Example #1
def prepare__peelerBackGround():

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [1] Load Data                             --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #

    inpFile_wo = "out/ems_shm_wo.field"
    inpFile_wp = "out/ems_shm_wp.field"
    outFile = "out/ems_peeler.field"

    with open(inpFile_wo, "r") as f:
        Data_wo = np.loadtxt(f)
    with open(inpFile_wp, "r") as f:
        Data_wp = np.loadtxt(f)

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [2] coordinate consitency                 --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #

    eps = 1.e-5
    dist = np.mean(
        np.sqrt((Data_wo[:, 0] - Data_wp[:, 0])**2 +
                (Data_wo[:, 1] - Data_wp[:, 1])**2))
    if (dist > eps):
            "[prepare__peelerBackGround] abnormal dist detected :: {0} :: [ERROR] "

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [3] obtain peeler field components        --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #

    Data = np.zeros((Data_wp.shape[0], 6))
    Data[:, 0] = Data_wp[:, 0]
    Data[:, 1] = Data_wp[:, 1]
    Data[:, 2] = Data_wp[:, 2]
    Data[:, 3] = Data_wp[:, 3] - Data_wo[:, 3]
    Data[:, 4] = Data_wp[:, 4] - Data_wo[:, 4]
    Data[:, 5] = Data_wp[:, 5] - Data_wo[:, 5]

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [4] save in File                          --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #

    import nkUtilities.save__pointFile as spf
    spf.save__pointFile(outFile=outFile, Data=Data)

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [5] draw cMap                             --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #

    import nkUtilities.cMapTri as cmt
    pngFile = "png/ems_peeler.png"
    cmt.cMapTri(xAxis=Data[:, 0],
                yAxis=Data[:, 1],
                cMap=Data[:, 5],
Example #2
def display__sf7():

    x_, y_, z_ = 0, 1, 2
    bx_, by_, bz_ = 3, 4, 5

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [1] Arguments                             --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    import nkUtilities.load__constants as lcn
    cnfFile = "dat/parameter.conf"
    const = lcn.load__constants(inpFile=cnfFile)

    config = lcf.load__config()
    datFile = const["bfieldFile"]
    pngFile = "png/bfield_{0}.png"

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [2] Fetch Data                            --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    import nkUtilities.load__pointFile as lpf
    Data = lpf.load__pointFile(inpFile=datFile, returnType="point")

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [3] config Settings                       --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    cfs.configSettings(configType="cMap_def", config=config)
    config["FigSize"] = (8, 3)
    config["cmp_position"] = [0.16, 0.12, 0.97, 0.88]
    config["xTitle"] = "Z (m)"
    config["yTitle"] = "R (m)"
    config["xMajor_Nticks"] = 8
    config["yMajor_Nticks"] = 3
    config["cmp_xAutoRange"] = True
    config["cmp_yAutoRange"] = True
    config["cmp_xRange"] = [-5.0, +5.0]
    config["cmp_yRange"] = [-5.0, +5.0]
    config["vec_AutoScale"] = True
    config["vec_AutoRange"] = True
    config["vec_AutoScaleRef"] = 200.0
    config["vec_nvec_x"] = 24
    config["vec_nvec_y"] = 6
    config["vec_interpolation"] = "nearest"

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [4] plot Figure                           --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    cmt.cMapTri( xAxis=Data[:,z_], yAxis=Data[:,x_], cMap=Data[:,bz_], \
                 pngFile=pngFile.format( "Bz" ), config=config )
    cmt.cMapTri( xAxis=Data[:,z_], yAxis=Data[:,x_], cMap=Data[:,bx_], \
                 pngFile=pngFile.format( "Br" ), config=config )

    absB = np.sqrt(Data[:, bz_]**2 + Data[:, bx_]**2)
    fig = cmt.cMapTri(pngFile=pngFile.format("Bv"), config=config)
    fig.add__cMap(xAxis=Data[:, z_], yAxis=Data[:, x_], cMap=absB)
    fig.add__vector ( xAxis=Data[:,z_], yAxis=Data[:,x_], \
                      uvec=Data[:,bz_], vvec=Data[:,bx_], color="blue" )
Example #3
def interpolate__grid_to_mesh( gridFile="dat/mshape_svd.dat", meshFile="msh/mesh2d/mesh.nodes", \
                               side="+", interpolation="cubic" ):

    if (side == "+"):
        omsFile = "dat/onmesh_right.dat"
        elmFile = "dat/mesh_right.elements"
    if (side == "-"):
        omsFile = "dat/onmesh_left.dat"
        elmFile = "dat/mesh_left.elements"
    if (side in ["+-", "-+"]):
        omsFile = "dat/onmesh_both.dat"
        elmFile = "dat/mesh_both.elements"

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [1] load grid & mesh Data                 --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    import nkUtilities.load__pointFile as lpf
    grid = lpf.load__pointFile(inpFile=gridFile, returnType="structured")
    mesh = lpf.load__pointFile(inpFile=meshFile, returnType="point")
    gridData = grid[0, :, :, 0:3]
    meshData = mesh[:, 2:5]

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [2] interpolation 2D                      --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    if (interpolation == "linear"):
        import nkInterpolator.interpolate__linear2D as li2
        ret = li2.interpolate__linear2D(gridData=gridData, pointData=meshData)
    elif (interpolation == "cubic"):
        import nkInterpolator.interpolate__bicubic as bic
        ret = bic.interpolate__bicubic(gridData=gridData, pointData=meshData)

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [3] save in a File                        --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    #  -- [3-1] saving data                         --  #
    import nkUtilities.save__pointFile as spf
    spf.save__pointFile(outFile=omsFile, Data=ret)
    #  -- [3-2] copy mesh.elements                  --  #
    cmd = "cp msh/mesh2d/mesh.elements {0}".format(elmFile)
    print("\n" + "[make__poleSurface] copy mesh.elements... ")
    print(cmd + "\n")
    subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)

    #  -- [3-3] save figure                         --  #
    import nkUtilities.cMapTri as cmt
    pngFile = "png/onmesh.png"
    cmt.cMapTri(xAxis=ret[:, 0],
                yAxis=ret[:, 1],
                cMap=ret[:, 2],

    return (ret)
Example #4
def mirror__ebfield(inpFile=None):

    x_, y_, z_ = 0, 1, 2
    vx_, vy_, vz_ = 3, 4, 5

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [0] preparation                           --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #

    if (inpFile is None):

        print("[mirror__ebfield.py] inpFile ( def. dat/efield.dat ) >> ??? ")
        inpFile = input()

        if (len(inpFile) == 0):
            print("[mirror__ebfield.py] def. dat/efield.dat ")
            inpFile = "dat/efield.dat"

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [1] load field                            --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #

    import nkUtilities.load__pointFile as lpf
    Data = lpf.load__pointFile(inpFile=inpFile, returnType="structured")
    ret = np.copy(Data)
    ret[:, :, :, 3:6] = np.copy(Data[::-1, :, :, 3:6])

