Example #1
def test_events():
    # test events utility function
    h = Function('hrf')
    evs = events([3,6,9])
    yield assert_equal(DiracDelta(-9 + t) + DiracDelta(-6 + t) +
                       DiracDelta(-3 + t), evs)
    evs = events([3,6,9], f=h)
    yield assert_equal(h(-3 + t) + h(-6 + t) + h(-9 + t), evs)
    # make some beta symbols
    b = [Symbol('b%d' % i, dummy=True) for i in range(3)]
    a = Symbol('a')
    p = b[0] + b[1]*a + b[2]*a**2
    evs = events([3,6,9], amplitudes=[2,1,-1], g=p)
    yield assert_equal((2*b[1] + 4*b[2] + b[0])*DiracDelta(-3 + t) +
                       (-b[1] + b[0] + b[2])*DiracDelta(-9 + t) +
                       (b[0] + b[1] + b[2])*DiracDelta(-6 + t),
    evs = events([3,6,9], amplitudes=[2,1,-1], g=p, f=h)
    yield assert_equal((2*b[1] + 4*b[2] + b[0])*h(-3 + t) +
                       (-b[1] + b[0] + b[2])*h(-9 + t) +
                       (b[0] + b[1] + b[2])*h(-6 + t),
    # test no error for numpy int arrays
    onsets = np.array([30, 70, 100], dtype=np.int64)
    evs = events(onsets, f=mfhrf.glover)
Example #2
def test_events():
    # test events utility function
    h = Function('hrf')
    t = Term('t')
    evs = events([3,6,9])
    yield assert_equal(DiracDelta(-9 + t) + DiracDelta(-6 + t) +
                       DiracDelta(-3 + t), evs)
    evs = events([3,6,9], f=h)
    yield assert_equal(h(-3 + t) + h(-6 + t) + h(-9 + t), evs)
    # test no error for numpy int arrays
    onsets = np.array([30, 70, 100], dtype=np.int64)
    evs = events(onsets, f=mfhrf.glover)
Example #3
def convolve_regressors(paradigm, hrf_model, names=None, fir_delays=[0], fir_duration=1.0):
    Creation of  a formula that represents 
    the convolution of the conditions onset witha  certain hrf model
    paradigm: paradigm instance
    hrf_model, string that can be 'Canonical', 
               'Canonical With Derivative' or 'FIR'
               that specifies the hemodynamic reponse function
    names=None, list of strings corresponding to the condition names
                if names==None, these are create as 'c1',..,'cn'
                meaning 'condition 1'.. 'condition n'
    fir_delays=[0], optional, array of shape(nb_onsets) or list
                    in case of FIR design, yields the array of delays 
                    used in the FIR model
    fir_duration=1., float, duration of the FIR block; 
                     in general it should eb equal to the tr    
    f a formula object that contains the convolved regressors 
      as functions of time    
    names list of strings corresponding to the condition names
          the output names depend on teh hrf model used
          if 'Canonical' then this is identical to the input names
          if 'Canonical With Derivative', then two names are produced for
             input name 'name': 'name' and 'name_derivative'

    normalization of the columns of the design matrix ?
    ncond = int(paradigm.index.max() + 1)
    if names == None:
        names = ["c%d" % k for k in range(ncond)]
        if len(names) < ncond:
            raise ValueError, "the number of names is less than the \
                  number of conditions"
            ncond = len(names)
    listc = []
    hnames = []
    typep = paradigm.type

    for nc in range(ncond):
        onsets = paradigm.onset[paradigm.index == nc]
        nos = np.size(onsets)
        if paradigm.amplitude is not None:
            values = paradigm.amplitude[paradigm.index == nc]
            values = np.ones(nos)
        if nos > 0:
            if typep == "event":
                if hrf_model == "Canonical":
                    c = utils.define(names[nc], utils.events(onsets, values, f=hrf.glover))
                elif hrf_model == "Canonical With Derivative":
                    c1 = utils.define(names[nc], utils.events(onsets, values, f=hrf.glover))
                    c2 = utils.define(names[nc] + "_derivative", utils.events(onsets, values, f=hrf.dglover))
                    hnames.append(names[nc] + "_derivative")
                elif hrf_model == "FIR":
                    for i, ft in enumerate(fir_delays):
                        lnames = names[nc] + "_delay_%d" % i
                        changes = np.hstack((onsets + ft, onsets + ft + fir_duration))
                        ochanges = np.argsort(changes)
                        lvalues = np.hstack((values, np.zeros(nos)))
                        changes = changes[ochanges]
                        lvalues = lvalues[ochanges]

                        c = utils.define(lnames, utils.step_function(changes, lvalues))

                    raise NotImplementedError, "unknown hrf model"
            elif typep == "block":
                offsets = onsets + paradigm.duration[paradigm.type == nc]
                changes = np.hstack((onsets, offsets))
                values = np.hstack((values, -values))

                if hrf_model == "Canonical":
                    c = utils.events(changes, values, f=hrf.iglover)
                elif hrf_model == "Canonical With Derivative":
                    c1 = utils.events(changes, values, f=hrf.iglover)
                    c2 = utils.events(changes, values, f=hrf.glover)
                    hnames.append(names[nc] + "_derivative")
                elif hrf_model == "FIR":
                    raise NotImplementedError, "block design are not compatible with FIR at the moment"
                    raise NotImplementedError, "unknown hrf model"

