Example #1
def test_data(tmpdir):
    sim = Simulator()
    r = 10
    sigma = 1
    y = [0, 1]
    n_reps = 3
    output_dir = str(tmpdir)
    sim.create_data(y, sigma, reps=n_reps, output_dir=output_dir)

    shape_3d = (91, 109, 91)
    shape_2d = (6, 238955)
    y = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(str(tmpdir.join('y.csv'))),
    flist = glob.glob(str(tmpdir.join('centered*.nii.gz')))

    # Test load list
    dat = Brain_Data(data=flist, Y=y)

    # Test load file
    assert Brain_Data(flist[0])

    # Test to_nifti
    d = dat.to_nifti()
    assert d.shape[0:3] == shape_3d

    # Test load nibabel
    assert Brain_Data(d)

    # Test shape
    assert dat.shape() == shape_2d

    # Test Mean
    assert dat.mean().shape()[0] == shape_2d[1]

    # Test Std
    assert dat.std().shape()[0] == shape_2d[1]

    # Test add
    new = dat + dat
    assert new.shape() == shape_2d

    # Test subtract
    new = dat - dat
    assert new.shape() == shape_2d

    # Test multiply
    new = dat * dat
    assert new.shape() == shape_2d

    # Test Iterator
    x = [x for x in dat]
    assert len(x) == len(dat)
    assert len(x[0].data.shape) == 1

    # # Test T-test
    out = dat.ttest()
    assert out['t'].shape()[0] == shape_2d[1]

    # # # Test T-test - permutation method
    # out = dat.ttest(threshold_dict={'permutation':'tfce','n_permutations':50,'n_jobs':1})
    # assert out['t'].shape()[0]==shape_2d[1]

    # Test Regress
    dat.X = pd.DataFrame(
            'Intercept': np.ones(len(dat.Y)),
            'X1': np.array(dat.Y).flatten()
    out = dat.regress()
    assert out['beta'].shape() == (2, shape_2d[1])

    # Test indexing
    assert out['t'][1].shape()[0] == shape_2d[1]

    # Test threshold
    i = 1
    tt = threshold(out['t'][i], out['p'][i], .05)
    assert isinstance(tt, Brain_Data)

    # Test write
    assert Brain_Data(os.path.join(str(tmpdir.join('test_write.nii'))))

    # Test append
    assert dat.append(dat).shape()[0] == shape_2d[0] * 2

    # Test distance
    distance = dat.distance(method='euclidean')
    assert distance.shape == (shape_2d[0], shape_2d[0])

    # Test predict
    stats = dat.predict(algorithm='svm',
                            'type': 'kfolds',
                            'n_folds': 2,
                            'n': len(dat.Y)
                        **{'kernel': "linear"})

    # Support Vector Regression, with 5 fold cross-validation with Platt Scaling
    # This will output probabilities of each class
    stats = dat.predict(algorithm='svm',
                            'kernel': 'linear',
                            'probability': True

    assert isinstance(stats['weight_map'], Brain_Data)
    # Logistic classificiation, with 5 fold stratified cross-validation.

    stats = dat.predict(algorithm='logistic',
                            'type': 'kfolds',
                            'n_folds': 5,
                            'n': len(dat.Y)
    assert isinstance(stats['weight_map'], Brain_Data)

    # Ridge classificiation, with 5 fold between-subject cross-validation, where data for each subject is held out together.
    stats = dat.predict(algorithm='ridgeClassifier', cv_dict=None, plot=False)
    assert isinstance(stats['weight_map'], Brain_Data)

    # Test Similarity
    r = dat.similarity(stats['weight_map'])
    assert len(r) == shape_2d[0]
    r2 = dat.similarity(stats['weight_map'].to_nifti())
    assert len(r2) == shape_2d[0]

    # Test apply_mask - might move part of this to test mask suite
    s1 = create_sphere([41, 64, 55], radius=10)
    assert isinstance(s1, nb.Nifti1Image)
    s2 = Brain_Data(s1)
    masked_dat = dat.apply_mask(s1)
    assert masked_dat.shape()[1] == np.sum(s2.data != 0)

