Example #1
def test_nonaffine():
    # resamples an image along a curve through the image.
    # FIXME: use the reference.evaluate.Grid to perform this nicer
    # FIXME: Remove pylab references
    def curve(x): # function accept N by 1, returns N by 2 
        return (np.vstack([5*np.sin(x.T),5*np.cos(x.T)]).T + [52,47])
    for names in (('xy', 'ij', 't', 'u'),('ij', 'xy', 't', 's')):
        in_names, out_names, tin_names, tout_names = names
        g = Affine.from_params(in_names, out_names, np.identity(3))
        img = Image(np.ones((100,90)), g)
        img[50:55,40:55] = 3.
        tcoordmap = Affine.from_start_step(
        ir = resample(img, tcoordmap, curve, (100,))
    if gui_review:
        import pylab
        pylab.imshow(img, interpolation='nearest')
        d = curve(np.linspace(0,1.8*np.pi,100))
        pylab.plot(d[0], d[1])
Example #2
def test_rotate2d2():
    # Rotate an image in 2d on a non-square grid,
    # should result in transposed image
    g = Affine.from_params('ij', 'xy', np.diag([0.7,0.5,1]))
    g2 = Affine.from_params('ij', 'xy', np.diag([0.5,0.7,1]))

    i = Image(np.ones((100,80)), g)
    i[50:55,40:55] = 3.

    a = np.array([[0,1,0],
                  [0,0,1]], np.float)

    ir = resample(i, g2, a, (80,100))
    yield assert_array_almost_equal, np.asarray(ir).T, i
Example #3
def test_rotate3d():
    # Rotate / transpose a 3d image on a non-square grid

    g = Affine.from_params('ijk', 'xyz', np.diag([0.5,0.6,0.7,1]))
    g2 = Affine.from_params('ijk', 'xyz', np.diag([0.5,0.7,0.6,1]))

    shape = (100,90,80)
    i = Image(np.ones(shape), g)
    i[50:55,40:55,30:33] = 3.
    a = np.array([[1,0,0,0],

    ir = resample(i, g2, a, (100,80,90))
    yield assert_array_almost_equal, np.transpose(np.asarray(ir), (0,2,1)), i
Example #4
def test_resample2d3():
    # Same as test_resample2d, only a different way of specifying
    # the transform: here it is an (A,b) pair
    g = Affine.from_params('ij', 'xy', np.diag([0.5,0.5,1]))
    i = Image(np.ones((100,90)), g)
    i[50:55,40:55] = 3.
    a = np.identity(3)
    a[:2,-1] = 4.
    ir = resample(i, i.coordmap, a, (100,90))
    yield assert_array_almost_equal, ir[42:47,32:47], 3.
Example #5
def test_resample2d2():
    g = Affine.from_params('ij', 'xy', np.diag([0.5,0.5,1]))
    i = Image(np.ones((100,90)), g)
    i[50:55,40:55] = 3.
    a = np.identity(3)
    a[:2,-1] = 4.
    A = np.identity(2)
    b = np.ones(2)*4
    ir = resample(i, i.coordmap, (A, b), (100,90))
    yield assert_array_almost_equal, ir[42:47,32:47], 3.
Example #6
def test_array_coord_map():
    # array coord map recreates the affine when you slice an image.  In
    # general, if you take an integer slice in some dimension, the
    # corresponding column of the affine will go, leaving a row for the
    # lost dimension, with all zeros, execpt for the translation in the
    # now-removed dimension, encoding the position of that particular
    # slice
    xz = 1.1
    yz = 2.3
    zz = 3.5
    xt = 10.0
    yt = 11
    zt = 12
    aff = np.diag([xz, yz, zz, 1])
    aff[:3, 3] = [xt, yt, zt]
    shape = (2, 3, 4)
    cmap = Affine.from_params("ijk", "xyz", aff)
    acm = acs.ArrayCoordMap(cmap, shape)
    # slice the coordinate map for the first axis
    sacm = acm[1]
    # The affine has lost the first column, but has a remaining row (the
    # first) encoding the translation to get to this slice
    yield assert_array_almost_equal(
        sacm.coordmap.affine, np.array([[0, 0, xz + xt], [yz, 0, yt], [0, zz, zt], [0, 0, 1]])
    sacm = acm[:, 1]
    # lost second column, remaining second row with translation
    yield assert_array_almost_equal(
        sacm.coordmap.affine, np.array([[xz, 0, xt], [0, 0, yz + yt], [0, zz, zt], [0, 0, 1]])
    sacm = acm[:, :, 2]
    # ditto third column and row
    yield assert_array_almost_equal(
        sacm.coordmap.affine, np.array([[xz, 0, xt], [0, yz, yt], [0, 0, 2 * zz + zt], [0, 0, 1]])
    # check ellipsis slicing is the same as [:,: ...
    sacm = acm[..., 2]
    yield assert_array_almost_equal(
        sacm.coordmap.affine, np.array([[xz, 0, xt], [0, yz, yt], [0, 0, 2 * zz + zt], [0, 0, 1]])
    # that ellipsis can follow other slice types
    sacm = acm[:, ..., 2]
    yield assert_array_almost_equal(
        sacm.coordmap.affine, np.array([[xz, 0, xt], [0, yz, yt], [0, 0, 2 * zz + zt], [0, 0, 1]])
    # that there can be only one ellipsis
    yield assert_raises(ValueError, acm.__getitem__, ((Ellipsis, Ellipsis, 2)))
    # that you can integer slice in all three dimensions, leaving only
    # the translation column
    sacm = acm[1, 0, 2]
    yield assert_array_almost_equal(sacm.coordmap.affine, np.array([[xz + xt], [yt], [2 * zz + zt], [1]]))
    # that anything other than an int, slice or Ellipsis is an error
    yield assert_raises(ValueError, acm.__getitem__, ([0, 2],))
    yield assert_raises(ValueError, acm.__getitem__, (np.array([0, 2]),))
Example #7
def test_2d_from_3d():
    # Resample a 3d image on a 2d affine grid
    # This example creates a coordmap that coincides with
    # the 10th slice of an image, and checks that
    # resampling agrees with the data in the 10th slice.
    shape = (100,90,80)
    g = Affine.from_params('ijk', 'xyz', np.diag([0.5,0.5,0.5,1]))
    i = Image(np.ones(shape), g)
    i[50:55,40:55,30:33] = 3.
    a = np.identity(4)
    g2 = ArrayCoordMap.from_shape(g, shape)[10]
    ir = resample(i, g2.coordmap, a, g2.shape)
    yield assert_array_almost_equal, np.asarray(ir), np.asarray(i[10])
Example #8
def test_rotate2d3():
    # Another way to rotate/transpose the image, similar to
    # test_rotate2d2 and test_rotate2d except the output_coords of the
    # output coordmap are the same as the output_coords of the
    # original image. That is, the data is transposed on disk, but the
    # output coordinates are still 'x,'y' order, not 'y', 'x' order as
    # above

