Example #1
def get_readout(readout, affine, shape):
    Convert the provided readout dir from semantic (R/A/S) to index (0/1/2)
    Guess the readout direction as the one with largest number of voxels
    dim = len(shape)
    layout = spatial.affine_to_layout(affine)
    layout = spatial.volume_layout_to_name(layout).lower()
    if readout is None:
        readout = py.argmax(shape)
        readout = readout.lower()
        for i, l in enumerate(layout):
            if l in readout:
                readout = i
    print(f'Layout: {layout.upper()} | readout direction: {layout[readout].upper()}')
    if readout > 0:
        readout = readout - dim
    return readout
Example #2
def orient(inp, affine=None, layout=None, voxel_size=None, center=None,
           like=None, output=None, output_transform=None):
    """Overwrite the orientation matrix

    inp : str or (tuple, tensor)
        Either a path to a volume file or a tuple `(shape, affine)`, where
        the first element contains the volume shape and the second contains
        the orientation matrix.
    affine : {'self', 'like'} or (4, 4) tensor_like, default='like'
        Target affine matrix
    layout : {'self', 'like'} or layout-like, default='like'
        Target orientation.
    voxel_size : {'self', 'like'} or [sequence of] float, default='like'
        Target voxel size.
    center : {'self', 'like'} or [sequence of] float, default='like'
        World coordinate of the center of the field of view.
    like : str or (tuple, tensor)
        Either a path to a volume file or a tuple `(shape, affine)`, where
        the first element contains the volume shape and the second contains
        the orientation matrix.
    output : str, optional
        Output filename.
        If the input is not a path, the reoriented data is not written
        on disk by default.
        If the input is a path, the default output filename is
        '{dir}/{base}.{layout}{ext}', where `dir`, `base` and `ext`
        are the directory, base name and extension of the input file.
    output_transform : str, optional
        Filename of output transform.
        If the input is not a path, the reoriented data is not written
        on disk by default.
        If the input is a path, the default output filename is
        '{dir}/{base}_to_{layout}.lta', where `dir` and `base`
        are the directory and base name of the input file.

    output : str or (tuple, tensor)
        If the input is a path, the output path is returned.
        Else, the new shape and orientation matrix are returned.

    dir = ''
    base = ''
    ext = ''
    fname = ''

    is_file = isinstance(inp, str)
    if is_file:
        fname = inp
        f = io.volumes.map(inp)
        dim = f.affine.shape[-1] - 1
        inp = (f.shape[:dim], f.affine)
        if output is None:
            output = '{dir}{sep}{base}.{layout}{ext}'
        if output_transform is None:
            output_transform = '{dir}{sep}{base}_to_{layout}.lta'
        dir, base, ext = py.fileparts(fname)

    like_is_file = isinstance(like, str) and like
    if like_is_file:
        f = io.volumes.map(like)
        dim = f.affine.shape[-1] - 1
        like = (f.shape[:dim], f.affine)

    shape, aff0 = inp
    dim = aff0.shape[-1] - 1
    if like:
        shape_like, aff_like = like
        shape_like, aff_like = (shape, aff0)

    if voxel_size in (None, 'like') or len(voxel_size) == 0:
        voxel_size = spatial.voxel_size(aff_like)
    elif voxel_size == 'self':
        voxel_size = spatial.voxel_size(aff0)
    elif voxel_size == 'standard':
        voxel_size = 1.
    voxel_size = utils.make_vector(voxel_size, dim)

    if not layout or layout == 'like':
        layout = spatial.affine_to_layout(aff_like)
    elif layout == 'self':
        layout = spatial.affine_to_layout(aff0)
    elif layout == 'standard':
        layout = 'RAS'
    layout = spatial.volume_layout(layout)

    if center in (None, 'like') or len(center) == 0:
        center = (torch.as_tensor(shape_like, dtype=torch.float) - 1) * 0.5
        center = spatial.affine_matvec(aff_like, center)
    elif center == 'self':
        center = (torch.as_tensor(shape, dtype=torch.float) - 1) * 0.5
        center = spatial.affine_matvec(aff0, center)
    elif center == 'standard':
        center = 0.
    center = utils.make_vector(center, dim)