    # create the formula
    p = formula.Formula(listc)

    return p, hnames
Example #4
from nipy.modalities.fmri.utils import events, Symbol, lambdify_t
from nipy.modalities.fmri.hrf import glover

# Symbol for amplitude
a = Symbol('a')

# Some event onsets regularly spaced
onsets = np.linspace(0,50,6)

# Make amplitudes from onset times (greater as function of time)
amplitudes = onsets[:]

# Flip even numbered amplitudes
amplitudes = amplitudes * ([-1, 1] * 3)

# Make event functions
evs = events(onsets, amplitudes=amplitudes, g=a + 0.5 * a**2, f=glover)

# Real valued function for symbolic events
real_evs = lambdify_t(evs)

# Time points at which to sample
t_samples = np.linspace(0,60,601)

pylab.plot(t_samples, real_evs(t_samples), c='r')
for onset, amplitude in zip(onsets, amplitudes):
    pylab.plot([onset, onset],[0, 25 * amplitude], c='b')

Example #5
def protocol(recarr, design_type, *hrfs):
    """ Create an object that can evaluate the FIAC
    Subclass of formula.Formula, but not necessary.
    recarr : (N,) structured array
       with fields 'time' and 'event'
    design_type : str
       one of ['event', 'block'].  Handles how the 'begin' term is
       handled.  For 'block', the first event of each block is put in
       this group. For the 'event', only the first event is put in this
       group. The 'begin' events are convolved with hrf.glover.
    hrfs: symoblic HRFs
       Each event type ('SSt_SSp','SSt_DSp','DSt_SSp','DSt_DSp') is
       convolved with each of these HRFs in order.
    f: Formula
       Formula for constructing design matrices.
    contrasts : dict
       Dictionary of the contrasts of the experiment.
    event_types = np.unique(recarr['event'])
    N = recarr.size
    if design_type == 'block':
        keep = np.not_equal((np.arange(N)) % 6, 0)
        keep = np.greater(np.arange(N), 0)
    # This first frame was used to model out a potentially
    # 'bad' first frame....
    _begin = recarr['time'][~keep]

    termdict = {}        
    termdict['begin'] = utils.define('begin', utils.events(_begin, f=hrf.glover))
    drift = formula.natural_spline(utils.T,
    for i, t in enumerate(drift.terms):
        termdict['drift%d' % i] = t
    # After removing the first frame, keep the remaining
    # events and times
    times = recarr['time'][keep]
    events = recarr['event'][keep]

    # Now, specify the experimental conditions
    # This creates expressions
    # named SSt_SSp0, SSt_SSp1, etc.
    # with one expression for each (eventtype, hrf) pair
    for v in event_types:
        for l, h in enumerate(hrfs):
            k = np.array([events[i] == v for i in 
            termdict['%s%d' % (v,l)] = utils.define("%s%d" % (v, l), 
                                                      utils.events(times[k], f=h))
    f = formula.Formula(termdict.values())
    Tcontrasts = {}
    Tcontrasts['average'] = (termdict['SSt_SSp0'] + termdict['SSt_DSp0'] +
                             termdict['DSt_SSp0'] + termdict['DSt_DSp0']) / 4.
    Tcontrasts['speaker'] = (termdict['SSt_DSp0'] - termdict['SSt_SSp0'] +
                             termdict['DSt_DSp0'] - termdict['DSt_SSp0']) * 0.5
    Tcontrasts['sentence'] = (termdict['DSt_DSp0'] + termdict['DSt_SSp0'] -
                              termdict['SSt_DSp0'] - termdict['SSt_SSp0']) * 0.5
    Tcontrasts['interaction'] = (termdict['SSt_SSp0'] - termdict['SSt_DSp0'] -
                                 termdict['DSt_SSp0'] + termdict['DSt_DSp0'])
    # Ftest
    Fcontrasts = {}
    Fcontrasts['overall1'] = formula.Formula(Tcontrasts.values())

    return f, Tcontrasts, Fcontrasts
Example #6
#!/usr/bin/env python
# emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# vi: set ft=python sts=4 ts=4 sw=4 et:
""" A simple contrast for an FMRI HRF model """
from __future__ import print_function  # Python 2/3 compatibility

import numpy as np

from nipy.algorithms.statistics.api import Formula, make_recarray
from nipy.modalities.fmri import utils, hrf
from nipy.modalities.fmri.fmristat import hrf as delay

# We take event onsets, and a specified HRF model, and make symbolic functions
# of time
c1 = utils.events([3, 7, 10], f=hrf.glover)  # Symbolic function of time
c2 = utils.events([1, 3, 9], f=hrf.glover)  # Symbolic function of time
c3 = utils.events([3, 4, 6], f=delay.spectral[0])  # Symbolic function of time