    Data_ = np.reshape(Data, (-1, 6))
    ret_ = np.reshape(ret, (-1, 6))

    config = lcf.load__config()
    pngFile = "png/before_mirror.png"
    cmt.cMapTri( xAxis=Data_[:,z_], yAxis=Data_[:,x_], cMap=Data_[:,vz_], \
              pngFile=pngFile, config=config )

    config = lcf.load__config()
    pngFile = "png/after_mirror.png"
    cmt.cMapTri( xAxis=ret_[:,z_], yAxis=ret_[:,x_], cMap=ret_[:,vz_], \
              pngFile=pngFile, config=config )

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [2] save mirrored file                    --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #

    outFile = "dat/mirrored.dat"
    import nkUtilities.save__pointFile as spf
    spf.save__pointFile(outFile=outFile, Data=ret)
    print("[mirror_ebfield.py] outFile :: {0} ".format(outFile))
    print("[mirror_ebfield.py] mv {0} some_file_name ".format(outFile))
Example #5
def prepare__laplacian(xCnt=0.0, yCnt=0.0, x1MinMaxNum=None, x2MinMaxNum=None):

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [1] parameters                            --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    r1 = 0.2
    r2 = 0.4
    c1 = 1.e-9
    c2 = 3.e-6
    xCnt = 0.00
    yCnt = -0.60

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [2] grid making                           --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    import nkUtilities.equiSpaceGrid as esg
    if (x1MinMaxNum is None): x1MinMaxNum = [0.0, +1.8, 121]
    if (x2MinMaxNum is None): x2MinMaxNum = [-1.8, +1.8, 241]
    ret         = esg.equiSpaceGrid( x1MinMaxNum=x1MinMaxNum, x2MinMaxNum=x2MinMaxNum, \
                                     returnType = "structured" )
    xg = np.ravel(ret[:, :, 0])
    yg = np.ravel(ret[:, :, 1])
    LI = ret.shape[1]
    LJ = ret.shape[0]
    radii = np.sqrt((xg - xCnt)**2 + (yg - yCnt)**2)

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [3] distribution                          --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    ret = rFunc(radii=radii, c1=c1, c2=c2, r1=r1, r2=r2)

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [4] output results                        --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    import nkUtilities.save__pointFile as spf
    outFile = "out.dat"
    shape = (LJ, LI, 1)
    Data = np.reshape(ret, shape)
    spf.save__pointFile(outFile=outFile, Data=Data, shape=shape)

    import nkUtilities.cMapTri as cmt
    pngFile = "out.png"
    import nkUtilities.LoadConfig as lcf
    config = lcf.LoadConfig()
    config["cmp_AutoLevel"] = False
    config["cmp_MaxMin"] = [1.e-10, 5.e-6]
    cmt.cMapTri(xAxis=xg, yAxis=yg, cMap=ret, pngFile=pngFile, config=config)
def generate__samplewave():

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [1] Load Config                           --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #

    import nkUtilities.load__constants as lcn
    cnsFile  = "dat/parameter.conf"
    const = lcn.load__constants( inpFile=cnsFile )

    import nkUtilities.equiSpaceGrid as esg
    x1MinMaxNum = const["x1MinMaxNum"]
    x2MinMaxNum = const["x2MinMaxNum"]
    x3MinMaxNum = const["x3MinMaxNum"]
    grid        = esg.equiSpaceGrid( x1MinMaxNum=x1MinMaxNum, x2MinMaxNum=x2MinMaxNum, \
                                     x3MinMaxNum=x3MinMaxNum, returnType = "point" )
    kx, ky      = const["sample_kx"], const["sample_ky"]
    wave1       = np.cos( grid[:,0] * 2.0*np.pi*kx ) + np.sin( grid[:,1] *2.0*np.pi*ky )
    wave2       = np.sin( grid[:,0] * 2.0*np.pi*kx ) + np.cos( grid[:,1] *2.0*np.pi*ky )
    wave1_      = np.concatenate( (grid,wave1[:,None]), axis=1 )
    wave2_      = np.concatenate( (grid,wave2[:,None]), axis=1 )
    size        = (int(x3MinMaxNum[2]),int(x2MinMaxNum[2]),int(x1MinMaxNum[2]),4)
    wave1       = np.reshape( wave1_, size )
    wave2       = np.reshape( wave2_, size )
    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [2] save in File                          --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #

    import nkUtilities.save__pointFile as spf
    wavFile1   = "dat/sample_wave1.dat"
    wavFile2   = "dat/sample_wave2.dat"
    spf.save__pointFile( outFile=wavFile1, Data=wave1 )
    spf.save__pointFile( outFile=wavFile2, Data=wave2 )
    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [3] display eigen mode                    --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #

    import nkUtilities.cMapTri as cmt
    pngFile1    = "png/sample_wave1.png"
    pngFile2    = "png/sample_wave2.png"
    cmt.cMapTri( xAxis=wave1_[...,0], yAxis=wave1_[...,1], cMap=wave1_[...,3], pngFile=pngFile1 )
    cmt.cMapTri( xAxis=wave2_[...,0], yAxis=wave2_[...,1], cMap=wave2_[...,3], pngFile=pngFile2 )

Example #7
def display():
    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [1] Arguments                             --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    config   = lcf.load__config()
    datFile1 = "dat/result.dat"
    datFile2 = "dat/source.dat"
    pngFile1 = datFile1.replace( "dat", "png" )
    pngFile2 = datFile2.replace( "dat", "png" )

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [2] Fetch Data                            --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    import nkUtilities.load__pointFile as lpf
    Data1  = lpf.load__pointFile( inpFile=datFile1, returnType="point" )
    xAxis1 = Data1[:,0]
    yAxis1 = Data1[:,1]
    zAxis1 = Data1[:,2]
    Data2  = lpf.load__pointFile( inpFile=datFile2, returnType="point" )
    xAxis2 = Data2[:,0]
    yAxis2 = Data2[:,1]
    zAxis2 = Data2[:,2]
    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [3] config Settings                       --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    cfs.configSettings( configType="cMap_def", config=config )
    config["FigSize"]        = (5,5)
    config["cmp_position"]   = [0.16,0.12,0.97,0.88]
    config["xTitle"]         = "X (m)"
    config["yTitle"]         = "Y (m)"
    config["cmp_xAutoRange"] = True
    config["cmp_yAutoRange"] = True
    config["cmp_xRange"]     = [-5.0,+5.0]
    config["cmp_yRange"]     = [-5.0,+5.0]

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [4] plot Figure                           --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    cmt.cMapTri( xAxis=xAxis1, yAxis=yAxis1, cMap=zAxis1, pngFile=pngFile1, config=config )
    cmt.cMapTri( xAxis=xAxis2, yAxis=yAxis2, cMap=zAxis2, pngFile=pngFile2, config=config )
Example #8
def display():
    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [1] Arguments                             --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    config = lcf.load__config()
    datFile = "dat/bfield_biot.dat"
    pngFile = datFile.replace("dat", "png")