    # Test extract_roi
    mask = create_sphere([41, 64, 55], radius=10)
    assert len(dat.extract_roi(mask)) == shape_2d[0]

    # Test r_to_z
    z = dat.r_to_z()
    assert z.shape() == dat.shape()

    # Test copy
    d_copy = dat.copy()
    assert d_copy.shape() == dat.shape()

    # Test detrend
    detrend = dat.detrend()
    assert detrend.shape() == dat.shape()
Example #2
def test_brain_data(tmpdir):

    # Add 3mm to list to test that resolution as well
    for resolution in ['2mm']:

        MNI_Template["resolution"] = resolution

        sim = Simulator()
        r = 10
        sigma = 1
        y = [0, 1]
        n_reps = 3
        output_dir = str(tmpdir)
        dat = sim.create_data(y, sigma, reps=n_reps, output_dir=output_dir)

        if MNI_Template["resolution"] == '2mm':
            shape_3d = (91, 109, 91)
            shape_2d = (6, 238955)
        elif MNI_Template["resolution"] == '3mm':
            shape_3d = (60, 72, 60)
            shape_2d = (6, 71020)

        y = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(str(tmpdir.join('y.csv'))),header=None, index_col=None)
        holdout = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(str(tmpdir.join('rep_id.csv'))),header=None,index_col=None)

        # Test load list of 4D images
        file_list = [str(tmpdir.join('data.nii.gz')), str(tmpdir.join('data.nii.gz'))]
        dat = Brain_Data(file_list)
        dat = Brain_Data([nb.load(x) for x in file_list])

        # Test load list
        dat = Brain_Data(data=str(tmpdir.join('data.nii.gz')), Y=y)

        # Test concatenate
        out = Brain_Data([x for x in dat])
        assert isinstance(out, Brain_Data)
        assert len(out)==len(dat)

        # Test to_nifti
        d = dat.to_nifti()
        assert d.shape[0:3] == shape_3d

        # Test load nibabel
        assert Brain_Data(d)

        # Test shape
        assert dat.shape() == shape_2d

        # Test Mean
        assert dat.mean().shape()[0] == shape_2d[1]

        # Test Std
        assert dat.std().shape()[0] == shape_2d[1]

        # Test add
        new = dat + dat
        assert new.shape() == shape_2d

        # Test subtract
        new = dat - dat
        assert new.shape() == shape_2d

        # Test multiply
        new = dat * dat
        assert new.shape() == shape_2d

        # Test Indexing
        index = [0, 3, 1]
        assert len(dat[index]) == len(index)
        index = range(4)
        assert len(dat[index]) == len(index)
        index = dat.Y == 1

        assert len(dat[index.values.flatten()]) == index.values.sum()

        assert len(dat[index]) == index.values.sum()
        assert len(dat[:3]) == 3

        # Test Iterator
        x = [x for x in dat]
        assert len(x) == len(dat)
        assert len(x[0].data.shape) == 1

        # # Test T-test
        out = dat.ttest()
        assert out['t'].shape()[0] == shape_2d[1]

        # # # Test T-test - permutation method
        # out = dat.ttest(threshold_dict={'permutation':'tfce','n_permutations':50,'n_jobs':1})
        # assert out['t'].shape()[0]==shape_2d[1]

        # Test Regress
        dat.X = pd.DataFrame({'Intercept':np.ones(len(dat.Y)),
                            'X1':np.array(dat.Y).flatten()}, index=None)

        # Standard OLS
        out = dat.regress()

        assert type(out['beta'].data) == np.ndarray
        assert type(out['t'].data) == np.ndarray
        assert type(out['p'].data) == np.ndarray
        assert type(out['residual'].data) == np.ndarray
        assert type(out['df'].data) == np.ndarray
        assert out['beta'].shape() == (2, shape_2d[1])
        assert out['t'][1].shape()[0] == shape_2d[1]

