def create_mesh(): nx = 3 #how many ellipsoids in x direction x0 = 3. #spacing of ellipsoids in x ny = 3 #how many ellipsoids in y direction y0 = 3. #spacing of ellipsoids in x nz = 3 #how many ellipsoids in y direction z0 = 3. #spacing of ellipsoids in x rx,ry,rz = 0.8,1.2,1#radii of ellipsoids #create list 'objects' with ellipsoids objects = [] for i in range(nx): for j in range(ny): for k in range(nz): objects.append( nmesh.ellipsoid([rx,ry,rz], [("shift",[i*x0,j*y0,k*z0])])) #bounding box bbox = [[-2,-2,-2],[(nx-1)*x0+2,(ny-1)*y0+2,(nz-1)*z0+2]] #create the mesh mesh = nmesh.mesh(objects=objects,a0=0.75,bounding_box=bbox,mesh_bounding_box=True) #save plot to file"test.nmesh",directory='.') return mesh
def create_mesh(): nx = 3 #how many ellipsoids in x direction x0 = 3. #spacing of ellipsoids in x ny = 3 #how many ellipsoids in y direction y0 = 3. #spacing of ellipsoids in x nz = 3 #how many ellipsoids in y direction z0 = 3. #spacing of ellipsoids in x rx, ry, rz = 0.8, 1.2, 1 #radii of ellipsoids #create list 'objects' with ellipsoids objects = [] for i in range(nx): for j in range(ny): for k in range(nz): objects.append( nmesh.ellipsoid([rx, ry, rz], [("shift", [i * x0, j * y0, k * z0])])) #bounding box bbox = [[-2, -2, -2], [(nx - 1) * x0 + 2, (ny - 1) * y0 + 2, (nz - 1) * z0 + 2]] #create the mesh mesh = nmesh.mesh(objects=objects, a0=0.75, bounding_box=bbox, mesh_bounding_box=True) #save plot to file"test.nmesh", directory='.') return mesh
rings_box =[-16.95, -14.95], [16.95,14.95]) bbox = [[-half_bbox_dimx,-half_bbox_dimy],[half_bbox_dimx,half_bbox_dimy]] fix_pts = [] rings = [] voltage_probes = [] for x in range(-1,2): for y in range(-1,2): # external ring R = nmesh.ellipsoid( [outer_radius, outer_radius], transform=[("shift",[x*centres_distance, y*centres_distance])] ) #internal ring r = nmesh.ellipsoid( [inner_radius, inner_radius], transform=[("shift",[x*centres_distance, y*centres_distance])] ) # take the difference rings.append(nmesh.difference(R,[r])) # cut the rings at top and bottom union_rings = nmesh.union(rings) rings_array = nmesh.intersect([union_rings,rings_box]) # semiaxis of a rhombus on the diagonals of the array
mat_Py = nmag.MagMaterial( "Py", Ms=SI(1e6, "A/m"), J=SI(13.0e-12, "J/m"), #Ms=1., #Matteo, very strange: if I use the SI units above, #J=13., #then I get a wierd magsim-brain failure! anisotropy_order=2, anisotropy=test_anisotropy_energy) sim = nmag.SimulationContext("sphere") # sim.timestepper_tuning_params=[1e-6,1e-6,2,300] # These are the defaults... sim.timestepper_tuning_params = [1e-6, 1e-6, 2, 300] sim.defregion("Py", nm.ellipsoid([3.0, 3.0, 3.0]), mag_mat=mat_Py) def initial_magnetization_0(coords, mag_type): return [ 0.8 * math.sin(coords[0] / 1.0) * 1e6, 0.8 * math.cos(coords[0] / 1.0) * 1e6, 0.6 * 1e6 ] def initial_magnetization(coords, mag_type): return [x * (-1.0) for x in coords ] # radially outward-pointing. Will be normalized anyway. # surface contribution is about +156
from __future__ import division import nmesh, pylab, timing #create objects box =[-2.0,6.0],[2.0,7.0]) ellipsoid = nmesh.ellipsoid ([1.5,1.5]) #create bounding box bbox =([-3.,-3.],[3.,9.]) #fixed points *to fix points uncomment line below* fix =([-2.0,6.0],[2.0,7.0],[-2.0,7.0],[2.0,6.0], [-3.,-3],[-3.,9.],[3.,9.],[3.,-3.]) #density density = "density=1.0;" #create empty string time = [] nodes = [] average_quality=[] shape=[1] for shape_elem in shape: #create quality stacks to plot later stack1=[] stack2=[] stack3=[]
