Example #1
File: lbfgs.py Project: lambe/nlpy
    def __init__(self, nlp, **kwargs):

        self.nlp = nlp
        self.npairs = kwargs.get('npairs', 5)
        self.silent = kwargs.get('silent', False)
        self.abstol = kwargs.get('abstol', 1.0e-6)
        self.reltol = kwargs.get('reltol', self.nlp.stop_d)
        self.iter   = 0
        self.nresets = 0
        self.converged = False

        self.lbfgs = InverseLBFGS(self.nlp.n, **kwargs)
        # Code for testingLBFGS
        self.alt_lbfgs = LBFGS(self.nlp.n, **kwargs)

        self.x = kwargs.get('x0', self.nlp.x0)
        self.f = self.nlp.obj(self.x)
        self.g = self.nlp.grad(self.x)
        self.gnorm = norms.norm2(self.g)
        self.f0 = self.f
        self.g0 = self.gnorm

        # Optional arguments
        self.maxiter = kwargs.get('maxiter', max(10*self.nlp.n, 1000))
        self.tsolve = 0.0
Example #2
File: lbfgs.py Project: lambe/nlpy
    def solve(self):

        tstart = cputime()

        # Initial LBFGS matrix is the identity. In other words,
        # the initial search direction is the steepest descent direction.

        # This is the original L-BFGS stopping condition.
        #stoptol = self.nlp.stop_d * max(1.0, norms.norm2(self.x))
        stoptol = max(self.abstol, self.reltol * self.g0)

        while self.gnorm > stoptol and self.iter < self.maxiter:

            if not self.silent:
                print '%-5d  %-12g  %-12g' % (self.iter, self.f, self.gnorm)

            # Obtain search direction
            d = self.lbfgs.matvec(-self.g)

            # Prepare for modified More-Thuente linesearch
            if self.iter == 0:
                stp0 = 1.0/self.gnorm
                stp0 = 1.0
            SWLS = StrongWolfeLineSearch(self.f,
                                         lambda z: self.nlp.obj(z),
                                         lambda z: self.nlp.grad(z),
                                         stp = stp0)
            # Perform linesearch

            # SWLS.x  contains the new iterate
            # SWLS.g  contains the objective gradient at the new iterate
            # SWLS.f  contains the objective value at the new iterate
            s = SWLS.x - self.x
            self.x = SWLS.x
            y = SWLS.g - self.g
            self.g = SWLS.g
            self.gnorm = norms.norm2(self.g)
            self.f = SWLS.f
            #stoptol = self.nlp.stop_d * max(1.0, norms.norm2(self.x))

            # Update inverse Hessian approximation using the most recent pair
            self.lbfgs.store(s, y)
            self.iter += 1

            # Code for testing the LBFGS implementation
            self.alt_lbfgs.store(s, y)

        self.tsolve = cputime() - tstart
        self.converged = (self.iter < self.maxiter)
Example #3
    def solve(self):

        tstart = cputime()

        # Initial LBFGS matrix is the identity. In other words,
        # the initial search direction is the steepest descent direction.

        # This is the original L-BFGS stopping condition.
        #stoptol = self.nlp.stop_d * max(1.0, norms.norm2(self.x))
        stoptol = max(self.abstol, self.reltol * self.g0)

        while self.gnorm > stoptol and self.iter < self.maxiter:

            if not self.silent:
                print '%-5d  %-12g  %-12g' % (self.iter, self.f, self.gnorm)

            # Obtain search direction
            d = self.lbfgs.matvec(-self.g)

            # Prepare for modified More-Thuente linesearch
            if self.iter == 0:
                stp0 = 1.0 / self.gnorm
                stp0 = 1.0
            SWLS = StrongWolfeLineSearch(self.f,
                                         lambda z: self.nlp.obj(z),
                                         lambda z: self.nlp.grad(z),
            # Perform linesearch

            # SWLS.x  contains the new iterate
            # SWLS.g  contains the objective gradient at the new iterate
            # SWLS.f  contains the objective value at the new iterate
            s = SWLS.x - self.x
            self.x = SWLS.x
            y = SWLS.g - self.g
            self.g = SWLS.g
            self.gnorm = norms.norm2(self.g)
            self.f = SWLS.f
            #stoptol = self.nlp.stop_d * max(1.0, norms.norm2(self.x))

            # Update inverse Hessian approximation using the most recent pair
            self.lbfgs.store(s, y)
            self.iter += 1

        self.tsolve = cputime() - tstart
        self.converged = (self.iter < self.maxiter)
Example #4
File: cqp.py Project: joeywen/nlpy
    def solveSystem(self, rhs, itref_threshold=1.0e-5, nitrefmax=5):
        Solve the augmented system with right-hand side `rhs` and optionally
        perform iterative refinement.
        Return the solution vector (as a reference), the 2-norm of the residual
        and the number of negative eigenvalues of the coefficient matrix.
        self.log.debug('Solving linear system')
        self.LBL.refine(rhs, tol=itref_threshold, nitref=nitrefmax)

        # Collect statistics on the linear system solve.
        self.cond_history.append((self.LBL.cond, self.LBL.cond2))
        self.berr_history.append((self.LBL.berr, self.LBL.berr2))
        self.nrms_history.append((self.LBL.matNorm, self.LBL.xNorm))

        nr = norm2(self.LBL.residual)
        return (self.LBL.x, nr, self.LBL.neig)
Example #5
    def solveSystem(self, rhs, itref_threshold=1.0e-5, nitrefmax=5):
        Solve the augmented system with right-hand side `rhs` and optionally
        perform iterative refinement.
        Return the solution vector (as a reference), the 2-norm of the residual
        and the number of negative eigenvalues of the coefficient matrix.
        self.log.debug('Solving linear system')
        self.LBL.refine(rhs, tol=itref_threshold, nitref=nitrefmax)

        # Collect statistics on the linear system solve.
        self.cond_history.append((self.LBL.cond, self.LBL.cond2))
        self.berr_history.append((self.LBL.berr, self.LBL.berr2))
        self.nrms_history.append((self.LBL.matNorm, self.LBL.xNorm))

        nr = norm2(self.LBL.residual)
        return (self.LBL.x, nr, self.LBL.neig)
Example #6
def SolveSystem(A, rhs, itref_threshold=1.0e-6, nitrefmax=5, **kwargs):

    # Obtain Sils context object
    t = cputime()
    LBL = LBLContext(A, **kwargs)
    t_analyze = cputime() - t

    # Solve system and compute residual
    t = cputime()
    t_solve = cputime() - t_analyze

    # Compute residual norm
    nrhsp1 = norms.norm_infty(rhs) + 1
    nr = norms.norm2(LBL.residual)/nrhsp1

    # If residual not small, perform iterative refinement
    LBL.refine(rhs, tol = itref_threshold, nitref=nitrefmax)
    nr1 = norms.norm_infty(LBL.residual)/nrhsp1

    return (LBL.x, LBL.residual, nr, nr1, t_analyze, t_solve, LBL.neig)
Example #7
    def __init__(self, nlp, **kwargs):

        self.nlp = nlp
        self.npairs = kwargs.get('npairs', 5)
        self.silent = kwargs.get('silent', False)
        self.abstol = kwargs.get('abstol', 1.0e-6)
        self.reltol = kwargs.get('reltol', self.nlp.stop_d)
        self.iter = 0
        self.nresets = 0
        self.converged = False

        self.lbfgs = InverseLBFGS(self.nlp.n, **kwargs)

        self.x = kwargs.get('x0', self.nlp.x0)
        self.f = self.nlp.obj(self.x)
        self.g = self.nlp.grad(self.x)
        self.gnorm = norms.norm2(self.g)
        self.f0 = self.f
        self.g0 = self.gnorm

        # Optional arguments
        self.maxiter = kwargs.get('maxiter', max(10 * self.nlp.n, 1000))
        self.tsolve = 0.0
Example #8
File: lp.py Project: b45ch1/nlpy
    def __init__(self, lp, **kwargs):
        Solve a linear program of the form::

            minimize c' x   subject to  A1 x + A2 s = b  and  s >= 0,      (LP)

        where the variables x are the original problem variables and s are
        slack variables. Any linear program may be converted to the above form
        by instantiation of the `SlackFramework` class. The conversion to the
        slack formulation is mandatory in this implementation.

        The method is a variant of Mehrotra's predictor-corrector method where
        steps are computed by solving the primal-dual system in augmented form.

        Primal and dual regularization parameters may be specified by the user
        via the opional keyword arguments `regpr` and `regdu`. Both should be
        positive real numbers and should not be "too large". By default they are
        set to 1.0 and updated at each iteration.

        If `scale` is set to `True`, (LP) is scaled automatically prior to
        solution so as to equilibrate the rows and columns of the constraint
        matrix [A1 A2].

        Advantages of this method are that it is not sensitive to dense columns
        in A, no special treatment of the unbounded variables x is required, and
        a sparse symmetric quasi-definite system of equations is solved at each
        iteration. The latter, although indefinite, possesses a Cholesky-like
        factorization. Those properties makes the method typically more robust
        that a standard predictor-corrector implementation and the linear system
        solves are often much faster than in a traditional interior-point method
        in augmented form.

            :scale: Perform row and column equilibration of the constraint
                    matrix [A1 A2] prior to solution (default: `True`).

            :stabilize: Scale the linear system to be solved at each iteration
                        (default: `True`).

            :regpr: Initial value of primal regularization parameter
                    (default: `1.0`).

            :regdu: Initial value of dual regularization parameter
                    (default: `1.0`).

            :verbose: Turn on verbose mode (default `False`).

        if not isinstance(lp, SlackFramework):
            msg = 'Input problem must be an instance of SlackFramework'
            raise ValueError, msg

        scale = kwargs.get('scale', True)
        self.verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', True)
        self.stabilize = kwargs.get('stabilize', True)

        self.lp = lp
        self.A = lp.A()               # Constraint matrix
        if not isinstance(self.A, PysparseMatrix):
            self.A = PysparseMatrix(matrix=self.A)

        m, n = self.A.shape
        # Record number of slack variables in LP
        self.nSlacks  = lp.n - lp.original_n

        # Constant vectors
        zero = np.zeros(n)
        self.b = -lp.cons(zero)     # Right-hand side
        self.c0 = lp.obj(zero)      # Constant term in objective
        self.c =  lp.grad(zero[:lp.original_n]) #lp.cost()  # Cost vector

        # Apply in-place problem scaling if requested.
        self.prob_scaled = False
        if scale:
            self.t_scale = cputime()
            self.t_scale = cputime() - self.t_scale

        self.normb  = norm2(self.b)
        self.normc  = norm2(self.c)
        self.normbc = 1 + max(self.normb, self.normc)

        # Initialize augmented matrix
        self.H = PysparseMatrix(size=n+m,

        # We perform the analyze phase on the augmented system only once.
        # self.LBL will be initialized in set_initial_guess().
        self.LBL = None

        self.regpr = kwargs.get('regpr', 1.0) ; self.regpr_min = 1.0e-8
        self.regdu = kwargs.get('regdu', 1.0) ; self.regdu_min = 1.0e-8

        # Check input parameters.
        if self.regpr < 0.0: self.regpr = 0.0
        if self.regdu < 0.0: self.regdu = 0.0

        # Dual regularization is necessary for stabilization.
        if self.regdu == 0.0:
            sys.stderr.write('Warning: No dual regularization in effect\n')
            sys.stderr.write('         Stabilization has been turned off\n')
            self.stabilize = False

        # Initialize format strings for display
        fmt_hdr = '%-4s  %9s' + '  %-8s'*6 + '  %-7s  %-4s  %-4s' + '  %-8s'*8
        self.header = fmt_hdr % ('Iter', 'Cost', 'pResid', 'dResid', 'cResid',
                                 'rGap', 'qNorm', 'rNorm', 'Mu', 'AlPr', 'AlDu',
                                 'LS Resid', 'RegPr', 'RegDu', 'Rho q', 'Del r',
                                 'Min(s)', 'Min(z)', 'Max(s)')
        self.format1  = '%-4d  %9.2e'
        self.format1 += '  %-8.2e' * 6
        self.format2  = '  %-7.1e  %-4.2f  %-4.2f'
        self.format2 += '  %-8.2e' * 8 + '\n'

        if self.verbose: self.display_stats()

Example #9
# Call projected CG to solve problem
#   min  <g,d> + 1/2 <d, Hd>
#   s.t  Jd = 0,  |d| <= delta
CG = Ppcg(g,
                               lambda p: nlp.hprod(nlp.x0, nlp.pi0, p),
#CG = Ppcg(g, A=J, rhs=-c, matvec=hprod, debug=True)

Jd = numpy.empty(nlp.m, 'd')
J.matvec(CG.x, Jd)
feas = norms.norm_infty(Jd)
#feas = norms.norm_infty( c + Jd )  # for nonzero rhs constraint
snorm = norms.norm2(CG.x)  # The trust-region is in the l2 norm

sys.stdout.write('Number of variables      : %-d\n' % nlp.n)
sys.stdout.write('Number of constraints    : %-d\n' % nlp.m)
sys.stdout.write('Converged                : %-s\n' % repr(CG.converged))
sys.stdout.write('Trust-region radius      : %8.1e\n' % delta)
sys.stdout.write('Solution norm            : %8.1e\n' % snorm)
sys.stdout.write('Final/Initial Residual   : ')
sys.stdout.write('%8.1e / %8.1e\n' % (CG.residNorm, CG.residNorm0))
sys.stdout.write('Feasibility error        : %8.1e\n' % feas)
sys.stdout.write('Number of iterations     : %-d\n' % CG.iter)
Example #10
File: lp.py Project: b45ch1/nlpy
    def solve(self, **kwargs):
        Solve the input problem with the primal-dual-regularized
        interior-point method. Accepted input keyword arguments are

          :itermax:  The maximum allowed number of iterations (default: 10n)

          :tolerance:  Stopping tolerance (default: 1.0e-6)

          :PredictorCorrector:  Use the predictor-corrector method
                                (default: `True`). If set to `False`, a variant
                                of the long-step method is used. The long-step
                                method is generally slower and less robust.