# We can also use a Fourier basis for some other onsets - again making symbolic
# functions of time
d = utils.fourier_basis([3, 5, 7])  # Formula

# Make a formula for all four sets of onsets
f = Formula([c1, c2, c3]) + d

# A contrast is a formula expressed on the elements of the design formula
contrast = Formula([c1 - c2, c1 - c3])

# Instantiate actual values of time at which to create the design matrix rows
t = make_recarray(np.linspace(0, 20, 50), 't')
Example #7

import numpy as np
import sympy

from nipy.algorithms.statistics.api import Formula, make_recarray
from nipy.modalities.fmri import utils, hrf

# Inter-stimulus intervals (time between events)
dt = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=2.5, size=(50,))
# Onset times from the ISIs
t = np.cumsum(dt)

# We're going to model the amplitudes ('a') by dt (the time between events)
a = sympy.Symbol('a')
linear = utils.define('linear', utils.events(t, dt, f=hrf.glover))
quadratic = utils.define('quad', utils.events(t, dt, f=hrf.glover, g=a**2))
cubic = utils.define('cubic', utils.events(t, dt, f=hrf.glover, g=a**3))

f1 = Formula([linear, quadratic, cubic])

# Evaluate this time-based formula at specific times to make the design matrix
tval = make_recarray(np.linspace(0,100, 1001), 't')
X1 = f1.design(tval, return_float=True)

# Now we make a model where the relationship of time between events and signal
# is an exponential with a time constant tau
l = sympy.Symbol('l')
exponential = utils.events(t, dt, f=hrf.glover, g=sympy.exp(-l*a))
f3 = Formula([exponential])
Example #8
import numpy as np
import nipy.testing as niptest
import sympy
from nipy.modalities.fmri import formula, utils, hrf
from nipy.modalities.fmri.fmristat import hrf as delay

c1 = utils.events([3,7,10], f=hrf.glover) # Symbolic function of time
c2 = utils.events([1,3,9], f=hrf.glover) # Symbolic function of time
c3 = utils.events([3,4,6], f=delay.spectral[0])
d = utils.fourier_basis([3,5,7]) # Formula

f = formula.Formula([c1,c2,c3]) + d
contrast = formula.Formula([c1-c2, c1-c3])

t = formula.make_recarray(np.linspace(0,20,50), 't')

X, c = f.design(t, return_float=True, contrasts={'C':contrast})
preC = contrast.design(t, return_float=True)

C = np.dot(np.linalg.pinv(X), preC).T
niptest.assert_almost_equal(C, c['C'])

print C

Example #9
File: fir.py Project: FNNDSC/nipy
        k1, k2, k3 = knots[i:i+3]
        d1 = k2-k1
        def anon(x,k1=k1,k2=k2,k3=k3):
            return ((x-k1) / d1 * np.greater(x, k1) * np.less_equal(x, k2) +
                    (k3-x) / d1 * np.greater(x, k2) * np.less(x, k3))
        fns.append(implemented_function(name, anon))
    return fns

# The splines are functions of t (time)
bsp_fns = linBspline(np.arange(0,10,2))

# We're going to evaluate at these specific values of time
tt = np.linspace(0,50,101)
tvals= tt.view(np.dtype([('t', np.float)]))

# Some interstimulus intervals
isis = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=3, size=(4,)) + 10.
# Made into event onset times
e = np.cumsum(isis)

f = Formula([utils.events(e, f=fn) for fn in bsp_fns])

# The design matrix
X = f.design(tvals, return_float=True)

Example #10
def convolve_regressors(paradigm, hrf_model, end_time, fir_delays=[0],
    """ Creation of  a formula that represents
    the convolution of the conditions onset with a certain hrf model

    paradigm: paradigm instance
    hrf_model: string that can be 'Canonical',
               'Canonical With Derivative' or 'FIR'
               that specifies the hemodynamic reponse function
    end_time: float,
              end time of the paradigm (needed only for block designs)
    fir_delays=[0], optional, array of shape(nb_onsets) or list
                    in case of FIR design, yields the array of delays
                    used in the FIR model
    fir_duration=1., float, duration of the FIR block
                     in general it should eb equal to the tr

    f: formula instance,
       contains the convolved regressors as functions of time
    names: list of strings,
           the condition names, that depend on the hrf model used
           if 'Canonical' then this is identical to the input names
           if 'Canonical With Derivative', then two names are produced for
             input name 'name': 'name' and 'name_derivative'

    normalization of the columns of the design matrix ?
    listc = []
    hnames = []
    typep = paradigm.type