print """ ** Example: meshing four rings & solving the laplace equation for a space-dependent resistivity that depends on outer parameters (Presumably, we will encounter bugs at our first try) ** """ ##### Creating the mesh ##### # For now, we use a very very simple mesh... rings = nmesh.union([nmesh.difference(nmesh.ellipsoid([3.0,3.0], transform=[("shift",[-2.5,0.0])]), [nmesh.ellipsoid([1.5,1.5], transform=[("shift",[-2.5,0.0])])]), nmesh.difference(nmesh.ellipsoid([3.0,3.0], transform=[("shift",[2.5,0.0])]), [nmesh.ellipsoid([1.5,1.5], transform=[("shift",[2.5,0.0])])])]) boxed_rings=nmesh.intersect([rings,[-8.0,-2.5],[8.0,2.5])]) N = 100 density = "density=1.;" the_mesh = nmesh.mesh(objects = [boxed_rings], cache_name="rings-mesh", a0=0.3,
from __future__ import division import nmesh, pylab, timing, Numeric #create objects box =[-2.0, 6.0], [2.0, 7.0]) ellipsoid = nmesh.ellipsoid([1.5, 1.5]) #create bounding box bbox = ([-3., -3.], [3., 9.]) #fixed points *to fix points uncomment line below* fix = ([-2.0, 6.0], [2.0, 7.0], [-2.0, 7.0], [2.0, 6.0], [-3., -3], [-3., 9.], [3., 9.], [3., -3.]) #density density = "density=1.0;" force = [0, 1, 2, 5, 7, 10, 20, 50, 70, 100] for e in force: shape_force = e / 100.0 neigh_force = 1. - shape_force #create empty string time = [] nodes = [] average_quality = [] #create quality stacks to plot later stack1 = [] stack2 = [] stack3 = []
import nmesh ellipsoid = nmesh.ellipsoid([0.75, 1.25, 1, 0.9]) bbox = [[-1, -1.5, -1.5, -1], [1, 1.5, 1.5, 1]] mesh = nmesh.mesh(objects=[ellipsoid], bounding_box=bbox, a0=0.5)"simple4d.nmesh") print "should have saved mesh now" # create gnuplot plot for manual (in other file not relevant here) import os, os.path, sys, time filename = "run_simple4d/simple4d.nmesh" if not os.path.exists(filename): print "You need to run first to compute %s" % filename sys.exit(1) def gnuplot_2d_points(points, filename): print "Starting to write %s" % filename, print time.asctime() """Given a list of pairs like points = [ [x0,y0], [x1,y1], [x2,y2], ..., [xN,yN]] and a filename, this will create a postscriptfile of name
h_total_Funny[2] += 0.0; """) mag.set_default_material(PermAlloy) mag.set_intensive_parameters(["T","p","H_x","H_y","H_z"]) #mag.defregion("Ball 1",nm.ellipsoid([3.0,3.0,3.0],transform=[("shift",[-3.0,0.0,0.0])])) print "OK 1" sys.stdout.flush() #mag.defregion("Ball 2",nm.ellipsoid([3.0,3.0,3.0],transform=[("shift",[3.0,0.0,0.0])])) mag.defregion("Ball 2",nm.ellipsoid([2.0,2.0,2.0],transform=[("shift",[3.0,0.0,0.0])])) # Note: clearly, we DO need a better way to specify geometries. Ideally, I would like to be # able to write instead: # # mag.defregion("Ball 1",nm.shifted([-3,0,0],nm.sphere(3))) # mag.defregion("Ball 2",nm.shifted([ 3,0,0],nm.sphere(3))) # # or alternatively: # # sphere = nm.sphere(3) # mag.defregion("Ball 1",nm.shifted([-3,0,0],sphere)) # mag.defregion("Ball 2",nm.shifted([ 3,0,0],sphere)) mag.set_meshing_parameters(cache_name="two-balls")
