Example #1
def detect_inputs(t1w_list,
    t1w_list = filename_to_list(t1w_list)
    t2w_list = filename_to_list(t2w_list) if t2w_list is not None else []
    flair_list = filename_to_list(flair_list) if flair_list is not None else []
    t1w_ref = nb.load(t1w_list[0])
    # Use high resolution preprocessing if voxel size < 1.0mm
    # Tolerance of 0.05mm requires that rounds down to 0.9mm or lower
    hires = hires_enabled and max(t1w_ref.header.get_zooms()) < 1 - 0.05

    t2w = None
    if t2w_list and max(nb.load(t2w_list[0]).header.get_zooms()) < 1.2:
        t2w = t2w_list[0]

    # Prefer T2w to FLAIR if both present and T2w satisfies
    flair = None
    if flair_list and not t2w and max(
            nb.load(flair_list[0]).header.get_zooms()) < 1.2:
        flair = flair_list[0]

    # https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/SubmillimeterRecon
    mris_inflate = '-n 50' if hires else None
    return (t2w, flair, hires, mris_inflate)
Example #2
    def detect_inputs(t1w_list, t2w_list=[], hires_enabled=True):
        from niworkflows.nipype.interfaces.base import isdefined
        from niworkflows.nipype.utils.filemanip import filename_to_list
        from niworkflows.nipype.interfaces.traits_extension import Undefined
        import nibabel as nib
        t1w_list = filename_to_list(t1w_list)
        t2w_list = filename_to_list(t2w_list) if isdefined(t2w_list) else []
        t1w_ref = nib.load(t1w_list[0])
        # Use high resolution preprocessing if voxel size < 1.0mm
        # Tolerance of 0.05mm requires that rounds down to 0.9mm or lower
        hires = hires_enabled and max(t1w_ref.header.get_zooms()) < 1 - 0.05

        t2w = Undefined
        if t2w_list and max(nib.load(t2w_list[0]).header.get_zooms()) < 1.2:
            t2w = t2w_list[0]

        # https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/SubmillimeterRecon
        mris_inflate = '-n 50' if hires else Undefined
        return (t2w, isdefined(t2w), hires, mris_inflate)
Example #3
def add_suffix(in_files, suffix):
    Wrap nipype's fname_presuffix to conveniently just add a prefix

    >>> add_suffix([
    ...     '/path/to/sub-045_ses-test_T1w.nii.gz',
    ...     '/path/to/sub-045_ses-retest_T1w.nii.gz'], '_test')

    import os.path as op
    from niworkflows.nipype.utils.filemanip import fname_presuffix, filename_to_list
    return op.basename(
        fname_presuffix(filename_to_list(in_files)[0], suffix=suffix))
Example #4
def fix_multi_T1w_source_name(in_files):
    Make up a generic source name when there are multiple T1s

    >>> fix_multi_T1w_source_name([
    ...     '/path/to/sub-045_ses-test_T1w.nii.gz',
    ...     '/path/to/sub-045_ses-retest_T1w.nii.gz'])

    import os
    from niworkflows.nipype.utils.filemanip import filename_to_list
    base, in_file = os.path.split(filename_to_list(in_files)[0])
    subject_label = in_file.split("_", 1)[0].split("-")[1]
    return os.path.join(base, "sub-%s_T1w.nii.gz" % subject_label)
Example #5
 def _flatten(l):
     from niworkflows.nipype.utils.filemanip import filename_to_list
     return [item for sublist in l for item in filename_to_list(sublist)]
Example #6
def add_suffix(in_files, suffix):
    import os.path as op
    from niworkflows.nipype.utils.filemanip import fname_presuffix, filename_to_list
    return op.basename(
        fname_presuffix(filename_to_list(in_files)[0], suffix=suffix))
Example #7
def add_suffix(in_files, suffix):
    import os.path as op
    from niworkflows.nipype.utils.filemanip import fname_presuffix, filename_to_list
    return op.basename(fname_presuffix(filename_to_list(in_files)[0],