    if affine in (None, 'like') or len(affine) == 0:
        affine = aff_like
    elif affine == 'self':
        affine = aff0
    elif affine == 'standard':
        affine = torch.eye(dim+1, dim+1)
    affine = torch.as_tensor(affine, dtype=torch.float)
    if affine.numel() == dim*(dim+1):
        affine = spatial.affine_make_rect(affine.reshape(dim, dim+1))
    elif affine.numel() == (dim+1)**2:
        affine = affine.reshape(dim+1, dim+1)
        raise ValueError(f'Input affine should have {dim*(dim+1)} or '
                         f'{(dim+1)**2} element but got {affine.numel()}.')

    affine = spatial.affine_modify(affine, shape, voxel_size=voxel_size,
                                   layout=layout, center=center)
    affine = affine.double()

    if output:
        dat = io.volumes.load(fname, numpy=True)
        layout = spatial.volume_layout_to_name(layout)
        if is_file:
            output = output.format(dir=dir or '.', base=base, ext=ext,
                                   sep=os.path.sep, layout=layout)
            io.volumes.save(dat, output, like=fname, affine=affine)
            output = output.format(sep=os.path.sep, layout=layout)
            io.volumes.save(dat, output, affine=affine)

    if output_transform:
        transform = spatial.affine_rmdiv(affine, aff0)
        output_transform = output_transform.format(
            dir=dir or '.', base=base, sep=os.path.sep, layout=layout)
        io.transforms.savef(transform.cpu(), output_transform, type=2)

    if is_file:
        return output
        return shape, affine
Example #3
def _main(options):
    if isinstance(options.gpu, str):
        device = torch.device(options.gpu)
        assert isinstance(options.gpu, int)
        device = torch.device(f'cuda:{options.gpu}')
    if not torch.cuda.is_available():
        device = 'cpu'

    # prepare options
    estatics_opt = ESTATICSOptions()
    estatics_opt.likelihood = options.likelihood
    estatics_opt.verbose = options.verbose >= 1
    estatics_opt.plot = options.verbose >= 2
    estatics_opt.recon.space = options.space
    if isinstance(options.space, str) and  options.space != 'mean':
        for c, contrast in enumerate(options.contrast):
            if contrast.name == options.space:
                estatics_opt.recon.space = c
    estatics_opt.backend.device = device
    estatics_opt.optim.nb_levels = options.levels
    estatics_opt.optim.max_iter_rls = options.iter
    estatics_opt.optim.tolerance = options.tol
    estatics_opt.regularization.norm = options.regularization
    estatics_opt.regularization.factor = [*options.lam_intercept, options.lam_decay]
    estatics_opt.distortion.enable = options.meetup
    estatics_opt.distortion.bending = options.lam_meetup
    estatics_opt.preproc.register = options.register

    # prepare files
    contrasts = []
    distortion = []
    for i, c in enumerate(options.contrast):

        # read meta-parameters
        meta = {}
        if c.te:
            te, unit = c.te, ''
            if isinstance(te[-1], str):
                *te, unit = te
            if unit:
                if unit == 'ms':
                    te = [t * 1e-3 for t in te]
                elif unit not in ('s', 'sec'):
                    raise ValueError(f'TE unit: {unit}')
            if c.echo_spacing:
                delta, *unit = c.echo_spacing
                unit = unit[0] if unit else ''
                if unit == 'ms':
                    delta = delta * 1e-3
                elif unit not in ('s', 'sec'):
                    raise ValueError(f'echo spacing unit: {unit}')
                ne = sum(io.map(f).unsqueeze(-1).shape[3] for f in c.echoes)
                te = [te[0] + e*delta for e in range(ne)]
            meta['te'] = te