import nmesh def scale_list_of_lists( vec_data, factor ): """silly function -- just to change the vector data somehow. In real life, the simulation would provide this data, obviously.""" v2=[] for i in range(len(vec_data)): v2.append(vec_data[i] + Numeric.array([-1,0,0])*factor) return v2 #create mesh ellipsoid = nmesh.ellipsoid([1,1,0.5]) bbox = [[-1,-1,-1],[1,1,1]] mesh = nmesh.mesh(objects=[ellipsoid],bounding_box=bbox,a0=0.5,cache_name="visual_plot_vectorfield") #visualise import nmesh.visual meshinfo=mesh.tolists() #create some vector field defind on vertices (=nodes) vec_data = [] points=meshinfo[0][2] origin = Numeric.array([0,0,0]) for point in points: vec_data.append(Numeric.array(point) - origin) #plot the vector field with changing data
# the additional intensive parameters of our model. #This adds a Zeeman field: PermAlloy=mag.MagMaterial("Funny",extra_H=""" h_total_Funny[0] += H_x; h_total_Funny[1] += H_y; h_total_Funny[2] += H_z; """) mag.set_default_material(PermAlloy) mag.set_intensive_parameters(["T","p","H_x","H_y","H_z"]) mag.defregion("Ball 1",nm.ellipsoid([3.0,3.0,3.0],transform=[("shift",[-3.0,0.0,0.0])])) print "OK 1" sys.stdout.flush() mag.defregion("Ball 2",nm.ellipsoid([3.0,3.0,3.0],transform=[("shift",[3.0,0.0,0.0])])) # Note: clearly, we DO need a better way to specify geometries. Ideally, I would like to be # able to write instead: # # mag.defregion("Ball 1",nm.shifted([-3,0,0],nm.sphere(3))) # mag.defregion("Ball 2",nm.shifted([ 3,0,0],nm.sphere(3))) # # or alternatively: # # sphere = nm.sphere(3)
ocaml.sys_profiling("on") #get user-specific logger log = logging.getLogger('user') #could modify debug level for this logger log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) nfem.set_default_dimension(3) nfem.set_default_order(1) ##### Creating the mesh ##### # For now, we use a very very simple mesh... ball = nmesh.ellipsoid([3.0, 3.0, 3.0]) density = "density=1.;" the_mesh = nmesh.mesh(objects=[ball], cache_name="bem-ball", a0=1.0, bounding_box=[[-5.0, -5.0, -5.0], [5.0, 5.0, 5.0]], neigh_force_scale=1., density=density, initial_settling_steps=50, max_relaxation=4, max_steps=500) nfem.set_default_mesh(the_mesh) ##### Making the elements... #####
# This example handles both demag and exchange. import os,time,sys,math import nmesh execfile("../../interface/nsim/") #ocaml.init_hlib("/home/fangohr/build/HLib-1.3/Library/.libs/") ocaml.init_hlib("/home/tf/HLib-1.3/Library/.libs/") objects=[nmesh.ellipsoid([3.0,3.0,3.0]) ] mesh = nmesh.mesh(objects=objects, a0=1.0, bounding_box=[[-5.0,-5.0,-5.0],[5.0,5.0,5.0]], cache_name="geometry.mesh", ) raw_mesh=mesh.raw_mesh if ocaml.petsc_is_mpi(): print "*** PARALLEL EXECUTION ***" nr_nodes=ocaml.petsc_mpi_nr_nodes() nr_points=ocaml.mesh_nr_points(raw_mesh) z=nr_points/nr_nodes distrib = [int(round(z*(i+1)))-int(round(z*i)) for i in range(0,nr_nodes)] slack=nr_points-reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,distrib) distrib[0] = distrib[0] + slack print "*** RAW MESH %s *** DISTRIB %s ***" %(repr(raw_mesh),repr(distrib))
import nmesh box = [-4,-2],[4,2] ) ellipsoid = nmesh.ellipsoid([3,3]) # create union union = nmesh.union([box,ellipsoid]) bbox = [[-5,-4],[5,4]] mesh = nmesh.mesh(objects = [union],bounding_box=bbox)"union.nmesh") nmesh.visual.plot2d_ps(mesh,"")