        Upon exit, the following members of the class instance are set:

        x..............final iterate
        y..............final value of the Lagrange multipliers associated
                       to A1 x + A2 s = b
        z..............final value of the Lagrange multipliers associated
                       to s>=0
        obj_value......final cost
        iter...........total number of iterations
        kktResid.......final relative residual
        solve_time.....time to solve the LP
        status.........string describing the exit status
        short_status...short version of status, used for printing.
        lp = self.lp
        itermax = kwargs.get('itermax', max(100,10*lp.n))
        tolerance = kwargs.get('tolerance', 1.0e-6)
        PredictorCorrector = kwargs.get('PredictorCorrector', True)
        check_infeasible = kwargs.get('check_infeasible', True)

        # Transfer pointers for convenience.
        m, n = self.A.shape ; on = lp.original_n
        A = self.A ; b = self.b ; c = self.c ; H = self.H
        regpr = self.regpr ; regdu = self.regdu
        regpr_min = self.regpr_min ; regdu_min = self.regdu_min

        # Obtain initial point from Mehrotra's heuristic.
        # set_initial_guess() initializes self.LBL which is reused below.
        (x,y,z) = self.set_initial_guess(self.lp, **kwargs)

        # Slack variables are the trailing variables in x.
        s = x[on:] ; ns = self.nSlacks

        # Initialize steps in dual variables.
        dz = np.zeros(ns)

        col_scale = np.empty(n)

        # Allocate room for right-hand side of linear systems.
        rhs = np.zeros(n+m)
        finished = False
        iter = 0

        # Acceptance thresholds for primal and dual reg parameters.
        #t1 = t2 = 0.99

        solve_time = cputime()

        # Main loop.
        while not finished:

            # Display initial header every so often.
            if self.verbose and iter % 20 == 0:
                sys.stdout.write('\n' + self.header + '\n')
                sys.stdout.write('-' * len(self.header) + '\n')

            # Compute residuals.
            pFeas = A*x - b
            comp = s*z ; sz = sum(comp)                     # comp   = S z
            dFeas = y*A ; dFeas[:on] -= self.c              # dFeas1 = A1'y - c
            dFeas[on:] += z                                 # dFeas2 = A2'y + z
            mu = sz/ns

            # Compute residual norms and scaled residual norms.
            # We don't need to keep both the scaled and unscaled residuals
            # store.
            #pResid = norm_infty(pFeas + regdu * r)/(1+self.normc)
            #dResid = norm_infty(dFeas - regpr * q)/(1+self.normb)
            pResid = norm2(pFeas) ; spResid = pResid/(1+self.normc)
            cResid = norm2(comp)  ; scResid = cResid/self.normbc
            dResid = norm2(dFeas) ; sdResid = dResid/(1+self.normb)

            # Compute relative duality gap.
            cx = np.dot(c,x[:on])
            by = np.dot(b,y)
            rgap  = cx - by
            #rgap += regdu * (rNorm**2 + np.dot(r,y))
            rgap  = abs(rgap) / (1 + abs(cx))
            rgap2 = mu /(1 + abs(cx))

            # Compute overall residual for stopping condition.
            kktResid = max(spResid, sdResid, rgap2)
            #kktResid = max(pResid, cResid, dResid)

            if kktResid <= tolerance:
                status = 'Optimal solution found'
                short_status = 'opt'
                finished = True

            if iter >= itermax:
                status = 'Maximum number of iterations reached'
                short_status= 'iter'
                finished = True

            # Adjust regularization parameters
            #mu = sum(comp)/ns
            #if mu < 1:
            #    regpr = sqrt(mu)
            #    regdu = sqrt(mu)

            # At the first iteration, initialize perturbation vectors
            # (q=primal, r=dual).
            if iter == 0:
                regpr = self.regpr ; regdu = self.regdu
                if regpr > 0:
                    q = dFeas/regpr ; qNorm = norm2(q) ; rho_q = regpr * qNorm
                    q = dFeas ; qNorm = norm2(q) ; rho_q = 0.0
                rho_q_min = rho_q
                if regdu > 0:
                    r = -pFeas/regdu ; rNorm = norm2(r) ; del_r = regdu * rNorm
                    r = -pFeas ; rNorm = norm2(r) ; del_r = 0.0
                del_r_min = del_r
                pr_infeas_count = 0  # Used to detect primal infeasibility.
                du_infeas_count = 0  # Used to detect dual infeasibility.
                pr_last_iter = 0
                du_last_iter = 0
                mu0 = mu
                # Adjust regularization parameters.
                #regpr = max(min(regpr/10, regpr**(1.1)), regpr_min)
                #regdu = max(min(regdu/10, regdu**(1.1)), regdu_min)
                # 1) rho+ |dx| <= const * s'z
                # 2) del+ |dy| <= const * s'z
                if regdu > 0:
                    regdu = min(regdu/10, sz/normdy/10, (sz/normdy)**(1.1))
                    regdu = max(regdu, regdu_min)
                if regpr > 0:
                    regpr = min(regpr/10, sz/normdx/10, (sz/normdx)**(1.1))
                    regpr = max(regpr, regpr_min)

                # Check for infeasible problem.
                if check_infeasible:
                    #if mu < 1.0e-8 * mu0 and rho_q > 1.0e+3 * kktResid * self.normbc: #* mu * self.normbc:
                    if mu < 1.0e-8 * mu0 and rho_q > 1.0e+2 * rho_q_min:
                        pr_infeas_count += 1
                        if pr_infeas_count > 1 and pr_last_iter == iter-1:
                            if pr_infeas_count > 6:
                                status = 'Problem seems to be (locally) dual infeasible'
                                short_status = 'dInf'
                                finished = True
                        pr_last_iter = iter

                    #if mu < 1.0e-8 * mu0 and del_r > 1.0e+3 * kktResid * self.normbc: # * mu * self.normbc:
                    if mu < 1.0e-8 * mu0 and del_r > 1.0e+2 * del_r_min:
                        du_infeas_count += 1
                        if du_infeas_count > 1 and du_last_iter == iter-1:
                            if du_infeas_count > 6:
                                status='Problem seems to be (locally) primal infeasible'
                                short_status = 'pInf'
                                finished = True
                        du_last_iter = iter

            # Display objective and residual data.
            if self.verbose:
                sys.stdout.write(self.format1 % (iter, cx, pResid, dResid,
                                                 cResid, rgap, qNorm, rNorm))

            # Record some quantities for display
            mins = np.min(s)
            minz = np.min(z)
            maxs = np.max(s)

            # Repeatedly assemble system and compute step until primal and
            # dual regularization parameters have appropriate values.

            # Reset primal and dual regularization parameters to best guess
            #if iter > 0:
            #    regpr = max(regpr_min, 0.5*sigma*dResid/normds)
            #    regdu = max(regdu_min, 0.5*sigma*pResid/normdy)

            step_acceptable = False

            while not step_acceptable:

                # Solve the linear system
                # [-pI          0          A1'] [∆x]   [c - A1' y             ]
                # [ 0   -(S^{-1} Z + pI)   A2'] [∆s] = [  - A2' y - µ S^{-1} e]
                # [ A1          A2         dI ] [∆y]   [b - A1 x - A2 s       ]
                # where s are the slack variables, p is the primal
                # regularization parameter, d is the dual regularization
                # parameter, and  A = [ A1  A2 ]  where the columns of A1
                # correspond to the original problem variables and those of A2
                # correspond to slack variables.
                # We recover ∆z = -z - S^{-1} (Z ∆s + µ e).
                # Compute augmented matrix and factorize it.
                factorized = False
                nb_bump = 0
                while not factorized and nb_bump < 5:

                    if self.stabilize:
                        col_scale[:on] = sqrt(regpr)
                        col_scale[on:] = np.sqrt(z/s + regpr)
                        H.put(-sqrt(regdu), range(n))
                        H.put( sqrt(regdu), range(n,n+m))
                        AA = self.A.copy()
                        H[n:,:n] = AA
                        if regpr > 0: H.put(-regpr,       range(on))
                        H.put(-z/s - regpr, range(on,n))
                        if regdu > 0: H.put(regdu,        range(n,n+m))

                    #if iter == 5:
                    #    # Export current matrix to file for futher inspection.
                    #    import os
                    #    name = os.path.basename(self.lp.name)
                    #    fname = '.'.join(name.split('.')[:-1]) + '.mtx'
                    #    H.exportMmf(fname)

                    factorized = True

                    # If the augmented matrix does not have full rank, bump up
                    # regularization parameters.
                    if not self.LBL.isFullRank:
                        if self.verbose:
                            sys.stderr.write('Primal-Dual Matrix ')
                            sys.stderr.write('Rank Deficient')
                        if regdu == 0.0:
                            sys.stderr.write('... No regularization in effect')
                            sys.stderr.write('... bailing out\n')
                            factorized = False
                            nb_bump = 5
                            sys.stderr.write('... bumping up reg parameters\n')
                        regpr *= 10 ; regdu *= 10
                        nb_bump += 1
                        factorized = False

                # Abandon if regularization is unsuccessful.
                if not self.LBL.isFullRank and nb_bump >= 5:
                    status = 'Unable to regularize sufficiently.'
                    short_status = 'degn'
                    finished = True
                    continue  # Does this get us out of the outer while?

                # Compute duality measure.
                mu = sz/ns

                if PredictorCorrector:
                    # Use Mehrotra predictor-corrector method.
                    # Compute affine-scaling step, i.e. with centering = 0.
                    rhs[:n]    = -dFeas
                    rhs[on:n] += z
                    rhs[n:]    = -pFeas

                    # if 'stabilize' is on, must scale right-hand side.
                    if self.stabilize:
                        rhs[:n] /= col_scale
                        rhs[n:] /= sqrt(regdu)

                    (step, nres, neig) = self.solveSystem(rhs)

                    # Unscale step if 'stabilize' is on.
                    if self.stabilize:
                        step[:n] *= sqrt(regdu) / col_scale

                    # Recover dx and dz.
                    dx = step[:n]
                    ds = dx[on:]
                    dz = -z * (1 + ds/s)

                    # Compute largest allowed primal and dual stepsizes.
                    (alpha_p, ip) = self.maxStepLength(s, ds)
                    (alpha_d, ip) = self.maxStepLength(z, dz)

                    # Estimate duality gap after affine-scaling step.
                    muAff = np.dot(s + alpha_p * ds, z + alpha_d * dz)/ns
                    sigma = (muAff/mu)**3

                    # Incorporate predictor information for corrector step.
                    comp += ds*dz
                    # Use long-step method: Compute centering parameter.
                    sigma = min(0.1, 100*mu)

                # Assemble right-hand side with centering information.
                comp -= sigma * mu

                if PredictorCorrector:
                    # Only update rhs[on:n]; the rest of rhs did not change.
                    if self.stabilize:
                        rhs[on:n] += (comp/s - z)/col_scale[on:n]
                        rhs[on:n] += comp/s - z
                    rhs[:n]    = -dFeas
                    rhs[on:n] += comp/s
                    rhs[n:]    = -pFeas

                    # If 'stabilize' is on, must scale right-hand side.
                    # In the predictor-corrector method, this has already been
                    # done.
                    if self.stabilize:
                        rhs[:n] /= col_scale
                        rhs[n:] /= sqrt(regdu)

                # Solve augmented system.
                (step, nres, neig) = self.solveSystem(rhs)

                # Unscale step if 'stabilize' is on.
                if self.stabilize:
                    step[:n] *= sqrt(regdu) / col_scale

                # Recover step.
                dx = step[:n]
                ds = dx[on:]
                dy = step[n:]

                normds = norm2(ds) ; normdy = norm2(dy) ; normdx = norm2(dx)
                step_acceptable = True  # Must get rid of this

            # End while not step_acceptable

            # Recover step in z.
            dz = -(comp + z*ds)/s

            # Compute largest allowed primal and dual stepsizes.
            (alpha_p, ip) = self.maxStepLength(s, ds)
            (alpha_d, id) = self.maxStepLength(z, dz)

            # Compute fraction-to-the-boundary factor.
            tau = max(.9995, 1.0-mu)

            if PredictorCorrector:
                # Compute actual stepsize using Mehrotra's heuristic
                mult = 0.1

                # ip=-1 if ds ≥ 0, and id=-1 if dz ≥ 0
                if (ip != -1 or id != -1) and ip != id:
                    mu_tmp = np.dot(s + alpha_p * ds, z + alpha_d * dz)/ns

                if ip != -1 and ip != id:
                    zip = z[ip] + alpha_d * dz[ip]
                    gamma_p = (mult*mu_tmp - s[ip]*zip)/(alpha_p*ds[ip]*zip)
                    alpha_p *= max(1-mult, gamma_p)

                if id != -1 and ip != id:
                    sid = s[id] + alpha_p * ds[id]
                    gamma_d = (mult*mu_tmp - z[id]*sid)/(alpha_d*dz[id]*sid)
                    alpha_d *= max(1-mult, gamma_d)

                if ip==id and ip != -1:
                    # There is a division by zero in Mehrotra's heuristic
                    # Fall back on classical rule.
                    alpha_p *= tau
                    alpha_d *= tau

                alpha_p *= tau
                alpha_d *= tau

            # Display data.
            if self.verbose:
                sys.stdout.write(self.format2 % (mu, alpha_p, alpha_d,
                                                 nres, regpr, regdu, rho_q,
                                                 del_r, mins, minz, maxs))

            # Update primal variables and slacks.
            x += alpha_p * dx

            # Update dual variables.
            y += alpha_d * dy
            z += alpha_d * dz

            # Update perturbation vectors.
            q *= (1-alpha_p) ; q += alpha_p * dx
            r *= (1-alpha_d) ; r += alpha_d * dy
            qNorm = norm2(q) ; rNorm = norm2(r)
            rho_q = regpr * qNorm/(1+self.normc) ; rho_q_min = min(rho_q_min, rho_q)
            del_r = regdu * rNorm/(1+self.normb) ; del_r_min = min(del_r_min, del_r)

            iter += 1

        solve_time = cputime() - solve_time

        if self.verbose:
            sys.stdout.write('-' * len(self.header) + '\n')

        # Transfer final values to class members.
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.z = z
        self.iter = iter
        self.pResid = pResid ; self.cResid = cResid ; self.dResid = dResid
        self.rgap = rgap
        self.kktResid = kktResid
        self.solve_time = solve_time
        self.status = status
        self.short_status = short_status

        # Unscale problem if applicable.
        if self.prob_scaled: self.unscale()

        # Recompute final objective value.
        self.obj_value = np.dot(self.c, x[:on]) + self.c0
Example #11
	#output_line += format2 % (regqp.mu, regqp.alpha_p, regqp.alpha_d,
                                                   #regqp.nres, regqp.regpr, regqp.regdu, regqp.rho_q,
                                                   #regqp.del_w, regqp.mins, regqp.minz, regqp.maxs)
	log.info('-' * len(regqp.header))

        #sys.stdout.write(fmt % (probname, regqp.iter, regqp.obj_value,
                                #regqp.pResid, regqp.dResid, regqp.rgap,
                                #t_setup, regqp.solve_time, regqp.short_status))
        #if regqp.short_status == 'degn':
            #sys.stdout.write(' F')  # Could not regularize sufficiently.
	x = regqp.x[0:n]
	x0 = 0.1*np.ones([1,n])
	x0[0] = -0.1
	norm_x0_x = norm2(x0-x)
	nnz = nnz_elements(x,1e-3)
	Probname = str(m)+'--'+str(n)
	print x[0:10]
        log.info('difference between initialize point and  minimizer %6.f'%norm_x0_x)
	x = regqp.x[0:n]
	log.info('#Iterations: %-d' % regqp.iter)
	log.info('RelResidual: %7.1e' % regqp.kktResid)
	log.info('Final cost : %21.15e' % regqp.obj_value)
	log.info('Setup time : %6.2fs' % t_setup)
Example #12
# J.matvec(e, c)

# Call projected CG to solve problem
#   min  <g,d> + 1/2 <d, Hd>
#   s.t  Jd = 0,  |d| <= delta
CG = Ppcg(
    SimpleLinearOperator(nlp.n, nlp.n, lambda p: nlp.hprod(nlp.x0, nlp.pi0, p), symmetric=True),
# CG = Ppcg(g, A=J, rhs=-c, matvec=hprod, debug=True)

Jd = numpy.empty(nlp.m, "d")
J.matvec(CG.x, Jd)
feas = norms.norm_infty(Jd)
# feas = norms.norm_infty( c + Jd )  # for nonzero rhs constraint
snorm = norms.norm2(CG.x)  # The trust-region is in the l2 norm

sys.stdout.write("Number of variables      : %-d\n" % nlp.n)
sys.stdout.write("Number of constraints    : %-d\n" % nlp.m)
sys.stdout.write("Converged                : %-s\n" % repr(CG.converged))
sys.stdout.write("Trust-region radius      : %8.1e\n" % delta)
sys.stdout.write("Solution norm            : %8.1e\n" % snorm)
sys.stdout.write("Final/Initial Residual   : ")
sys.stdout.write("%8.1e / %8.1e\n" % (CG.residNorm, CG.residNorm0))
sys.stdout.write("Feasibility error        : %8.1e\n" % feas)
sys.stdout.write("Number of iterations     : %-d\n" % CG.iter)
Example #13
    if probname[-3:] == '.nl': probname = probname[:-3]

    if not options.verbose:
        log.info(fmt % (probname, regqp.iter, regqp.obj_value,
                        regqp.pResid, regqp.dResid, regqp.rgap,
                        t_setup, regqp.solve_time, regqp.short_status))
        if regqp.short_status == 'degn':
            log.info(' F')  # Could not regularize sufficiently.



if not multiple_problems:
    x = regqp.x[:qp.original_n]
    log.info('Final x: %s, |x| = %7.1e' % (repr(x),norm2(x)))
    log.info('Final y: %s, |y| = %7.1e' % (repr(regqp.y),norm2(regqp.y)))
    log.info('Final z: %s, |z| = %7.1e' % (repr(regqp.z),norm2(regqp.z)))

    log.info('#Iterations: %-d' % regqp.iter)
    log.info('RelResidual: %7.1e' % regqp.kktResid)
    log.info('Final cost : %21.15e' % regqp.obj_value)
    log.info('Setup time : %6.2fs' % t_setup)
    log.info('Solve time : %6.2fs' % regqp.solve_time)