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [2] Fetch Data                            --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    import nkUtilities.load__pointFile as lpf
    Data = lpf.load__pointFile(inpFile=datFile, returnType="point")
    xAxis = Data[:, 0]
    yAxis = Data[:, 1]
    zAxis = Data[:, 5]

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [3] config Settings                       --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    cfs.configSettings(configType="cMap_def", config=config)
    config["FigSize"] = (5, 5)
    config["cmp_position"] = [0.16, 0.12, 0.97, 0.88]
    config["xTitle"] = "X (m)"
    config["yTitle"] = "Y (m)"
    config["cmp_xAutoRange"] = True
    config["cmp_yAutoRange"] = True
    config["cmp_xRange"] = [-5.0, +5.0]
    config["cmp_yRange"] = [-5.0, +5.0]

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [4] plot Figure                           --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #
Example #9
def display__sf7():

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [1] Arguments                             --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    import nkUtilities.load__constants as lcn
    cnfFile = "dat/parameter.conf"
    const = lcn.load__constants(inpFile=cnfFile)

    config = lcf.load__config()
    datFile = const["spfFile"]
    pngFile = (const["spfFile"].replace("dat",
                                        "png")).replace(".png", "_{0}.png")

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [2] Fetch Data                            --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    import nkUtilities.load__pointFile as lpf
    Data = lpf.load__pointFile(inpFile=datFile, returnType="point")
    xAxis = Data[:, 0]
    yAxis = Data[:, 1]
    zAxis = Data[:, 2]
    Ez = Data[:, 3]
    Er = Data[:, 4]
    Ea = Data[:, 5]
    Hp = Data[:, 6]

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [3] config Settings                       --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    cfs.configSettings(configType="cMap_def", config=config)
    config["FigSize"] = (8, 3)
    config["cmp_position"] = [0.16, 0.12, 0.97, 0.88]
    config["xTitle"] = "Z (m)"
    config["yTitle"] = "R (m)"
    config["xMajor_Nticks"] = 8
    config["yMajor_Nticks"] = 3
    config["cmp_xAutoRange"] = True
    config["cmp_yAutoRange"] = True
    config["cmp_xRange"] = [-5.0, +5.0]
    config["cmp_yRange"] = [-5.0, +5.0]
    config["vec_AutoScale"] = True
    config["vec_AutoRange"] = True
    config["vec_AutoScaleRef"] = 200.0
    config["vec_nvec_x"] = 24
    config["vec_nvec_y"] = 6
    config["vec_interpolation"] = "nearest"

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [4] plot Figure                           --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #

    fig = cmt.cMapTri(pngFile=pngFile.format("Ev"), config=config)
    fig.add__contour(xAxis=xAxis, yAxis=yAxis, Cntr=Hp)
    fig.add__cMap(xAxis=xAxis, yAxis=yAxis, cMap=Hp)
    fig.add__vector(xAxis=xAxis, yAxis=yAxis, uvec=Ez, vvec=Er, color="blue")
Example #10
# ================================================================ #
# ===  実行部                                                  === #
# ================================================================ #
if (__name__ == "__main__"):
    # ---- テスト用 プロファイル ---- #
    # -- 座標系 xg, yg -- #

    x_, y_, z_ = 0, 1, 2
    import nkUtilities.equiSpaceGrid as esg
    x1MinMaxNum = [-1.0, 1.0, 21]
    x2MinMaxNum = [-1.0, 1.0, 21]
    x3MinMaxNum = [0.0, 1.0, 1]
    ret           = esg.equiSpaceGrid( x1MinMaxNum=x1MinMaxNum, x2MinMaxNum=x2MinMaxNum, \
                                       x3MinMaxNum=x3MinMaxNum, returnType = "structured" )
    ret[:, :, :, z_] = np.sqrt(ret[:, :, :, x_]**2 + ret[:, :, :, y_]**2)
    dx1 = ret[0, 0, 1, x_] - ret[0, 0, 0, x_]
    dx2 = ret[0, 1, 0, y_] - ret[0, 0, 0, y_]
    Data = np.reshape(ret[:, :, :, z_], (ret.shape[1], ret.shape[2]))
    grad = calc__grad2d(Data=Data, dx1=dx1, dx2=dx2)
    xAxis = np.ravel(ret[0, :, :, x_])
    yAxis = np.ravel(ret[0, :, :, y_])
    grad_x, grad_y = np.copy(np.ravel(grad[:, :, 0])), np.copy(
        np.ravel(grad[:, :, 1]))
    Data = np.ravel(Data)

    print(xAxis.shape, yAxis.shape, grad_x.shape, grad_y.shape, Data.shape)
    import nkUtilities.cMapTri as cmt
    cmt.cMapTri(xAxis=xAxis, yAxis=yAxis, cMap=Data, pngFile='source.png')
    cmt.cMapTri(xAxis=xAxis, yAxis=yAxis, cMap=grad_x, pngFile='grad_x.png')
    cmt.cMapTri(xAxis=xAxis, yAxis=yAxis, cMap=grad_y, pngFile='grad_y.png')
Example #11
    Data = nps.vtk_to_numpy(probe.GetOutput().GetPointData().GetArray(key))
    ret = np.concatenate([coord, Data], axis=-1)
    return (ret)

# ========================================================= #
# ===   実行部                                          === #
# ========================================================= #

if (__name__ == "__main__"):

    inpFile = "vtu/cShape_magnet_t0001.vtu"
    key = "magnetic field strength e"

    import nkUtilities.equiSpaceGrid as esg
    x1MinMaxNum = [-1.0, +1.0, 301]
    x2MinMaxNum = [0.0, +0.0, 1]
    x3MinMaxNum = [-1.0, +1.0, 301]
    coord       = esg.equiSpaceGrid( x1MinMaxNum=x1MinMaxNum, x2MinMaxNum=x2MinMaxNum, \
                                     x3MinMaxNum=x3MinMaxNum, returnType = "point" )
    ret = extract__vtuData(inpFile=inpFile, key=key, coord=coord)

    pngFile = "out.png"
    import nkUtilities.cMapTri as cmt
    cmt.cMapTri(xAxis=ret[:, 0],
                yAxis=ret[:, 2],
                cMap=ret[:, 5],
Example #12
    height = (np.cos(0.5 * np.pi * radii))**2
    gData = np.concatenate([grid, np.reshape(height, (-1, 1))], 1)

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [2] point data making                     --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #

    nPoints = 1001
    points = np.zeros((nPoints, 3))
    points[:, 0] = (1.0 - (-1.0)) * np.random.rand(nPoints) + (-1.0)
    points[:, 1] = (1.0 - (-1.0)) * np.random.rand(nPoints) + (-1.0)
    radii = np.sqrt(points[:, 0]**2 + points[:, 1]**2)
    index = np.where(radii < 1.0)
    points = points[index]

