class HapaxLegomera(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin): def __init__(self): self.TK = NISTTokenizer() self.punct = re.compile('^[^a-zA-Z0-9_]$') def compile_counts(self, X, *_): word_counts = Counter() for sent in X: tokens = self.TK.tokenize(sent, lowercase=True) for i, token in enumerate(tokens): if not self.punct.match(token): word_counts.update([token]) return word_counts def fit(self, X, *_): return self def transform(self, X, *_): word_counts = self.compile_counts(X) result = [] for sent in X: features = defaultdict(int) tokens = self.TK.tokenize(sent, lowercase=True) for i, token in enumerate(tokens): if not self.punct.match(token): if word_counts[token] == 1: features['hapax_legomera'] += 1 elif word_counts[token] == 2: features['hapax_dislegomera'] += 1 result.append(features) return result
class WordTokenizer2(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin): def __init__(self, char_level=False, strip_punctuation=False, ngram_range=(1, 1)): self.TK = NISTTokenizer() self.word_index = dict() self.index_word = dict() self.strip_punctuation = strip_punctuation self.punct = re.compile('^[^a-zA-Z0-9_]$') def fit(self, X, *_): i = 1 for sent in X: tokens = self.TK.tokenize(sent, lowercase=True) for t in tokens: if self.strip_punctuation: if not self.punct.match(t): if t not in self.word_index: self.word_index[t] = i self.index_word[i] = t i += 1 else: if t not in self.word_index: self.word_index[t] = i self.index_word[i] = t i += 1 return self def transform(self, X, *_): #returns sequence of form [1,2,3,4] sequences = [] for sent in X: seq = [] tokens = self.TK.tokenize(sent, lowercase=True) for t in tokens: if self.strip_punctuation: if not self.punct.match(t): if t in self.word_index: seq.append(self.word_index[t]) else: if t in self.word_index: seq.append(self.word_index[t]) sequences.append(seq) return sequences
def transform(self, X, y=None): sliw = [] tokenizer = NISTTokenizer() for i in range(X.shape[0]): tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(X[i, :][0], lowercase=True) sliw.append(len(tokens)) return np.array(sliw).reshape(-1, 1)
def transform(self, X, y=None): awl = [] tokenizer = NISTTokenizer() for i in range(X.shape[0]): tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(X[i, :][0], lowercase=True) awl.append(np.mean([len(w) for w in tokens if not _punctuation.match(w)])) return np.array(awl).reshape(-1, 1)
def transform(self, X, y=None): fsf = [] tokenizer = NISTTokenizer() for i in range(X.shape[0]): tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(X[i, :][0], lowercase=True) fsf.append(len(list(filter(lambda x: x[1] == '.', nltk.pos_tag(tokens))))) return np.array(fsf).reshape(-1, 1)
def tokenise(caption, lower = True): # import the NIST tokenizer nist = NISTTokenizer() if lower: caption = caption.lower() caption = nist.tokenize(caption) return caption
def transform(self, X, y=None): ndw = [] tokenizer = NISTTokenizer() for i in range(X.shape[0]): tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(X[i, :][0], lowercase=True) ndw.append(len(set([w for w in tokens if not _punctuation.match(w)]))) return np.array(ndw).reshape(-1, 1)
class NltkNistTokenizer(Tokenizer): def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self._base_tokenizer = NISTTokenizer() def tokenize_text(self, text: str) -> List[str]: return self._base_tokenizer.tokenize(text)
def word_tokenize(sentence): tokenizer = NISTTokenizer() sentence = ' '.join(tokenizer.tokenize(sentence)) # Rejoin special tokens that where tokenized by error: e.g. "<PERSON_1>" -> "< PERSON _ 1 >" for match in re.finditer(r'< (?:[A-Z]+ _ )+\d+ >', sentence): sentence = sentence.replace(, ''.join( return sentence
def transform(self, X, y=None): hl = [] tokenizer = NISTTokenizer() for i in range(X.shape[0]): tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(X[i, :][0], lowercase=True) c = Counter([w for w in tokens if not _punctuation.match(w)]) hl.append(len([w for w, c in c.items() if c == 1])) return np.array(hl).reshape(-1, 1)