    # Plot linear system statistics.
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.gca()
Example #14
                                                  #regqp.dResid, regqp.cResid, regqp.rgap, regqp.qNorm,
	#output_line += format2 % (regqp.mu, regqp.alpha_p, regqp.alpha_d,
                                                   #regqp.nres, regqp.regpr, regqp.regdu, regqp.rho_q,
                                                   #regqp.del_w, regqp.mins, regqp.minz, regqp.maxs)
	log.info('-' * len(regqp.header))

        #sys.stdout.write(fmt % (probname, regqp.iter, regqp.obj_value,
                                #regqp.pResid, regqp.dResid, regqp.rgap,
                                #t_setup, regqp.solve_time, regqp.short_status))
        #if regqp.short_status == 'degn':
            #sys.stdout.write(' F')  # Could not regularize sufficiently.
	x = regqp.x[0:n]
	norm_x0_x = norm2(.1*np.ones([1,n])-x)
	nnz = nnz_elements(x,1e-3)
	Probname = str(n)+'--'+str(m)
	#print x[1:10]
	log.info('Non zero elements in minimizer %6.f'%nnz)
	x = regqp.x[0:n]
	log.info('#Iterations: %-d' % regqp.iter)
	log.info('RelResidual: %7.1e' % regqp.kktResid)
Example #15
    def SolveInner(self, **kwargs):
        Perform a series of inner iterations so as to minimize the primal-dual
        merit function with the current value of the barrier parameter to within
        some given tolerance. The only optional argument recognized is

            stopTol     stopping tolerance (default: muerrfact * mu).

        merit = self.merit
        nx = merit.nlp.n
        nz = merit.nz
        rho = 1  # Dummy initial value for rho
        niter = 0  # Dummy initial value for number of inners
        status = ''  # Dummy initial step status
        alpha = 0.0  # Fraction-to-the-boundary step size
        if self.inexact:
            cgtol = 1.0
            cgtol = -1.0
        inner_iter = 0  # Inner iteration counter

        # Obtain starting point.
        (x, z) = (self.x, self.z)

        # Obtain first-order data at starting point.
        if self.iter == 0:
            f = nlp.obj(x)
            gf = nlp.grad(x)
            f = self.f
            gf = self.gf

        psi = merit.obj(x, z, f=f)
        g = merit.grad(x, z, g=gf, check_optimal=True)
        gNorm = norm2(g)
        if self.optimal: return

        # Reset initial trust-region radius
        self.TR.Delta = 0.1 * gNorm

        # Set inner iteration stopping tolerance
        stopTol = kwargs.get('stopTol', self.muerrfact * self.mu)
        finished = (gNorm <= stopTol) or (self.iter >= self.maxiter)

        while not finished:

            # Print out header every so many iterations
            if self.verbose:
                if self.iter % self.printFrequency == 0:

                if inner_iter == 0:
                    sys.stdout.write(('*' + self.itFormat) % self.iter)
                    sys.stdout.write((' ' + self.itFormat) % self.iter)

                    self.format %
                     max(norm_infty(self.dRes), norm_infty(self.cRes),
                         norm_infty(self.pRes)), gNorm, self.mu, alpha, niter,
                     rho, self.TR.Delta, status))

            # Set stopping tolerance for trust-region subproblem.
            if self.inexact:
                cgtol = max(1.0e-8, min(0.1 * cgtol, sqrt(gNorm)))
                if self.debug: self._debugMsg('cgtol = ' + str(cgtol))

            # Update Hessian matrix with current iteration information.
            # self.PDHess(x,z)

            if self.debug:
                self._debugMsg('g = ' + np.str(g))
                self._debugMsg('gNorm = ' + str(gNorm))
                self._debugMsg('stopTol = ' + str(stopTol))
                self._debugMsg('dRes = ' + np.str(self.dRes))
                self._debugMsg('cRes = ' + np.str(self.cRes))
                self._debugMsg('pRes = ' + np.str(self.pRes))
                self._debugMsg('optimal = ' + str(self.optimal))

            # Set up the preconditioner if applicable.

            # Iteratively minimize the quadratic model in the trust region
            # m(s) = <g, s> + 1/2 <s, Hs>
            # Note that m(s) does not include f(x): m(0) = 0.
            H = SimpleLinearOperator(nx + nz,
                                     nx + nz,
                                     lambda v: merit.hprod(v),
            subsolver = self.TrSolver(
                #fraction = 0.5,
                itmax=2 * (n + nz),

            if self.debug:
                self._debugMsg('x = ' + np.str(x))
                self._debugMsg('z = ' + np.str(z))
                self._debugMsg('step = ' + np.str(solver.step))
                self._debugMsg('step norm = ' + str(solver.stepNorm))

            # Record total number of CG iterations.
            niter = subsolver.niter
            self.cgiter += subsolver.niter

            # Compute maximal step to the boundary and next candidate.
            alphax, alphaz = self.ftb(x, z, solver.step)
            alpha = min(alphax, alphaz)
            dx = subsolver.step[:n]
            dz = subsolver.step[n:]
            x_trial = x + alphax * dx
            z_trial = z + alphaz * dz
            f_trial = merit.nlp.obj(x_trial)
            psi_trial = merit.obj(x_trial, z_trial, f=f_trial)

            # Compute ratio of predicted versus achieved reduction.
            rho = self.TR.Rho(psi, psi_trial, subsolver.m)

            if self.debug:
                self._debugMsg('m = ' + str(solver.m))
                self._debugMsg('x_trial = ' + np.str(x_trial))
                self._debugMsg('z_trial = ' + np.str(z_trial))
                self._debugMsg('psi_trial = ' + str(psi_trial))
                self._debugMsg('rho = ' + str(rho))

            # Accept or reject next candidate
            status = 'Rej'
            if rho >= self.TR.eta1:
                self.TR.UpdateRadius(rho, solver.stepNorm)
                x = x_trial
                z = z_trial
                f = f_trial
                psi = psi_trial
                gf = nlp.grad(x)
                g = self.GradPDMerit(x, z, g=gf, check_optimal=True)
                gNorm = norm2(g)
                if self.optimal:
                    finished = True
                status = 'Acc'
                if self.ny:  # Backtracking linesearch a la "Nocedal & Yuan"
                    slope = np.dot(g, solver.step)
                    target = psi + 1.0e-4 * alpha * slope
                    j = 0

                    while (psi_trial >= target) and (j < self.nyMax):
                        alphax /= 1.2
                        alphaz /= 1.2
                        alpha = min(alphax, alphaz)
                        target = psi + 1.0e-4 * alpha * slope
                        x_trial = x + alphax * dx
                        z_trial = z + alphaz * dz
                        f_trial = nlp.obj(x_trial)
                        psi_trial = self.PDMerit(x_trial, z_trial, f=f_trial)
                        j += 1

                    if self.opportunistic or (j < self.nyMax):
                        x = x_trial
                        z = z_trial  #self.PrimalMultipliers(x)
                        f = f_trial
                        psi = psi_trial
                        gf = nlp.grad(x)
                        g = self.GradPDMerit(x, z, g=gf, check_optimal=True)
                        gNorm = norm2(g)
                        if self.optimal:
                            finished = True
                        self.TR.Delta = alpha * solver.stepNorm
                        status = 'N-Y'

                        self.TR.UpdateRadius(rho, solver.stepNorm)

                    self.TR.UpdateRadius(rho, solver.stepNorm)

            self.iter += 1
            inner_iter += 1
            finished = (gNorm <= stopTol) or (self.iter >= self.maxiter)
            if self.debug: sys.stderr.write('\n')

        # Store final iterate
        (self.x, self.z) = (x, z)
        self.f = f
        self.gf = gf
        self.g = g
        self.gNorm = gNorm
        self.psi = psi
Example #16
    if not options.verbose:
            fmt %
            (probname, regqp.iter, regqp.obj_value, regqp.pResid, regqp.dResid,
             regqp.rgap, t_setup, regqp.solve_time, regqp.short_status))
        if regqp.short_status == 'degn':
            log.info(' F')  # Could not regularize sufficiently.


log.info('-' * len(hdr))

if not multiple_problems:
    x = regqp.x[:qp.original_n]
    log.info('Final x: %s, |x| = %7.1e' % (repr(x), norm2(x)))
    log.info('Final y: %s, |y| = %7.1e' % (repr(regqp.y), norm2(regqp.y)))
    log.info('Final z: %s, |z| = %7.1e' % (repr(regqp.z), norm2(regqp.z)))

    log.info('#Iterations: %-d' % regqp.iter)
    log.info('RelResidual: %7.1e' % regqp.kktResid)
    log.info('Final cost : %21.15e' % regqp.obj_value)
    log.info('Setup time : %6.2fs' % t_setup)
    log.info('Solve time : %6.2fs' % regqp.solve_time)

    # Plot linear system statistics.
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.gca()
Example #17
File: lp.py Project: mpf/nlpy
    def solve(self, **kwargs):
        Solve the input problem with the primal-dual-regularized
        interior-point method. Accepted input keyword arguments are


          :itermax:             The maximum allowed number of iterations
                                (default 10n)
          :tolerance:           Stopping tolerance (default 1.0e-6)
          :PredictorCorrector:  Use the predictor-corrector method
                                (default `True`). If set to `False`, a variant
                                of the long-step method is used. The long-step
                                method is generally slower and less robust.


            :x:            final iterate
            :y:            final value of the Lagrange multipliers associated
                           to `A1 x + A2 s = b`
            :z:            final value of the Lagrange multipliers associated
                           to `s >= 0`
            :obj_value:    final cost
            :iter:         total number of iterations
            :kktResid:     final relative residual
            :solve_time:   time to solve the LP
            :status:       string describing the exit status
            :short_status: short version of status, used for printing.
        lp = self.lp
        itermax = kwargs.get('itermax', max(100,10*lp.n))
        tolerance = kwargs.get('tolerance', 1.0e-6)
        PredictorCorrector = kwargs.get('PredictorCorrector', True)
        check_infeasible = kwargs.get('check_infeasible', True)

        # Transfer pointers for convenience.
        m, n = self.A.shape ; on = lp.original_n
        A = self.A ; b = self.b ; c = self.c ; H = self.H
        regpr = self.regpr ; regdu = self.regdu
        regpr_min = self.regpr_min ; regdu_min = self.regdu_min

        # Obtain initial point from Mehrotra's heuristic.
        # set_initial_guess() initializes self.LBL which is reused below.
        (x,y,z) = self.set_initial_guess(self.lp, **kwargs)

        # Slack variables are the trailing variables in x.
        s = x[on:] ; ns = self.nSlacks

        # Initialize steps in dual variables.
        dz = np.zeros(ns)

        col_scale = np.empty(n)

        # Allocate room for right-hand side of linear systems.
        rhs = np.zeros(n+m)
        finished = False
        iter = 0

        # Acceptance thresholds for primal and dual reg parameters.
        #t1 = t2 = 0.99

        solve_time = cputime()

        # Main loop.
        while not finished:

            # Display initial header every so often.
            if self.verbose and iter % 20 == 0:
                sys.stdout.write('\n' + self.header + '\n')
                sys.stdout.write('-' * len(self.header) + '\n')

            # Compute residuals.
            pFeas = A*x - b
            comp = s*z ; sz = sum(comp)                     # comp   = S z
            dFeas = y*A ; dFeas[:on] -= self.c              # dFeas1 = A1'y - c
            dFeas[on:] += z                                 # dFeas2 = A2'y + z
            mu = sz/ns

            # Compute residual norms and scaled residual norms.
            pResid = norm2(pFeas) ; spResid = pResid/(1+self.normb+self.normA)
            cResid = norm2(comp)  ; scResid = cResid/self.normbc
            dResid = norm2(dFeas) ; sdResid = dResid/(1+self.normc+self.normA)

            # Compute relative duality gap.
            cx = np.dot(c,x[:on])
            by = np.dot(b,y)
            rgap  = cx - by
            rgap  = abs(rgap) / (1 + abs(cx))
            rgap2 = mu /(1 + abs(cx))

            # Compute overall residual for stopping condition.
            kktResid = max(spResid, sdResid, rgap2)
            #kktResid = max(pResid, cResid, dResid)

            if kktResid <= tolerance:
                status = 'Optimal solution found'
                short_status = 'opt'
                finished = True

            if iter >= itermax:
                status = 'Maximum number of iterations reached'
                short_status= 'iter'
                finished = True

            # Adjust regularization parameters
            #mu = sum(comp)/ns
            #if mu < 1:
            #    regpr = sqrt(mu)
            #    regdu = sqrt(mu)

            # At the first iteration, initialize perturbation vectors
            # (q=primal, r=dual).
            if iter == 0:
                regpr = self.regpr ; regdu = self.regdu
                if regpr > 0:
                    q = dFeas/regpr ; qNorm = norm2(q) ; rho_q = regpr * qNorm
                    q = dFeas ; qNorm = norm2(q) ; rho_q = 0.0
                rho_q_min = rho_q
                if regdu > 0:
                    r = -pFeas/regdu ; rNorm = norm2(r) ; del_r = regdu * rNorm
                    r = -pFeas ; rNorm = norm2(r) ; del_r = 0.0
                del_r_min = del_r
                pr_infeas_count = 0  # Used to detect primal infeasibility.
                du_infeas_count = 0  # Used to detect dual infeasibility.
                pr_last_iter = 0
                du_last_iter = 0
                mu0 = mu
                # Adjust regularization parameters.
                #regpr = max(min(regpr/10, regpr**(1.1)), regpr_min)
                #regdu = max(min(regdu/10, regdu**(1.1)), regdu_min)
                # 1) rho+ |dx| <= const * s'z
                # 2) del+ |dy| <= const * s'z
                if regdu > 0:
                    regdu = min(regdu/10, sz/normdy/10, (sz/normdy)**(1.1))
                    regdu = max(regdu, regdu_min)
                if regpr > 0:
                    regpr = min(regpr/10, sz/normdx/10, (sz/normdx)**(1.1))
                    regpr = max(regpr, regpr_min)

                # Check for infeasible problem.
                if check_infeasible:
                    #if mu < 1.0e-8 * mu0 and rho_q > 1.0e+3 * kktResid * self.normbc: #* mu * self.normbc:
                    if mu < 1.0e-8 * mu0 and rho_q > 1.0e+2 * rho_q_min:
                        pr_infeas_count += 1
                        if pr_infeas_count > 1 and pr_last_iter == iter-1:
                            if pr_infeas_count > 6:
                                status = 'Problem seems to be (locally) dual infeasible'
                                short_status = 'dInf'
                                finished = True
                        pr_last_iter = iter

                    #if mu < 1.0e-8 * mu0 and del_r > 1.0e+3 * kktResid * self.normbc: # * mu * self.normbc:
                    if mu < 1.0e-8 * mu0 and del_r > 1.0e+2 * del_r_min:
                        du_infeas_count += 1
                        if du_infeas_count > 1 and du_last_iter == iter-1:
                            if du_infeas_count > 6:
                                status='Problem seems to be (locally) primal infeasible'
                                short_status = 'pInf'
                                finished = True
                        du_last_iter = iter

            # Display objective and residual data.
            if self.verbose:
                sys.stdout.write(self.format1 % (iter, cx, pResid, dResid,
                                                 cResid, rgap, qNorm, rNorm))

            # Record some quantities for display
            mins = np.min(s)
            minz = np.min(z)
            maxs = np.max(s)

            # Repeatedly assemble system and compute step until primal and
            # dual regularization parameters have appropriate values.