        # Robust OLS
        out = dat.regress(mode='robust')

        assert type(out['beta'].data) == np.ndarray
        assert type(out['t'].data) == np.ndarray
        assert type(out['p'].data) == np.ndarray
        assert type(out['residual'].data) == np.ndarray
        assert type(out['df'].data) == np.ndarray
        assert out['beta'].shape() == (2, shape_2d[1])
        assert out['t'][1].shape()[0] == shape_2d[1]

        # Test threshold
        tt = threshold(out['t'][i], out['p'][i], .05)
        assert isinstance(tt, Brain_Data)

        # Test write
        assert Brain_Data(os.path.join(str(tmpdir.join('test_write.nii'))))

        # Test append
        assert dat.append(dat).shape()[0] == shape_2d[0]*2

        # Test distance
        distance = dat.distance(method='euclidean')
        assert isinstance(distance, Adjacency)
        assert distance.square_shape()[0] == shape_2d[0]

        # Test predict
        stats = dat.predict(algorithm='svm',
                            cv_dict={'type': 'kfolds', 'n_folds': 2},
                            plot=False, **{'kernel':"linear"})

        # Support Vector Regression, with 5 fold cross-validation with Platt Scaling
        # This will output probabilities of each class
        stats = dat.predict(algorithm='svm',
                            cv_dict=None, plot=False,
                            **{'kernel':'linear', 'probability':True})
        assert isinstance(stats['weight_map'], Brain_Data)

        # Logistic classificiation, with 2 fold cross-validation.
        stats = dat.predict(algorithm='logistic',
                            cv_dict={'type': 'kfolds', 'n_folds': 2},
        assert isinstance(stats['weight_map'], Brain_Data)

        # Ridge classificiation,
        stats = dat.predict(algorithm='ridgeClassifier', cv_dict=None, plot=False)
        assert isinstance(stats['weight_map'], Brain_Data)

        # Ridge
        stats = dat.predict(algorithm='ridge',
                            cv_dict={'type': 'kfolds', 'n_folds': 2,
                            'subject_id':holdout}, plot=False, **{'alpha':.1})

        # Lasso
        stats = dat.predict(algorithm='lasso',
                            cv_dict={'type': 'kfolds', 'n_folds': 2,
                            'stratified':dat.Y}, plot=False, **{'alpha':.1})

        # PCR
        stats = dat.predict(algorithm='pcr', cv_dict=None, plot=False)

        # Test Similarity
        r = dat.similarity(stats['weight_map'])
        assert len(r) == shape_2d[0]
        r2 = dat.similarity(stats['weight_map'].to_nifti())
        assert len(r2) == shape_2d[0]
        r = dat.similarity(stats['weight_map'], method='dot_product')
        assert len(r) == shape_2d[0]
        r = dat.similarity(stats['weight_map'], method='cosine')
        assert len(r) == shape_2d[0]
        r = dat.similarity(dat, method='correlation')
        assert r.shape == (dat.shape()[0],dat.shape()[0])
        r = dat.similarity(dat, method='dot_product')
        assert r.shape == (dat.shape()[0],dat.shape()[0])
        r = dat.similarity(dat, method='cosine')
        assert r.shape == (dat.shape()[0],dat.shape()[0])

        # Test apply_mask - might move part of this to test mask suite
        s1 = create_sphere([12, 10, -8], radius=10)
        assert isinstance(s1, nb.Nifti1Image)
        masked_dat = dat.apply_mask(s1)
        assert masked_dat.shape()[1] == np.sum(s1.get_data() != 0)

        # Test extract_roi
        mask = create_sphere([12, 10, -8], radius=10)
        assert len(dat.extract_roi(mask)) == shape_2d[0]

        # Test r_to_z
        z = dat.r_to_z()
        assert z.shape() == dat.shape()

        # Test copy
        d_copy = dat.copy()
        assert d_copy.shape() == dat.shape()

        # Test detrend
        detrend = dat.detrend()
        assert detrend.shape() == dat.shape()

        # Test standardize
        s = dat.standardize()
        assert s.shape() == dat.shape()
        assert np.isclose(np.sum(s.mean().data), 0, atol=.1)
        s = dat.standardize(method='zscore')
        assert s.shape() == dat.shape()
        assert np.isclose(np.sum(s.mean().data), 0, atol=.1)