import nmesh # create a number of objects one = nmesh.ellipsoid([3.0,3.0]) two = nmesh.ellipsoid([3.0,3.0],transform=[("shift",[7,0])]) [-4.0,-6], [10,-4] ) bbox = [[-5.,-8.],[11.,5.]] # create mesh of three objects and bounding box mesh_ex = nmesh.mesh(objects = [one,two,three], bounding_box=bbox, mesh_bounding_box=True) # plot mesh nmesh.visual.plot2d_ps(mesh_ex,"")
J=SI(13.0e-12,"J/m"), #Ms=1., #Matteo, very strange: if I use the SI units above, #J=13., #then I get a wierd magsim-brain failure! anisotropy_order=2, anisotropy=test_anisotropy_energy ) sim=nmag.SimulationContext("sphere") # sim.timestepper_tuning_params=[1e-6,1e-6,2,300] # These are the defaults... sim.timestepper_tuning_params=[1e-6,1e-6,4,300] sim.set_magnetization([0.0,1.0,0.0]) # ^ just to show we can place set_magnetization() where we want... sim.defregion("Py", nm.ellipsoid([4.0,4.0,5.0]), mag_mat=mat_Py) def initial_magnetization(coords,mag_type): return [0.8*math.sin(coords[0]/1.0)*1e6, 0.8*math.cos(coords[0]/1.0)*1e6, 0.6*1e6 ] sim.generate_mesh(([-30.0,-30.0,-50.0],[30.0,30.0,50.0]), # bounding box a0=2.0, max_steps=400, cache_name="sphere3" ) # #sim.set_magnetization(initial_magnetization)
import nmesh nx = 3 #how many ellipsoids in x direction x0 = 3. #spacing of ellipsoids in x ny = 3 #how many ellipsoids in y direction y0 = 3. #spacing of ellipsoids in x nz = 3 #how many ellipsoids in y direction z0 = 3. #spacing of ellipsoids in x rx,ry,rz = 0.8,1.2,1#radii of ellipsoids #create list 'objects' with ellipsoids objects = [] for i in range(nx): for j in range(ny): for k in range(nz): objects.append( nmesh.ellipsoid([rx,ry,rz], [("shift",[i*x0,j*y0,k*z0])])) #bounding box bbox = [[-2,-2,-2],[(nx-1)*x0+2,(ny-1)*y0+2,(nz-1)*z0+2]] #create the mesh mesh = nmesh.mesh(objects=objects,a0=0.75,bounding_box=bbox) #save plot to file"ellipsoid_array3d.nmesh") #create 3d-plot of surfaces and export eps vis = nmesh.visual.show_bodies_mayavi(mesh) nmesh.visual.export_visualisation(vis,"ellipsoid_array3d.eps")
import nmesh ellipsoid = nmesh.ellipsoid([0.75,1.25,1]) # create mesh bbox = [[-0.75,-1.25,-1],[0.75,1.25,1]] mesh = nmesh.mesh(objects = [ellipsoid], bounding_box=bbox,a0=0.5) #create 3d-plot of surfaces and export eps vis = nmesh.visual.show_bodies_mayavi(mesh) nmesh.visual.export_visualisation(vis,"simple3d.eps") #save mesh also as nmesh file'simple3d.nmesh')
import nmesh nx = 2 #how many ellipsoids in x direction x0 = 3. #spacing of ellipsoids in x ny = 3 #how many ellipsoids in y direction y0 = 3. #spacing of ellipsoids in x rx, ry = 1, 1.5 #radii of ellipsoids angle = 45 #orientation of ellipsoids #create list 'objects' with ellipsoids objects = [] for i in range(nx): for j in range(ny): objects.append( nmesh.ellipsoid([rx,ry], \ [("rotate2d",angle),\ ("shift",[i*x0,j*y0])])) #bounding box bbox = [[-2, -2], [(nx - 1) * x0 + 2, (ny - 1) * y0 + 2]] #create the mesh mesh = nmesh.mesh(objects=objects, a0=0.5, bounding_box=bbox) #Create post script plot of mesh nmesh.visual.plot2d_ps(mesh, "") #save plot to file'ellipsoid_array.nmesh')