            # Reset primal and dual regularization parameters to best guess
            #if iter > 0:
            #    regpr = max(regpr_min, 0.5*sigma*dResid/normds)
            #    regdu = max(regdu_min, 0.5*sigma*pResid/normdy)

            step_acceptable = False

            while not step_acceptable:

                # Solve the linear system
                # [-pI          0          A1'] [∆x]   [c - A1' y             ]
                # [ 0   -(S^{-1} Z + pI)   A2'] [∆s] = [  - A2' y - µ S^{-1} e]
                # [ A1          A2         dI ] [∆y]   [b - A1 x - A2 s       ]
                # where s are the slack variables, p is the primal
                # regularization parameter, d is the dual regularization
                # parameter, and  A = [ A1  A2 ]  where the columns of A1
                # correspond to the original problem variables and those of A2
                # correspond to slack variables.
                # We recover ∆z = -z - S^{-1} (Z ∆s + µ e).
                # Compute augmented matrix and factorize it.
                factorized = False
                nb_bump = 0
                while not factorized and nb_bump < 5:

                    if self.stabilize:
                        col_scale[:on] = sqrt(regpr)
                        col_scale[on:] = np.sqrt(z/s + regpr)
                        H.put(-sqrt(regdu), range(n))
                        H.put( sqrt(regdu), range(n,n+m))
                        AA = self.A.copy()
                        H[n:,:n] = AA
                        if regpr > 0: H.put(-regpr,       range(on))
                        H.put(-z/s - regpr, range(on,n))
                        if regdu > 0: H.put(regdu,        range(n,n+m))

                    #if iter == 5:
                    #    # Export current matrix to file for futher inspection.
                    #    import os
                    #    name = os.path.basename(self.lp.name)
                    #    fname = '.'.join(name.split('.')[:-1]) + '.mtx'
                    #    H.exportMmf(fname)

                    factorized = True

                    # If the augmented matrix does not have full rank, bump up
                    # regularization parameters.
                    if not self.LBL.isFullRank:
                        if self.verbose:
                            sys.stderr.write('Primal-Dual Matrix ')
                            sys.stderr.write('Rank Deficient')
                        if regdu == 0.0:
                            sys.stderr.write('... No regularization in effect')
                            sys.stderr.write('... bailing out\n')
                            factorized = False
                            nb_bump = 5
                            sys.stderr.write('... bumping up reg parameters\n')
                        regpr *= 10 ; regdu *= 10
                        nb_bump += 1
                        factorized = False

                # Abandon if regularization is unsuccessful.
                if not self.LBL.isFullRank and nb_bump >= 5:
                    status = 'Unable to regularize sufficiently.'
                    short_status = 'degn'
                    finished = True
                    continue  # Does this get us out of the outer while?

                # Compute duality measure.
                mu = sz/ns

                if PredictorCorrector:
                    # Use Mehrotra predictor-corrector method.
                    # Compute affine-scaling step, i.e. with centering = 0.
                    rhs[:n]    = -dFeas
                    rhs[on:n] += z
                    rhs[n:]    = -pFeas

                    # if 'stabilize' is on, must scale right-hand side.
                    if self.stabilize:
                        rhs[:n] /= col_scale
                        rhs[n:] /= sqrt(regdu)

                    (step, nres, neig) = self.solveSystem(rhs)

                    # Unscale step if 'stabilize' is on.
                    if self.stabilize:
                        step[:n] *= sqrt(regdu) / col_scale

                    # Recover dx and dz.
                    dx = step[:n]
                    ds = dx[on:]
                    dz = -z * (1 + ds/s)

                    # Compute largest allowed primal and dual stepsizes.
                    (alpha_p, ip) = self.maxStepLength(s, ds)
                    (alpha_d, ip) = self.maxStepLength(z, dz)

                    # Estimate duality gap after affine-scaling step.
                    muAff = np.dot(s + alpha_p * ds, z + alpha_d * dz)/ns
                    sigma = (muAff/mu)**3

                    # Incorporate predictor information for corrector step.
                    comp += ds*dz
                    # Use long-step method: Compute centering parameter.
                    sigma = min(0.1, 100*mu)

                # Assemble right-hand side with centering information.
                comp -= sigma * mu

                if PredictorCorrector:
                    # Only update rhs[on:n]; the rest of rhs did not change.
                    if self.stabilize:
                        rhs[on:n] += (comp/s - z)/col_scale[on:n]
                        rhs[on:n] += comp/s - z
                    rhs[:n]    = -dFeas
                    rhs[on:n] += comp/s
                    rhs[n:]    = -pFeas

                    # If 'stabilize' is on, must scale right-hand side.
                    # In the predictor-corrector method, this has already been
                    # done.
                    if self.stabilize:
                        rhs[:n] /= col_scale
                        rhs[n:] /= sqrt(regdu)

                # Solve augmented system.
                (step, nres, neig) = self.solveSystem(rhs)

                # Unscale step if 'stabilize' is on.
                if self.stabilize:
                    step[:n] *= sqrt(regdu) / col_scale

                # Recover step.
                dx = step[:n]
                ds = dx[on:]
                dy = step[n:]

                normds = norm2(ds) ; normdy = norm2(dy) ; normdx = norm2(dx)
                step_acceptable = True  # Must get rid of this

            # End while not step_acceptable

            # Recover step in z.
            dz = -(comp + z*ds)/s

            # Compute largest allowed primal and dual stepsizes.
            (alpha_p, ip) = self.maxStepLength(s, ds)
            (alpha_d, id) = self.maxStepLength(z, dz)

            # Compute fraction-to-the-boundary factor.
            tau = max(.9995, 1.0-mu)

            if PredictorCorrector:
                # Compute actual stepsize using Mehrotra's heuristic
                mult = 0.1

                # ip=-1 if ds ≥ 0, and id=-1 if dz ≥ 0
                if (ip != -1 or id != -1) and ip != id:
                    mu_tmp = np.dot(s + alpha_p * ds, z + alpha_d * dz)/ns

                if ip != -1 and ip != id:
                    zip = z[ip] + alpha_d * dz[ip]
                    gamma_p = (mult*mu_tmp - s[ip]*zip)/(alpha_p*ds[ip]*zip)
                    alpha_p *= max(1-mult, gamma_p)

                if id != -1 and ip != id:
                    sid = s[id] + alpha_p * ds[id]
                    gamma_d = (mult*mu_tmp - z[id]*sid)/(alpha_d*dz[id]*sid)
                    alpha_d *= max(1-mult, gamma_d)

                if ip==id and ip != -1:
                    # There is a division by zero in Mehrotra's heuristic
                    # Fall back on classical rule.
                    alpha_p *= tau
                    alpha_d *= tau

                alpha_p *= tau
                alpha_d *= tau

            # Display data.
            if self.verbose:
                sys.stdout.write(self.format2 % (mu, alpha_p, alpha_d,
                                                 nres, regpr, regdu, rho_q,
                                                 del_r, mins, minz, maxs))

            # Update primal variables and slacks.
            x += alpha_p * dx

            # Update dual variables.
            y += alpha_d * dy
            z += alpha_d * dz

            # Update perturbation vectors.
            q *= (1-alpha_p) ; q += alpha_p * dx
            r *= (1-alpha_d) ; r += alpha_d * dy
            qNorm = norm2(q) ; rNorm = norm2(r)
            rho_q = regpr * qNorm/(1+self.normc) ; rho_q_min = min(rho_q_min, rho_q)
            del_r = regdu * rNorm/(1+self.normb) ; del_r_min = min(del_r_min, del_r)

            iter += 1

        solve_time = cputime() - solve_time

        if self.verbose:
            sys.stdout.write('-' * len(self.header) + '\n')

        # Transfer final values to class members.
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.z = z
        self.iter = iter
        self.pResid = pResid ; self.cResid = cResid ; self.dResid = dResid
        self.rgap = rgap
        self.kktResid = kktResid
        self.solve_time = solve_time
        self.status = status
        self.short_status = short_status

        # Unscale problem if applicable.
        if self.prob_scaled: self.unscale()

        # Recompute final objective value.
        self.obj_value = np.dot(self.c, x[:on]) + self.c0
Example #18
File: cqp.py Project: joeywen/nlpy
    def scale(self, **kwargs):
        Equilibrate the constraint matrix of the linear program. Equilibration
        is done by first dividing every row by its largest element in absolute
        value and then by dividing every column by its largest element in
        absolute value. In effect the original problem::

            minimize c' x + 1/2 x' Q x
            subject to  A1 x + A2 s = b, x >= 0

        is converted to::

            minimize (Cc)' x + 1/2 x' (CQC') x
            subject to  R A1 C x + R A2 C s = Rb, x >= 0,

        where the diagonal matrices R and C operate row and column scaling

        Upon return, the matrix A and the right-hand side b are scaled and the
        members `row_scale` and `col_scale` are set to the row and column
        scaling factors.

        The scaling may be undone by subsequently calling :meth:`unscale`. It is
        necessary to unscale the problem in order to unscale the final dual
        variables. Normally, the :meth:`solve` method takes care of unscaling
        the problem upon termination.
        log = self.log
        m, n = self.A.shape
        row_scale = np.zeros(m)
        col_scale = np.zeros(n)
        (values,irow,jcol) = self.A.find()

        if self.verbose:
            log.info('Smallest and largest elements of A prior to scaling: ')
            log.info('%8.2e %8.2e' % (np.min(np.abs(values)),

        # Find row scaling.
        for k in range(len(values)):
            row = irow[k]
            val = abs(values[k])
            row_scale[row] = max(row_scale[row], val)
        row_scale[row_scale == 0.0] = 1.0

        if self.verbose:
            log.info('Max row scaling factor = %8.2e' % np.max(row_scale))

        # Apply row scaling to A and b.
        values /= row_scale[irow]
        self.b /= row_scale

        # Find column scaling.
        for k in range(len(values)):
            col = jcol[k]
            val = abs(values[k])
            col_scale[col] = max(col_scale[col], val)
        col_scale[col_scale == 0.0] = 1.0

        if self.verbose:
            log.info('Max column scaling factor = %8.2e' % np.max(col_scale))

        # Apply column scaling to A and c.
        values /= col_scale[jcol]
        self.c[:self.qp.original_n] /= col_scale[:self.qp.original_n]

        if self.verbose:
            log.info('Smallest and largest elements of A after scaling: ')
            log.info('%8.2e %8.2e' % (np.min(np.abs(values)),

        # Overwrite A with scaled values.
        self.normA = norm2(values)   # Frobenius norm of A.

        # Apply scaling to Hessian matrix Q.
        (values,irow,jcol) = self.Q.find()
        values /= col_scale[irow]
        values /= col_scale[jcol]
        self.normQ = norm2(values)  # Frobenius norm of Q

        # Save row and column scaling.
        self.row_scale = row_scale
        self.col_scale = col_scale

        self.prob_scaled = True

Example #19
    hdr_fmt = '%-13s  %-11s  %-11s  %-11s  %-7s  %-7s  %-5s\n'
    res_fmt = '%-13s  %-11.5e  %-11.5e  %-11.5e  %-7.3f  %-7.3f  %-5d\n'
    hdrs = ('Name', 'Rel. resid.', 'Residual', 'Resid itref', 'Analyze',
            'Solve', 'neig')
    header = hdr_fmt % hdrs
    lhead = len(header)
    sys.stderr.write('-' * lhead + '\n')
    sys.stderr.write('-' * lhead + '\n')

    # Solve example from the spec sheet
    (A, rhs) = Ma27SpecSheet()
    (x, r, nr, nr1, t_an, t_sl, neig) = SolveSystem(A, rhs)
    exact = numpy.arange(5, dtype = 'd') + 1
    relres = norms.norm2(x - exact) / norms.norm2(exact)
    sys.stdout.write(res_fmt % ('Spec sheet',relres,nr,nr1,t_an,t_sl,neig))

    # Solve example with Hilbert matrix
    n = 10
    H = Hilbert(n)
    e = numpy.ones(n, 'd')
    rhs = numpy.empty(n, 'd')
    H.matvec(e, rhs)
    (x, r, nr, nr1, t_an, t_sl, neig) = SolveSystem(H, rhs)
    relres = norms.norm2(x - e) / norms.norm2(e)
    sys.stdout.write(res_fmt % ('Hilbert', relres, nr, nr1, t_an, t_sl, neig))

    # Process matrices given on the command line
    for matrix in matrices:
        M = spmatrix.ll_mat_from_mtx(matrix)
Example #20

    # Display summary line.
    if probname[-3:] == '.nl': probname = probname[:-3]

    if not options.verbose:
        sys.stdout.write(fmt % (probname, regqp.iter, regqp.obj_value,
                                regqp.pResid, regqp.dResid, regqp.rgap,
                                t_setup, regqp.solve_time, regqp.short_status))
        if regqp.short_status == 'degn':
            sys.stdout.write(' F')  # Could not regularize sufficiently.


if not options.verbose:
    sys.stderr.write('-'*len(hdr) + '\n')
    x = regqp.x[:qp.original_n]
    print 'Final x: ', x, ', |x| = %7.1e' % norm2(x)
    print 'Final y: ', regqp.y, ', |y| = %7.1e' % norm2(regqp.y)
    print 'Final z: ', regqp.z, ', |z| = %7.1e' % norm2(regqp.z)

    sys.stdout.write('\n' + regqp.status + '\n')
    sys.stdout.write(' #Iterations: %-d\n' % regqp.iter)
    sys.stdout.write(' RelResidual: %7.1e\n' % regqp.kktResid)
    sys.stdout.write(' Final cost : %21.15e\n' % regqp.obj_value)
    sys.stdout.write(' Setup time : %6.2fs\n' % t_setup)
    sys.stdout.write(' Solve time : %6.2fs\n' % regqp.solve_time)
Example #21
    def solve(self, **kwargs):
        Solve the input problem with the primal-dual-regularized
        interior-point method. Accepted input keyword arguments are


          :itermax:  The maximum allowed number of iterations (default: 10n)
          :tolerance:  Stopping tolerance (default: 1.0e-6)
          :PredictorCorrector:  Use the predictor-corrector method
                                (default: `True`). If set to `False`, a variant
                                of the long-step method is used. The long-step
                                method is generally slower and less robust.


            :x:            final iterate
            :y:            final value of the Lagrange multipliers associated
                           to `A1 x + A2 s = b`
            :z:            final value of the Lagrange multipliers associated
                           to `s >= 0`
            :obj_value:    final cost
            :iter:         total number of iterations
            :kktResid:     final relative residual
            :solve_time:   time to solve the QP
            :status:       string describing the exit status.
            :short_status: short version of status, used for printing.

        qp = self.qp
        itermax = kwargs.get('itermax', max(100, 10 * qp.n))
        tolerance = kwargs.get('tolerance', 1.0e-6)
        PredictorCorrector = kwargs.get('PredictorCorrector', True)
        check_infeasible = kwargs.get('check_infeasible', True)

        # Transfer pointers for convenience.
        m, n = self.A.shape
        on = qp.original_n
        A = self.A
        b = self.b
        c = self.c
        Q = self.Q
        diagQ = self.diagQ
        H = self.H

        regpr = self.regpr
        regdu = self.regdu
        regpr_min = self.regpr_min
        regdu_min = self.regdu_min

        # Obtain initial point from Mehrotra's heuristic.
        (x, y, z) = self.set_initial_guess(**kwargs)

        # Slack variables are the trailing variables in x.
        s = x[on:]
        ns = self.nSlacks

        # Initialize steps in dual variables.
        dz = np.zeros(ns)

        # Allocate room for right-hand side of linear systems.
        rhs = self.initialize_rhs()
        finished = False
        iter = 0

        setup_time = cputime()

        # Main loop.
        while not finished:

            # Display initial header every so often.
            if iter % 50 == 0:
                self.log.info('-' * len(self.header))

            # Compute residuals.
            pFeas = A * x - b
            comp = s * z
            sz = sum(comp)  # comp   = Sz
            Qx = Q * x[:on]
            dFeas = y * A
            dFeas[:on] -= self.c + Qx  # dFeas1 = A1'y - c - Qx
            dFeas[on:] += z  # dFeas2 = A2'y + z

            # Compute duality measure.
            if ns > 0:
                mu = sz / ns
                mu = 0.0

            # Compute residual norms and scaled residual norms.
            pResid = norm2(pFeas)
            spResid = pResid / (1 + self.normb + self.normA + self.normQ)
            dResid = norm2(dFeas)
            sdResid = dResid / (1 + self.normc + self.normA + self.normQ)
            if ns > 0:
                cResid = norm_infty(comp) / (self.normbc + self.normA +
                cResid = 0.0

