Example #1
def test_sd_from_ball():
    dom = dd.domain_from_array(np.ones((10, 10)))
    radii = np.array([2, 2, 2])
    positions = np.array([[3, 3], [3, 7], [7, 7]])
    subdomain = subdomain_from_balls(dom, positions, radii)
    assert subdomain.k == 3
    assert (subdomain.size == np.array([9, 9, 9])).all()
Example #2
def make_bsa_2d(betas, theta=3., dmax=5., ths=0, thq=0.5, smin=0, 
                        nbeta=[0], method='simple'):
    Function for performing bayesian structural analysis on a set of images.

    Fixme: 'quick' is not tested
    ref_dim = np.shape(betas[0])
    nbsubj = betas.shape[0]
    xyz = np.array(np.where(betas[:1])).T
    nvox = np.size(xyz, 0)
    # create the field strcture that encodes image topology
    Fbeta = ff.Field(nvox)
    Fbeta.from_3d_grid(xyz.astype(np.int), 18)

    # Get  coordinates in mm
    xy = xyz[:, 1:]
    coord = xy.astype(np.float)

    # get the functional information
    lbeta = np.array([np.ravel(betas[k]) for k in range(nbsubj)]).T

    # the voxel volume is 1.0
    g0 = 1.0/(1.0*nvox)
    bdensity = 1
    affine = np.eye(3)
    shape = (ref_dim[0], ref_dim[1])
    dom = domain_from_array(np.ones(ref_dim))

    if method=='simple':
        group_map, AF, BF, likelihood = \
                   bsa.compute_BSA_simple(dom, lbeta, dmax, thq, smin, ths,
                                       theta, g0, bdensity)    
    if method=='ipmi':
        group_map, AF, BF, likelihood = \
                   bsa.compute_BSA_ipmi(dom, lbeta, dmax, thq, smin, ths,
                                       theta, g0, bdensity)
    if method=='sbf':
        pval = 0.2
        group_map, AF, BF = sbf.Compute_Amers (
            dom, lbeta, dmax, theta, ths, pval)
    return AF, BF
def make_bsa_2d(betas, theta=3., dmax=5., ths=0, thq=0.5, smin=0, 
                       method='simple', verbose=0):
    Function for performing bayesian structural analysis
    on a set of images.

    betas, array of shape (nsubj, dimx, dimy) the data used
           Note that it is assumed to be a t- or z-variate
    theta=3., float,
              first level threshold of betas
    dmax=5., float, expected between subject variability
    ths=0, float,
           null hypothesis for the prevalence statistic
    thq=0.5, float,
             p-value of the null rejection
    smin=0, int,
            threshold on the nu_mber of contiguous voxels 
            to make regions meaningful structures
    method= 'simple', string,
            estimation method used ; to be chosen among 
            'simple', 'quick', 'loo', 'ipmi'
    verbose=0, verbosity mode     

    AF the landmark_regions instance describing the result
    BF: list of hroi instances describing the individual data
    ref_dim = np.shape(betas[0])
    nsubj = betas.shape[0]
    xyz = np.array(np.where(betas[:1])).T.astype(np.int)
    nvox = np.size(xyz, 0)
    # create the field strcture that encodes image topology
    Fbeta = ff.Field(nvox)
    Fbeta.from_3d_grid(xyz, 18)