import nmesh box1 =[0.0, 0.0], [3.0, 3.0]) box2 =[-1.0, -1.0], [-3.0, -3.0]) circle = nmesh.ellipsoid(length=[1.5, 1.5], transform=[("shift", [-2., 2.])]) bbox = [[-4, -4], [4, 4]] #define call back function def my_fun(piece_nr, iteration_nr, mesh_info): print "** In callback function: Piece %d, Step %d \n" % \ (piece_nr, iteration_nr) print "Points = %d\nSimplices = %d\nSurface elements = %d\n" % \ (len(mesh_info[0][2]),len(mesh_info[2][2]),len(mesh_info[4][2])) #Call callback function every 5 iterations mesh = nmesh.mesh(objects = [box1,box2,circle], bounding_box=bbox, \ a0=0.5, callback = (my_fun,5)) nmesh.visual.plot2d_ps(mesh, "")
import nmesh big = nmesh.ellipsoid([4.0,3.0]) # create a big ellipsoid small = nmesh.ellipsoid([3.0,2.0]) # small ellipsoid diff = nmesh.difference(big,[small])# create difference of ellipsoids bbox = [[-5.,-4.],[5.,4.]] mesh_ex = nmesh.mesh(objects = [diff], a0=0.4, bounding_box=bbox) # plot mesh nmesh.visual.plot2d_ps(mesh_ex,"")
nx = 3 #how many ellipsoids in x direction x0 = 3. #spacing of ellipsoids in x ny = 3 #how many ellipsoids in y direction y0 = 3. #spacing of ellipsoids in x nz = 3 #how many ellipsoids in y direction z0 = 3. #spacing of ellipsoids in x rx, ry, rz = 0.8, 1.2, 1 #radii of ellipsoids #create list 'objects' with ellipsoids objects = [] for i in range(nx): for j in range(ny): for k in range(nz): objects.append( nmesh.ellipsoid([rx, ry, rz], [("shift", [i * x0, j * y0, k * z0])])) #bounding box bbox = [[-2, -2, -2], [(nx - 1) * x0 + 2, (ny - 1) * y0 + 2, (nz - 1) * z0 + 2]] #create the mesh mesh = nmesh.mesh(objects=objects, a0=0.75, bounding_box=bbox) #save plot to file"ellipsoid_array3d.nmesh") #create 3d-plot of surfaces and export eps vis = nmesh.visual.show_bodies_mayavi(mesh) nmesh.visual.export_visualisation(vis, "ellipsoid_array3d.eps")
import nmesh box =[-4, -2], [4, 2]) ellipsoid = nmesh.ellipsoid([3, 3]) # create union union = nmesh.union([box, ellipsoid]) bbox = [[-5, -4], [5, 4]] mesh = nmesh.mesh(objects=[union], bounding_box=bbox)"union.nmesh") nmesh.visual.plot2d_ps(mesh, "")
import nmesh ell = nmesh.ellipsoid([3, 2]) # create ellipsoid cone = nmesh.conic([-3, 0], 2, [3, 0], 0) # create cone inters = nmesh.intersect([ell, cone]) # create intersection of objects bbox = [[-5., -4.], [5., 4.]] mesh_ex = nmesh.mesh(objects=[inters], a0=0.4, bounding_box=bbox) nmesh.visual.plot2d_ps(mesh_ex, "")
import nmesh # create ellipsoid ell = nmesh.ellipsoid([2.0, 3.0], transform=[("shift", [0, 4])]) bbox = [[-3., 0], [3., 8.]] # define density string density = "density=1.0+5*x[1]*x[1]*0.02;" # create mesh mesh_ex = nmesh.mesh(objects=[ell], bounding_box=bbox, mesh_bounding_box=True, density=density) # plot mesh nmesh.visual.plot2d_ps(mesh_ex, "")
import nmesh nx = 2 #how many ellipsoids in x direction x0 = 20 #spacing of ellipsoids in x ny = 2 #how many ellipsoids in y direction y0 = 20 #spacing of ellipsoids in x rx, ry = 10.5, 10.5 #radii of ellipsoids angle = 0 #orientation of ellipsoids #create list 'objects' with ellipsoids objects = [] for i in range(nx): for j in range(ny): objects.append( nmesh.ellipsoid([rx, ry], [("rotate2d", angle), ("shift", [i * x0, j * y0])])) union = nmesh.union(objects) #bounding box bbox = [[-15, -15], [(nx - 1) * x0 + 15, (ny - 1) * y0 + 15]] #create the mesh mesh = nmesh.mesh(objects=[union], a0=2, bounding_box=bbox) #save plot to file nmesh.visual.plot2d_ps(mesh, "")