            # Compute relative duality gap.
            cx = np.dot(c, x[:on])
            xQx = np.dot(x[:on], Qx)
            by = np.dot(b, y)
            rgap = cx + xQx - by
            rgap = abs(rgap) / (1 + abs(cx) + self.normA + self.normQ)
            rgap2 = mu / (1 + abs(cx) + self.normA + self.normQ)

            # Compute overall residual for stopping condition.
            kktResid = max(spResid, sdResid, rgap2)

            # At the first iteration, initialize perturbation vectors
            # (q=primal, r=dual).
            # Should probably get rid of q when regpr=0 and of r when regdu=0.
            if iter == 0:
                if regpr > 0:
                    q = dFeas / regpr
                    qNorm = dResid / regpr
                    rho_q = dResid
                    q = dFeas
                    qNorm = dResid
                    rho_q = 0.0
                rho_q_min = rho_q
                if regdu > 0:
                    r = -pFeas / regdu
                    rNorm = pResid / regdu
                    del_r = pResid
                    r = -pFeas
                    rNorm = pResid
                    del_r = 0.0
                del_r_min = del_r
                pr_infeas_count = 0  # Used to detect primal infeasibility.
                du_infeas_count = 0  # Used to detect dual infeasibility.
                pr_last_iter = 0
                du_last_iter = 0
                mu0 = mu


                if regdu > 0:
                    regdu = regdu / 10
                    regdu = max(regdu, regdu_min)
                if regpr > 0:
                    regpr = regpr / 10
                    regpr = max(regpr, regpr_min)

                # Check for infeasible problem.
                if check_infeasible:
                    if mu < tolerance/100 * mu0 and \
                            rho_q > 1./tolerance/1.0e+6 * rho_q_min:
                        pr_infeas_count += 1
                        if pr_infeas_count > 1 and pr_last_iter == iter - 1:
                            if pr_infeas_count > 6:
                                status = 'Problem seems to be (locally) dual'
                                status += ' infeasible'
                                short_status = 'dInf'
                                finished = True
                        pr_last_iter = iter
                        pr_infeas_count = 0

                    if mu < tolerance/100 * mu0 and \
                            del_r > 1./tolerance/1.0e+6 * del_r_min:
                        du_infeas_count += 1
                        if du_infeas_count > 1 and du_last_iter == iter - 1:
                            if du_infeas_count > 6:
                                status = 'Problem seems to be (locally) primal'
                                status += ' infeasible'
                                short_status = 'pInf'
                                finished = True
                        du_last_iter = iter
                        du_infeas_count = 0

            # Display objective and residual data.
            output_line = self.format1 % (iter, cx + 0.5 * xQx, pResid, dResid,
                                          cResid, rgap, qNorm, rNorm)

            if kktResid <= tolerance:
                status = 'Optimal solution found'
                short_status = 'opt'
                finished = True

            if iter >= itermax:
                status = 'Maximum number of iterations reached'
                short_status = 'iter'
                finished = True

            # Record some quantities for display
            if ns > 0:
                mins = np.min(s)
                minz = np.min(z)
                maxs = np.max(s)
                mins = minz = maxs = 0

            # Compute augmented matrix and factorize it.

            factorized = False
            degenerate = False
            nb_bump = 0
            while not factorized and not degenerate:

                self.update_linear_system(s, z, regpr, regdu)
                factorized = True

                # If the augmented matrix does not have full rank, bump up the
                # regularization parameters.
                if not self.LBL.isFullRank:
                    if self.verbose:
                        self.log.info('Primal-Dual Matrix Rank Deficient' + \
                                      '... bumping up reg parameters')

                    if regpr == 0. and regdu == 0.:
                        degenerate = True
                        if regpr > 0:
                            regpr *= 100
                        if regdu > 0:
                            regdu *= 100
                        nb_bump += 1
                        degenerate = nb_bump > self.bump_max
                    factorized = False

            # Abandon if regularization is unsuccessful.
            if not self.LBL.isFullRank and degenerate:
                status = 'Unable to regularize sufficiently.'
                short_status = 'degn'
                finished = True

            if PredictorCorrector:
                # Use Mehrotra predictor-corrector method.
                # Compute affine-scaling step, i.e. with centering = 0.
                self.set_affine_scaling_rhs(rhs, pFeas, dFeas, s, z)

                (step, nres, neig) = self.solveSystem(rhs)

                # Recover dx and dz.
                dx, ds, dy, dz = self.get_affine_scaling_dxsyz(
                    step, x, s, y, z)

                # Compute largest allowed primal and dual stepsizes.
                (alpha_p, ip) = self.maxStepLength(s, ds)
                (alpha_d, ip) = self.maxStepLength(z, dz)

                # Estimate duality gap after affine-scaling step.
                muAff = np.dot(s + alpha_p * ds, z + alpha_d * dz) / ns
                sigma = (muAff / mu)**3

                # Incorporate predictor information for corrector step.
                # Only update rhs[on:n]; the rest of the vector did not change.
                comp += ds * dz
                comp -= sigma * mu
                self.update_corrector_rhs(rhs, s, z, comp)
                # Use long-step method: Compute centering parameter.
                sigma = min(0.1, 100 * mu)
                comp -= sigma * mu

                # Assemble rhs.
                self.update_long_step_rhs(rhs, pFeas, dFeas, comp, s)

            # Solve augmented system.
            (step, nres, neig) = self.solveSystem(rhs)

            # Recover step.
            dx, ds, dy, dz = self.get_dxsyz(step, x, s, y, z, comp)

            normds = norm2(ds)
            normdy = norm2(dy)
            normdx = norm2(dx)

            # Compute largest allowed primal and dual stepsizes.
            (alpha_p, ip) = self.maxStepLength(s, ds)
            (alpha_d, id) = self.maxStepLength(z, dz)

            # Compute fraction-to-the-boundary factor.
            tau = max(.9995, 1.0 - mu)

            if PredictorCorrector:
                # Compute actual stepsize using Mehrotra's heuristic.
                mult = 0.1

                # ip=-1 if ds ≥ 0, and id=-1 if dz ≥ 0
                if (ip != -1 or id != -1) and ip != id:
                    mu_tmp = np.dot(s + alpha_p * ds, z + alpha_d * dz) / ns

                if ip != -1 and ip != id:
                    zip = z[ip] + alpha_d * dz[ip]
                    gamma_p = (mult * mu_tmp - s[ip] * zip) / (alpha_p *
                                                               ds[ip] * zip)
                    alpha_p *= max(1 - mult, gamma_p)

                if id != -1 and ip != id:
                    sid = s[id] + alpha_p * ds[id]
                    gamma_d = (mult * mu_tmp - z[id] * sid) / (alpha_d *
                                                               dz[id] * sid)
                    alpha_d *= max(1 - mult, gamma_d)

                if ip == id and ip != -1:
                    # There is a division by zero in Mehrotra's heuristic
                    # Fall back on classical rule.
                    alpha_p *= tau
                    alpha_d *= tau

                alpha_p *= tau
                alpha_d *= tau

            # Display data.
            output_line += self.format2 % (mu, alpha_p, alpha_d, nres, regpr,
                                           regdu, rho_q, del_r, mins, minz,

            # Update iterates and perturbation vectors.
            x += alpha_p * dx  # This also updates slack variables.
            y += alpha_d * dy
            z += alpha_d * dz
            q *= (1 - alpha_p)
            q += alpha_p * dx
            r *= (1 - alpha_d)
            r += alpha_d * dy
            qNorm = norm2(q)
            rNorm = norm2(r)
            if regpr > 0:
                rho_q = regpr * qNorm / (1 + self.normc)
                rho_q_min = min(rho_q_min, rho_q)
                rho_q = 0.0
            if regdu > 0:
                del_r = regdu * rNorm / (1 + self.normb)
                del_r_min = min(del_r_min, del_r)
                del_r = 0.0
            iter += 1

        solve_time = cputime() - setup_time

        self.log.info('-' * len(self.header))

        # Transfer final values to class members.
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.z = z
        self.iter = iter
        self.pResid = pResid
        self.cResid = cResid
        self.dResid = dResid
        self.rgap = rgap
        self.kktResid = kktResid
        self.solve_time = solve_time
        self.status = status
        self.short_status = short_status

        # Unscale problem if applicable.
        if self.prob_scaled: self.unscale()

        # Recompute final objective value.
        self.obj_value = self.c0 + cx + 0.5 * xQx

Example #22
File: lp.py Project: b45ch1/nlpy
 def solveSystem(self, rhs, itref_threshold=1.0e-5, nitrefmax=3):
     #nr = norm2(self.LBL.residual)
     self.LBL.refine(rhs, tol=itref_threshold, nitref=nitrefmax)
     nr = norm2(self.LBL.residual)
     return (self.LBL.x, nr, self.LBL.neig)
Example #23
    def solve(self, **kwargs):
        Solve the input problem with the primal-dual-regularized
        interior-point method. Accepted input keyword arguments are

          :itermax:  The maximum allowed number of iterations (default: 10n)

          :tolerance:  Stopping tolerance (default: 1.0e-6)

          :PredictorCorrector:  Use the predictor-corrector method
                                (default: `True`). If set to `False`, a variant
                                of the long-step method is used. The long-step
                                method is generally slower and less robust.

        Upon exit, the following members of the class instance are set:

        * x..............final iterate
        * y..............final value of the Lagrange multipliers associated
                         to A1 x + A2 s = b
        * z..............final value of the Lagrange multipliers associated
                         to s>=0
        * obj_value......final cost
        * iter...........total number of iterations
        * kktResid.......final relative residual
        * solve_time.....time to solve the QP
        * status.........string describing the exit status.
        * short_status...short version of status, used for printing.

        qp = self.qp
        itermax = kwargs.get('itermax', max(100, 10 * qp.n))
        tolerance = kwargs.get('tolerance', 1.0e-6)
        PredictorCorrector = kwargs.get('PredictorCorrector', True)
        check_infeasible = kwargs.get('check_infeasible', True)

        # Transfer pointers for convenience.
        m, n = self.A.shape
        on = qp.original_n
        A = self.A
        b = self.b
        c = self.c
        Q = self.Q
        diagQ = self.diagQ
        H = self.H

        regpr = self.regpr
        regdu = self.regdu
        regpr_min = self.regpr_min
        regdu_min = self.regdu_min

        # Obtain initial point from Mehrotra's heuristic.
        (x, y, z) = self.set_initial_guess(self.qp, **kwargs)

        # Slack variables are the trailing variables in x.
        s = x[on:]
        ns = self.nSlacks

        # Initialize steps in dual variables.
        dz = np.zeros(ns)

        col_scale = np.empty(n)

        # Allocate room for right-hand side of linear systems.
        rhs = np.zeros(n + m)
        finished = False
        iter = 0

        setup_time = cputime()

        # Main loop.
        while not finished:

            # Display initial header every so often.
            if self.verbose and iter % 20 == 0:
                sys.stdout.write('\n' + self.header + '\n')
                sys.stdout.write('-' * len(self.header) + '\n')

            # Compute residuals.
            pFeas = A * x - b
            comp = s * z
            sz = sum(comp)  # comp   = S z
            Qx = Q * x[:on]
            dFeas = y * A
            dFeas[:on] -= self.c + Qx  # dFeas1 = A1'y - c - Qx
            dFeas[on:] += z  # dFeas2 = A2'y + z

            # Compute duality measure.
            if ns > 0:
                mu = sz / ns
                mu = 0.0

            # Compute residual norms and scaled residual norms.
            #pResid = norm_infty(pFeas + regdu * r)/(1+self.normc+self.normQ)
            #dResid = norm_infty(dFeas - regpr * q)/(1+self.normb+self.normQ)
            pResid = norm2(pFeas)
            spResid = pResid / (1 + self.normc + self.normQ)
            dResid = norm2(dFeas)
            sdResid = dResid / (1 + self.normb + self.normQ)
            if ns > 0:
                cResid = norm_infty(comp) / (self.normbc + self.normQ)
                cResid = 0.0

            # Compute relative duality gap.
            cx = np.dot(c, x[:on])
            xQx = np.dot(x[:on], Qx)
            by = np.dot(b, y)
            rgap = cx + xQx - by
            #rgap += regdu * (rNorm**2 + np.dot(r,y))
            rgap = abs(rgap) / (1 + abs(cx) + self.normQ)
            rgap2 = mu / (1 + abs(cx) + self.normQ)

            # Compute overall residual for stopping condition.
            kktResid = max(spResid, sdResid, rgap2)
            #kktResid = max(pResid, cResid, dResid)

            # At the first iteration, initialize perturbation vectors
            # (q=primal, r=dual).
            # Should probably get rid of q when regpr=0 and of r when regdu=0.
            if iter == 0:
                if regpr > 0:
                    q = dFeas / regpr
                    qNorm = dResid / regpr
                    rho_q = dResid
                    q = dFeas
                    qNorm = dResid
                    rho_q = 0.0
                rho_q_min = rho_q
                if regdu > 0:
                    r = -pFeas / regdu
                    rNorm = pResid / regdu
                    del_r = pResid
                    r = -pFeas
                    rNorm = pResid
                    del_r = 0.0
                del_r_min = del_r
                pr_infeas_count = 0  # Used to detect primal infeasibility.
                du_infeas_count = 0  # Used to detect dual infeasibility.
                pr_last_iter = 0
                du_last_iter = 0
                mu0 = mu
                regdu = min(regdu / 10, sz / normdy / 10, (sz / normdy)**(1.1))
                regdu = max(regdu, regdu_min)
                regpr = min(regpr / 10, sz / normdx / 10, (sz / normdx)**(1.1))
                regpr = max(regpr, regpr_min)

                # Check for infeasible problem.
                if check_infeasible:
                    if mu < 1.0e-8 * mu0 and rho_q > 1.0e+2 * rho_q_min:
                        pr_infeas_count += 1
                        if pr_infeas_count > 1 and pr_last_iter == iter - 1:
                            if pr_infeas_count > 6:
                                status = 'Problem seems to be (locally) dual infeasible'
                                short_status = 'dInf'
                                finished = True
                        pr_last_iter = iter

                    if mu < 1.0e-8 * mu0 and del_r > 1.0e+2 * del_r_min:
                        du_infeas_count += 1
                        if du_infeas_count > 1 and du_last_iter == iter - 1:
                            if du_infeas_count > 6:
                                status = 'Problem seems to be (locally) primal infeasible'
                                short_status = 'pInf'
                                finished = True
                        du_last_iter = iter

            # Display objective and residual data.
            if self.verbose:
                sys.stdout.write(self.format1 %
                                 (iter, cx + 0.5 * xQx, pResid, dResid, cResid,
                                  rgap, qNorm, rNorm))

            if kktResid <= tolerance:
                status = 'Optimal solution found'
                short_status = 'opt'
                finished = True

            if iter >= itermax:
                status = 'Maximum number of iterations reached'
                short_status = 'iter'
                finished = True

            # Record some quantities for display
            if ns > 0:
                mins = np.min(s)
                minz = np.min(z)
                maxs = np.max(s)
                mins = minz = maxs = 0

            # Solve the linear system
            # [ -(Q+pI)      0             A1' ] [∆x] = [c + Q x - A1' y       ]
            # [  0      -(S^{-1} Z + pI)   A2' ] [∆s]   [  - A2' y - µ S^{-1} e]
            # [  A1          A2            dI  ] [∆y]   [ b - A1 x - A2 s      ]
            # where s are the slack variables, p is the primal regularization
            # parameter, d is the dual regularization parameter, and
            # A = [ A1  A2 ]  where the columns of A1 correspond to the original
            # problem variables and those of A2 correspond to slack variables.
            # We recover ∆z = -z - S^{-1} (Z ∆s + µ e).