def build_word_list(): nist = NISTTokenizer() L = stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english')) words = (nist.tokenize(L, lowercase=True)) words = [word for word in words if not word in stop_words] words = [word for word in words if word.isalpha()] words = [word for word in words if len(word) > 3 & len(word) < 9] return words
def __old__get_train_test_split(corpus, annotations, n_splits=5, train_test_split=0.8, cutoff=3): annotations_no_tweet = annotations.drop(labels='Tweet', axis=1) to_drop = annotations_no_tweet[annotations_no_tweet.sum( axis=1) > cutoff].index annotations.drop(labels=to_drop, axis=0, inplace=True) train_idx = set() test_idx = set() for i in range(1, cutoff + 1, 1): an = annotations[annotations.sum(axis=1) == i] train_sample = an.sample(frac=train_test_split) train_idx.update(train_sample.index) test_idx.update(set(an.index).difference(train_sample.index))[train_idx, 'set'] = 'train'[test_idx, 'set'] = 'test' kf = KFold(n_splits=n_splits) train_data = annotations[annotations.set == 'train'] for i, (train_idx, test_idx) in enumerate(kf.split(train_data)): fold_id = 'fold_{}'.format(i + 1) annotations[fold_id] = None col_id = annotations.columns.get_loc(fold_id) annotations.iloc[train_idx, col_id] = 'train' annotations.iloc[test_idx, col_id] = 'test' tokenizer = NISTTokenizer() annotations.Tweet = annotations.Tweet.apply( lambda x: ' '.join(tokenizer.tokenize(x, lowercase=True))) annotations.to_csv('moral-dataset-{}.csv'.format(corpus)) elmo = hub.Module('', trainable=False) embeds = [] for i in range(0, annotations.shape[0] // 100 + 1): print('Computing embeddings for [{} .. {})'.format( i * 100, (i + 1) * 100)) with tf.Session() as session: tweets = annotations[['Tweet']].iloc[(i * 100):(i + 1) * 100, :] if tweets.shape[0] > 0: elmo_tweet_embeddings = elmo(tf.squeeze(tf.cast(tweets.values, tf.string)), signature='default', as_dict=True)['default']) embeds.append( pd.DataFrame(index=tweets.index, data=elmo_tweet_embeddings)) all_embeds = pd.concat(embeds, 0) all_embeds.to_csv('moral-dataset-{}_elmo_embeddings.csv'.format(corpus))
def get_train_test_split(corpus, annotations, n_splits=5, train_test_split=0.8, cutoff=3): annotations_no_tweet = annotations.drop(labels='Tweet', axis=1) grps = annotations_no_tweet.apply(lambda v: ''.join(map(str, v)), axis=1).to_frame(0).groupby(0)[0] test_idx = grps.apply(lambda g: g.sample(frac=1 - train_test_split) ).index.get_level_values(1) train_idx = set(annotations_no_tweet.index).difference(test_idx)[train_idx, 'set'] = 'train'[test_idx, 'set'] = 'test' train_grps = annotations_no_tweet.loc[train_idx, :].apply(lambda v: ''.join(map(str, v)), axis=1) \ .to_frame(0).groupby(0)[0] for i in range(n_splits): fold_test_idx = train_grps.apply( lambda g: g.sample(frac=1 / n_splits)).index.get_level_values(1) fold_train_idx = set(train_idx).difference(fold_test_idx) fold_id = 'fold_{}'.format(i + 1) annotations[fold_id] = None annotations.loc[fold_train_idx, fold_id] = 'train' annotations.loc[fold_test_idx, fold_id] = 'test' tokenizer = NISTTokenizer() annotations.Tweet = annotations.Tweet.apply( lambda x: ' '.join(tokenizer.tokenize(x, lowercase=True))) annotations.to_csv('moral-dataset-{}.csv'.format(corpus)) elmo = hub.Module('', trainable=False) embeds = [] for i in range(0, annotations.shape[0] // 100 + 1): print('Computing embeddings for [{} .. {})'.format( i * 100, (i + 1) * 100)) with tf.Session() as session: tweets = annotations[['Tweet']].iloc[(i * 100):(i + 1) * 100, :] if tweets.shape[0] > 0: elmo_tweet_embeddings = elmo(tf.squeeze(tf.cast(tweets.values, tf.string)), signature='default', as_dict=True)['default']) embeds.append( pd.DataFrame(index=tweets.index, data=elmo_tweet_embeddings)) all_embeds = pd.concat(embeds, 0) all_embeds.to_csv('moral-dataset-{}_elmo_embeddings.csv'.format(corpus))