        # map volumes
        contrasts.append(qio.GradientEchoMulti.from_fname(c.echoes, **meta))

        if c.readout:
            layout = spatial.affine_to_layout(contrasts[-1].affine)
            layout = spatial.volume_layout_to_name(layout)
            readout = None
            for j, l in enumerate(layout):
                if l.lower() in c.readout.lower():
                    readout = j - 3
            contrasts[-1].readout = readout

        if c.b0:
            bw = c.bandwidth
            b0, *unit = c.b0
            unit = unit[-1] if unit else 'vx'
            fb0 = b0.map(b0)
            b0 = fb0.fdata(device=device)
            b0 = spatial.reslice(b0, fb0.affine, contrasts[-1][0].affine,
            if unit.lower() == 'hz':
                if not bw:
                    raise ValueError('Bandwidth required to convert fieldmap'
                                     'from Hz to voxel')
                b0 /= bw
            b0 = DenseDistortion(b0)

    # run algorithm
    [te0, r2s, *b0] = estatics(contrasts, distortion, opt=estatics_opt)

    # write results

    # --- intercepts ---
    odir0 = options.odir
    for i, te1 in enumerate(te0):
        ifname = contrasts[i].echo(0).volume.fname
        odir, obase, oext = py.fileparts(ifname)
        odir = odir0 or odir
        obase = obase + '_TE0'
        ofname = os.path.join(odir, obase + oext)
        io.savef(te1.volume, ofname, affine=te1.affine, like=ifname, te=0, dtype='float32')

    # --- decay ---
    ifname = contrasts[0].echo(0).volume.fname
    odir, obase, oext = py.fileparts(ifname)
    odir = odir0 or odir
    io.savef(r2s.volume, os.path.join(odir, 'R2star' + oext), affine=r2s.affine, dtype='float32')

    # --- fieldmap + undistorted ---
    if b0:
        b0 = b0[0]
        for i, b01 in enumerate(b0):
            ifname = contrasts[i].echo(0).volume.fname
            odir, obase, oext = py.fileparts(ifname)
            odir = odir0 or odir
            obase = obase + '_B0'
            ofname = os.path.join(odir, obase + oext)
            io.savef(b01.volume, ofname, affine=b01.affine, like=ifname, te=0, dtype='float32')
        for i, (c, b) in enumerate(zip(contrasts, b0)):
            readout = c.readout
            grid_up, grid_down, jac_up, jac_down = b.exp2(
                add_identity=True, jacobian=True)
            for j, e in enumerate(c):
                blip = e.blip or (2*(j % 2) - 1)
                grid_blip = grid_down if blip > 0 else grid_up  # inverse of
                jac_blip = jac_down if blip > 0 else jac_up     # forward model
                ifname = e.volume.fname
                odir, obase, oext = py.fileparts(ifname)
                odir = odir0 or odir
                obase = obase + '_unwrapped'
                ofname = os.path.join(odir, obase + oext)
                d = e.fdata(device=device)
                d, _ = pull1d(d, grid_blip, readout)
                d *= jac_blip
                io.savef(d, ofname, affine=e.affine, like=ifname)
                del d
            del grid_up, grid_down, jac_up, jac_down
    if options.register:
        for i, c in enumerate(contrasts):
            for j, e in enumerate(c):
                ifname = e.volume.fname
                odir, obase, oext = py.fileparts(ifname)
                odir = odir0 or odir
                obase = obase + '_registered'
                ofname = os.path.join(odir, obase + oext)
                io.save(e.volume, ofname, affine=e.affine)
Example #4
def reorient(inp, layout='RAS', output=None, transform=None):
    """Shuffle the data to match a given orientation.

    inp : str or (tensor, tensor)
        Either a path to a volume file or a tuple `(dat, affine)`, where
        the first element contains the volume data and the second contains
        the orientation matrix.
    layout : str or layout-like, default='RAS'
        Target orientation.
    output : str, optional
        Output filename.
        If the input is not a path, the reoriented data is not written
        on disk by default.
        If the input is a path, the default output filename is
        '{dir}/{base}.{layout}{ext}', where `dir`, `base` and `ext`
        are the directory, base name and extension of the input file.
    transform : str, optional
        Output filename of the corresponding transform.
        Not written by default.