            # Compute augmented matrix and factorize it.
            factorized = False
            nb_bump = 0
            while not factorized and nb_bump < 5:

                H.put(-diagQ - regpr, range(on))
                H.put(-z / s - regpr, range(on, n))
                H.put(regdu, range(n, n + m))
                factorized = True

                # If the augmented matrix does not have full rank, bump up the
                # regularization parameters.
                if not self.LBL.isFullRank:
                    if self.verbose:
                        sys.stderr.write('Primal-Dual Matrix Rank Deficient')
                        sys.stderr.write('... bumping up reg parameters\n')
                    regpr *= 100
                    regdu *= 100
                    nb_bump += 1
                    factorized = False

            # Abandon if regularization is unsuccessful.
            if not self.LBL.isFullRank and nb_bump == 5:
                status = 'Unable to regularize sufficiently.'
                short_status = 'degn'
                finished = True

            if PredictorCorrector:
                # Use Mehrotra predictor-corrector method.
                # Compute affine-scaling step, i.e. with centering = 0.
                rhs[:n] = -dFeas
                rhs[on:n] += z
                rhs[n:] = -pFeas

                (step, nres, neig) = self.solveSystem(rhs)

                # Recover dx and dz.
                dx = step[:n]
                ds = dx[on:]
                dz = -z * (1 + ds / s)

                # Compute largest allowed primal and dual stepsizes.
                (alpha_p, ip) = self.maxStepLength(s, ds)
                (alpha_d, ip) = self.maxStepLength(z, dz)

                # Estimate duality gap after affine-scaling step.
                muAff = np.dot(s + alpha_p * ds, z + alpha_d * dz) / ns
                sigma = (muAff / mu)**3

                # Incorporate predictor information for corrector step.
                comp += ds * dz
                # Use long-step method: Compute centering parameter.
                sigma = min(0.1, 100 * mu)

            # Assemble right-hand side with centering information.
            comp -= sigma * mu

            if PredictorCorrector:
                # Only update rhs[on:n]; the rest of the vector did not change.
                rhs[on:n] += comp / s - z
                rhs[:n] = -dFeas
                rhs[on:n] += comp / s
                rhs[n:] = -pFeas

            # Solve augmented system.
            (step, nres, neig) = self.solveSystem(rhs)

            # Recover step.
            dx = step[:n]
            ds = dx[on:]
            dy = step[n:]
            dz = -(comp + z * ds) / s

            normds = norm2(ds)
            normdy = norm2(dy)
            normdx = norm2(dx)

            # Compute largest allowed primal and dual stepsizes.
            (alpha_p, ip) = self.maxStepLength(s, ds)
            (alpha_d, id) = self.maxStepLength(z, dz)

            # Compute fraction-to-the-boundary factor.
            tau = max(.9995, 1.0 - mu)

            if PredictorCorrector:
                # Compute actual stepsize using Mehrotra's heuristic
                mult = 0.1

                # ip=-1 if ds ≥ 0, and id=-1 if dz ≥ 0
                if (ip != -1 or id != -1) and ip != id:
                    mu_tmp = np.dot(s + alpha_p * ds, z + alpha_d * dz) / ns

                if ip != -1 and ip != id:
                    zip = z[ip] + alpha_d * dz[ip]
                    gamma_p = (mult * mu_tmp - s[ip] * zip) / (alpha_p *
                                                               ds[ip] * zip)
                    alpha_p *= max(1 - mult, gamma_p)

                if id != -1 and ip != id:
                    sid = s[id] + alpha_p * ds[id]
                    gamma_d = (mult * mu_tmp - z[id] * sid) / (alpha_d *
                                                               dz[id] * sid)
                    alpha_d *= max(1 - mult, gamma_d)

                if ip == id and ip != -1:
                    # There is a division by zero in Mehrotra's heuristic
                    # Fall back on classical rule.
                    alpha_p *= tau
                    alpha_d *= tau

                alpha_p *= tau
                alpha_d *= tau

            # Display data.
            if self.verbose:
                sys.stdout.write(self.format2 %
                                 (mu, alpha_p, alpha_d, nres, regpr, regdu,
                                  rho_q, del_r, mins, minz, maxs))

            # Update iterates and perturbation vectors.
            x += alpha_p * dx  # This also updates slack variables.
            y += alpha_d * dy
            z += alpha_d * dz
            q *= (1 - alpha_p)
            q += alpha_p * dx
            r *= (1 - alpha_d)
            r += alpha_d * dy
            qNorm = norm2(q)
            rNorm = norm2(r)
            rho_q = regpr * qNorm / (1 + self.normc)
            rho_q_min = min(rho_q_min, rho_q)
            del_r = regdu * rNorm / (1 + self.normb)
            del_r_min = min(del_r_min, del_r)
            iter += 1

        solve_time = cputime() - setup_time

        if self.verbose:
            sys.stdout.write('-' * len(self.header) + '\n')

        # Transfer final values to class members.
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.z = z
        self.iter = iter
        self.pResid = pResid
        self.cResid = cResid
        self.dResid = dResid
        self.rgap = rgap
        self.kktResid = kktResid
        self.solve_time = solve_time
        self.status = status
        self.short_status = short_status

        # Unscale problem if applicable.
        if self.prob_scaled: self.unscale()

        # Recompute final objective value.
        self.obj_value = self.c0 + cx + 0.5 * xQx

Example #24
    def SolveInner(self, **kwargs):
        Perform a series of inner iterations so as to minimize the primal-dual
        merit function with the current value of the barrier parameter to within
        some given tolerance. The only optional argument recognized is

            stopTol     stopping tolerance (default: muerrfact * mu).

        merit = self.merit ; nx = merit.nlp.n ; nz = merit.nz
        rho = 1                  # Dummy initial value for rho
        niter = 0                # Dummy initial value for number of inners
        status = ''              # Dummy initial step status
        alpha = 0.0              # Fraction-to-the-boundary step size
        if self.inexact:
            cgtol = 1.0
            cgtol = -1.0
        inner_iter = 0           # Inner iteration counter

        # Obtain starting point.
        (x,z) = (self.x, self.z)

        # Obtain first-order data at starting point.
        if self.iter == 0:
            f = nlp.obj(x) ; gf = nlp.grad(x)
            f = self.f ; gf = self.gf

        psi = merit.obj(x, z, f=f)
        g = merit.grad(x, z, g=gf, check_optimal=True)
        gNorm = norm2(g)
        if self.optimal: return

        # Reset initial trust-region radius
        self.TR.Delta = 0.1*gNorm

        # Set inner iteration stopping tolerance
        stopTol = kwargs.get('stopTol', self.muerrfact * self.mu)
        finished = (gNorm <= stopTol) or (self.iter >= self.maxiter)

        while not finished:

            # Print out header every so many iterations
            if self.verbose:
                if self.iter % self.printFrequency == 0:

                if inner_iter == 0:
                    sys.stdout.write(('*' + self.itFormat) % self.iter)
                    sys.stdout.write((' ' + self.itFormat) % self.iter)

                sys.stdout.write(self.format % (f,
                                 self.mu, alpha, niter, rho,
                                 self.TR.Delta, status))

            # Set stopping tolerance for trust-region subproblem.
            if self.inexact:
                cgtol = max(1.0e-8, min(0.1 * cgtol, sqrt(gNorm)))
                if self.debug: self._debugMsg('cgtol = ' + str(cgtol))

            # Update Hessian matrix with current iteration information.
            # self.PDHess(x,z)

            if self.debug:
                self._debugMsg('g = ' + np.str(g))
                self._debugMsg('gNorm = ' + str(gNorm))
                self._debugMsg('stopTol = ' + str(stopTol))
                self._debugMsg('dRes = ' + np.str(self.dRes))
                self._debugMsg('cRes = ' + np.str(self.cRes))
                self._debugMsg('pRes = ' + np.str(self.pRes))
                self._debugMsg('optimal = ' + str(self.optimal))

            # Set up the preconditioner if applicable.

            # Iteratively minimize the quadratic model in the trust region
            # m(s) = <g, s> + 1/2 <s, Hs>
            # Note that m(s) does not include f(x): m(0) = 0.
            H = SimpleLinearOperator(nx+nz, nx+nz, lambda v: merit.hprod(v),
            subsolver = self.TrSolver(g, H,
                                   prec = self.Precon,
                                   radius = self.TR.Delta,
                                   reltol = cgtol,
                                   #fraction = 0.5,
                                   itmax = 2*(n+nz),

            if self.debug:
                self._debugMsg('x = ' + np.str(x))
                self._debugMsg('z = ' + np.str(z))
                self._debugMsg('step = ' + np.str(solver.step))
                self._debugMsg('step norm = ' + str(solver.stepNorm))

            # Record total number of CG iterations.
            niter = subsolver.niter
            self.cgiter += subsolver.niter

            # Compute maximal step to the boundary and next candidate.
            alphax, alphaz = self.ftb(x, z, solver.step)
            alpha = min(alphax, alphaz)
            dx = subsolver.step[:n] ; dz = subsolver.step[n:]
            x_trial = x + alphax * dx
            z_trial = z + alphaz * dz
            f_trial = merit.nlp.obj(x_trial)
            psi_trial = merit.obj(x_trial, z_trial, f=f_trial)

            # Compute ratio of predicted versus achieved reduction.
            rho  = self.TR.Rho(psi, psi_trial, subsolver.m)

            if self.debug:
                self._debugMsg('m = ' + str(solver.m))
                self._debugMsg('x_trial = ' + np.str(x_trial))
                self._debugMsg('z_trial = ' + np.str(z_trial))
                self._debugMsg('psi_trial = ' + str(psi_trial))
                self._debugMsg('rho = ' + str(rho))

            # Accept or reject next candidate
            status = 'Rej'
            if rho >= self.TR.eta1:
                self.TR.UpdateRadius(rho, solver.stepNorm)
                x = x_trial
                z = z_trial
                f = f_trial
                psi = psi_trial
                gf = nlp.grad(x)
                g = self.GradPDMerit(x, z, g=gf, check_optimal=True)
                gNorm = norm2(g)
                if self.optimal:
                    finished = True
                status = 'Acc'
                if self.ny: # Backtracking linesearch a la "Nocedal & Yuan"
                    slope = np.dot(g, solver.step)
                    target = psi + 1.0e-4 * alpha * slope
                    j = 0

                    while (psi_trial >= target) and (j < self.nyMax):
                        alphax /= 1.2 ; alphaz /= 1.2
                        alpha = min(alphax, alphaz)
                        target = psi + 1.0e-4 * alpha * slope
                        x_trial = x + alphax * dx
                        z_trial = z + alphaz * dz
                        f_trial = nlp.obj(x_trial)
                        psi_trial = self.PDMerit(x_trial, z_trial, f=f_trial)
                        j += 1

                    if self.opportunistic or (j < self.nyMax):
                        x = x_trial
                        z = z_trial #self.PrimalMultipliers(x)
                        f = f_trial
                        psi = psi_trial
                        gf = nlp.grad(x)
                        g = self.GradPDMerit(x, z, g=gf, check_optimal=True)
                        gNorm = norm2(g)
                        if self.optimal:
                            finished = True
                        self.TR.Delta = alpha * solver.stepNorm
                        status = 'N-Y'

                        self.TR.UpdateRadius(rho, solver.stepNorm)

                    self.TR.UpdateRadius(rho, solver.stepNorm)

            self.iter += 1
            inner_iter += 1
            finished = (gNorm <= stopTol) or (self.iter >= self.maxiter)
            if self.debug: sys.stderr.write('\n')

        # Store final iterate
        (self.x, self.z) = (x, z)
        self.f = f
        self.gf = gf
        self.g = g
        self.gNorm = gNorm
        self.psi = psi
Example #25
    # Display summary line.
    if probname[-3:] == '.nl': probname = probname[:-3]

    if not options.verbose:
        sys.stdout.write(fmt % (probname, reglp.iter, reglp.obj_value,
                                reglp.pResid, reglp.dResid, reglp.rgap,
                                t_setup, reglp.solve_time, reglp.short_status))
        if reglp.short_status == 'degn':
            sys.stdout.write(' F')  # Could not regularize sufficiently.


if islp:
    if not options.verbose:
        sys.stderr.write('-'*len(hdr) + '\n')
        x = reglp.x[:lp.original_n]
        print 'Final x: ', x, ', |x| = %7.1e' % norm2(x)
        print 'Final y: ', reglp.y, ', |y| = %7.1e' % norm2(reglp.y)
        print 'Final z: ', reglp.z, ', |z| = %7.1e' % norm2(reglp.z)

        sys.stdout.write('\n' + reglp.status + '\n')
        sys.stdout.write(' #Iterations: %-d\n' % reglp.iter)
        sys.stdout.write(' RelResidual: %7.1e\n' % reglp.kktResid)
        sys.stdout.write(' Final cost : %21.15e\n' % reglp.obj_value)
        sys.stdout.write(' Setup time : %6.2fs\n' % t_setup)
        sys.stdout.write(' Solve time : %6.2fs\n' % reglp.solve_time)
Example #26
File: lp.py Project: mpf/nlpy
 def solveSystem(self, rhs, itref_threshold=1.0e-5, nitrefmax=3):
     #nr = norm2(self.LBL.residual)
     self.LBL.refine(rhs, tol=itref_threshold, nitref=nitrefmax)
     nr = norm2(self.LBL.residual)
     return (self.LBL.x, nr, self.LBL.neig)
Example #27
File: trunk.py Project: b45ch1/nlpy
    def Solve(self, **kwargs):

        nlp = self.nlp

        # Gather initial information.
        self.f = self.nlp.obj(self.x)
        self.f0 = self.f
        self.g = self.nlp.grad(self.x)  # Current  gradient
        self.g_old = self.g  # Previous gradient
        self.gnorm = norms.norm2(self.g)
        self.g0 = self.gnorm

        # Reset initial trust-region radius.
        # self.TR.Delta = 0.1 * self.g0

        if self.inexact:
            cgtol = 1.0
            cgtol = -1.0
        stoptol = max(self.abstol, self.reltol * self.g0)
        step_status = None
        exitOptimal = exitIter = exitUser = False

        # Initialize non-monotonicity parameters.
        if not self.monotone:
            fMin = fRef = fCan = self.f0
            l = 0
            sigRef = sigCan = 0

        t = cputime()

        # Print out header and initial log.
        if self.iter % 20 == 0 and self.verbose:
                self.format0 %
                (self.iter, self.f, self.gnorm, '', '', self.TR.Delta, ''))

        while not (exitUser or exitOptimal or exitIter):

            self.iter += 1
            self.alpha = 1.0

            # Save current gradient
            if self.save_g:
                self.g_old = self.g.copy()

            # Iteratively minimize the quadratic model in the trust region
            # m(s) = <g, s> + 1/2 <s, Hs>
            # Note that m(s) does not include f(x): m(0) = 0.

            if self.inexact:
                cgtol = max(1.0e-6, min(0.5 * cgtol, sqrt(self.gnorm)))

            H = SimpleLinearOperator(nlp.n,
                                     lambda v: self.hprod(v),

            self.solver = self.TrSolver(self.g, H)

            step = self.solver.step
            snorm = self.solver.stepNorm
            cgiter = self.solver.niter

            # Obtain model value at next candidate
            m = self.solver.m
            if m is None:
                m = numpy.dot(self.g, step) + 0.5 * numpy.dot(step, H * step)

            self.total_cgiter += cgiter
            x_trial = self.x + step
            f_trial = nlp.obj(x_trial)

            rho = self.TR.Rho(self.f, f_trial, m)

            if not self.monotone:
                rhoHis = (fRef - f_trial) / (sigRef - m)
                rho = max(rho, rhoHis)

            step_status = 'Rej'
            if rho >= self.TR.eta1:

                # Trust-region step is accepted.

                self.TR.UpdateRadius(rho, snorm)
                self.x = x_trial
                self.f = f_trial
                self.g = nlp.grad(self.x)
                self.gnorm = norms.norm2(self.g)
                step_status = 'Acc'

                # Update non-monotonicity parameters.
                if not self.monotone:
                    sigRef = sigRef - m
                    sigCan = sigCan - m
                    if f_trial < fMin:
                        fCan = f_trial
                        fMin = f_trial
                        sigCan = 0
                        l = 0
                        l = l + 1

                    if f_trial > fCan:
                        fCan = f_trial
                        sigCan = 0

                    if l == self.nIterNonMono:
                        fRef = fCan
                        sigRef = sigCan


                # Trust-region step is rejected.

                if self.ny:  # Backtracking linesearch following "Nocedal & Yuan"
                    slope = numpy.dot(self.g, step)
                    bk = 0
                    while bk < self.nbk and \
                            f_trial >= self.f + 1.0e-4 * self.alpha * slope:
                        bk = bk + 1
                        self.alpha /= 1.2
                        x_trial = self.x + self.alpha * step
                        f_trial = nlp.obj(x_trial)
                    self.x = x_trial
                    self.f = f_trial
                    self.g = nlp.grad(self.x)
                    self.gnorm = norms.norm2(self.g)
                    self.TR.Delta = self.alpha * snorm
                    step_status = 'N-Y'
                    self.TR.UpdateRadius(rho, snorm)

            self.step_status = step_status
            status = ''
            except UserExitRequest:
                status = 'usr'

            # Print out header, say, every 20 iterations
            if self.iter % 20 == 0 and self.verbose:

            if self.verbose:
                pstatus = step_status if step_status != 'Acc' else ''
                self.log.info(self.format %
                              (self.iter, self.f, self.gnorm, cgiter, rho,
                               self.TR.Delta, pstatus))

            exitOptimal = self.gnorm < stoptol
            exitIter = self.iter > self.maxiter
            exitUser = status == 'usr'

        self.tsolve = cputime() - t  # Solve time

        # Set final solver status.
        if status == 'usr':
        elif self.gnorm <= stoptol:
            status = 'opt'
        else:  # self.iter > self.maxiter:
            status = 'itr'
        self.status = status
Example #28
File: cqp.py Project: joeywen/nlpy
    def solve(self, **kwargs):
        Solve the input problem with the primal-dual-regularized
        interior-point method. Accepted input keyword arguments are


          :itermax:  The maximum allowed number of iterations (default: 10n)
          :tolerance:  Stopping tolerance (default: 1.0e-6)
          :PredictorCorrector:  Use the predictor-corrector method
                                (default: `True`). If set to `False`, a variant
                                of the long-step method is used. The long-step
                                method is generally slower and less robust.