        # Test Sum
        s = dat.sum()
        assert s.shape() == dat[1].shape()

        # Test Groupby
        s1 = create_sphere([12, 10, -8], radius=10)
        s2 = create_sphere([22, -2, -22], radius=10)
        mask = Brain_Data([s1, s2])
        d = dat.groupby(mask)
        assert isinstance(d, Groupby)

        # Test Aggregate
        mn = dat.aggregate(mask, 'mean')
        assert isinstance(mn, Brain_Data)
        assert len(mn.shape()) == 1

        # Test Threshold
        s1 = create_sphere([12, 10, -8], radius=10)
        s2 = create_sphere([22, -2, -22], radius=10)
        mask = Brain_Data(s1)*5
        mask = mask + Brain_Data(s2)

        m1 = mask.threshold(upper=.5)
        m2 = mask.threshold(upper=3)
        m3 = mask.threshold(upper='98%')
        m4 = Brain_Data(s1)*5 + Brain_Data(s2)*-.5
        m4 = mask.threshold(upper=.5,lower=-.3)
        assert np.sum(m1.data > 0) > np.sum(m2.data > 0)
        assert np.sum(m1.data > 0) == np.sum(m3.data > 0)
        assert np.sum(m4.data[(m4.data > -.3) & (m4.data <.5)]) == 0
        assert np.sum(m4.data[(m4.data < -.3) | (m4.data >.5)]) > 0

        # Test Regions
        r = mask.regions(min_region_size=10)
        m1 = Brain_Data(s1)
        m2 = r.threshold(1, binarize=True)
        # assert len(r)==2
        assert len(np.unique(r.to_nifti().get_data())) == 2
        diff = m2-m1
        assert np.sum(diff.data) == 0

        # Test Bootstrap
        masked = dat.apply_mask(create_sphere(radius=10, coordinates=[0, 0, 0]))
        n_samples = 3
        b = masked.bootstrap('mean', n_samples=n_samples)
        assert isinstance(b['Z'], Brain_Data)
        b = masked.bootstrap('std', n_samples=n_samples)
        assert isinstance(b['Z'], Brain_Data)
        b = masked.bootstrap('predict', n_samples=n_samples, plot=False)
        assert isinstance(b['Z'], Brain_Data)
        b = masked.bootstrap('predict', n_samples=n_samples,
                        plot=False, cv_dict={'type':'kfolds','n_folds':3})
        assert isinstance(b['Z'], Brain_Data)
        b = masked.bootstrap('predict', n_samples=n_samples,
                        save_weights=True, plot=False)
        assert len(b['samples'])==n_samples

        # Test decompose
        n_components = 3
        stats = dat.decompose(algorithm='pca', axis='voxels',
        assert n_components == len(stats['components'])
        assert stats['weights'].shape == (len(dat), n_components)

        stats = dat.decompose(algorithm='ica', axis='voxels',
        assert n_components == len(stats['components'])
        assert stats['weights'].shape == (len(dat), n_components)

        dat.data = dat.data + 2
        dat.data[dat.data<0] = 0
        stats = dat.decompose(algorithm='nnmf', axis='voxels',
        assert n_components == len(stats['components'])
        assert stats['weights'].shape == (len(dat), n_components)

        stats = dat.decompose(algorithm='fa', axis='voxels',
        assert n_components == len(stats['components'])
        assert stats['weights'].shape == (len(dat), n_components)

        stats = dat.decompose(algorithm='pca', axis='images',
        assert n_components == len(stats['components'])
        assert stats['weights'].shape == (len(dat), n_components)

        stats = dat.decompose(algorithm='ica', axis='images',
        assert n_components == len(stats['components'])
        assert stats['weights'].shape == (len(dat), n_components)

        dat.data = dat.data + 2
        dat.data[dat.data<0] = 0
        stats = dat.decompose(algorithm='nnmf', axis='images',
        assert n_components == len(stats['components'])
        assert stats['weights'].shape == (len(dat), n_components)

        stats = dat.decompose(algorithm='fa', axis='images',
        assert n_components == len(stats['components'])
        assert stats['weights'].shape == (len(dat), n_components)

