def sawtooth_wave(wave_out, amplitude, freq, phase, bias, duration):
    Plays a sawtooth wave with the parameters you specify.

        wave_out(:any:`DoubleValue`): variable onto which the sawtooth wave plays.
        amplitude(:any:`DoubleValue`): amplitude of the sawtooth wave.
        freq(:any:`DoubleValue`): frequency, in Hz, of the sawtooth wave.
        phase(:any:`DoubleValue`): phase, in degrees, of the sawtooth wave.
        bias(:any:`DoubleValue`): offset to add to the sawtooth wave.
        duration(:any:`DoubleValue`): duration, in seconds, to play the sawtooth wave.
    init_time = DoubleValue(0)
    curr_phase = DoubleValue(0)
    init_time.value = seqtime()
    while seqtime() - init_time.value < duration.value:
        curr_phase.value = rem(
            (freq.value * 360.0 * (seqtime() - init_time.value)) + phase.value,
        if curr_phase.value < 180.0:
            wave_out.value = (
                (curr_phase.value / 180.0) * amplitude.value) + bias.value
            wave_out.value = (((curr_phase.value / 180.0) - 2.0) *
                              amplitude.value) + bias.value
def uniform_white_noise_wave(wave_out, amplitude, seed, duration):
    Plays a uniform white noise wave with the parameters you specify.

        wave_out(:any:`DoubleValue`): variable onto which the white noise wave plays.
        amplitude(:any:`DoubleValue`): amplitude of the white noise wave.
        seed(:any:`I32Value`): seed for random number generator.
        duration(:any:`DoubleValue`): duration, in seconds, to play the white noise wave.
    x_seed = I32Value(0)
    y_seed = I32Value(0)
    z_seed = I32Value(0)
    init_time = DoubleValue(0)
    seed_sum = DoubleValue(0)

    x_seed.value = seed.value
    y_seed.value = (seed.value * 8191) & 16383
    z_seed.value = (y_seed.value * 8191) & 16383
    init_time.value = seqtime()

    while seqtime() - init_time.value < duration.value:
        x_seed.value = rem(x_seed.value * 171.0, 30269.0)
        y_seed.value = rem(x_seed.value * 172.0, 30307.0)
        z_seed.value = rem(x_seed.value * 170.0, 30323.0)
        seed_sum.value = (x_seed.value / 30269.0) + (
            y_seed.value / 30307.0) + (z_seed.value / 30323.0)
        wave_out.value = amplitude.value * (
            (seed_sum - floor(seed_sum.value)) - 0.5) * 2.0
def square_wave(wave_out, amplitude, freq, phase, bias, duty_cycle, duration):
    Plays a square wave with the parameters you specify.

        wave_out(:any:`DoubleValue`): variable onto which the square wave plays.
        amplitude(:any:`DoubleValue`): amplitude of the square wave.
        freq(:any:`DoubleValue`): frequency, in Hz, of the square wave.
        phase(:any:`DoubleValue`): phase, in degrees, of the square wave.
        bias(:any:`DoubleValue`): offset to add to the square wave.
        duty_cycle(:any:`DoubleValue`): percentage of time the square wave remains high versus low over one period.
        duration(:any:`DoubleValue`): time, in seconds, to play the square wave.
    init_time = DoubleValue(0)
    curr_phase = DoubleValue(0)

    init_time.value = seqtime()
    while seqtime() - init_time.value < duration.value:
        curr_phase.value = rem(((freq.value * 360.0 *
                                 (seqtime() - init_time.value)) + phase.value),
        if curr_phase.value < (duty_cycle.value * 3.6):
            wave_out.value = amplitude.value + bias.value
            wave_out.value = -amplitude.value + bias.value
def measure_set_point_response(setpoint, timeout, tolerance):
    """Sets the desired rpm to the specified setpoint and wait until the signal settles.

    The tolerance is used to create upper and lower boundaries for the signal.
    Returns the amount of time it takes the signal to settle or timeout.
    actual_rpm = ChannelReference('Aliases/ActualRPM')
    desired_rpm = ChannelReference('Aliases/DesiredRPM')
    start_time = DoubleValue(0)
    settle_time = DoubleValue(0)

    desired_rpm.value = setpoint.value
    # Waits .5 seconds, so the gateway has time to update.

    start_time.value = seqtime()
    wait_until_settled(actual_rpm, desired_rpm.value + tolerance.value,
                       desired_rpm.value - tolerance.value, DoubleValue(2.0),
    settle_time.value = seqtime() - start_time.value
    return settle_time.value
def sine_wave(wave_out, amplitude, freq, phase, bias, duration):
    Plays a sine wave with the parameters you specify.

        wave_out(:any:`DoubleValue`): variable onto which the sine wave plays.
        amplitude(:any:`DoubleValue`): amplitude of the sine wave.
        freq(:any:`DoubleValue`): frequency, in Hz, of the sine wave.
        phase(:any:`DoubleValue`): phase, in degrees, of the sine wave.
        bias(:any:`DoubleValue`): offset to add to the sine wave.
        duration(:any:`DoubleValue`): duration, in seconds, to play the sine wave.
    init_time = DoubleValue(0)
    phase_rad = DoubleValue(0)

    init_time.value = seqtime()
    phase_rad.value = (phase.value * pi) / 180.0
    while seqtime() - init_time.value < duration.value:
        wave_out.value = amplitude.value * \
            sin(((2 * pi * freq.value) * (seqtime() - init_time.value)) + phase_rad.value) + bias.value
def ramp(ramp_out, init_value, final_value, duration):
    Ramps a variable from an initial value to an ending value over the duration you specify.

        ramp_out(:any:`DoubleValue`): variable you want to ramp.
        init_value(:any:`DoubleValue`): starting value.
        final_value(:any:`DoubleValue`): ending value.
        duration(:any:`DoubleValue`): time, in seconds, you want the ramp to take.
    step_count = I64Value(0)
    increment = DoubleValue(0)

    step_count.value = ceil(duration.value / deltat())
    if step_count.value <= 0:
        ramp_out.value = final_value.value
        increment.value = ((final_value.value - init_value.value) /
        for i in range(step_count.value + 1):
            ramp_out.value = (i * increment.value) + init_value.value