    output : str or (tensor, tensor)
        If the input is a path, the output path is returned.
        Else, the reoriented data and orientation matrix are returned.

    dir = ''
    base = ''
    ext = ''
    fname = ''

    is_file = isinstance(inp, str)
    if is_file:
        fname = inp
        f = io.volumes.map(inp)
        inp = (f.data(), f.affine)
        if output is None:
            output = '{dir}{sep}{base}.{layout}{ext}'
        dir, base, ext = fileparts(fname)

    dat, aff0 = inp
    dat, aff = spatial.affine_reorient(aff0, dat, layout)

    if output:
        layout = spatial.volume_layout_to_name(layout)
        if is_file:
            output = output.format(dir=dir or '.',
            io.volumes.save(dat, output, like=fname, affine=aff)
            output = output.format(sep=os.path.sep, layout=layout)
            io.volumes.save(dat, output, affine=aff)

    if transform:
        if is_file:
            transform = transform.format(dir=dir or '.',
            transform = transform.format(sep=os.path.sep, layout=layout)
        io.transforms.savef(torch.eye(4), transform, source=aff0, target=aff)

    if is_file:
        return output
        return dat, aff
Example #5
def info(inp, meta=None, stat=False):
    """Print information on a volume.

    inp : str or (tensor, tensor)
        Either a path to a volume file or a tuple `(dat, affine)`, where
        the first element contains the volume data and the second contains
        the orientation matrix.
    meta : sequence of str
        List of fields to print.
        By default, a list of common fields is used.
    stat : bool, default=False
        Compute intensity statistics


    meta = meta or []
    metadata = {}
    is_file = isinstance(inp, str)
    if is_file:
        fname = inp
        f = io.volumes.map(inp)
        if stat:
            inp = (f.fdata(), f.affine)
            inp = (f.shape, f.affine)
        metadata = f.metadata(meta)
        metadata['dtype'] = f.dtype
    dat, aff = inp
    if not is_file:
        metadata['dtype'] = dat.dtype
    if torch.is_tensor(dat):
        shape = dat.shape
        shape = dat

    pad = max([0] + [len(m) for m in metadata.keys()])
    if not meta:
        more_fields = ['shape', 'layout', 'filename']
        pad = max(pad, max(len(f) for f in more_fields))
    title = lambda tag: ('{tag:' + str(pad) + 's}').format(tag=tag)

    if not meta:
        if is_file:
            print(f'{title("filename")} : {fname}')
        print(f'{title("shape")} : {tuple(shape)}')
        layout = spatial.affine_to_layout(aff)
        layout = spatial.volume_layout_to_name(layout)
        print(f'{title("layout")} : {layout}')
        center = torch.as_tensor(shape[:3], dtype=torch.float) / 2
        center = spatial.affine_matvec(aff, center)
        print(f'{title("center")} : {tuple(center.tolist())} mm (RAS)')
        if stat and torch.is_tensor(dat):
            chandim = list(range(3, dat.ndim))
            if not chandim:
                vmin = dat.min().tolist()
                vmax = dat.max().tolist()
                vmean = dat.mean().tolist()
                dat1 = dat.reshape([-1, *chandim])
                vmin = dat1.min(dim=0).values.tolist()
                vmax = dat1.max(dim=0).values.tolist()
                vmean = dat1.mean(dim=0).tolist()
            print(f'{title("min")} : {vmin}')
            print(f'{title("max")} : {vmax}')
            print(f'{title("mean")} : {vmean}')

    for key, value in metadata.items():
        if value is None and not meta:
        if torch.is_tensor(value):
            value = str(value.numpy())
            value = value.split('\n')
            value = ('\n' + ' ' * (pad + 3)).join(value)
        print(f'{title(key)} : {value}')
Example #6
def _prepare(data, dist, opt):