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [3] interpolator                          --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #

    ret = barycentric__interpolator(nodes=gData, points=points)

    import nkUtilities.cMapTri as cmt
    cmt.cMapTri(xAxis=gData[:, 0],
                yAxis=gData[:, 1],
                cMap=gData[:, 2],
    cmt.cMapTri(xAxis=ret[:, 0],
                yAxis=ret[:, 1],
                cMap=ret[:, 2],
Example #13
def ideal_fringe_field():

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [1] parameter settings                    --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    #  -- [1-1] Load parameter file                 --  #
    import nkUtilities.load__constants as lcn
    inpFile = "dat/parameter.conf"
    params = lcn.load__constants(inpFile=inpFile)

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [2] grid making                           --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #

    import nkUtilities.equiSpaceGrid as esg
    x1MinMaxNum = [params["xMin"], params["xMax"], params["LI"]]
    x2MinMaxNum = [params["yMin"], params["yMax"], params["LJ"]]
    x3MinMaxNum = [0.0, 0.0, 1]
    ret         = esg.equiSpaceGrid( x1MinMaxNum=x1MinMaxNum, x2MinMaxNum=x2MinMaxNum, \
                                     x3MinMaxNum=x3MinMaxNum, returnType = "point" )
    radii = np.sqrt(ret[:, 0]**2 + ret[:, 1]**2)
    xg = np.copy(ret[:, 0])
    yg = np.copy(ret[:, 1])
    zg = np.copy(ret[:, 2])
    bz = np.copy(ret[:, 2]) * 0.0

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [3] ideal aoki main field                 --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    index = np.where(radii <= params["r_main"])
    radii_h = radii[index]
    bz[index] = mainAokiField(radii_h, params=params)

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [4] buffer field                          --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    index = np.where((radii > params["r_main"]) & (radii < params["r_fringe"]))
    rh = radii[index]
    xh = xg[index]
    yh = yg[index]
    nBuff = xh.shape[0]
    theta = np.arctan2(yh, xh)
    r1, r2, r3 = params["r_main"], params["r_main"] - params[
        "r_delta"], params["r_main"] - 2.0 * params["r_delta"]
    xp1, yp1 = r1 * np.cos(theta), r1 * np.sin(theta)
    xp2, yp2 = r2 * np.cos(theta), r2 * np.sin(theta)
    xp3, yp3 = r3 * np.cos(theta), r3 * np.sin(theta)
    bp1 = mainAokiField(np.sqrt(xp1**2 + yp1**2), params=params)
    bp2 = mainAokiField(np.sqrt(xp2**2 + yp2**2), params=params)
    bp3 = mainAokiField(np.sqrt(xp3**2 + yp3**2), params=params)
    dbdr_main = (bp1 - bp3) / params["r_delta"]
    dbdr_fringe = params["fringe_grad"] * np.ones((nBuff, ))
    b_fringe_edge = np.ones((nBuff)) * params["fringe_fixed"]

    rhat = (rh - r2) / (params["r_fringe"] - r2)
    delta_main = rh - r2
    delta_fringe = rh - params["r_fringe"]

    approx_main = linear_approx(delta_main, dbdr_main, bp2)
    approx_fringe = linear_approx(delta_fringe, dbdr_fringe, b_fringe_edge)
    rate_main = rateFunc_main(rhat)
    rate_fringe = rateFunc_fringe(rhat)

    bz_buffer = rate_main * approx_main + rate_fringe * approx_fringe
    bz[index] = np.copy(bz_buffer)

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [5] main fringe field                     --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    index = np.where(radii >= params["r_fringe"])
    radii_h = radii[index]
    bz[index] = mainFringeField(radii_h, params=params)

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [6] output field                          --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    #  -- [6-1] save in file                        --  #
    ret = np.zeros((bz.shape[0], 4))
    ret[:, 0] = np.copy(xg)
    ret[:, 1] = np.copy(yg)
    ret[:, 2] = np.copy(zg)
    ret[:, 3] = np.copy(bz)
    shape = (params["LJ"], params["LI"], 4)
    ret_ = np.reshape(ret, shape)
    import nkUtilities.save__pointFile as spf
    outFile = "dat/extended_idealField.dat"
    spf.save__pointFile(outFile=outFile, Data=ret_, shape=shape)

    #  -- [6-2] 2d color map                        --  #
    import nkUtilities.cMapTri as cmt
    cmt.cMapTri(xAxis=ret[:, 0],
                yAxis=ret[:, 1],
                cMap=ret[:, 3],

    import nkBasicAlgs.extract__data_onAxis as ext
    onXAxis = ext.extract__data_onAxis(Data=ret, axis="y")
    onYAxis = ext.extract__data_onAxis(Data=ret, axis="x")

    import nkUtilities.plot1D as pl1
    import nkUtilities.LoadConfig as lcf
    config = lcf.LoadConfig()
    config["plt_linewidth"] = 0.0
    config["plt_marker"] = "x"

    #  -- [6-3] 1d plot (x)                         --  #
    xAxis = onXAxis[:, 0]
    bAxis = onXAxis[:, 3]
    xAxis1 = xAxis[np.where(np.abs(xAxis) <= params["r_main"])]
    bAxis1 = bAxis[np.where(np.abs(xAxis) <= params["r_main"])]
    xAxis2 = xAxis[np.where((np.abs(xAxis) > params["r_main"])
                            & (np.abs(xAxis) < params["r_fringe"]))]
    bAxis2 = bAxis[np.where((np.abs(xAxis) > params["r_main"])
                            & (np.abs(xAxis) < params["r_fringe"]))]
    xAxis3 = xAxis[np.where(np.abs(xAxis) >= params["r_fringe"])]
    bAxis3 = bAxis[np.where(np.abs(xAxis) >= params["r_fringe"])]

    pngFile = "png/onXAxis.png"
    fig = pl1.plot1D(config=config, pngFile=pngFile)
    fig.add__plot(xAxis=xAxis1, yAxis=bAxis1, label="main")
    fig.add__plot(xAxis=xAxis2, yAxis=bAxis2, label="buffer")
    fig.add__plot(xAxis=xAxis3, yAxis=bAxis3, label="fringe")

    #  -- [6-4] 1d plot (y)                         --  #
    yAxis = onYAxis[:, 1]
    bAxis = onYAxis[:, 3]
    yAxis1 = yAxis[np.where(np.abs(yAxis) <= params["r_main"])]
    bAxis1 = bAxis[np.where(np.abs(yAxis) <= params["r_main"])]
    yAxis2 = yAxis[np.where((np.abs(yAxis) > params["r_main"])
                            & (np.abs(yAxis) < params["r_fringe"]))]
    bAxis2 = bAxis[np.where((np.abs(yAxis) > params["r_main"])
                            & (np.abs(yAxis) < params["r_fringe"]))]
    yAxis3 = yAxis[np.where(np.abs(yAxis) >= params["r_fringe"])]
    bAxis3 = bAxis[np.where(np.abs(yAxis) >= params["r_fringe"])]

    pngFile = "png/onYAxis.png"
    fig = pl1.plot1D(config=config, pngFile=pngFile)
    fig.add__plot(xAxis=yAxis1, yAxis=bAxis1, label="main")
    fig.add__plot(xAxis=yAxis2, yAxis=bAxis2, label="buffer")
    fig.add__plot(xAxis=yAxis3, yAxis=bAxis3, label="fringe")

    return ()
Example #14
    return (lap_)