    # this functionality may or may not be used a lot. if data is to
    # be transposed but one wanted to keep the NIFTI order of output
    # coords this would do the trick

    g = Affine.from_params('xy', 'ij', np.diag([0.5,0.7,1]))
    i = Image(np.ones((100,80)), g)
    i[50:55,40:55] = 3.

    a = np.identity(3)
    g2 = Affine.from_params('xy', 'ij', np.array([[0,0.5,0],
    ir = resample(i, g2, a, (80,100))
    v2v = compose(g.inverse, g2)
    yield assert_array_almost_equal, np.asarray(ir).T, i
Example #9
def test_resample2d1():
    # Tests the same as test_resample2d, only using a callable instead of
    # an Affine instance
    g = Affine.from_params('ij', 'xy', np.diag([0.5,0.5,1]))
    i = Image(np.ones((100,90)), g)
    i[50:55,40:55] = 3.
    a = np.identity(3)
    a[:2,-1] = 4.
    A = np.identity(2)
    b = np.ones(2)*4
    def mapper(x):
        return np.dot(x, A.T) + b
    ir = resample(i, i.coordmap, mapper, (100,90))
    yield assert_array_almost_equal, ir[42:47,32:47], 3.
Example #10
def output_resid(outfile, fmri_image, clobber=False):
    Create an output file of the residuals parameter from the OLS pass of

    Uses affine part of the first image to output resids unless
    fmri_image is an Image.