    for nc in np.unique(paradigm.con_id):
        onsets = paradigm.onset[paradigm.con_id == nc]
        nos = np.size(onsets)
        if paradigm.amplitude is not None:
            values = paradigm.amplitude[paradigm.con_id == nc]
            values = np.ones(nos)
        if nos < 1:
        if typep == 'event':
            if hrf_model == "Canonical":
                c = utils.define(
                    nc, utils.events(onsets, values, f=hrf.glover))
            elif hrf_model == "Canonical With Derivative":
                c1 = utils.define(
                    nc, utils.events(onsets, values, f=hrf.glover))
                c2 = utils.define(nc + "_derivative",
                                   utils.events(onsets, values, f=hrf.dglover))
                hnames.append(nc + "_derivative")
            elif hrf_model == "FIR":
                for i, ft in enumerate(fir_delays):
                    lnames = nc + "_delay_%d" % i
                    changes = np.hstack((onsets + ft,
                                         onsets + ft + fir_duration))
                    ochanges = np.argsort(changes)
                    lvalues = np.hstack((values, np.zeros(nos)))
                    changes = changes[ochanges]
                    lvalues = lvalues[ochanges]
                    c = utils.define(lnames,
                                     utils.step_function(changes, lvalues))
                raise NotImplementedError('unknown hrf model')
        elif typep == 'block':
            offsets = onsets + paradigm.duration[paradigm.con_id == nc]
            intervals = [[on, off] for (on, off) in zip(onsets, offsets)]
            blks = utils.blocks(intervals, values)
            changes = np.hstack((onsets, offsets))
            cvalues = np.hstack((values, - values))
            if hrf_model == "Canonical":
                c = utils.convolve_functions(blks, hrf.glover(hrf.T),
                                             [0, end_time], 0.001)
            elif hrf_model == "Canonical With Derivative":
                c1 = utils.convolve_functions(blks, hrf.glover(hrf.T),
                                              [0, end_time], 0.001)
                c2 = utils.events(changes, cvalues, f=hrf.glover)
                hnames.append(nc + "_derivative")
            elif hrf_model == "FIR":
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    'block design are not compatible with FIR')
                raise NotImplementedError('unknown hrf model')

    # create the formula
    p = formula.Formula(listc)

    return p, hnames
Example #11
from nipy.modalities.fmri.utils import events, Symbol, lambdify_t
from nipy.modalities.fmri.hrf import glover

# Symbol for amplitude
a = Symbol('a')

# Some event onsets regularly spaced
onsets = np.linspace(0, 50, 6)

# Make amplitudes from onset times (greater as function of time)
amplitudes = onsets[:]

# Flip even numbered amplitudes
amplitudes = amplitudes * ([-1, 1] * 3)

# Make event functions
evs = events(onsets, amplitudes=amplitudes, g=a + 0.5 * a**2, f=glover)

# Real valued function for symbolic events
real_evs = lambdify_t(evs)

# Time points at which to sample
t_samples = np.linspace(0, 60, 601)

pylab.plot(t_samples, real_evs(t_samples), c='r')
for onset, amplitude in zip(onsets, amplitudes):
    pylab.plot([onset, onset], [0, 25 * amplitude], c='b')

Example #12
def protocol(fh, design_type, *hrfs):
    Create an object that can evaluate the FIAC.
    Subclass of formula.Formula, but not necessary.
    fh : file handler
    File-like object that reads in the FIAC design,
    i.e. like file('subj1_evt_fonc3.txt')
    design_type : str in ['event', 'block']
    Handles how the 'begin' term is handled.
    For 'block', the first event of each block
    is put in this group. For the 'event', 
    only the first event is put in this group.
    The 'begin' events are convolved with hrf.glover.
    hrfs: symoblic HRFs
    Each event type ('SSt_SSp','SSt_DSp','DSt_SSp','DSt_DSp')
    is convolved with each of these HRFs in order.
    f: Formula
    Formula for constructing design matrices.
    contrasts : dict
    Dictionary of the contrasts of the experiment.
    eventdict = {1: "SSt_SSp", 2: "SSt_DSp", 3: "DSt_SSp", 4: "DSt_DSp"}

    fh = fh.read().strip().splitlines()

    times = []
    events = []

    for row in fh:
        time, eventtype = map(float, row.split())
    if design_type == "block":
        keep = np.not_equal((np.arange(len(times))) % 6, 0)
        keep = np.greater(np.arange(len(times)), 0)
    # This first frame was used to model out a potentially
    # 'bad' first frame....

    _begin = np.array(times)[~keep]

    termdict = {}
    termdict["begin"] = formula.define("begin", utils.events(_begin, f=hrf.glover))
    drift = formula.natural_spline(hrf.t, knots=[191 / 2.0 + 1.25], intercept=True)
    for i, t in enumerate(drift.terms):
        termdict["drift%d" % i] = t
    # After removing the first frame, keep the remaining
    # events and times

    times = np.array(times)[keep]
    events = np.array(events)[keep]