# ================================================================ #
# ===  テスト用 呼び出し                                       === #
# ================================================================ #
if (__name__ == '__main__'):
    import nkUtilities.equiSpaceGrid as esg
    x1MinMaxNum = [0.0, 1.0, 11]
    x2MinMaxNum = [0.0, 1.0, 11]
    x3MinMaxNum = [0.0, 0.0, 1]
    ret         = esg.equiSpaceGrid( x1MinMaxNum=x1MinMaxNum, x2MinMaxNum=x2MinMaxNum, \
                                     x3MinMaxNum=x3MinMaxNum, returnType = "structured" )
    xAxis = ret[0, :, :, 0]
    yAxis = ret[0, :, :, 1]
    phi = xAxis**2 + yAxis**2
    ret = calc__laplacian(phi=phi)

    with open("out.dat", "w") as f:
        np.savetxt(f, ret)

    import nkUtilities.cMapTri as cmt
    pngFile = "out.png"
    xa, ya, za = np.ravel(xAxis), np.ravel(yAxis), np.ravel(ret)
    cmt.cMapTri(xAxis=xa, yAxis=ya, cMap=za, pngFile=pngFile)
Example #15
def make__regenShapeFile():

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [1] Load parameter File                   --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #

    import nkUtilities.load__constants as lcn
    cnfFile = "dat/parameter.conf"
    const = lcn.load__constants(inpFile=cnfFile)

    x_, y_, z_ = 0, 1, 2
    i_, s_, f_ = 3, 4, 5
    dx1 = (const["x1Max"] - const["x1Min"]) / float(const["LI"] - 1)
    dx2 = (const["x2Max"] - const["x2Min"]) / float(const["LJ"] - 1)

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [2] Grid Generation                       --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # -- [2-1] structured grid  -- #
    import nkUtilities.equiSpaceGrid as esg
    x1MinMaxNum = [
        const["x1Min"] + 0.5 * dx1, const["x1Max"] - 0.5 * dx1, const["LI"] - 1
    x2MinMaxNum = [
        const["x2Min"] + 0.5 * dx2, const["x2Max"] - 0.5 * dx2, const["LJ"] - 1
    x3MinMaxNum = [0.0, 0.0, 1]
    grid        = esg.equiSpaceGrid( x1MinMaxNum=x1MinMaxNum, x2MinMaxNum=x2MinMaxNum, \
                                     x3MinMaxNum=x3MinMaxNum, returnType = "point" )
    nData = grid.shape[0]
    # -- [2-2] radius & angle   -- #
    radii = np.sqrt(grid[:, x_]**2 + grid[:, y_]**2)
    phi = np.arctan2(grid[:, y_], grid[:, x_]) / np.pi * 180.0
    phi[np.where(phi < 0.0)] = phi[np.where(phi < 0.0)] + 360.0
    # -- [2-3] normalized value -- #
    rhat = (radii - const["regen_r1"]) / (const["regen_r2"] -
    phat = (phi - const["regen_p1"]) / (const["regen_p2"] - const["regen_p1"])
    # -- [2-4] judge in/out     -- #
    idx = np.where((rhat > 0.0) & (rhat < 1.0) & (phat > 0.0) & (phat < 1.0))
    flags = np.zeros((nData))
    flags[idx] = 1.0

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [3] interpolate regen.nodes               --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #

    #  -- [3-1] load regen.nodes  -- #
    inpFile = "dat/regen.nodes"
    with open(inpFile, "r") as f:
        rData = np.loadtxt(f)
    nodes = np.copy(rData[:, 2:])
    points = np.copy(grid)

    #  -- [3-2] barycentric__interpolation  -- #
    import nkInterpolator.barycentric__interpolator as bry
    ret = bry.barycentric__interpolator(nodes=nodes, points=points)

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [4] regen coordinates making              --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    Data = np.zeros((nData, 6))
    Data[:, x_] = grid[:, x_]
    Data[:, y_] = grid[:, y_]
    Data[:, z_] = ret[:, z_]
    Data[:, i_] = ret[:, z_]
    Data[:, s_] = 0.0
    Data[:, f_] = flags

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [5] save in File                          --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    import nkUtilities.save__pointFile as spf
    outFile = "dat/regen_shape.dat"
                        shape=(const["LJ"] - 1, const["LI"] - 1, 6))

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [6] output figure for check               --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    import nkUtilities.cMapTri as cmt
    pngFile = "png/flag.png"
    cmt.cMapTri(xAxis=Data[:, x_],
                yAxis=Data[:, y_],
                cMap=Data[:, f_],
    pngFile = "png/init.png"
    cmt.cMapTri(xAxis=Data[:, x_],
                yAxis=Data[:, y_],
                cMap=Data[:, i_],
Example #16
if (__name__ == '__main__'):

    x_, y_, z_ = 0, 1, 2
    import nkUtilities.equiSpaceGrid as esg
    x1MinMaxNum = [-1.0, 1.0, 101]
    x2MinMaxNum = [-1.0, 1.0, 101]
    x3MinMaxNum = [0.0, 1.0, 1]
    ret           = esg.equiSpaceGrid( x1MinMaxNum=x1MinMaxNum, x2MinMaxNum=x2MinMaxNum, \
                                       x3MinMaxNum=x3MinMaxNum, returnType = "structured" )
    LI, LJ = ret.shape[2], ret.shape[1]
    xAxis = np.copy(np.reshape(ret[0, :, :, x_], (LJ, LI)))
    yAxis = np.copy(np.reshape(ret[0, :, :, y_], (LJ, LI)))
    Data = np.zeros((LJ, LI, 3))
    vx_, vy_, vz_ = 0, 1, 2
    Data[:, :, vx_] = xAxis
    Data[:, :, vy_] = yAxis
    Data[:, :, vz_] = xAxis * yAxis

    curl = calc__curl2d(Data=Data, x1Axis=xAxis, x2Axis=yAxis)

    xAxis = np.ravel(xAxis)
    yAxis = np.ravel(yAxis)
    curlx = np.ravel(curl[:, :, vx_])
    curly = np.ravel(curl[:, :, vy_])
    curlz = np.ravel(curl[:, :, vz_])

    import nkUtilities.cMapTri as cmt
    cmt.cMapTri(xAxis=xAxis, yAxis=yAxis, cMap=curlx, pngFile='curlx.png')
    cmt.cMapTri(xAxis=xAxis, yAxis=yAxis, cMap=curly, pngFile='curly.png')
    cmt.cMapTri(xAxis=xAxis, yAxis=yAxis, cMap=curlz, pngFile='curlz.png')
Example #17
gamma = np.sqrt(kc**2 - omega**2 / cv**2)