        # Test Hyperalignment Method
        sim = Simulator()
        y = [0, 1]
        n_reps = 10
        s1 = create_sphere([0, 0, 0], radius=3)
        d1 = sim.create_data(y, 1, reps=n_reps, output_dir=None).apply_mask(s1)
        d2 = sim.create_data(y, 2, reps=n_reps, output_dir=None).apply_mask(s1)
        d3 = sim.create_data(y, 3, reps=n_reps, output_dir=None).apply_mask(s1)

        # Test procrustes using align
        data = [d1, d2, d3]
        out = align(data, method='procrustes')
        assert len(data) == len(out['transformed'])
        assert len(data) == len(out['transformation_matrix'])
        assert data[0].shape() == out['common_model'].shape()
        transformed = np.dot(d1.data, out['transformation_matrix'][0])
        centered = d1.data - np.mean(d1.data, 0)
        transformed = (np.dot(centered/np.linalg.norm(centered), out['transformation_matrix'][0])*out['scale'][0])
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(0, np.sum(out['transformed'][0].data - transformed), decimal=5)

        # Test deterministic brain_data
        bout = d1.align(out['common_model'], method='deterministic_srm')
        assert d1.shape() == bout['transformed'].shape()
        assert d1.shape() == bout['common_model'].shape()
        assert d1.shape()[1] == bout['transformation_matrix'].shape[0]
        btransformed = np.dot(d1.data, bout['transformation_matrix'])
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(0, np.sum(bout['transformed'].data - btransformed))

        # Test deterministic brain_data
        bout = d1.align(out['common_model'], method='probabilistic_srm')
        assert d1.shape() == bout['transformed'].shape()
        assert d1.shape() == bout['common_model'].shape()
        assert d1.shape()[1] == bout['transformation_matrix'].shape[0]
        btransformed = np.dot(d1.data, bout['transformation_matrix'])
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(0, np.sum(bout['transformed'].data-btransformed))

        # Test procrustes brain_data
        bout = d1.align(out['common_model'], method='procrustes')
        assert d1.shape() == bout['transformed'].shape()
        assert d1.shape() == bout['common_model'].shape()
        assert d1.shape()[1] == bout['transformation_matrix'].shape[0]
        centered = d1.data - np.mean(d1.data, 0)
        btransformed = (np.dot(centered/np.linalg.norm(centered), bout['transformation_matrix'])*bout['scale'])
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(0, np.sum(bout['transformed'].data-btransformed), decimal=5)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(0, np.sum(out['transformed'][0].data - bout['transformed'].data))

        # Test hyperalignment on Brain_Data over time (axis=1)
        sim = Simulator()
        y = [0, 1]
        n_reps = 10
        s1 = create_sphere([0, 0, 0], radius=5)
        d1 = sim.create_data(y, 1, reps=n_reps, output_dir=None).apply_mask(s1)
        d2 = sim.create_data(y, 2, reps=n_reps, output_dir=None).apply_mask(s1)
        d3 = sim.create_data(y, 3, reps=n_reps, output_dir=None).apply_mask(s1)
        data = [d1, d2, d3]

        out = align(data, method='procrustes', axis=1)
        assert len(data) == len(out['transformed'])
        assert len(data) == len(out['transformation_matrix'])
        assert data[0].shape() == out['common_model'].shape()
        centered = data[0].data.T-np.mean(data[0].data.T, 0)
        transformed = (np.dot(centered/np.linalg.norm(centered), out['transformation_matrix'][0])*out['scale'][0])
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(0,np.sum(out['transformed'][0].data-transformed.T), decimal=5)