    # Get  coordinates in mm
    xyz = xyz[:,1:] # switch to dimension 2
    coord = xyz.astype(np.float)

    # get the functional information
    lbeta = np.array([np.ravel(betas[k]) for k in range(nsubj)]).T

    # the voxel volume is 1.0
    g0 = 1.0/(1.0*nvox)
    affine = np.eye(3)
    shape = (ref_dim[0], ref_dim[1])
    bdensity = 1
    dom = domain_from_array(np.ones(ref_dim))
    if method=='simple':    
        group_map, AF, BF, likelihood = \
                   bsa.compute_BSA_simple(dom, lbeta, dmax, thq, smin, ths,
    if method=='quick':
        likelihood = np.zeros(ref_dim)
        group_map, AF, BF, coclustering = \
                   bsa.compute_BSA_quick(dom, lbeta, dmax, thq, smin, ths,
    if method=='ipmi':
        group_map, AF, BF, likelihood = \
                   bsa.compute_BSA_ipmi(dom, lbeta, dmax, thq, smin, ths,
                                          theta, bdensity)
    if method=='loo':
        mll, ll0 = bsa.compute_BSA_loo(dom, lbeta, dmax, thq, smin, ths,
                                          theta, bdensity)
        return mll, ll0
    if method=='dev':
        group_map, AF, BF, likelihood = \
                   bsa.compute_BSA_ipmi(dom, lbeta, dmax, thq, smin, ths,
                                          theta, bdensity, 'gauss_mixture')
    if method=='sbf':
        likelihood = np.zeros(ref_dim)
        group_map, AF, BF = sbf.Compute_Amers (
            dom, lbeta, dmax=dmax, thr=theta, ths=ths, pval=thq)

    if method not in['loo', 'simple', 'ipmi', 'quick', 'sbf']:
        raise ValueError,'method is not correctly defined'
    if verbose==0:
        return AF,BF
    if AF != None:
        lmax = AF.k+2

    group_map.shape = ref_dim
    mp.imshow(group_map, interpolation='nearest', vmin=-1, vmax=lmax)
    mp.title('Blob separation map')

    if AF != None:
        group_map = AF.map_label(coord,0.95,dmax)
        group_map.shape = ref_dim
    mp.imshow(group_map, interpolation='nearest', vmin=-1, vmax=lmax)
    mp.title('group-level position 95% \n confidence regions')

    likelihood.shape = ref_dim
    mp.imshow(likelihood, interpolation='nearest')
    mp.title('Spatial density under h1')

    if nsubj==10:
        for s in range(nsubj):
            mp.subplot(2, 5, s+1)
            lw = -np.ones(ref_dim)
            if BF[s]!=None:
                nls = BF[s].get_roi_feature('label')
                nls[nls==-1] = np.size(AF)+2
                for k in range(BF[s].k):
                    np.ravel(lw)[BF[s].label==k] =  nls[k]

            mp.imshow(lw, interpolation='nearest', vmin=-1, vmax=lmax)

    if nsubj==10:
        for s in range(nsubj):
            mp.subplot(2, 5, s+1)
            mp.imshow(betas[s], interpolation='nearest', vmin=betas.min(),

    return AF, BF
Example #4
def make_domain():
    """Create a mulmtiple ROI instance
    labels = np.ones(shape)
    dom = domain_from_array(labels, affine=None)
    return dom
Example #5
import nipy.neurospin.spatial_models.hroi as hroi
import nipy.neurospin.utils.simul_multisubject_fmri_dataset as simul
from nipy.neurospin.spatial_models.discrete_domain import domain_from_array

# simulate the data
dimx = 60
dimy = 60
pos = np.array([[12, 14], [20, 20], [30, 20]])
ampli = np.array([3,4,4])

dataset = simul.surrogate_2d_dataset(nbsubj=1, dimx=dimx, dimy=dimy, pos=pos,
                                     ampli=ampli, width=10.0).squeeze()

# create a domain descriptor associated with this
domain = domain_from_array(dataset**2>0)

nroi = hroi.HROI_as_discrete_domain_blobs(domain, dataset.ravel(),
                                          threshold=2.0, smin=3)

n1 = nroi.copy()
n2 = nroi.reduce_to_leaves()

td = n1.make_forest().depth_from_leaves()
root = np.argmax(td)
lv = n1.make_forest().rooted_subtree(root)
u = nroi.make_graph().cc()

nroi.make_feature('activation', dataset.ravel())