            :x:            final iterate
            :y:            final value of the Lagrange multipliers associated
                           to `A1 x + A2 s = b`
            :z:            final value of the Lagrange multipliers associated
                           to `s >= 0`
            :obj_value:    final cost
            :iter:         total number of iterations
            :kktResid:     final relative residual
            :solve_time:   time to solve the QP
            :status:       string describing the exit status.
            :short_status: short version of status, used for printing.

        qp = self.qp
        itermax = kwargs.get('itermax', max(100,10*qp.n))
        tolerance = kwargs.get('tolerance', 1.0e-6)
        PredictorCorrector = kwargs.get('PredictorCorrector', True)
        check_infeasible = kwargs.get('check_infeasible', True)

        # Transfer pointers for convenience.
        m, n = self.A.shape ; on = qp.original_n
        A = self.A ; b = self.b ; c = self.c ; Q = self.Q ; diagQ = self.diagQ
        H = self.H

        regpr = self.regpr ; regdu = self.regdu
        regpr_min = self.regpr_min ; regdu_min = self.regdu_min

        # Obtain initial point from Mehrotra's heuristic.
        (x,y,z) = self.set_initial_guess(**kwargs)

        # Slack variables are the trailing variables in x.
        s = x[on:] ; ns = self.nSlacks

        # Initialize steps in dual variables.
        dz = np.zeros(ns)

        # Allocate room for right-hand side of linear systems.
        rhs = self.initialize_rhs()
        finished = False
        iter = 0

        setup_time = cputime()

        # Main loop.
        while not finished:

            # Display initial header every so often.
            if iter % 50 == 0:
                self.log.info('-' * len(self.header))

            # Compute residuals.
            pFeas = A*x - b
            comp = s*z ; sz = sum(comp)                # comp   = Sz
            Qx = Q*x[:on]
            dFeas = y*A ; dFeas[:on] -= self.c + Qx    # dFeas1 = A1'y - c - Qx
            dFeas[on:] += z                            # dFeas2 = A2'y + z

            # Compute duality measure.
            if ns > 0:
                mu = sz/ns
                mu = 0.0

            # Compute residual norms and scaled residual norms.
            pResid = norm2(pFeas)
            spResid = pResid/(1+self.normb+self.normA+self.normQ)
            dResid = norm2(dFeas)
            sdResid = dResid/(1+self.normc+self.normA+self.normQ)
            if ns > 0:
                cResid = norm_infty(comp)/(self.normbc+self.normA+self.normQ)
                cResid = 0.0

            # Compute relative duality gap.
            cx = np.dot(c,x[:on])
            xQx = np.dot(x[:on],Qx)
            by = np.dot(b,y)
            rgap  = cx + xQx - by
            rgap  = abs(rgap) / (1 + abs(cx) + self.normA + self.normQ)
            rgap2 = mu / (1 + abs(cx) + self.normA + self.normQ)

            # Compute overall residual for stopping condition.
            kktResid = max(spResid, sdResid, rgap2)

            # At the first iteration, initialize perturbation vectors
            # (q=primal, r=dual).
            # Should probably get rid of q when regpr=0 and of r when regdu=0.
            if iter == 0:
                if regpr > 0:
                    q =  dFeas/regpr ; qNorm = dResid/regpr ; rho_q = dResid
                    q =  dFeas ; qNorm = dResid ; rho_q = 0.0
                rho_q_min = rho_q
                if regdu > 0:
                    r = -pFeas/regdu ; rNorm = pResid/regdu ; del_r = pResid
                    r = -pFeas ; rNorm = pResid ; del_r = 0.0
                del_r_min = del_r
                pr_infeas_count = 0  # Used to detect primal infeasibility.
                du_infeas_count = 0  # Used to detect dual infeasibility.
                pr_last_iter = 0
                du_last_iter = 0
                mu0 = mu


                if regdu > 0:
                    regdu = regdu/10
                    regdu = max(regdu, regdu_min)
                if regpr > 0:
                    regpr = regpr/10
                    regpr = max(regpr, regpr_min)

                # Check for infeasible problem.
                if check_infeasible:
                    if mu < tolerance/100 * mu0 and \
                            rho_q > 1./tolerance/1.0e+6 * rho_q_min:
                        pr_infeas_count += 1
                        if pr_infeas_count > 1 and pr_last_iter == iter-1:
                            if pr_infeas_count > 6:
                                status  = 'Problem seems to be (locally) dual'
                                status += ' infeasible'
                                short_status = 'dInf'
                                finished = True
                        pr_last_iter = iter
                        pr_infeas_count = 0

                    if mu < tolerance/100 * mu0 and \
                            del_r > 1./tolerance/1.0e+6 * del_r_min:
                        du_infeas_count += 1
                        if du_infeas_count > 1 and du_last_iter == iter-1:
                            if du_infeas_count > 6:
                                status = 'Problem seems to be (locally) primal'
                                status += ' infeasible'
                                short_status = 'pInf'
                                finished = True
                        du_last_iter = iter
                        du_infeas_count = 0

            # Display objective and residual data.
            output_line = self.format1 % (iter, cx + 0.5 * xQx, pResid,
                                          dResid, cResid, rgap, qNorm,

            if kktResid <= tolerance:
                status = 'Optimal solution found'
                short_status = 'opt'
                finished = True

            if iter >= itermax:
                status = 'Maximum number of iterations reached'
                short_status = 'iter'
                finished = True

            # Record some quantities for display
            if ns > 0:
                mins = np.min(s)
                minz = np.min(z)
                maxs = np.max(s)
                mins = minz = maxs = 0

            # Compute augmented matrix and factorize it.

            factorized = False
            degenerate = False
            nb_bump = 0
            while not factorized and not degenerate:

                self.update_linear_system(s, z, regpr, regdu)
                factorized = True

                # If the augmented matrix does not have full rank, bump up the
                # regularization parameters.
                if not self.LBL.isFullRank:
                    if self.verbose:
                        self.log.info('Primal-Dual Matrix Rank Deficient' + \
                                      '... bumping up reg parameters')

                    if regpr == 0. and regdu == 0.:
                        degenerate = True
                        if regpr > 0:
                            regpr *= 100
                        if regdu > 0:
                            regdu *= 100
                        nb_bump += 1
                        degenerate = nb_bump > self.bump_max
                    factorized = False

            # Abandon if regularization is unsuccessful.
            if not self.LBL.isFullRank and degenerate:
                status = 'Unable to regularize sufficiently.'
                short_status = 'degn'
                finished = True

            if PredictorCorrector:
                # Use Mehrotra predictor-corrector method.
                # Compute affine-scaling step, i.e. with centering = 0.
                self.set_affine_scaling_rhs(rhs, pFeas, dFeas, s, z)

                (step, nres, neig) = self.solveSystem(rhs)

                # Recover dx and dz.
                dx, ds, dy, dz = self.get_affine_scaling_dxsyz(step, x, s, y, z)

                # Compute largest allowed primal and dual stepsizes.
                (alpha_p, ip) = self.maxStepLength(s, ds)
                (alpha_d, ip) = self.maxStepLength(z, dz)

                # Estimate duality gap after affine-scaling step.
                muAff = np.dot(s + alpha_p * ds, z + alpha_d * dz)/ns
                sigma = (muAff/mu)**3

                # Incorporate predictor information for corrector step.
                # Only update rhs[on:n]; the rest of the vector did not change.
                comp += ds*dz
                comp -= sigma * mu
                self.update_corrector_rhs(rhs, s, z, comp)
                # Use long-step method: Compute centering parameter.
                sigma = min(0.1, 100*mu)
                comp -= sigma * mu

                # Assemble rhs.
                self.update_long_step_rhs(rhs, pFeas, dFeas, comp, s)

            # Solve augmented system.
            (step, nres, neig) = self.solveSystem(rhs)

            # Recover step.
            dx, ds, dy, dz = self.get_dxsyz(step, x, s, y, z, comp)

            normds = norm2(ds) ; normdy = norm2(dy) ; normdx = norm2(dx)

            # Compute largest allowed primal and dual stepsizes.
            (alpha_p, ip) = self.maxStepLength(s, ds)
            (alpha_d, id) = self.maxStepLength(z, dz)

            # Compute fraction-to-the-boundary factor.
            tau = max(.9995, 1.0-mu)

            if PredictorCorrector:
                # Compute actual stepsize using Mehrotra's heuristic.
                mult = 0.1

                # ip=-1 if ds ≥ 0, and id=-1 if dz ≥ 0
                if (ip != -1 or id != -1) and ip != id:
                    mu_tmp = np.dot(s + alpha_p * ds, z + alpha_d * dz)/ns

                if ip != -1 and ip != id:
                    zip = z[ip] + alpha_d * dz[ip]
                    gamma_p = (mult*mu_tmp - s[ip]*zip)/(alpha_p*ds[ip]*zip)
                    alpha_p *= max(1-mult, gamma_p)

                if id != -1 and ip != id:
                    sid = s[id] + alpha_p * ds[id]
                    gamma_d = (mult*mu_tmp - z[id]*sid)/(alpha_d*dz[id]*sid)
                    alpha_d *= max(1-mult, gamma_d)

                if ip==id and ip != -1:
                    # There is a division by zero in Mehrotra's heuristic
                    # Fall back on classical rule.
                    alpha_p *= tau
                    alpha_d *= tau

                alpha_p *= tau
                alpha_d *= tau

            # Display data.
            output_line += self.format2 % (mu, alpha_p, alpha_d,
                                           nres, regpr, regdu, rho_q,
                                           del_r, mins, minz, maxs)

            # Update iterates and perturbation vectors.
            x += alpha_p * dx    # This also updates slack variables.
            y += alpha_d * dy
            z += alpha_d * dz
            q *= (1-alpha_p) ; q += alpha_p * dx
            r *= (1-alpha_d) ; r += alpha_d * dy
            qNorm = norm2(q) ; rNorm = norm2(r)
            if regpr > 0:
                rho_q = regpr * qNorm/(1+self.normc)
                rho_q_min = min(rho_q_min, rho_q)
                rho_q = 0.0
            if regdu > 0:
                del_r = regdu * rNorm/(1+self.normb)
                del_r_min = min(del_r_min, del_r)
                del_r = 0.0
            iter += 1

        solve_time = cputime() - setup_time

        self.log.info('-' * len(self.header))

        # Transfer final values to class members.
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.z = z
        self.iter = iter
        self.pResid = pResid ; self.cResid = cResid ; self.dResid = dResid
        self.rgap = rgap
        self.kktResid = kktResid
        self.solve_time = solve_time
        self.status = status
        self.short_status = short_status

        # Unscale problem if applicable.
        if self.prob_scaled: self.unscale()

        # Recompute final objective value.
        self.obj_value = self.c0 + cx + 0.5 * xQx

Example #29
File: cqp.py Project: b45ch1/nlpy
    def solve(self, **kwargs):
        Solve the input problem with the primal-dual-regularized
        interior-point method. Accepted input keyword arguments are

          :itermax:  The maximum allowed number of iterations (default: 10n)

          :tolerance:  Stopping tolerance (default: 1.0e-6)

          :PredictorCorrector:  Use the predictor-corrector method
                                (default: `True`). If set to `False`, a variant
                                of the long-step method is used. The long-step
                                method is generally slower and less robust.

        Upon exit, the following members of the class instance are set:

        * x..............final iterate
        * y..............final value of the Lagrange multipliers associated
                         to A1 x + A2 s = b
        * z..............final value of the Lagrange multipliers associated
                         to s>=0
        * obj_value......final cost
        * iter...........total number of iterations
        * kktResid.......final relative residual
        * solve_time.....time to solve the QP
        * status.........string describing the exit status.
        * short_status...short version of status, used for printing.

        qp = self.qp
        itermax = kwargs.get('itermax', max(100,10*qp.n))
        tolerance = kwargs.get('tolerance', 1.0e-6)
        PredictorCorrector = kwargs.get('PredictorCorrector', True)
        check_infeasible = kwargs.get('check_infeasible', True)

        # Transfer pointers for convenience.
        m, n = self.A.shape ; on = qp.original_n
        A = self.A ; b = self.b ; c = self.c ; Q = self.Q ; diagQ = self.diagQ
        H = self.H

        regpr = self.regpr ; regdu = self.regdu
        regpr_min = self.regpr_min ; regdu_min = self.regdu_min

        # Obtain initial point from Mehrotra's heuristic.
        (x,y,z) = self.set_initial_guess(self.qp, **kwargs)

        # Slack variables are the trailing variables in x.
        s = x[on:] ; ns = self.nSlacks

        # Initialize steps in dual variables.
        dz = np.zeros(ns)

        col_scale = np.empty(n)

        # Allocate room for right-hand side of linear systems.
        rhs = np.zeros(n+m)
        finished = False
        iter = 0

        setup_time = cputime()

        # Main loop.
        while not finished:

            # Display initial header every so often.
            if self.verbose and iter % 20 == 0:
                sys.stdout.write('\n' + self.header + '\n')
                sys.stdout.write('-' * len(self.header) + '\n')

            # Compute residuals.
            pFeas = A*x - b
            comp = s*z ; sz = sum(comp)                 # comp   = S z
            Qx = Q*x[:on]
            dFeas = y*A ; dFeas[:on] -= self.c + Qx     # dFeas1 = A1'y - c - Qx
            dFeas[on:] += z                             # dFeas2 = A2'y + z

            # Compute duality measure.
            if ns > 0:
                mu = sz/ns
                mu = 0.0

            # Compute residual norms and scaled residual norms.
            #pResid = norm_infty(pFeas + regdu * r)/(1+self.normc+self.normQ)
            #dResid = norm_infty(dFeas - regpr * q)/(1+self.normb+self.normQ)
            pResid = norm2(pFeas) ; spResid = pResid/(1+self.normc+self.normQ)
            dResid = norm2(dFeas) ; sdResid = dResid/(1+self.normb+self.normQ)
            if ns > 0:
                cResid = norm_infty(comp)/(self.normbc+self.normQ)
                cResid = 0.0

            # Compute relative duality gap.
            cx = np.dot(c,x[:on])
            xQx = np.dot(x[:on],Qx)
            by = np.dot(b,y)
            rgap  = cx + xQx - by
            #rgap += regdu * (rNorm**2 + np.dot(r,y))
            rgap  = abs(rgap) / (1 + abs(cx) + self.normQ)
            rgap2 = mu / (1 + abs(cx) + self.normQ)