class WordIndexer(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin): """ code modified from """ def __init__(self, reverse=False): self.TK = NISTTokenizer() self.word2idx = None self.sent_size = 0 def build_vocab(self, X, *_): counter = Counter() max_len = 0 for sent in X: tokens = self.TK.tokenize(sent, lowercase=True) if len(tokens) > max_len: max_len = len(tokens) counter.update(tokens) sort_by_counts = sorted(counter.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]) words, counts = zip(*sort_by_counts) word2idx = dict(zip(words, range(1, len(words) + 1))) return word2idx, max_len def fit(self, X, *_): self.word2idx, self.sent_size = self.build_vocab(X) return self def transform(self, X, *_): vec = np.zeros((len(X), self.sent_size + 25)) for i, sent in enumerate(X): tokens = self.TK.tokenize(sent, lowercase=True) for j, tok in enumerate(tokens): vec[i][j] = self.word2idx[tok] return vec
def loadData(dir_path): data = AutoVivification() for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir_path): for file_name in files: if not file_name.endswith('.xml'): continue suffix = file_name.find('.xml') # language of the data lang = lang_map[file_name[:suffix].split('_')[2].lower()] # data type: train/dev/test data_type = os.path.basename(root) # data domain: restaurant, laptop, ... domain = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(root)) # subtask task = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(root))) tokenizer = NISTTokenizer() tree = ET.parse(os.path.join(root, file_name)) revs = tree.getroot() for rev in revs: for sents in rev: for sent in sents: text = None ops = [] for c in sent: if c.tag == 'text': #text = tokenizer.tokenize(c.text, escape = False, return_str = True) text = tokenizer.tokenize(c.text, return_str=True) elif c.tag == 'Opinions': for op in c: ops.append(op.attrib) if not ops: continue data[data_type][lang][task][domain][text] = ops return data['train'], data['dev'], data['test']
def process_tweets(pair_id, target_pair, n_splits): target_pair['set'] = None target_pair['set'][target_pair['Test/Train/Dev'].isin(['Train', 'Dev'])] = 'train' target_pair['set'][pd.isnull(target_pair['set'])] = 'test' kf = KFold(n_splits=n_splits) target_pair_train = target_pair[target_pair.set == 'train'] for i, (train_idx, test_idx) in enumerate(kf.split(target_pair_train)): fold_id = 'fold_{}'.format(i+1) target_pair[fold_id] = None target_pair[fold_id].iloc[train_idx] = 'train' target_pair[fold_id].iloc[test_idx] = 'test' tokenizer = NISTTokenizer() target_pair.Tweet = target_pair.Tweet.apply( lambda x: ' '.join(tokenizer.tokenize(x, lowercase=True))) target_pair.rename(columns={'Stance 1': 'Target 1', 'Stance 2': 'Target 2'}, inplace=True) target_pair.to_csv('tweets-{}.csv'.format(pair_id)) elmo = hub.Module('', trainable=False) embeds = [] print('There are {} tweets in pair: '.format(target_pair.shape[0], pair_id)) for i in range(0, target_pair.shape[0] // 100 + 1): print('Computing embeddings for [{} .. {})'.format(i*100, (i+1)*100)) with tf.Session() as session: tweets = target_pair[['Tweet']].iloc[(i*100):(i+1)*100, :] if tweets.shape[0] > 0: elmo_tweet_embeddings =, tf.string)), signature='default', as_dict=True)['default']) embeds.append(pd.DataFrame(index=tweets.index, data=elmo_tweet_embeddings)) all_embeds = pd.concat(embeds, 0) print('There are {} embeddings in pair: '.format(all_embeds.shape[0], pair_id)) all_embeds.to_csv('tweets-{}_elmo_embeddings.csv'.format(pair_id))
def transform(self, X, y=None): tokenizer = NISTTokenizer() tokenized = np.array([' '.join(tokenizer.tokenize(X[i, :][0], lowercase=True)) for i in range(X.shape[0])]) vectorizer = CountVectorizer(ngram_range=(1, self.n_grams), max_features=500, stop_words='english') return vectorizer.fit_transform(tokenized).toarray()