    # --- options ------------------------------------------------------
    # we deepcopy all options so that we can overwrite/simplify them in place
    opt = ESTATICSOptions().update(opt).cleanup_()
    backend = dict(dtype=opt.backend.dtype, device=opt.backend.device)

    # --- be polite ----------------------------------------------------
    if len(data) > 1:
        pstr = f'Fitting a (shared) exponential decay model with {len(data)} contrasts.'
        pstr = f'Fitting an exponential decay model.'
    print('Echo times:')
    for i, contrast in enumerate(data):
        print(f'    - contrast {i:2d}: [' +
              ', '.join([f'{te*1e3:.1f}' for te in contrast.te]) + '] ms')

    # --- estimate noise / register / initialize maps ------------------
    data, maps, dist = preproc(data, dist, opt)
    nb_contrasts = len(maps) - 1

    if opt.distortion.enable:
        print('Readout directions:')
        for i, contrast in enumerate(data):
            layout = spatial.affine_to_layout(contrast.affine)
            layout = spatial.volume_layout_to_name(layout)
            readout = layout[contrast.readout]
            readout = ('left-right' if 'L' in readout or 'R' in readout else
                       'infra-supra' if 'I' in readout or 'S' in readout else
                       if 'A' in readout or 'P' in readout else 'unknown')
            print(f'    - contrast {i:2d}: {readout}')

    # --- prepare regularization factor --------------------------------
    # 1. Parameter maps regularization
    #   -> we want lam = [*lam_intercepts, lam_decay]
    *lam, lam_decay = opt.regularization.factor
    lam = core.py.make_list(lam, nb_contrasts)
    if not any(lam):
        opt.regularization.norm = ''
    opt.regularization.factor = lam
    # 2. Distortion fields regularization
    lam_dist = dict(factor=opt.distortion.factor,
    opt.distortion.factor = lam_dist

    # --- initialize weights (RLS) -------------------------------------
    mean_shape = maps.decay.volume.shape
    rls = None
    if opt.regularization.norm.endswith('tv'):
        rls_shape = mean_shape
        if opt.regularization.norm == 'tv':
            rls_shape = (len(maps), *rls_shape)
        rls = ParameterMap(rls_shape, fill=1, **backend).volume

    if opt.regularization.norm:
        print(f'    - type:           {opt.regularization.norm.upper()}')
        print(f'    - log intercepts: [' +
              ', '.join([f'{i:.3g}' for i in lam[:-1]]) + ']')
        print(f'    - decay:          {lam[-1]:.3g}')
        print('Without regularization')

    if opt.distortion.enable:
        print('Distortion correction:')
        print(f'    - model:          {opt.distortion.model.lower()}')
            f'    - absolute:       {opt.distortion.absolute * opt.distortion.factor["factor"]}'
            f'    - membrane:       {opt.distortion.membrane * opt.distortion.factor["factor"]}'
            f'    - bending:        {opt.distortion.bending * opt.distortion.factor["factor"]}'

        print('Without distortion correction')

    # --- initialize nb of iterations ----------------------------------
    if not opt.regularization.norm.endswith('tv'):
        # no reweighting -> do more gauss-newton updates instead
        opt.optim.max_iter_prm *= opt.optim.max_iter_rls
        opt.optim.max_iter_rls = 1
    print(f'    - Tolerance:        {opt.optim.tolerance}')
    if opt.regularization.norm.endswith('tv'):
        print(f'    - IRLS iterations:  {opt.optim.max_iter_rls}')
    print(f'    - Param iterations: {opt.optim.max_iter_prm}')
    if opt.distortion.enable:
        print(f'    - Dist iterations:  {opt.optim.max_iter_dist}')
    print(f'    - FMG cycles:       2')
    print(f'    - CG iterations:    {opt.optim.max_iter_cg}'
          f' (tolerance: {opt.optim.tolerance_cg})')
    if opt.optim.nb_levels > 1:
        print(f'    - Levels:           {opt.optim.nb_levels}')