# ------------------------------------------------- #
# --- [3] TE mode wave                          --- #
# ------------------------------------------------- #

import scipy.special as special
import nkBasicAlgs.robustInv as inv
rinv = inv.robustInv(radii)
Ez_Amp = Emn * special.jv(mmode, kcr) * np.cos(mphi)
Hz_Amp = 0.0 * kcr
Er_Amp = -gamma / kc * Emn * special.jv(mmode + 1, kcr) * np.cos(mphi)
Ep_Amp = gamma * mmode / kc**2 * Emn * special.jv(mmode,
                                                  kcr) * np.sin(mphi) * rinv
Hr_Amp = epsilon * omega * mmode / kc**2 * Emn * special.jv(
    mmode, kcr) * np.sin(mphi) * rinv
Hp_Amp = -epsilon * omega / kc * Emn * special.jv(mmode + 1,
                                                  kcr) * np.cos(mphi)

# ------------------------------------------------- #
# --- [4] colormap of the Amplitude             --- #
# ------------------------------------------------- #

import nkUtilities.cMapTri as cmt
cmt.cMapTri(xAxis=xg, yAxis=yg, cMap=Er_Amp, pngFile="Er_Amp.png")
cmt.cMapTri(xAxis=xg, yAxis=yg, cMap=Ep_Amp, pngFile="Ep_Amp.png")
cmt.cMapTri(xAxis=xg, yAxis=yg, cMap=Ez_Amp, pngFile="Ez_Amp.png")
cmt.cMapTri(xAxis=xg, yAxis=yg, cMap=Hr_Amp, pngFile="Hr_Amp.png")
cmt.cMapTri(xAxis=xg, yAxis=yg, cMap=Hp_Amp, pngFile="Hp_Amp.png")
cmt.cMapTri(xAxis=xg, yAxis=yg, cMap=Hz_Amp, pngFile="Hz_Amp.png")
Example #18
def display__axisymmField(inpFile=None):

    x_, y_, z_ = 0, 1, 2
    vx_, vy_, vz_ = 3, 4, 5

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [1] Load Config & Eigenmode               --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #

    import nkUtilities.load__constants as lcn
    cnsFile = "dat/parameter.conf"
    pngFile = "png/{0}field_{1}_{2}.png"
    config = lcf.load__config()
    const = lcn.load__constants(inpFile=cnsFile)

    eflist = const["EFieldListFile"]
    bflist = const["BFieldListFile"]

    with open(eflist, "r") as f:
        efiles = f.readlines()
    with open(bflist, "r") as f:
        bfiles = f.readlines()

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [2] config Settings                       --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    cfs.configSettings(configType="cMap_def", config=config)
    config["FigSize"] = (8, 4)
    config["cmp_position"] = [0.16, 0.12, 0.97, 0.88]
    config["xTitle"] = "Z (m)"
    config["yTitle"] = "R (m)"
    config["cmp_xAutoRange"] = True
    config["cmp_yAutoRange"] = True
    config["cmp_xRange"] = [-5.0, +5.0]
    config["cmp_yRange"] = [-5.0, +5.0]

    config["vec_AutoScale"] = True
    config["vec_AutoRange"] = True
    config["vec_AutoScaleRef"] = 200.0
    config["vec_nvec_x"] = 24
    config["vec_nvec_y"] = 6
    config["vec_interpolation"] = "nearest"

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [4] plot Figure ( efield )                --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #

    for ik, efile in enumerate(efiles):

        import nkUtilities.load__pointFile as lpf
        efield = lpf.load__pointFile(inpFile=efile.strip(), returnType="point")

        xAxis = np.copy(efield[:, z_])
        yAxis = np.copy(efield[:, x_])
        absE = np.sqrt(efield[:, vx_]**2 + efield[:, vz_]**2)

        cmt.cMapTri( xAxis=xAxis, yAxis=yAxis, cMap=efield[:,vz_], \
                     pngFile=pngFile.format( "e", ik, "Ez" ), config=config )
        cmt.cMapTri( xAxis=xAxis, yAxis=yAxis, cMap=efield[:,vx_], \
                     pngFile=pngFile.format( "e", ik, "Er" ), config=config )

        fig = cmt.cMapTri(pngFile=pngFile.format(
        fig.add__cMap(xAxis=xAxis, yAxis=yAxis, cMap=absE)
        fig.add__vector ( xAxis=xAxis, yAxis=yAxis, uvec=efield[:,vz_], vvec=efield[:,vx_], \
                          color="blue" )

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [5] plot Figure ( bfield )                --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #

    for ik, bfile in enumerate(bfiles):

        import nkUtilities.load__pointFile as lpf
        bfield = lpf.load__pointFile(inpFile=bfile.strip(), returnType="point")

        xAxis = np.copy(bfield[:, z_])
        yAxis = np.copy(bfield[:, x_])

        cmt.cMapTri( xAxis=xAxis, yAxis=yAxis, cMap=bfield[:,vy_], \
                     pngFile=pngFile.format( "b", ik, "Hp" ), config=config )
Example #19
def check__carbonIdeal(datFile=None, pngFile=None, config=None):
    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [1] Arguments                             --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    if (config is None): config = lcf.LoadConfig()
    if (datFile1 is None): datFile1 = "dat/bfield_from_aoki.dat"
    if (pngFile1 is None): pngFile1 = "png/bfield_from_aoki.png"
    if (datFile2 is None): datFile2 = "dat/bfield_ideal_acoord.dat"
    if (pngFile2 is None): pngFile2 = "png/bfield_ideal_acoord.png"

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [2] Fetch Data                            --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    with open(datFile1, "r") as f:
        Data1 = np.loadtxt(f)
    xAxis1 = Data1[:, 0]
    yAxis1 = Data1[:, 1]
    zAxis1 = Data1[:, 2]

    with open(datFile2, "r") as f:
        Data2 = np.loadtxt(f)
    xAxis2 = Data2[:, 0]
    yAxis2 = Data2[:, 1]
    zAxis2 = Data2[:, 2]

    pngFile3 = "png/bfield_error.png"
    xAxis3 = np.copy(xAxis2)
    yAxis3 = np.copy(yAxis2)
    zAxis3 = np.copy(zAxis2) - np.copy(zAxis1)

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [3] config Settings                       --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    cfs.configSettings(configType="cMap_def", config=config)
    config["FigSize"] = (5, 5)
    config["cmp_position"] = [0.16, 0.12, 0.97, 0.88]
    config["xTitle"] = "X"
    config["yTitle"] = "Y"
    config["cmp_xAutoRange"] = True
    config["cmp_yAutoRange"] = True
    config["cmp_xRange"] = [-5.0, +5.0]
    config["cmp_yRange"] = [-5.0, +5.0]

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [4] plot Figure                           --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #
Example #20
    # --- [4] save result                           --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #

    import nkUtilities.save__pointFile as spf
    spf.save__pointFile(outFile=outFile, Data=ret)