    # Now, specify the experimental conditions
    # This creates expressions
    # named SSt_SSp0, SSt_SSp1, etc.
    # with one expression for each (eventtype, hrf) pair

    for v in eventdict.values():
        for l, h in enumerate(hrfs):
            k = np.array([events[i] == v for i in range(times.shape[0])])
            termdict["%s%d" % (v, l)] = formula.define("%s%d" % (v, l), utils.events(times[k], f=h))
    f = formula.Formula(termdict.values())
    Tcontrasts = {}
    Tcontrasts["average"] = (
        termdict["SSt_SSp0"] + termdict["SSt_DSp0"] + termdict["DSt_SSp0"] + termdict["DSt_DSp0"]
    ) / 4.0
    Tcontrasts["speaker"] = (
        termdict["SSt_DSp0"] - termdict["SSt_SSp0"] + termdict["DSt_DSp0"] - termdict["DSt_SSp0"]
    ) * 0.5
    Tcontrasts["sentence"] = (
        termdict["DSt_DSp0"] + termdict["DSt_SSp0"] - termdict["SSt_DSp0"] - termdict["SSt_SSp0"]
    ) * 0.5
    Tcontrasts["interaction"] = (
        termdict["SSt_SSp0"] - termdict["SSt_DSp0"] - termdict["DSt_SSp0"] + termdict["DSt_DSp0"]
    # Ftest
    Fcontrasts = {}
    Fcontrasts["overall1"] = formula.Formula(Tcontrasts.values())

    return f, Tcontrasts, Fcontrasts
Example #13
def altprotocol(fh, design_type, *hrfs):
    Create an object that can evaluate the FIAC.
    Subclass of formula.Formula, but not necessary.


    fh : file handler
        File-like object that reads in the FIAC design,
        but has a different format (test_FIACdata.altdescr)

    design_type : str in ['event', 'block']
        Handles how the 'begin' term is handled.
        For 'block', the first event of each block
        is put in this group. For the 'event', 
        only the first event is put in this group.

        The 'begin' events are convolved with hrf.glover.

    hrfs: symoblic HRFs
        Each event type ('SSt_SSp','SSt_DSp','DSt_SSp','DSt_DSp')
        is convolved with each of these HRFs in order.

    d = csv2rec(fh)

    if design_type == "block":
        keep = np.not_equal((np.arange(d.time.shape[0])) % 6, 0)
        keep = np.greater(np.arange(d.time.shape[0]), 0)

    # This first frame was used to model out a potentially
    # 'bad' first frame....

    _begin = d.time[~keep]
    d = d[keep]

    termdict = {}
    termdict["begin"] = formula.define("begin", utils.events(_begin, f=hrf.glover))
    drift = formula.natural_spline(hrf.t, knots=[191 / 2.0 + 1.25], intercept=True)
    for i, t in enumerate(drift.terms):
        termdict["drift%d" % i] = t

    # Now, specify the experimental conditions
    # The elements of termdict are DiracDeltas, rather than HRFs

    st = formula.Factor("sentence", ["DSt", "SSt"])
    sp = formula.Factor("speaker", ["DSp", "SSp"])

    indic = {}
    indic["sentence"] = st.main_effect
    indic["speaker"] = sp.main_effect
    indic["interaction"] = st.main_effect * sp.main_effect
    indic["average"] = formula.I

    for key in indic.keys():
        # The matrix signs will be populated with +- 1's
        # d is the recarray having fields ('time', 'sentence', 'speaker')
        signs = indic[key].design(d, return_float=True)

        for l, h in enumerate(hrfs):

            # symb is a sympy expression representing a sum
            # of [h(t-_t) for _t in d.time]
            symb = utils.events(d.time, amplitudes=signs, f=h)

            # the values of termdict will have keys like
            # 'average0', 'speaker1'
            # and values  that are sympy expressions like average0(t),
            # speaker1(t)
            termdict["%s%d" % (key, l)] = formula.define("%s%d" % (key, l), symb)

    f = formula.Formula(termdict.values())

    Tcontrasts = {}
    Tcontrasts["average"] = termdict["average0"]
    Tcontrasts["speaker"] = termdict["speaker0"]
    Tcontrasts["sentence"] = termdict["sentence0"]
    Tcontrasts["interaction"] = termdict["interaction0"]

    # F tests

    Fcontrasts = {}
    Fcontrasts["overall1"] = formula.Formula(Tcontrasts.values())

    nhrf = len(hrfs)
    Fcontrasts["averageF"] = formula.Formula([termdict["average%d" % j] for j in range(nhrf)])
    Fcontrasts["speakerF"] = formula.Formula([termdict["speaker%d" % j] for j in range(nhrf)])
    Fcontrasts["sentenceF"] = formula.Formula([termdict["sentence%d" % j] for j in range(nhrf)])
    Fcontrasts["interactionF"] = formula.Formula([termdict["interaction%d" % j] for j in range(nhrf)])

    Fcontrasts["overall2"] = (
        Fcontrasts["averageF"] + Fcontrasts["speakerF"] + Fcontrasts["sentenceF"] + Fcontrasts["interactionF"]

    return f, Tcontrasts, Fcontrasts
from nipy.algorithms.statistics.api import Term, Formula, Factor
from nipy.modalities.fmri import utils, hrf