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #                     MAIN OPTIMIZATION LOOP
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    if opt.verbose:
        pstr = f'{"rls":^3s} | {"gn":^3s} | {"step":^4s} | '
        pstr += f'{"fit":^12s} + {"reg":^12s} + {"rls":^12s} '
        if opt.distortion.enable:
            pstr += f'+ {"dist":^12s} '
        pstr += f'= {"crit":^12s}'
        if opt.optim.nb_levels > 1:
            pstr = f'{"lvl":3s} | ' + pstr
        print('\n' + pstr)
        print('-' * len(pstr))

    return data, maps, dist, opt, rls
Example #7
def orient(inp,
    """Overwrite the orientation matrix

    inp : str or (tuple, tensor)
        Either a path to a volume file or a tuple `(shape, affine)`, where
        the first element contains the volume shape and the second contains
        the orientation matrix.
    layout : str or layout-like, default=None (= preserve)
        Target orientation.
    voxel_size : [sequence of] float, default=None (= preserve)
        Target voxel size.
    center : [sequence of] float, default=None (= preserve)
        World coordinate of the center of the field of view.
    like : str or (tuple, tensor)
        Either a path to a volume file or a tuple `(shape, affine)`, where
        the first element contains the volume shape and the second contains
        the orientation matrix.
    output : str, optional
        Output filename.
        If the input is not a path, the reoriented data is not written
        on disk by default.
        If the input is a path, the default output filename is
        '{dir}/{base}.{layout}{ext}', where `dir`, `base` and `ext`
        are the directory, base name and extension of the input file.

    output : str or (tuple, tensor)
        If the input is a path, the output path is returned.
        Else, the new shape and orientation matrix are returned.

    dir = ''
    base = ''
    ext = ''
    fname = ''

    is_file = isinstance(inp, str)
    if is_file:
        fname = inp
        f = io.volumes.map(inp)
        dim = f.affine.shape[-1] - 1
        inp = (f.shape[:dim], f.affine)
        if output is None:
            output = '{dir}{sep}{base}.{layout}{ext}'
        dir, base, ext = py.fileparts(fname)

    like_is_file = isinstance(like, str) and like
    if like_is_file:
        f = io.volumes.map(like)
        dim = f.affine.shape[-1] - 1
        like = (f.shape[:dim], f.affine)

    shape, aff0 = inp
    dim = aff0.shape[-1] - 1
    if like:
        shape_like, aff_like = like
        shape_like, aff_like = (shape, aff0)

    if voxel_size in (None, 'like') or len(voxel_size) == 0:
        voxel_size = spatial.voxel_size(aff_like)
    elif voxel_size == 'self':
        voxel_size = spatial.voxel_size(aff0)
    voxel_size = utils.make_vector(voxel_size, dim)

    if not layout or layout == 'like':
        layout = spatial.affine_to_layout(aff_like)
    elif layout == 'self':
        layout = spatial.affine_to_layout(aff0)
    layout = spatial.volume_layout(layout)

    if center in (None, 'like') or len(voxel_size) == 0:
        center = torch.as_tensor(shape_like, dtype=torch.float) * 0.5
        center = spatial.affine_matvec(aff_like, center)
    elif center == 'self':
        center = torch.as_tensor(shape, dtype=torch.float) * 0.5
        center = spatial.affine_matvec(aff0, center)

    center = utils.make_vector(center, dim)

    aff = spatial.affine_default(shape,

    if output:
        dat = io.volumes.load(fname, numpy=True)
        layout = spatial.volume_layout_to_name(layout)
        if is_file:
            output = output.format(dir=dir or '.',
            io.volumes.save(dat, output, like=fname, affine=aff)
            output = output.format(sep=os.path.sep, layout=layout)
            io.volumes.save(dat, output, affine=aff)

    if is_file:
        return output
        return shape, aff