Example #1
def test_reorder_input():
    incs, outcs, map, inv = voxel_to_world()
    cm = CoordinateMap(map, incs, outcs, inv)
    recm = reorder_input(cm, 'jki')
    yield assert_equal, recm.input_coords.coord_names, ('j', 'k', 'i')
    yield assert_equal, recm.output_coords.coord_names, outcs.coord_names
    yield assert_equal, recm.input_coords.name, incs.name+'-reordered'
    yield assert_equal, recm.output_coords.name, outcs.name
    # default reverse reorder
    recm = reorder_input(cm)
    yield assert_equal, recm.input_coords.coord_names, ('k', 'j', 'i')
    # reorder with order as indices
    recm = reorder_input(cm, [2,0,1])
    yield assert_equal, recm.input_coords.coord_names, ('k', 'i', 'j')
Example #2
def test_iter():
    img = load_image(funcfile)
    # flip to time first version so this makes sense
    from nipy.core.reference.coordinate_map import reorder_input
    arr = np.asarray(img).T
    coordmap = reorder_input(img.coordmap)
    img_t1 = Image(arr, coordmap)
    slice_shape = (arr.shape[0],) + arr.shape[2:]
    j = 0
    for i, d in fmri_generator(img_t1):
        j += 1
        yield nose.tools.assert_equal, d.shape, slice_shape
        del(i); gc.collect()
    yield nose.tools.assert_equal, j, 3