# HRF models we will use for each run.  Just to show it can be done, use a
# different HRF model for each run
h1 = hrf.glover
h2 = hrf.afni

# Symbol for time in general.  The 'events' function below will return models in
# terms of 't', but we'll want models in terms of 't1' and 't2'.  We need 't'
# here so we can substitute.
t = Term('t')

# run 1
t1 = Term('t1')  # Time within run 1
c11 = utils.events([3, 7, 10], f=h1)  # Condition 1, run 1
# The events utility returns a formula in terms of 't' - general time
c11 = c11.subs(t, t1)  # Now make it in terms of time in run 1
# Same for conditions 2 and 3
c21 = utils.events([1, 3, 9], f=h1)
c21 = c21.subs(t, t1)
c31 = utils.events([2, 4, 8], f=h1)
c31 = c31.subs(t, t1)
# Add also a Fourier basis set for drift with frequencies 0.3, 0.5, 0.7
d1 = utils.fourier_basis([0.3, 0.5, 0.7])
d1 = d1.subs(t, t1)

# Here's our formula for run 1 signal terms of time in run 1 (t1)
f1 = Formula([c11, c21, c31]) + d1

# run 2
import numpy as np
import sympy
from nipy.modalities.fmri import formula, utils, hrf

# hrf

h1 = sympy.Function("hrf1")
h2 = sympy.Function("hrf2")
t = formula.Term("t")

# Session 1

t1 = formula.Term("t1")
c11 = utils.events([3, 7, 10], f=h1)
c11 = c11.subs(t, t1)
c21 = utils.events([1, 3, 9], f=h1)
c21 = c21.subs(t, t1)
c31 = utils.events([2, 4, 8], f=h1)
c31 = c31.subs(t, t1)
d1 = utils.fourier_basis([0.3, 0.5, 0.7])
d1 = d1.subs(t, t1)
tval1 = np.linspace(0, 20, 101)

f1 = formula.Formula([c11, c21, c31]) + d1
f1 = f1.subs("hrf1", hrf.glover)

# Session 2

t2 = formula.Term("t2")
c12 = utils.events([3.3, 7, 10], f=h2)
c12 = c12.subs(t, t2)
Example #16
File: fir.py Project: fabianp/nipy
# The splines are functions of t (time)
bsp_fns = linBspline(np.arange(0,10,2))

# We're going to evaluate at these specific values of time
tt = np.linspace(0,50,101)
tvals= tt.view(np.dtype([('t', np.float)]))

# Some interstimulus intervals
isis = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=3, size=(4,)) + 10.

# Made into event onset times
e = np.cumsum(isis)

# Make event onsets into functions of time convolved with the spline functions.
event_funcs = [utils.events(e, f=fn) for fn in bsp_fns]

# Put into a formula.
f = Formula(event_funcs)

# The design matrix
X = f.design(tvals, return_float=True)

# Show the design matrix as line plots
plt.xlabel('time (s)')
plt.title('B spline used as bases for an FIR response model')
# emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# vi: set ft=python sts=4 ts=4 sw=4 et:
import numpy as np
import sympy
from nipy.modalities.fmri import formula, utils, hrf

# hrf 

h1 = sympy.Function('hrf1')
h2 = sympy.Function('hrf2')
t = formula.Term('t')

# Session 1

t1 = formula.Term('t1')
c11 = utils.events([3,7,10], f=h1); c11 = c11.subs(t, t1)
c21 = utils.events([1,3,9], f=h1); c21 = c21.subs(t, t1)
c31 = utils.events([2,4,8], f=h1); c31 = c31.subs(t, t1)
d1 = utils.fourier_basis([0.3,0.5,0.7]); d1 = d1.subs(t, t1)
tval1 = np.linspace(0,20,101)

f1 = formula.Formula([c11,c21,c31]) + d1
f1 = f1.subs('hrf1', hrf.glover)

# Session 2

t2 = formula.Term('t2')
c12 = utils.events([3.3,7,10], f=h2); c12 = c12.subs(t, t2)
c22 = utils.events([1,3.2,9], f=h2); c22 = c22.subs(t, t2)
c32 = utils.events([2,4.2,8], f=h2); c32 = c32.subs(t, t2)
d2 = utils.fourier_basis([0.3,0.5,0.7]); d2 = d2.subs(t, t2)
Example #18
# emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# vi: set ft=python sts=4 ts=4 sw=4 et:
import numpy as np
import pylab

from nipy.modalities.fmri.utils import events, Symbol, Vectorize
from nipy.modalities.fmri.hrf import glover_sympy

a = Symbol('a')
b = np.linspace(0,50,6)
ba = b*([-1,1]*3)
d = events(b, amplitudes=ba, g=a+0.5*a**2, f=glover_sympy)
dt = Vectorize(d)
tt = np.linspace(0,60,601)

pylab.plot(tt, dt(tt), c='r')
for bb, aa in zip(b,ba):
    pylab.plot([bb,bb],[0,25*aa], c='b')