        bout = d1.align(out['common_model'], method='deterministic_srm', axis=1)
        assert d1.shape() == bout['transformed'].shape()
        assert d1.shape() == bout['common_model'].shape()
        assert d1.shape()[0] == bout['transformation_matrix'].shape[0]
        btransformed = np.dot(d1.data.T, bout['transformation_matrix'])
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(0, np.sum(bout['transformed'].data-btransformed.T))

        bout = d1.align(out['common_model'], method='probabilistic_srm', axis=1)
        assert d1.shape() == bout['transformed'].shape()
        assert d1.shape() == bout['common_model'].shape()
        assert d1.shape()[0] == bout['transformation_matrix'].shape[0]
        btransformed = np.dot(d1.data.T, bout['transformation_matrix'])
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(0, np.sum(bout['transformed'].data-btransformed.T))

        bout = d1.align(out['common_model'], method='procrustes', axis=1)
        assert d1.shape() == bout['transformed'].shape()
        assert d1.shape() == bout['common_model'].shape()
        assert d1.shape()[0] == bout['transformation_matrix'].shape[0]
        centered = d1.data.T-np.mean(d1.data.T, 0)
        btransformed = (np.dot(centered/np.linalg.norm(centered), bout['transformation_matrix'])*bout['scale'])
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(0, np.sum(bout['transformed'].data-btransformed.T), decimal=5)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(0, np.sum(out['transformed'][0].data-bout['transformed'].data))
Example #3
# visualize which regions are more central in this analysis.

from sklearn.metrics import pairwise_distances
from nltools.data import Adjacency
from nltools.mask import roi_to_brain
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

sub_list = data.X['SubjectID'].unique()

# perform matrix multiplication to compute linear contrast for each subject
lin_contrast = []
for sub in sub_list:
    lin_contrast.append(data[data.X['SubjectID'] == sub] * np.array([1, -1,  0])) 

# concatenate list of Brain_Data instances into a single instance
lin_contrast = Brain_Data(lin_contrast) 

# Compute correlation distance between each ROI
dist = Adjacency(pairwise_distances(lin_contrast.extract_roi(mask), metric='correlation'), matrix_type='distance')

# Threshold functional connectivity and convert to Adjacency Matrix. Plot as heatmap
dist.threshold(upper=.4, binarize=True).plot()

# Convert Adjacency matrix to networkX instance
g = dist.threshold(upper=.4, binarize=True).to_graph()

# Compute degree centrality and convert back into Brain_Data instance.
degree_centrality = roi_to_brain(pd.Series(dict(g.degree())), mask_x)

Example #4

### Data
This tutorial will be using the **Sherlock** dataset and will require downloading the Average ROI **csv** files.