            # Compute overall residual for stopping condition.
            kktResid = max(spResid, sdResid, rgap2)
            #kktResid = max(pResid, cResid, dResid)

            # At the first iteration, initialize perturbation vectors
            # (q=primal, r=dual).
            # Should probably get rid of q when regpr=0 and of r when regdu=0.
            if iter == 0:
                if regpr > 0:
                    q =  dFeas/regpr ; qNorm = dResid/regpr ; rho_q = dResid
                    q =  dFeas ; qNorm = dResid ; rho_q = 0.0
                rho_q_min = rho_q
                if regdu > 0:
                    r = -pFeas/regdu ; rNorm = pResid/regdu ; del_r = pResid
                    r = -pFeas ; rNorm = pResid ; del_r = 0.0
                del_r_min = del_r
                pr_infeas_count = 0  # Used to detect primal infeasibility.
                du_infeas_count = 0  # Used to detect dual infeasibility.
                pr_last_iter = 0
                du_last_iter = 0
                mu0 = mu
                regdu = min(regdu/10, sz/normdy/10, (sz/normdy)**(1.1))
                regdu = max(regdu, regdu_min)
                regpr = min(regpr/10, sz/normdx/10, (sz/normdx)**(1.1))
                regpr = max(regpr, regpr_min)

                # Check for infeasible problem.
                if check_infeasible:
                    if mu < 1.0e-8 * mu0 and rho_q > 1.0e+2 * rho_q_min:
                        pr_infeas_count += 1
                        if pr_infeas_count > 1 and pr_last_iter == iter-1:
                            if pr_infeas_count > 6:
                                status = 'Problem seems to be (locally) dual infeasible'
                                short_status = 'dInf'
                                finished = True
                        pr_last_iter = iter

                    if mu < 1.0e-8 * mu0 and del_r > 1.0e+2 * del_r_min:
                        du_infeas_count += 1
                        if du_infeas_count > 1 and du_last_iter == iter-1:
                            if du_infeas_count > 6:
                                status='Problem seems to be (locally) primal infeasible'
                                short_status = 'pInf'
                                finished = True
                        du_last_iter = iter

            # Display objective and residual data.
            if self.verbose:
                sys.stdout.write(self.format1 % (iter, cx + 0.5 * xQx, pResid,
                                                 dResid, cResid, rgap, qNorm,

            if kktResid <= tolerance:
                status = 'Optimal solution found'
                short_status = 'opt'
                finished = True

            if iter >= itermax:
                status = 'Maximum number of iterations reached'
                short_status = 'iter'
                finished = True

            # Record some quantities for display
            if ns > 0:
                mins = np.min(s)
                minz = np.min(z)
                maxs = np.max(s)
                mins = minz = maxs = 0

            # Solve the linear system
            # [ -(Q+pI)      0             A1' ] [∆x] = [c + Q x - A1' y       ]
            # [  0      -(S^{-1} Z + pI)   A2' ] [∆s]   [  - A2' y - µ S^{-1} e]
            # [  A1          A2            dI  ] [∆y]   [ b - A1 x - A2 s      ]
            # where s are the slack variables, p is the primal regularization
            # parameter, d is the dual regularization parameter, and
            # A = [ A1  A2 ]  where the columns of A1 correspond to the original
            # problem variables and those of A2 correspond to slack variables.
            # We recover ∆z = -z - S^{-1} (Z ∆s + µ e).

            # Compute augmented matrix and factorize it.
            factorized = False
            nb_bump = 0
            while not factorized and nb_bump < 5:

                H.put(-diagQ - regpr,    range(on))
                H.put(-z/s   - regpr,  range(on,n))
                H.put(regdu,          range(n,n+m))
                factorized = True

                # If the augmented matrix does not have full rank, bump up the
                # regularization parameters.
                if not self.LBL.isFullRank:
                    if self.verbose:
                        sys.stderr.write('Primal-Dual Matrix Rank Deficient')
                        sys.stderr.write('... bumping up reg parameters\n')
                    regpr *= 100 ; regdu *= 100
                    nb_bump += 1
                    factorized = False

            # Abandon if regularization is unsuccessful.
            if not self.LBL.isFullRank and nb_bump == 5:
                status = 'Unable to regularize sufficiently.'
                short_status = 'degn'
                finished = True

            if PredictorCorrector:
                # Use Mehrotra predictor-corrector method.
                # Compute affine-scaling step, i.e. with centering = 0.
                rhs[:n]    = -dFeas
                rhs[on:n] += z
                rhs[n:]    = -pFeas

                (step, nres, neig) = self.solveSystem(rhs)

                # Recover dx and dz.
                dx = step[:n]
                ds = dx[on:]
                dz = -z * (1 + ds/s)

                # Compute largest allowed primal and dual stepsizes.
                (alpha_p, ip) = self.maxStepLength(s, ds)
                (alpha_d, ip) = self.maxStepLength(z, dz)

                # Estimate duality gap after affine-scaling step.
                muAff = np.dot(s + alpha_p * ds, z + alpha_d * dz)/ns
                sigma = (muAff/mu)**3

                # Incorporate predictor information for corrector step.
                comp += ds*dz
                # Use long-step method: Compute centering parameter.
                sigma = min(0.1, 100*mu)

            # Assemble right-hand side with centering information.
            comp -= sigma * mu

            if PredictorCorrector:
                # Only update rhs[on:n]; the rest of the vector did not change.
                rhs[on:n] += comp/s - z
                rhs[:n]    = -dFeas
                rhs[on:n] += comp/s
                rhs[n:]    = -pFeas

            # Solve augmented system.
            (step, nres, neig) = self.solveSystem(rhs)

            # Recover step.
            dx = step[:n]
            ds = dx[on:]
            dy = step[n:]
            dz = -(comp + z*ds)/s

            normds = norm2(ds) ; normdy = norm2(dy) ; normdx = norm2(dx)

            # Compute largest allowed primal and dual stepsizes.
            (alpha_p, ip) = self.maxStepLength(s, ds)
            (alpha_d, id) = self.maxStepLength(z, dz)

            # Compute fraction-to-the-boundary factor.
            tau = max(.9995, 1.0-mu)

            if PredictorCorrector:
                # Compute actual stepsize using Mehrotra's heuristic
                mult = 0.1

                # ip=-1 if ds ≥ 0, and id=-1 if dz ≥ 0
                if (ip != -1 or id != -1) and ip != id:
                    mu_tmp = np.dot(s + alpha_p * ds, z + alpha_d * dz)/ns

                if ip != -1 and ip != id:
                    zip = z[ip] + alpha_d * dz[ip]
                    gamma_p = (mult*mu_tmp - s[ip]*zip)/(alpha_p*ds[ip]*zip)
                    alpha_p *= max(1-mult, gamma_p)

                if id != -1 and ip != id:
                    sid = s[id] + alpha_p * ds[id]
                    gamma_d = (mult*mu_tmp - z[id]*sid)/(alpha_d*dz[id]*sid)
                    alpha_d *= max(1-mult, gamma_d)

                if ip==id and ip != -1:
                    # There is a division by zero in Mehrotra's heuristic
                    # Fall back on classical rule.
                    alpha_p *= tau
                    alpha_d *= tau

                alpha_p *= tau
                alpha_d *= tau

            # Display data.
            if self.verbose:
                sys.stdout.write(self.format2 % (mu, alpha_p, alpha_d,
                                                 nres, regpr, regdu, rho_q,
                                                 del_r, mins, minz, maxs))

            # Update iterates and perturbation vectors.
            x += alpha_p * dx    # This also updates slack variables.
            y += alpha_d * dy
            z += alpha_d * dz
            q *= (1-alpha_p) ; q += alpha_p * dx
            r *= (1-alpha_d) ; r += alpha_d * dy
            qNorm = norm2(q) ; rNorm = norm2(r)
            rho_q = regpr * qNorm/(1+self.normc) ; rho_q_min = min(rho_q_min, rho_q)
            del_r = regdu * rNorm/(1+self.normb) ; del_r_min = min(del_r_min, del_r)
            iter += 1

        solve_time = cputime() - setup_time

        if self.verbose:
            sys.stdout.write('-' * len(self.header) + '\n')

        # Transfer final values to class members.
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.z = z
        self.iter = iter
        self.pResid = pResid ; self.cResid = cResid ; self.dResid = dResid
        self.rgap = rgap
        self.kktResid = kktResid
        self.solve_time = solve_time
        self.status = status
        self.short_status = short_status

        # Unscale problem if applicable.
        if self.prob_scaled: self.unscale()

        # Recompute final objective value.
        self.obj_value = self.c0 + cx + 0.5 * xQx

Example #30
File: trunk.py Project: b45ch1/nlpy
    def Solve(self, **kwargs):

        nlp = self.nlp

        # Gather initial information.
        self.f      = self.nlp.obj(self.x)
        self.f0     = self.f
        self.g      = self.nlp.grad(self.x)  # Current  gradient
        self.g_old  = self.g                   # Previous gradient
        self.gnorm  = norms.norm2(self.g)
        self.g0     = self.gnorm

        # Reset initial trust-region radius.
        # self.TR.Delta = 0.1 * self.g0

        if self.inexact:
            cgtol = 1.0
            cgtol = -1.0
        stoptol = max(self.abstol, self.reltol * self.g0)
        step_status = None
        exitOptimal = exitIter = exitUser = False

        # Initialize non-monotonicity parameters.
        if not self.monotone:
            fMin = fRef = fCan = self.f0
            l = 0
            sigRef = sigCan = 0

        t = cputime()

        # Print out header and initial log.
        if self.iter % 20 == 0 and self.verbose:
            self.log.info(self.format0 % (self.iter, self.f,
                                             self.gnorm, '', '',
                                             self.TR.Delta, ''))

        while not (exitUser or exitOptimal or exitIter):

            self.iter += 1
            self.alpha = 1.0

            # Save current gradient
            if self.save_g:
                self.g_old = self.g.copy()

            # Iteratively minimize the quadratic model in the trust region
            # m(s) = <g, s> + 1/2 <s, Hs>
            # Note that m(s) does not include f(x): m(0) = 0.

            if self.inexact:
                cgtol = max(1.0e-6, min(0.5 * cgtol, sqrt(self.gnorm)))

            H = SimpleLinearOperator(nlp.n, nlp.n,
                                     lambda v: self.hprod(v),

            self.solver = self.TrSolver(self.g, H)

            step = self.solver.step
            snorm = self.solver.stepNorm
            cgiter = self.solver.niter

            # Obtain model value at next candidate
            m = self.solver.m
            if m is None:
                m = numpy.dot(self.g, step) + 0.5*numpy.dot(step, H * step)

            self.total_cgiter += cgiter
            x_trial = self.x + step
            f_trial = nlp.obj(x_trial)

            rho  = self.TR.Rho(self.f, f_trial, m)

            if not self.monotone:
                rhoHis = (fRef - f_trial)/(sigRef - m)
                rho = max(rho, rhoHis)

            step_status = 'Rej'
            if rho >= self.TR.eta1:

                # Trust-region step is accepted.

                self.TR.UpdateRadius(rho, snorm)
                self.x = x_trial
                self.f = f_trial
                self.g = nlp.grad(self.x)
                self.gnorm = norms.norm2(self.g)
                step_status = 'Acc'

                # Update non-monotonicity parameters.
                if not self.monotone:
                    sigRef = sigRef - m
                    sigCan = sigCan - m
                    if f_trial < fMin:
                        fCan = f_trial
                        fMin = f_trial
                        sigCan = 0
                        l = 0
                        l = l + 1

                    if f_trial > fCan:
                        fCan = f_trial
                        sigCan = 0

                    if l == self.nIterNonMono:
                        fRef = fCan
                        sigRef = sigCan


                # Trust-region step is rejected.

                if self.ny: # Backtracking linesearch following "Nocedal & Yuan"
                    slope = numpy.dot(self.g, step)
                    bk = 0
                    while bk < self.nbk and \
                            f_trial >= self.f + 1.0e-4 * self.alpha * slope:
                        bk = bk + 1
                        self.alpha /= 1.2
                        x_trial = self.x + self.alpha * step
                        f_trial = nlp.obj(x_trial)
                    self.x = x_trial
                    self.f = f_trial
                    self.g = nlp.grad(self.x)
                    self.gnorm = norms.norm2(self.g)
                    self.TR.Delta = self.alpha * snorm
                    step_status = 'N-Y'
                    self.TR.UpdateRadius(rho, snorm)

            self.step_status = step_status
            status = ''
            except UserExitRequest:
                status = 'usr'

            # Print out header, say, every 20 iterations
            if self.iter % 20 == 0 and self.verbose:

            if self.verbose:
                pstatus = step_status if step_status != 'Acc' else ''
                self.log.info(self.format % (self.iter, self.f,
                          self.gnorm, cgiter, rho,
                          self.TR.Delta, pstatus))

            exitOptimal = self.gnorm < stoptol
            exitIter    = self.iter > self.maxiter
            exitUser    = status == 'usr'

        self.tsolve = cputime() - t    # Solve time

        # Set final solver status.
        if status == 'usr':
        elif self.gnorm <= stoptol:
            status = 'opt'
        else: # self.iter > self.maxiter:
            status = 'itr'
        self.status = status
Example #31
    def scale(self, **kwargs):
        Equilibrate the constraint matrix of the linear program. Equilibration
        is done by first dividing every row by its largest element in absolute
        value and then by dividing every column by its largest element in
        absolute value. In effect the original problem::

            minimize c' x + 1/2 x' Q x
            subject to  A1 x + A2 s = b, x >= 0

        is converted to::

            minimize (Cc)' x + 1/2 x' (CQC') x
            subject to  R A1 C x + R A2 C s = Rb, x >= 0,

        where the diagonal matrices R and C operate row and column scaling

        Upon return, the matrix A and the right-hand side b are scaled and the
        members `row_scale` and `col_scale` are set to the row and column
        scaling factors.

        The scaling may be undone by subsequently calling :meth:`unscale`. It is
        necessary to unscale the problem in order to unscale the final dual
        variables. Normally, the :meth:`solve` method takes care of unscaling
        the problem upon termination.
        w = sys.stdout.write
        m, n = self.A.shape
        row_scale = np.zeros(m)
        col_scale = np.zeros(n)
        (values, irow, jcol) = self.A.find()

        if self.verbose:
            w('Smallest and largest elements of A prior to scaling: ')
            w('%8.2e %8.2e\n' %
              (np.min(np.abs(values)), np.max(np.abs(values))))

        # Find row scaling.
        for k in range(len(values)):
            row = irow[k]
            val = abs(values[k])
            row_scale[row] = max(row_scale[row], val)
        row_scale[row_scale == 0.0] = 1.0

        if self.verbose:
            w('Largest row scaling factor = %8.2e\n' % np.max(row_scale))

        # Apply row scaling to A and b.
        values /= row_scale[irow]
        self.b /= row_scale

        # Find column scaling.
        for k in range(len(values)):
            col = jcol[k]
            val = abs(values[k])
            col_scale[col] = max(col_scale[col], val)
        col_scale[col_scale == 0.0] = 1.0

        if self.verbose:
            w('Largest column scaling factor = %8.2e\n' % np.max(col_scale))

        # Apply column scaling to A and c.
        values /= col_scale[jcol]
        self.c[:self.qp.original_n] /= col_scale[:self.qp.original_n]

        if self.verbose:
            w('Smallest and largest elements of A after scaling: ')
            w('%8.2e %8.2e\n' %
              (np.min(np.abs(values)), np.max(np.abs(values))))

        # Overwrite A with scaled values.
        self.A.put(values, irow, jcol)

        # Apply scaling to Hessian matrix Q.
        (values, irow, jcol) = self.Q.find()
        self.normQ = norm2(values)  # Frobenius norm of Q
        values /= col_scale[irow]
        values /= col_scale[jcol]
        self.Q.put(values, irow, jcol)

        # Save row and column scaling.
        self.row_scale = row_scale
        self.col_scale = col_scale

        self.prob_scaled = True