    outfile :
    fmri_image : ``FmriImageList`` or 4D image
       If ``FmriImageList``, needs attributes ``volume_start_times``,
       supports len(), and object[0] has attributes ``affine``,
       ``coordmap`` and ``shape``, from which we create a new 4D
       coordmap and shape
       If 4D image, use the images coordmap and shape
    clobber : bool
       if True, overwrite previous output

    regression_output : 

    if isinstance(fmri_image, FmriImageList):
        n = len(fmri_image.list)
        T = np.zeros((5,5))
        g = fmri_image[0].coordmap
        T[1:,1:] = fmri_image[0].affine
        T[0,0] = (fmri_image.volume_start_times[1:] - 
        # FIXME: NIFTI specific naming here
        innames = ["l"] + list(g.input_coords.coord_names)
        outnames = ["t"] + list(g.output_coords.coord_names)
        cmap = Affine.from_params(innames,
                                  outnames, T)
        shape = (n,) + fmri_image[0].shape
    elif isinstance(fmri_image, Image):
        cmap = fmri_image.coordmap
        shape = fmri_image.shape
        raise ValueError, "expecting FmriImageList or 4d Image"

    outim = ModelOutputImage(outfile, cmap, shape, clobber=clobber)
    return regression.RegressionOutput(outim, regression.output_resid)
Example #11
def test_resample3d():
    g = Affine.from_params('ijk', 'xyz', np.diag([0.5,0.5,0.5,1]))
    shape = (100,90,80)
    i = Image(np.ones(shape), g)
    i[50:55,40:55,30:33] = 3.
    # This mapping describes a mapping from the "target" physical
    # coordinates to the "image" physical coordinates.  The 4x4 matrix
    # below indicates that the "target" physical coordinates are related
    # to the "image" physical coordinates by a shift of -4 in each
    # coordinate.  Or, to find the "image" physical coordinates, given
    # the "target" physical coordinates, we add 4 to each "target
    # coordinate".  The resulting resampled image should show the
    # overall image shifted [-6,-8,-10] voxels towards the origin
    a = np.identity(4)
    a[:3,-1] = [3,4,5]
    ir = resample(i, i.coordmap, a, (100,90,80))
    yield assert_array_almost_equal, ir[44:49,32:47,20:23], 3.
Example #12
def test_resample2d():
    g = Affine.from_params('ij', 'xy', np.diag([0.5,0.5,1]))
    i = Image(np.ones((100,90)), g)
    i[50:55,40:55] = 3.
    # This mapping describes a mapping from the "target" physical
    # coordinates to the "image" physical coordinates.  The 3x3 matrix
    # below indicates that the "target" physical coordinates are related
    # to the "image" physical coordinates by a shift of -4 in each
    # coordinate.  Or, to find the "image" physical coordinates, given
    # the "target" physical coordinates, we add 4 to each "target
    # coordinate".  The resulting resampled image should show the
    # overall image shifted -8,-8 voxels towards the origin
    a = np.identity(3)
    a[:2,-1] = 4.
    ir = resample(i, i.coordmap, a, (100,90))
    yield assert_array_almost_equal, ir[42:47,32:47], 3.
Example #13
def test_slice_from_3d():
    # Resample a 3d image, returning a zslice, yslice and xslice
    # This example creates a coordmap that coincides with
    # the 10th slice of an image, and checks that
    # resampling agrees with the data in the 10th slice.
    shape = (100,90,80)
    g = Affine.from_params('ijk', 'xyz', np.diag([0.5,0.5,0.5,1]))
    i = Image(np.ones(shape), g)
    i[50:55,40:55,30:33] = 3
    a = np.identity(4)
    zsl = slices.zslice(26,
                        (0,44.5), (0,39.5),
    ir = resample(i, zsl.coordmap, a, zsl.shape)
    yield assert_true, np.allclose(np.asarray(ir), np.asarray(i[53]))
    ysl = slices.yslice(22, (0,49.5), (0,39.5), i.coordmap.output_coords, (100,80))
    ir = resample(i, ysl.coordmap, a, ysl.shape)
    yield assert_true, np.allclose(np.asarray(ir), np.asarray(i[:,45]))
    xsl = slices.xslice(15.5, (0,49.5), (0,44.5), i.coordmap.output_coords, (100,90))
    ir = resample(i, xsl.coordmap, a, xsl.shape)
    yield assert_true, np.allclose(np.asarray(ir), np.asarray(i[:,:,32]))
Example #14

# 1) Create a CoordinateMap from the affine transform which specifies
# the mapping from input to output coordinates.

# Specify the axis order of the input coordinates
input_coords = ['k', 'j', 'i']
output_coords = ['z','y','x']
innames = ('kji')
outnames = ('zyx')
# either way works

# Build a CoordinateMap to create the image with
affine_coordmap = Affine.from_params(innames, outnames, affine_array)

# 2) Create a nipy image from the array and CoordinateMap

# Create new image
newimg = fromarray(arr, innames=innames, outnames=outnames, 

# END HERE, for testing purposes only.
# Imports used just for development and testing.  Users typically
# would not uses these when creating an image.
from tempfile import mkstemp
from nipy.testing import assert_equal