# ========================================================= #
# ===   実行部                                          === #
# ========================================================= #

if (__name__ == "__main__"):

    sample = np.zeros((101, 3))
    sample[:, 0] = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 101)
    sample[:, 2] = np.cos(sample[:, 0] * np.pi * 0.5)**2

    import nkUtilities.save__pointFile as spf
    sampleFile = "dat/pole_cs.dat"
    gridFile = "dat/gridData.dat"
    spf.save__pointFile(outFile=sampleFile, Data=sample)

    expand__pole_cs(inpFile=sampleFile, outFile=gridFile)

    with open(gridFile, "r") as f:
        Data = np.loadtxt(f)

    import nkUtilities.cMapTri as cmt
    cmt.cMapTri(xAxis=Data[:, 0], yAxis=Data[:, 1], cMap=Data[:, 2])
Example #21
    ret = li1.LinearInterp1D(xa=ra, fa=fa, xp=rp)
    grid[:, 2] = fa[-1]
    grid[index, 2] = ret

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [4] return                                --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    return (grid)

# ========================================================= #
# ===   実行部                                          === #
# ========================================================= #

if (__name__ == "__main__"):

    inpFile = "profile.dat"
    x1MinMaxNum = [0.0, 0.8, 101]
    x2MinMaxNum = [-0.8, 0.8, 101]

    ra = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 101)
    fa = np.cos(ra * np.pi * 0.5)**2

    ret         = expand__axisymmetric( ra=ra, fa=fa, radius=0.8, \
                                        x1MinMaxNum=x1MinMaxNum, x2MinMaxNum=x2MinMaxNum )
    import nkUtilities.cMapTri as cmt
    cmt.cMapTri(xAxis=ret[:, 0],
                yAxis=ret[:, 1],
                cMap=ret[:, 2],
Example #22
    x2 = np.array([r2 * np.cos(p1), r2 * np.sin(p1)])
    x3 = np.array([r2 * np.cos(p2), r2 * np.sin(p2)])
    x4 = np.array([r1 * np.cos(p2), r1 * np.sin(p2)])
    l12_x = (x2[0] - x1[0]) * t + x1[0]
    l12_y = (x2[1] - x1[1]) * t + x1[1]
    l23_x = r1 * np.cos(p)
    l23_y = r1 * np.sin(p)
    l34_x = (x4[0] - x3[0]) * t + x3[0]
    l34_y = (x4[1] - x3[1]) * t + x3[1]
    l41_x = r2 * np.cos(p)
    l41_y = r2 * np.sin(p)

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [2] plot lines                            --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    fig.add__plot(xAxis=l12_x, yAxis=l12_y)
    fig.add__plot(xAxis=l23_x, yAxis=l23_y)
    fig.add__plot(xAxis=l34_x, yAxis=l34_y)
    fig.add__plot(xAxis=l41_x, yAxis=l41_y)
    return (fig)

# ======================================== #
# ===  実行部                          === #
# ======================================== #
if (__name__ == "__main__"):

    fig = cmt.cMapTri()
def display__initialAxisymmField():

    x_, y_, z_ = 0, 1, 2
    vx_, vy_, vz_ = 3, 4, 5

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [1] Load Config & Eigenmode               --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #

    import nkUtilities.load__constants as lcn
    cnsFile = "dat/parameter.conf"
    const = lcn.load__constants(inpFile=cnsFile)

    import nkUtilities.load__pointFile as lpf
    efield = lpf.load__pointFile(inpFile=const["EFieldFile"],
    bfield = lpf.load__pointFile(inpFile=const["BFieldFile"],

    config = lcf.load__config()
    pngFile = "png/field_init_{0}.png"

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [2] config Settings                       --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    cfs.configSettings(configType="cMap_def", config=config)
    config["FigSize"] = (8, 4)
    config["cmp_position"] = [0.16, 0.12, 0.97, 0.88]
    config["xTitle"] = "Z (m)"
    config["yTitle"] = "R (m)"
    config["cmp_xAutoRange"] = True
    config["cmp_yAutoRange"] = True
    config["cmp_xRange"] = [-5.0, +5.0]
    config["cmp_yRange"] = [-5.0, +5.0]

    config["vec_AutoScale"] = True
    config["vec_AutoRange"] = True
    config["vec_AutoScaleRef"] = 200.0
    config["vec_nvec_x"] = 24
    config["vec_nvec_y"] = 6
    config["vec_interpolation"] = "nearest"

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [4] plot Figure                           --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #

    xAxis = np.copy(efield[:, z_])
    yAxis = np.copy(efield[:, x_])

    cmt.cMapTri( xAxis=xAxis, yAxis=yAxis, cMap=efield[:,vz_], \
                 pngFile=pngFile.format( "Ez" ), config=config )
    cmt.cMapTri( xAxis=xAxis, yAxis=yAxis, cMap=efield[:,vx_], \
                 pngFile=pngFile.format( "Er" ), config=config )
    cmt.cMapTri( xAxis=xAxis, yAxis=yAxis, cMap=bfield[:,vy_], \
                 pngFile=pngFile.format( "Hp" ), config=config )

    fig = cmt.cMapTri(pngFile=pngFile.format("Ev"), config=config)
    fig.add__contour(xAxis=xAxis, yAxis=yAxis, Cntr=bfield[:, vy_])
    fig.add__cMap(xAxis=xAxis, yAxis=yAxis, cMap=bfield[:, vy_])
    fig.add__vector ( xAxis=xAxis, yAxis=yAxis, uvec=efield[:,vz_], vvec=efield[:,vx_], \
                      color="blue" )

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [5] 1D plot                               --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #

    config["xTitle"] = "Z (m)"
    config["yTitle"] = "E (V/m)"

    val = 0.005
    eps = 1.e-10
    index = np.where((efield[:, x_] >= val - eps)
                     & (efield[:, x_] <= val + eps))
    xAxis = np.copy(efield[index][:, z_])
    ez = np.copy(efield[index][:, vz_])
    ex = np.copy(efield[index][:, vx_])

    import nkUtilities.plot1D as pl1

    fig = pl1.plot1D(config=config, pngFile=pngFile.format("1D"))
    fig.add__plot(xAxis=xAxis, yAxis=ez, color="royalblue", label="Ez")
    fig.add__plot(xAxis=xAxis, yAxis=ex, color="magenta", label="Ex")

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [4] return                                --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    return (ret)

# ========================================================= #
# ===   実行部                                          === #
# ========================================================= #

if (__name__ == "__main__"):
    inpFile = "dat/out.bin"
    shape = (1, 31, 41, 4)
    Data = load__fortranBinary(inpFile=inpFile, shape=shape)

    Data = Data.reshape((-1, 4))

    import nkUtilities.load__config as lcf
    import nkUtilities.cMapTri as cmt
    config = lcf.load__config()
    pngFile = "png/out.png"
    config["xTitle"] = "X (m)"
    config["yTitle"] = "Y (m)"
    config["cmp_xAutoRange"] = True
    config["cmp_yAutoRange"] = True

    cmt.cMapTri( xAxis=Data[:,0], yAxis=Data[:,1], cMap=Data[:,3], \
                 pngFile=pngFile, config=config )
Example #25
def field_expansion():

