Example #1
def get_module_students():  #Not Yet implemented. Looks incomplete
    modulecode = request.form.get('modulecode')
    session = get_db_session()
    module = attendance.ModuleAttendance(modulecode, session)

    mod_students = module.students

    resp = dict()

    for student in mod_students:
        resp[student.id] = dict()
        resp[student.id]['Name'] = student.name

    return jsonify(resp)  #TODO: Have this returned by a pretty template
Example #2
def get_student_module_attendance():
    req = request.get_json()
    studentID = req['studentID']
    modulecode = req['modulecode']
    isoDate = req['SessionDate']
    sessiondate = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(isoDate)
    session = get_db_session()
    student_attendance = StudentAttendance(studentID, session)
    session_attendance = student_attendance.get_session_attendance(
        modulecode, sessiondate)
    resp = session_attendance
    return jsonify(
    )  #TODO: Have this returned by a pretty render_template TODO: MAke the datetime in this response ISO8601 format
Example #3
def get_student_attendance():  #For all modules
    studentID = request.form.get('studentID')
    session = get_db_session()
    student = attendance.StudentAttendance(studentID, session)
    student_modules = student.modules

    student_attendance = dict()

    #TODO: Include student name and ID in this response

    for module in student_modules:
        student_attendance[module.code] = student.get_module_attendance(

    return jsonify(
    )  #TODO: Have this returned by a pretty  dashboard-like template
Example #4
def login():
    if current_user.is_authenticated:
        return redirect(url_for('landing.landing'))
    form = LoginForm()
    if form.validate_on_submit():
        username = form.username.data
        password = form.password.data
        session = get_db_session()
        user = session.query(schema.User).\
             filter(schema.User.username == username.lower()).\

        if user is None or not user.check_password(password):
            flash('Invalid username or password')
            return redirect(url_for('auth.login'))

        login_user(user, remember=form.remember_me.data)
        #Not sure if it is necessary to commit/persist after every login
        next_page = request.args.get('next')
        if not next_page or url_parse(next_page).netloc != '':
            next_page = url_for('landing.landing')
        return redirect(next_page)
    return render_template('login.html', title='Sign In', form=form)
Example #5
def set_student_module_attendance():
    if request.method == 'POST':
        req = request.get_json()
        studentID = req['studentID']
        modulecode = req['modulecode']
        status = req['status']
        sess_date = req[
            'SessionDate']  #Expects YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM Format (Iso 8601)
            studentID = int(studentID)
        except ValueError:
            return "The student ID {} must be a number (integer)".format(
            sess_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(sess_date, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M')
        except ValueError:
            return "The date {} is not in the required YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm format".format(

        if status.lower() == "present":
            status = True
            status = False

        session = get_db_session()
        mod_attendance = attendance.ModuleAttendance(modulecode, session)

        except ValueError:
            return "The date >>{}<< does not have a class session for the module with code >>{}<<".format(
                sess_date.isoformat(), modulecode)

        #redirect to show student's attendance for the module. Preserve the POST parameters
        return redirect(url_for('api.get_student_module_attendance'), code=307)
Example #6
def load_user(user_id):
    session = get_db_session()
    return session.query(
        schema.User).filter(schema.User.id == int(user_id)).one_or_none()
Example #7
def landing():
	'''Display landing page for student, staff(instructor) or admin'''
	session = get_db_session()
	if current_user.privilege == schema.PrivilegeLevel.student.name:
		modules = get_module_list(session)	#TODO: This function currently gets all modules in the system. Need to modify so that it only gets the modules a student is enrolled to. Nipo challenge??
		return render_template('student_dashboard.html',modules = modules)

		courses = get_course_list(session)
		return render_template('list_courses.html', courses = courses)

	elif current_user.privilege == schema.PrivilegeLevel.staff.name:
		#Use query strings to pass name of module in url and refresh whenever module is changed
		#The refreshed page will contain dates of the selected module (from query string)
		#Remember to check that staff member has access to module.
		#Optionally, use post request and have javascript refresh the page (too much work!!!)
		#TODO: For each module, only show valid dates. Nipo challenge?
		modules = current_user.modules
		dates = []
		formatted_dates = []
		mod_code = request.args.get('mod_code')
		session_date = request.args.get('session_date')
		#Each of the options below needs to set:
		# 1. selectedModule
		# 2. dates
		# 3. selectedDate
		if mod_code is not None and session_date is None:
			# module changed
			mod_attendance = ModuleAttendance(mod_code, session)
			selectedModule = mod_attendance.module
			if selectedModule not in current_user.modules:
				# User not enrolled in this module
				flash("Invalid module selection")
				return redirect(url_for('landing.landing'))

			dates += mod_attendance.dates
			if len(dates) == 0:
				flash("selected module has no registered class sessions")
				return redirect(url_for('landing.landing'))
			selectedDate = dates[0]

		elif mod_code is not None and session_date is not None:
			# Date changed
			mod_attendance = ModuleAttendance(mod_code, session)
			selectedModule = mod_attendance.module
			dates += mod_attendance.dates
			selectedDate = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(session_date)
			if selectedModule not in current_user.modules or selectedDate not in dates:
				# User not enrolled in this module or module has no session on this date
				flash("Invalid module or date selection")
				return redirect(url_for('landing.landing'))

			#Default scenario, fresh login
			if len(modules) == 0:
				flash("You are currently not assigned to any modules. Contact admin to correct this. Showing dummy module.")
				# TODO: Create test module for showing when 
				# staff is not assigned to any modules
				# modules = [test_module]
				modules = get_module_list(session)

			selectedModule = modules[0]
			dates += ModuleAttendance(selectedModule.code, session).dates
			selectedDate = dates[0]
		#move selected options to the top of list to make them 
		#the ones selected by default
		if selectedDate != dates[0]:
			dates.insert(0, selectedDate)
		if selectedModule != modules[0]:
			modules.insert(0, selectedModule)
		# raise
		for date in dates:
			human_friendly_format = date.strftime('%a %d %b %H:%M')
			iso_format = date.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M')
			combined_format = {"human friendly format": human_friendly_format,
								"iso format": iso_format}


		students = selectedModule.students
		for student in students:
			student_attendance = StudentAttendance(student.id, session)
			session_attendance = student_attendance.get_session_attendance(selectedModule.code, selectedDate)

			if session_attendance['attendance']:
				student.status= "student-present"
				student.status= "student-absent"

		return render_template('staff_dashboard.html',\

	elif current_user.privilege == schema.PrivilegeLevel.admin.name:
		tables = db.utils.get_tables_data(session)
		return render_template('admin_dashboard/admin_dashboard.html',\
								tables=tables, form=add_entity_forms(), attach_to_module_forms=attach_to_module_forms())
Example #8
def shutdown_session(exception=None):
    session = get_db_session()