We have already extracted the data for you to make this easier and have written out the average activity within each ROI into a separate csv file for each participant. If you would like to get practice doing this yourself, here is the code we used. Note that we are working with the hdf5 files as they load much faster than the nifti images, but either one will work for this example.

``` python
for scan in ['Part1', 'Part2']:
    file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(data_dir, 'fmriprep', '*', 'func', f'*crop*{scan}*hdf5'))
    for f in file_list:
        sub = os.path.basename(f).split('_')[0]
        data = Brain_Data(f)
        roi = data.extract_roi(mask)
        pd.DataFrame(roi.T).to_csv(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(f), f"{sub}_{scan}_Average_ROI_n50.csv" ), index=False)

You will want to change `datadir` to wherever you have installed the Sherlock datalad repository. We will initialize a datalad dataset instance and get the files we need for this tutorial. If you've already downloaded everything, this cell should execute quickly. See the [Download Data Tutorial](http://naturalistic-data.org/features/notebooks/Download_Data.html) for more information about how to install and use datalad.

datadir = '/Volumes/Engram/Data/Sherlock'

# If dataset hasn't been installed, clone from GIN repository
if not os.path.exists(datadir):
    dl.clone(source='https://gin.g-node.org/ljchang/Sherlock', path=datadir)

# Initialize dataset
ds = dl.Dataset(datadir)

# Get Cropped & Denoised CSV Files
Example #5
def test_brain_data(tmpdir):
    sim = Simulator()
    r = 10
    sigma = 1
    y = [0, 1]
    n_reps = 3
    output_dir = str(tmpdir)
    sim.create_data(y, sigma, reps=n_reps, output_dir=output_dir)

    shape_3d = (91, 109, 91)
    shape_2d = (6, 238955)
    y=pd.read_csv(os.path.join(str(tmpdir.join('y.csv'))), header=None,index_col=None).T
    flist = glob.glob(str(tmpdir.join('centered*.nii.gz')))

    # Test load list
    dat = Brain_Data(data=flist,Y=y)

    # Test load file
    assert Brain_Data(flist[0])

    # Test to_nifti
    d = dat.to_nifti()
    assert d.shape[0:3] == shape_3d

    # Test load nibabel
    assert Brain_Data(d)

    # Test shape
    assert dat.shape() == shape_2d

    # Test Mean
    assert dat.mean().shape()[0] == shape_2d[1]

    # Test Std
    assert dat.std().shape()[0] == shape_2d[1]

    # Test add
    new = dat + dat
    assert new.shape() == shape_2d

    # Test subtract
    new = dat - dat
    assert new.shape() == shape_2d

    # Test multiply
    new = dat * dat
    assert new.shape() == shape_2d

    # Test Iterator
    x = [x for x in dat]
    assert len(x) == len(dat)
    assert len(x[0].data.shape) == 1

    # # Test T-test
    out = dat.ttest()
    assert out['t'].shape()[0] == shape_2d[1]

    # # # Test T-test - permutation method
    # out = dat.ttest(threshold_dict={'permutation':'tfce','n_permutations':50,'n_jobs':1})
    # assert out['t'].shape()[0]==shape_2d[1]

    # Test Regress
    dat.X = pd.DataFrame({'Intercept':np.ones(len(dat.Y)), 'X1':np.array(dat.Y).flatten()},index=None)
    out = dat.regress()
    assert out['beta'].shape() == (2,shape_2d[1])

    # Test indexing
    assert out['t'][1].shape()[0] == shape_2d[1]

    # Test threshold
    tt = threshold(out['t'][i], out['p'][i], .05)
    assert isinstance(tt,Brain_Data)

    # Test write
    assert Brain_Data(os.path.join(str(tmpdir.join('test_write.nii'))))

    # Test append
    assert dat.append(dat).shape()[0]==shape_2d[0]*2

    # Test distance
    distance = dat.distance(method='euclidean')
    assert isinstance(distance,Adjacency)
    assert distance.square_shape()[0]==shape_2d[0]

    # Test predict
    stats = dat.predict(algorithm='svm', cv_dict={'type': 'kfolds','n_folds': 2}, plot=False,**{'kernel':"linear"})

    # Support Vector Regression, with 5 fold cross-validation with Platt Scaling
    # This will output probabilities of each class
    stats = dat.predict(algorithm='svm', cv_dict=None, plot=False,**{'kernel':'linear', 'probability':True})