Example #19
def convolve_regressors(paradigm, hrf_model, names=None, fir_delays=[0], 
    fir_duration = 1.):
    Creation of  a formula that represents 
    the convolution of the conditions onset witha  certain hrf model
    paradigm array of shape (nevents,2) if the type is event-related design 
             or (nenvets,3) for a block design
             that contains (condition id, onset) or 
             (condition id, onset, duration)
    hrf_model, string that can be 'Canonical', 
               'Canonical With Derivative' or 'FIR'
               that specifies the hemodynamic reponse function
    names=None, list of strings corresponding to the condition names
                if names==None, these are create as 'c1',..,'cn'
                meaning 'condition 1'.. 'condition n'
    fir_delays=[0], optional, array of shape(nb_onsets) or list
                    in case of FIR design, yields the array of delays 
                    used in the FIR model
    fir_duration=1., float, duration of the FIR block; 
                     in general it should eb equal to the tr    
    f a formula object that contains the convolved regressors 
      as functions of time    
    names list of strings corresponding to the condition names
          the output names depend on teh hrf model used
          if 'Canonical' then this is identical to the input names
          if 'Canonical With Derivative', then two names are produced for
             input name 'name': 'name' and 'name_derivative'

    normalization of the columns of the design matrix ?
    paradigm = np.asarray(paradigm)
    if paradigm.ndim !=2:
        raise ValueError('Paradigm should have 2 dimensions')
    ncond = int(paradigm[:,0].max()+1)
    if names==None:
        names=["c%d" % k for k in range(ncond)]
        if len(names)<ncond:
            raise ValueError, 'the number of names is less than the \
                  number of conditions'   
            ncond = len(names)        
    listc = []
    hnames = []
    if paradigm.shape[1]>2:
        typep = 'block'  
    for nc in range(ncond):
        onsets =  paradigm[paradigm[:,0]==nc,1]
        nos = np.size(onsets) 
        if nos>0:
            if typep=='event':
                if hrf_model=="Canonical":
                    c = formula.define(names[nc], utils.events(onsets, f=hrf.glover))
                elif hrf_model=="Canonical With Derivative":
                    c1 = formula.define(names[nc],
                                        utils.events(onsets, f=hrf.glover))
                    c2 = formula.define(names[nc]+"_derivative",
                                        utils.events(onsets, f=hrf.dglover))
                elif hrf_model=="FIR":
                    for i,ft in enumerate(fir_delays):
                        lnames = names[nc]+"_delay_%d"%i
                        changes = np.hstack((onsets+ft,onsets+ft+fir_duration))
                        ochanges = np.argsort(changes)
                        values = np.hstack((np.ones(nos), np.zeros(nos)))
                        changes = changes[ochanges]
                        values = values[ochanges]
                        c = formula.define(lnames, utils.step_function(changes,values))
                    raise NotImplementedError,'unknown hrf model'
            elif typep=='block':
                offsets =  onsets+paradigm[paradigm[:,0]==nc,2]
                changes = np.hstack((onsets,offsets))
                values = np.hstack((np.ones(nos), -np.ones(nos)))

                if hrf_model=="Canonical":
                    c = utils.events(changes,values, f=hrf.iglover)
                elif hrf_model=="Canonical With Derivative":
                    c1 = utils.events(changes,values, f=hrf.iglover)
                    c2 = utils.events(changes,values, f=hrf.glover)
                elif hrf_model=="FIR":
                    raise NotImplementedError,\
                          'block design are not compatible with FIR at the moment'
                    raise NotImplementedError,'unknown hrf model'  
                raise NotImplementedError,'unknown type of paradigm'
    # create the formula
    p = formula.Formula(listc)
    return p, hnames
Example #20
the amount of time since the last stimulus

import numpy as np
import nipy.testing as niptest
import sympy

from nipy.modalities.fmri import utils, formula, hrf

dt = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=2.5, size=(50,))
t = np.cumsum(dt)

a = sympy.Symbol("a")
linear = formula.define("linear", utils.events(t, dt, f=hrf.glover))
quadratic = formula.define("quad", utils.events(t, dt, f=hrf.glover, g=a ** 2))
cubic = formula.define("cubic", utils.events(t, dt, f=hrf.glover, g=a ** 3))

f1 = formula.Formula([linear, quadratic, cubic])

# Evaluate them

tval = formula.make_recarray(np.linspace(0, 100, 1001), "t")
X1 = f1.design(tval, return_float=True)

# Let's make it exponential with a time constant tau

l = sympy.Symbol("l")
exponential = utils.events(t, dt, f=hrf.glover, g=sympy.exp(-l * a))
f3 = formula.Formula([exponential])
Example #21
def altprotocol(d, design_type, *hrfs):
    """ Create an object that can evaluate the FIAC.
    Subclass of formula.Formula, but not necessary.

    d : np.recarray
       recarray defining design in terms of time, sentence speaker

    design_type : str in ['event', 'block']
        Handles how the 'begin' term is handled.
        For 'block', the first event of each block
        is put in this group. For the 'event', 
        only the first event is put in this group.

