Example #1
def discrete_laplacian(grid: RectangularGrid,
                       mask: np.ndarray,
                       dtype: np.dtype = np.float64) -> csr_matrix:
    """Return a discrete laplacian operator for the given restricted grid.

    This computes a standard laplacian operator as a scipy linear operator, except it is
    restricted to a grid mask.  The use case for this is to compute surface diffusion
    on a gridded variable.  The mask is generated from a category on the lung_tissue
    graph_shape = len(grid), len(grid)
    laplacian = dok_matrix(graph_shape)

    delta_z = grid.delta(0)
    delta_y = grid.delta(1)
    delta_x = grid.delta(2)

    for k, j, i in zip(*(mask).nonzero()):
        voxel = Voxel(x=i, y=j, z=k)
        voxel_index = grid.get_flattened_index(voxel)
        normalization = 0

        for neighbor in grid.get_adjecent_voxels(voxel, corners=False):
            ni = neighbor.x
            nj = neighbor.y
            nk = neighbor.z

            if not mask[nk, nj, ni]:

            neighbor_index = grid.get_flattened_index(neighbor)

            dx = delta_x[k, j, i] * (i - ni)
            dy = delta_y[k, j, i] * (j - nj)
            dz = delta_z[k, j, i] * (k - nk)
            distance2 = 1 / (dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz)

            normalization -= distance2
            laplacian[voxel_index, neighbor_index] = distance2

        laplacian[voxel_index, voxel_index] = normalization

    return laplacian.tocsr()
Example #2
def test_get_adjacent_voxels(grid: RectangularGrid, voxel, neighbors):
    assert set(grid.get_adjecent_voxels(voxel)) == neighbors
Example #3
def test_get_corner_adjacent_voxels(grid: RectangularGrid, voxel, neighbors):
    assert len(list(grid.get_adjecent_voxels(voxel, corners=True))) == neighbors