAuth

api = NinjaAPI(auth=UserAuth())
api.add_router("/users", users_router,
               tags=["users"])  # funciona igual con o sin slash
api.add_router("/properties", properties_router, tags=["properties"])
api.add_router("/appointments", appointments_router, tags=["appointments"])
api.add_router("/locations", locations_router, tags=["locations"])
from ninja import NinjaAPI
from server.middlewares.auth import JWTBearer
import server.routes.example

v1_route = NinjaAPI(auth=JWTBearer(), version="1.0.0")
v1_route.add_router('example', example.router)
Example #27
from django.http import HttpResponseServerError
from django.shortcuts import render, get_object_or_404

# Create your views here.
from typing import List, Dict
from ninja import NinjaAPI, Schema
from ninja.security import django_auth

from users.models import User
from .models import Entry

from ninja.orm import create_schema

# ninja_api = NinjaAPI(auth=django_auth, csrf=True)
ninja_api = NinjaAPI(title="Entry API")

EntryIn = create_schema(Entry, name='EntryIn', fields=['text', 'number'])

EntryOut = create_schema(Entry, name='EntryOut')

class Entries(Schema):
    # name: 'Entries'
    entries: List[EntryOut]
    columns: List[Dict]  # Dict
    entry_form_fields: Dict

UserOut = create_schema(User,
Example #28
from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import path
from ninja import NinjaAPI
from someapp.api import router

api_v1 = NinjaAPI()
api_v1.add_router("events", router)
# TODO: check ^ for possible mistakes like `/events` `evetns/``

api_v2 = NinjaAPI(version="2.0.0")

def newevents2(request):
    return "events are gone"

api_v3 = NinjaAPI(version="3.0.0")

def newevents3(request):
    return "events are gone 3"

def foobar(request):
    return "foobar"

urlpatterns = [
Example #29
    def authenticate(self, request, username, password):
        if username == "admin" and password == "secret":
            return username

class BearerAuth(HttpBearer):
    def authenticate(self, request, token):
        if token == "bearertoken":
            return token

def demo_operation(request):
    return {"auth": request.auth}

api = NinjaAPI(csrf=True)

def on_custom_error(request, exc):
    return api.create_response(request, {"custom": True}, status=401)

for path, auth in [
    ("django_auth", django_auth),
    ("callable", callable_auth),
    ("apikeyquery", KeyQuery()),
    ("apikeyheader", KeyHeader()),
    ("apikeycookie", KeyCookie()),
    ("basic", BasicAuth()),
    ("bearer", BearerAuth()),
Example #30
def test_examples():

    api = NinjaAPI()

    with patch("builtins.api", api, create=True):
        import docs.src.tutorial.query.code01  # noqa: F401
        import docs.src.tutorial.query.code02  # noqa: F401
        import docs.src.tutorial.query.code03  # noqa: F401
        import docs.src.tutorial.query.code010  # noqa: F401

        client = TestClient(api)

        # Defaults
        assert client.get("/weapons").json() == [

        assert client.get("/weapons?offset=0&limit=3").json() == [

        assert client.get("/weapons?offset=2&limit=2").json() == [

        # Required/Optional

        assert client.get("/weapons/search?offset=1&q=k").json() == [

        # Coversion

        # fmt: off
        assert client.get("/example?b=1").json() == [None, True, None, None]
        assert client.get("/example?b=True").json() == [None, True, None, None]
        assert client.get("/example?b=true").json() == [None, True, None, None]
        assert client.get("/example?b=on").json() == [None, True, None, None]
        assert client.get("/example?b=yes").json() == [None, True, None, None]
        assert client.get("/example?b=0").json() == [None, False, None, None]
        assert client.get("/example?b=no").json() == [None, False, None, None]
        assert client.get("/example?b=false").json() == [None, False, None, None]
        assert client.get("/example?d=1577836800").json() == [None, None, "2020-01-01", None]
        assert client.get("/example?d=2020-01-01").json() == [None, None, "2020-01-01", None]
        # fmt: on

        # Schema

        assert client.get("/filter").json() == {
            "filters": {
                "limit": 100,
                "offset": None,
                "query": None,
                "category__in": None,
        assert client.get("/filter?limit=10").json() == {
            "filters": {
                "limit": 10,
                "offset": None,
                "query": None,
                "category__in": None,
        assert client.get("/filter?offset=10").json() == {
            "filters": {"limit": 100, "offset": 10, "query": None, "category__in": None}
        assert client.get("/filter?query=10").json() == {
            "filters": {
                "limit": 100,
                "offset": None,
                "query": "10",
                "category__in": None,
        assert client.get("/filter?categories=a&categories=b").json() == {
            "filters": {
                "limit": 100,
                "offset": None,
                "query": None,
                "category__in": ["a", "b"],

        schema = api.get_openapi_schema("")
        params = schema["paths"]["/filter"]["get"]["parameters"]
        assert params == [
                "in": "query",
                "name": "limit",
                "required": False,
                "schema": {"title": "Limit", "default": 100, "type": "integer"},
                "in": "query",
                "name": "offset",
                "required": False,
                "schema": {"title": "Offset", "type": "integer"},
                "in": "query",
                "name": "query",
                "required": False,
                "schema": {"title": "Query", "type": "string"},
                "in": "query",
                "name": "categories",
                "required": False,
                "schema": {
                    "title": "Categories",
                    "type": "array",
                    "items": {"type": "string"},