        The 'begin' events are convolved with hrf.glover.

    hrfs: symoblic HRFs
        Each event type ('SSt_SSp','SSt_DSp','DSt_SSp','DSt_DSp')
        is convolved with each of these HRFs in order.

    if design_type == 'block':
        keep = np.not_equal((np.arange(d.time.shape[0])) % 6, 0)
        keep = np.greater(np.arange(d.time.shape[0]), 0)

    # This first frame was used to model out a potentially
    # 'bad' first frame....

    _begin = d.time[~keep]
    d = d[keep]

    termdict = {}        
    termdict['begin'] = utils.define('begin', utils.events(_begin, f=hrf.glover))
    drift = formula.natural_spline(utils.T,
    for i, t in enumerate(drift.terms):
        termdict['drift%d' % i] = t

    # Now, specify the experimental conditions
    # The elements of termdict are DiracDeltas, rather than HRFs

    st = formula.Factor('sentence', ['DSt', 'SSt'])
    sp = formula.Factor('speaker', ['DSp', 'SSp'])

    indic = {}
    indic['sentence'] =  st.main_effect
    indic['speaker'] =  sp.main_effect
    indic['interaction'] = st.main_effect * sp.main_effect
    indic['average'] = formula.I

    for key in indic.keys():
        # The matrix signs will be populated with +- 1's
        # d is the recarray having fields ('time', 'sentence', 'speaker')
        signs = indic[key].design(d, return_float=True)

        for l, h in enumerate(hrfs):

            # symb is a sympy expression representing a sum
            # of [h(t-_t) for _t in d.time]
            symb = utils.events(d.time, amplitudes=signs, f=h)

            # the values of termdict will have keys like
            # 'average0', 'speaker1'
            # and values  that are sympy expressions like average0(t), 
            # speaker1(t)
            termdict['%s%d' % (key, l)] = utils.define("%s%d" % (key, l), symb)

    f = formula.Formula(termdict.values())

    Tcontrasts = {}
    Tcontrasts['average'] = termdict['average0']
    Tcontrasts['speaker'] = termdict['speaker0']
    Tcontrasts['sentence'] = termdict['sentence0']
    Tcontrasts['interaction'] = termdict['interaction0']

    # F tests

    Fcontrasts = {}
    Fcontrasts['overall1'] = formula.Formula(Tcontrasts.values())

    nhrf = len(hrfs)
    Fcontrasts['averageF'] = formula.Formula([termdict['average%d' % j] for j in range(nhrf)])
    Fcontrasts['speakerF'] = formula.Formula([termdict['speaker%d' % j] for j in range(nhrf)])
    Fcontrasts['sentenceF'] = formula.Formula([termdict['sentence%d' % j] for j in range(nhrf)])
    Fcontrasts['interactionF'] = formula.Formula([termdict['interaction%d' % j] for j in range(nhrf)])

    Fcontrasts['overall2'] = Fcontrasts['averageF'] + Fcontrasts['speakerF'] + Fcontrasts['sentenceF'] + Fcontrasts['interactionF']

    return f, Tcontrasts, Fcontrasts
Example #22
File: fir.py Project: ofenlab/nipy
# The splines are functions of t (time)
bsp_fns = linBspline(np.arange(0, 10, 2))

# We're going to evaluate at these specific values of time
tt = np.linspace(0, 50, 101)
tvals = tt.view(np.dtype([('t', np.float)]))

# Some inter-stimulus intervals
isis = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=3, size=(4, )) + 10.

# Made into event onset times
e = np.cumsum(isis)

# Make event onsets into functions of time convolved with the spline functions.
event_funcs = [utils.events(e, f=fn) for fn in bsp_fns]

# Put into a formula.
f = Formula(event_funcs)

# The design matrix
X = f.design(tvals, return_float=True)

# Show the design matrix as line plots
plt.plot(X[:, 0])
plt.plot(X[:, 1])
plt.plot(X[:, 2])
plt.xlabel('time (s)')
plt.title('B spline used as bases for an FIR response model')
Example #23
        d2 = k3-k2
        def anon(x,k1=k1,k2=k2,k3=k3):
            return ((x-k1) / d1 * np.greater(x, k1) * np.less_equal(x, k2) + 
                    (k3-x) / d1 * np.greater(x, k2) * np.less(x, k3))
        fns.append((n, anon))

    ff = formula.Formula(symbols)
    for n, l in fns:
        ff.aliases[n] = l
    return ff

t = formula.Term('t')
bsp = linBspline(t, np.arange(0,10,2))
tt = np.linspace(0,50,101)
tval = tt.view(np.dtype([('t', np.float)]))

e = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=3, size=(20,)) + 20.
e = np.cumsum(e)
f = formula.Formula([utils.events(e, f=hrf.symbolic(term)) for term in bsp.design])
for k, v in bsp.aliases.items():
    f.aliases[k] = v

d = formula.Design(f, return_float=True)
X = d(tval)