    assert isinstance(stats['weight_map'],Brain_Data)

    # Logistic classificiation, with 2 fold cross-validation.
    stats = dat.predict(algorithm='logistic', cv_dict={'type': 'kfolds', 'n_folds': 2}, plot=False)
    assert isinstance(stats['weight_map'],Brain_Data)

    # Ridge classificiation,
    stats = dat.predict(algorithm='ridgeClassifier', cv_dict=None,plot=False)
    assert isinstance(stats['weight_map'],Brain_Data)

    # Ridge
    stats = dat.predict(algorithm='ridge', cv_dict={'type': 'kfolds', 'n_folds': 2,'subject_id':holdout}, plot=False,**{'alpha':.1})

    # Lasso
    stats = dat.predict(algorithm='lasso', cv_dict={'type': 'kfolds', 'n_folds': 2,'stratified':dat.Y}, plot=False,**{'alpha':.1})

    # PCR
    stats = dat.predict(algorithm='pcr', cv_dict=None, plot=False)

    # Test Similarity
    r = dat.similarity(stats['weight_map'])
    assert len(r) == shape_2d[0]
    r2 = dat.similarity(stats['weight_map'].to_nifti())
    assert len(r2) == shape_2d[0]

    # Test apply_mask - might move part of this to test mask suite
    s1 = create_sphere([12, 10, -8], radius=10)
    assert isinstance(s1, nb.Nifti1Image)
    s2 = Brain_Data(s1)
    masked_dat = dat.apply_mask(s1)
    assert masked_dat.shape()[1] == np.sum(s2.data != 0)

    # Test extract_roi
    mask = create_sphere([12, 10, -8], radius=10)
    assert len(dat.extract_roi(mask)) == shape_2d[0]

    # Test r_to_z
    z = dat.r_to_z()
    assert z.shape() == dat.shape()

    # Test copy
    d_copy = dat.copy()
    assert d_copy.shape() == dat.shape()

    # Test detrend
    detrend = dat.detrend()
    assert detrend.shape() == dat.shape()

    # Test standardize
    s = dat.standardize()
    assert s.shape() == dat.shape()
    assert np.isclose(np.sum(s.mean().data), 0, atol=.1)
    s = dat.standardize(method='zscore')
    assert s.shape() == dat.shape()
    assert np.isclose(np.sum(s.mean().data), 0, atol=.1)

    # Test Sum
    s = dat.sum()
    assert s.shape() == dat[1].shape()

    # Test Groupby
    s1 = create_sphere([12, 10, -8], radius=10)
    s2 = create_sphere([22, -2, -22], radius=10)
    mask = Brain_Data([s1, s2])
    d = dat.groupby(mask)
    assert isinstance(d, Groupby)

    # Test Aggregate
    mn = dat.aggregate(mask, 'mean')
    assert isinstance(mn, Brain_Data)
    assert len(mn.shape()) == 1

    # Test Threshold
    s1 = create_sphere([12, 10, -8], radius=10)
    s2 = create_sphere([22, -2, -22], radius=10)
    mask = Brain_Data(s1)*5
    mask = mask + Brain_Data(s2)

    m1 = mask.threshold(thresh=.5)
    m2 = mask.threshold(thresh=3)
    m3 = mask.threshold(thresh='98%')
    assert np.sum(m1.data > 0) > np.sum(m2.data > 0)
    assert np.sum(m1.data > 0) == np.sum(m3.data > 0)

    # Test Regions
    r = mask.regions(min_region_size=10)
    m1 = Brain_Data(s1)
    m2 = r.threshold(1, binarize=True)
    # assert len(r)==2
    assert len(np.unique(r.to_nifti().get_data())) == 2 # JC edit: I think this is what you were trying to do
    diff = m2-m1
    assert np.sum(diff.data) == 0
Example #6
# Get data and covariates file and create nuisance design matrix
print(preproc_dir, subject_id, episode)
sub_cov, sub_epi = fileGetter(preproc_dir,subject_id,episode)

#Load run data
print("Loading brain data: {}".format(smooth))
dat = Brain_Data(sub_epi)

cov_mat = Design_Matrix(pd.read_csv(sub_cov[0]).fillna(0), sampling_rate=TR)
# Add Intercept
cov_mat['Intercept'] = 1
# Add Linear Trend
cov_mat['LinearTrend'] = range(cov_mat.shape[0])-np.mean(range(cov_mat.shape[0]))
cov_mat['QuadraticTrend'] = cov_mat['LinearTrend']**2
cov_mat['CSF'] = dat.extract_roi(csf.threshold(.85,binarize=True))

assert cov_mat.shape[0] == dat.shape()[0]
spikeless_idx =  np.logical_not( startswith(cov_mat.columns.values.astype(str), "spike") | startswith(cov_mat.columns.values.astype(str), "FD") )
#dat.X = cov_mat
dat.X = cov_mat.loc[:,spikeless_idx]
datcln = dat.regress()['residual']

# ## Loop through voxels to produce STPs

# In[14]:

zero_voxels = np.apply_along_axis(lambda x: np.count_nonzero(x) == 0, axis=0, arr=datcln.data)
zero_voxels = np.arange(datcln.data.shape[1])[zero_voxels]