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [1] load data                             --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    #  -- [1-1] Load parameter file                 --  #
    import nkUtilities.load__constants as lcn
    inpFile = "dat/parameter.conf"
    params = lcn.load__constants(inpFile=inpFile)

    #  -- [1-2] Load field file                     --  #
    import nkUtilities.load__pointFile as lpf
    inpFile = "dat/extended_idealField.dat"
    data2d = lpf.load__pointFile(inpFile=inpFile, returnType="structured")
    bz = np.copy(data2d[:, :, 3])

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [2] calculate derivative                  --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #

    dx = ((params["xMax"] - params["xMin"]) / float(params["LI"] - 1))
    dy = ((params["yMax"] - params["yMin"]) / float(params["LJ"] - 1))
    dz = ((params["zMax"] - params["zMin"]) / float(params["LK"] - 1))
    dxInv = 1.0 / dx
    dyInv = 1.0 / dy
    dzInv = 1.0 / dz

    dbzdx = (np.roll(bz, +1, axis=1) - np.roll(bz, -1, axis=1)) * dxInv * 0.5
    dbzdy = (np.roll(bz, +1, axis=0) - np.roll(bz, -1, axis=0)) * dyInv * 0.5
    d2bzdx2 = (np.roll(bz, +1, axis=1) + np.roll(bz, -1, axis=1) -
               2.0 * bz) * dxInv**2
    d2bzdy2 = (np.roll(bz, +1, axis=0) + np.roll(bz, -1, axis=0) -
               2.0 * bz) * dyInv**2
    d2bzdz2 = -d2bzdx2 - d2bzdy2

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [3] euler integral                        --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #

    x_, y_, z_ = 0, 1, 2
    b3d = np.zeros((params["LK"], params["LJ"], params["LI"], 3))
    n_kplus = int((params["LK"] - 1) / 2)
    kmid = int((params["LK"] - 1) / 2)

    b3d[kmid, :, :, x_] = 0.0
    b3d[kmid, :, :, y_] = 0.0
    b3d[kmid, :, :, z_] = bz

    for ik in range(1, n_kplus + 1):
        b3d[kmid + ik, :, :, x_] = dbzdx * float(ik) * dz
        b3d[kmid + ik, :, :, y_] = dbzdy * float(ik) * dz
        b3d[kmid + ik, :, :, z_] = bz + 0.5 * d2bzdz2 * (float(ik) * dz)**2
    for ik in range(1, n_kplus + 1):
        b3d[kmid - ik, :, :, x_] = -b3d[kmid + ik, :, :, x_]
        b3d[kmid - ik, :, :, y_] = -b3d[kmid + ik, :, :, y_]
        b3d[kmid - ik, :, :, z_] = +b3d[kmid + ik, :, :, z_]

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [4] edge care                             --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    #  -- [4-1] copy edge                           --  #
    b3d[:, 0, :, :] = b3d[:, 1, :, :]
    b3d[:, -1, :, :] = b3d[:, -2, :, :]
    b3d[:, :, 0, :] = b3d[:, :, 1, :]
    b3d[:, :, -1, :] = b3d[:, :, -2, :]

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [5] save in file                          --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #

    #  -- [5-1]  save as .dat file                  --  #
    x_, y_, z_, bx_, by_, bz_ = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
    Data = np.zeros((params["LK"], params["LJ"], params["LI"], 6))

    import nkUtilities.equiSpaceGrid as esg
    x1MinMaxNum = [params["xMin"], params["xMax"], params["LI"]]
    x2MinMaxNum = [params["yMin"], params["yMax"], params["LJ"]]
    x3MinMaxNum = [params["zMin"], params["zMax"], params["LK"]]
    ret         = esg.equiSpaceGrid( x1MinMaxNum=x1MinMaxNum, x2MinMaxNum=x2MinMaxNum, \
                                     x3MinMaxNum=x3MinMaxNum, returnType = "structured" )
    Data[:, :, :, x_] = ret[:, :, :, x_]
    Data[:, :, :, y_] = ret[:, :, :, y_]
    Data[:, :, :, z_] = ret[:, :, :, z_]
    Data[:, :, :, bx_] = b3d[:, :, :, x_]
    Data[:, :, :, by_] = b3d[:, :, :, y_]
    Data[:, :, :, bz_] = b3d[:, :, :, z_]

    import nkUtilities.save__pointFile as spf
    outFile = "dat/out.dat"
    names = ["xp", "yp", "zp", "bx", "by", "bz"]

    #  -- [5-2]  save as .png file                  --  #
    import nkUtilities.cMapTri as cmt
    for ik in range(params["LK"]):
        hData = np.reshape(Data[ik, :, :, :], (-1, 6))
        cmt.cMapTri( xAxis=hData[:,x_], yAxis=hData[:,y_], cMap=hData[:,bx_], \
                     pngFile="png/bx_k={0}.png".format( ik ) )
        cmt.cMapTri( xAxis=hData[:,x_], yAxis=hData[:,y_], cMap=hData[:,by_], \
                     pngFile="png/by_k={0}.png".format( ik ) )
        cmt.cMapTri( xAxis=hData[:,x_], yAxis=hData[:,y_], cMap=hData[:,bz_], \
                     pngFile="png/bz_k={0}.png".format( ik ) )
Example #26
    xAxis = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 101)
    yAxis1 = np.sin(xAxis * 2.0 * np.pi)
    yAxis2 = np.cos(xAxis * 2.0 * np.pi)

    fig = pl1.plot1D(config=config, pngFile=pngFile)
    fig.add__plot(xAxis=xAxis, yAxis=yAxis1, label="sin(x)")
    fig.add__plot(xAxis=xAxis, yAxis=yAxis2, label="cos(x)")

    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- [2] cmap config settings sample           --- #
    # ------------------------------------------------- #
    import nkUtilities.load__config as lcf
    import nkUtilities.cMapTri as cmt
    config = lcf.load__config()
    config = configSettings(configType="cMap_def", config=config)
    pngFile = "test/configSettings_sample_cMap.png"

    import nkUtilities.equiSpaceGrid as esg
    x1MinMaxNum = [-1.0, 1.0, 21]
    x2MinMaxNum = [-1.0, 1.0, 21]
    x3MinMaxNum = [0.0, 0.0, 1]
    coord       = esg.equiSpaceGrid( x1MinMaxNum=x1MinMaxNum, x2MinMaxNum=x2MinMaxNum, \
                                     x3MinMaxNum=x3MinMaxNum, returnType = "point" )
    coord[:, z_] = np.sqrt(coord[:, x_]**2 + coord[:, y_]**2)

    cmt.cMapTri( xAxis=coord[:,x_], yAxis=coord[:,y_], cMap=coord[:,z_], \
              pngFile=pngFile, config=config )