class SentenceFeatures(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin): """ Extract sentence features in format supporting Pipelines. Uses the top 10 discriminating features from Simaki (2018)) paper: 'Evaluating stance-annotated sentences from the Brexit Blog Corpus: A quantitative linguistic analysis' These are: 1. Average word length 2. Conjunction frequency 3. Sentence length in words 4. Comma frequency 5. Full stop frequency 6. Hapax Legomena (number of words appearing in utterance only once) 7. Number of different words used 8. Sentence length in characters 9. Punctuation frequency 10. Hapax dislegomena (number of words appearing in utterance only twice) """ def __init__(self): self.TK = NISTTokenizer() self.punct = re.compile('^[^a-zA-Z0-9_]$') def fit(self, *_): return self def transform(self, X, *_): result = [] for sent in X: #print(sent) features = defaultdict(int) num_words = len(sent.split()) tokens = self.TK.tokenize(sent, lowercase=True) tags = nltk.pos_tag((tokens)) features['sent length/words'] = num_words counts = Counter() for i, token in enumerate(tokens): if self.punct.match(token): features['punctuation'] += 1 if token == ',': features['comma'] += 1 if token == '.': features['period'] += 1 else: if tags[i][1] == 'CC': features['conjunctions'] += 1 num_chars = len(re.sub(r'\W', '', token)) features['mean word length'] += num_chars features['sent length/chars'] += num_chars counts.update([token]) features['mean word length'] /= num_words features['hapax legomera'] = sum( [1 for k, v in counts.items() if v == 1]) features['hapax dislegomera'] = sum( [1 for k, v in counts.items() if v == 2]) #print(counts) features['different words'] = len(counts.keys()) result.append(features) #print(features) return result
seq2seq = t.train( seq2seq, train, num_epochs=6, optimizer=optimizer, teacher_forcing_ratio=0.6, teacher_forcing_half_life=5000, resume=opt.resume, ) predictor = Predictor(seq2seq, input_vocab, output_vocab) loss, acc = Evaluator(loss=loss).evaluate( seq2seq,, format="tsv", fields=[("src", src), ("tgt", tgt)]), )"Loss: {}, Acc: {}".format(loss, acc)) import nltk'perluniprops') from nltk.tokenize.nist import NISTTokenizer nist = NISTTokenizer() while True: seq_str = input("Type in a source sequence:") seq = nist.tokenize(seq_str.strip(), lowercase=False) print(predictor.predict(seq))
# import the NIST tokenizer nist = NISTTokenizer() # list the files in the annotations data folder (if the structure if the database is unchanged from how it was downloaded # from the official website) annotations = [os.path.join(text_path, x) for x in os.listdir(text_path)] annotations.sort() # load the training annotations train_cap = json.load(open(annotations[0])) train_cap = train_cap['annotations'] train_dict = defaultdict(list) for x in train_cap: key = str(x['image_id']) # pad short image ids with 0s so they match with the keys used later on while len(key) < 6: key = '0' + key train_dict[key] = train_dict[key] + [x] coco_dict = defaultdict(int) for x in train_dict.keys(): for y in train_dict[x]: caption = y['caption'].lower() caption = nist.tokenize(caption) for z in caption: z = ''.join([x for x in z if not x in string.punctuation]) if not z == []: coco_dict[z] += 1 save_obj(coco_dict, os.path.join(dict_loc, 'coco_frequency'))
def run(n_splits=5): """ Prepare the Brexit Blog Corpus data set for analysis :param n_splits: int, the number of train/test splits to degenerate, default=5 :return: """ print('Reading and processing the xlsx file...', end='') brexit_blog_corpus = pd.read_excel('brexit_blog_corpus.xlsx') # fix up some typos brexit_blog_corpus.replace('concession/contrarines', np.nan, inplace=True) brexit_blog_corpus.replace('hypotheticallity', 'hypotheticality', inplace=True) # unfortunately, quite a few utterances are duplicates :( clean_dataset = brexit_blog_corpus.drop_duplicates(subset='Utterance') stance_columns = [ 'Stance category', 'second stance category', 'third', 'fourth', 'fifth' ] clean_dataset = clean_dataset[['Utterance ID No', 'Utterance'] + stance_columns].set_index('Utterance ID No') # extract the stance categories and do some cleaning stance_categories = set(clean_dataset[stance_columns].values.flatten()) stance_categories.discard(np.nan) stance_categories = sorted(list(stance_categories)) stance_categories = [ w.replace(' ', '-').replace('/', '-') for w in stance_categories ] # one-hot encode the assigned stance labels mlb = MultiLabelBinarizer() k_hot_encoded_stances = mlb.fit_transform( [x[~pd.isnull(x)] for x in clean_dataset[stance_columns].values]) k_hot_encoded_stances = pd.DataFrame(index=clean_dataset.index, data=k_hot_encoded_stances, columns=list(mlb.classes_)) k_hot_encoded_stances.columns = stance_categories # join the one-hot encoded labels and utterances back together again clean_dataset_one_hot = clean_dataset[['Utterance', 'Stance category']] \ .join(k_hot_encoded_stances) print('done.') print('Tokenising the utterances...', end='') # tokenize the Utterance tokenizer = NISTTokenizer() clean_dataset_one_hot.Utterance = clean_dataset_one_hot.Utterance.apply( lambda x: ' '.join(tokenizer.tokenize(x, lowercase=True))) print('done.') print('Constructing train/test split and saving to disk...', end='') # split the data into train and test sets in the ratio 80:20 stance_columns = set(clean_dataset_one_hot.columns).difference( ['Utterance', 'Stance category']) stance_columns = sorted(list(stance_columns)) # first split the data in two to get train and test sets reset_seeds() X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = \ train_test_split(clean_dataset_one_hot['Utterance'], clean_dataset_one_hot[stance_columns], test_size=0.2, stratify=clean_dataset_one_hot['Stance category']) y_train['set'] = 'train' y_test['set'] = 'test' dataset = pd.concat([ pd.DataFrame(data={ 'Utterance': X_train }).join(y_train), pd.DataFrame(data={ 'Utterance': X_test }).join(y_test) ], axis=0) dataset.to_csv('bbc_dataset.csv') print('done.') print('Constructing the cv folds and saving to disk...', end='') X_train_folds = pd.DataFrame( index=X_train.index, columns=['fold_{}'.format(i) for i in range(1, n_splits + 1)]) skf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=n_splits) y = clean_dataset_one_hot.loc[y_train.index, 'Stance category'] for i, (train_idx, test_idx) in enumerate(skf.split(np.zeros(X_train.shape[0]), y)): X_train_folds.iloc[train_idx, i] = 'train' X_train_folds.iloc[test_idx, i] = 'test' X_train_folds.to_csv('bbc_dataset_folds.csv') print('done.') print('Pre-computing the ELMO embeddings and saving to disk...', end='') elmo = hub.Module('', trainable=False) with tf.Session() as session: elmo_train_embeddings = elmo(tf.squeeze(tf.cast(X_train.values, tf.string)), signature='default', as_dict=True)['default']) elmo_train_embeddings = pd.DataFrame(index=X_train.index, data=elmo_train_embeddings) elmo_train_embeddings.to_csv('bbc_elmo_train_embeddings.csv') elmo_test_embeddings = elmo(tf.squeeze(tf.cast(X_test.values, tf.string)), signature='default', as_dict=True)['default']) elmo_test_embeddings = pd.DataFrame(index=X_test.index, data=elmo_test_embeddings) elmo_test_embeddings.to_csv('bbc_elmo_test_embeddings.csv') print('done.')
def nist_tokenize(sentence): nist = NISTTokenizer() return ' '.join(nist.tokenize(sentence))
target_test_file = "target_test.txt" line_pairs = [] nist = NISTTokenizer() with open(source_file, "r") as source, open(target_file, "r") as target: for src, tgt in zip(source, target): target_parsed = tgt.split('\t')[2] if not(MIN_LEN < len(target_parsed.split()) < MAX_LEN): continue source_parsed = src.split('\t')[2] if not(MIN_LEN < len(source_parsed.split()) < MAX_LEN): continue target_tokenised = nist.tokenize(target_parsed, lowercase=True) if not(MIN_LEN < len(target_tokenised.split()) < MAX_LEN): continue source_tokenised = nist.tokenize(source_parsed, lowercase=True) if not(MIN_LEN < len(source_tokenised.split()) < MAX_LEN): continue source_joined = " ".join(source_tokenised) + "\n" target_joined = " ".join(target_tokenised) + "\n" line_pairs.append((source_joined, target_joined)) test_lines = len(line_pairs) // 4 train_lines = len(line_pairs) - test_lines print("Lines in train:", train_lines) print("Lines in test:", test_lines)