import nmesh radius = 4 sphere = nmesh.ellipsoid([radius,radius]) bbox = [[-5.,-5.],[5.,5.]] # periodicity on x-axis mesh_ex = nmesh.mesh(objects = [sphere], bounding_box=bbox, mesh_bounding_box=True,periodic=[True,False]) nmesh.visual.plot2d_ps(mesh_ex,"")'periodic.nmesh')
import os,time,sys,math import nmesh execfile("../interface/nsim/") clock_time0=time.time() objects=[nmesh.ellipsoid([3.0,3.0],[("shift",[0,0])]), ] mesh = nmesh.mesh(objects=objects, # a0=0.5, a0=0.25, bounding_box=[[-5.0,-5.0],[5.0,5.0]], cache_name="linalg_machine_test.mesh", ) raw_mesh=mesh.raw_mesh print "MESH: ",raw_mesh elem_T=ocaml.make_element("T",[],2,1) mwe_T=ocaml.make_mwe("T",raw_mesh,[(1,elem_T)],[]) mwe_Laplace_T=ocaml.mwe_sibling(mwe_T,"Laplace_T","Laplace_T/T",[("T","Laplace_T")]) mwe_dT=ocaml.mwe_sibling(mwe_T,"dT","dT/T",[("T","dT")]) def plot_T(name,field,dof_name="T"): ocaml.plot_scalar_field(field,dof_name,name, [(1.0,[0.0,0.0,0.0]),(3.0,[1.0,1.0,1.0])], 1, # plot order=1
import nmesh ellipsoid = nmesh.ellipsoid([1.25,0.75]) bbox = [[-1.25,-0.75],[1.25,0.75]] mesh = nmesh.mesh(objects = [ellipsoid], bounding_box=bbox,a0=0.5)"simplemesh.nmesh") meshinfo = mesh.tolists()
import nmesh cigar = nmesh.ellipsoid([4, 2]) bbox = [[-5, -5], [5, 5]] mesh = nmesh.mesh(objects=[cigar], bounding_box=bbox, mesh_bounding_box=True)"tutorial2.nmesh") nmesh.visual.plot2d_ps(mesh, "")
#J=13., anisotropy_order=2, anisotropy=test_anisotropy_energy ) sim=nmag.SimulationContext("sphere") # sim.timestepper_tuning_params=[1e-6,1e-6,2,300] # These are the defaults... sim.timestepper_tuning_params=[1e-6,1e-6,4,300] #sim.set_magnetization([0.0,1.0,0.0]) # ^ just to show we can place set_magnetization() where we want... sim.defregion("Py", nm.ellipsoid([20.0,20.0,5.0]), mag_mat=mat_Py) def initial_magnetization(coords,mag_type): #return [1,0,0] return [0.8*math.sin(coords[2]/5.0*6.28)*1e6, 0.8*math.cos(coords[2]/5.0*6.28)*1e6, 1e6 ] sim.set_magnetization(initial_magnetization) sim.generate_mesh(([-25.0,-25.0,-25.0],[25.0,25.0,25.0]), # bounding box a0=2.0, max_steps=200, cache_name="sphere3" )
print """ ** Example: meshing four rings & solving the laplace equation for a space-dependent resistivity that depends on outer parameters (Presumably, we will encounter bugs at our first try) ** """ ##### Creating the mesh ##### # For now, we use a very very simple mesh... rings = nmesh.union([ nmesh.difference( nmesh.ellipsoid([3.0, 3.0], transform=[("shift", [-2.5, 0.0])]), [nmesh.ellipsoid([1.0, 1.0], transform=[("shift", [-2.5, 0.0])])]), nmesh.difference( nmesh.ellipsoid([3.0, 3.0], transform=[("shift", [2.5, 0.0])]), [nmesh.ellipsoid([1.0, 1.0], transform=[("shift", [2.5, 0.0])])]) ]) boxed_rings = nmesh.intersect([rings,[-8.0, -2.5], [8.0, 2.5])]) N = 100 density = "density=1.;" the_mesh = nmesh.mesh( objects=[boxed_rings], cache_name="rings-mesh", a0=0.508,
import nmesh ell = nmesh.ellipsoid([3,2]) # create ellipsoid cone = nmesh.conic([-3,0],2,[3,0],0) # create cone inters = nmesh.intersect([ell, cone]) # create intersection of objects bbox = [[-5.,-4.],[5.,4.]] mesh_ex = nmesh.mesh(objects = [inters], a0=0.4, bounding_box=bbox) nmesh.visual.plot2d_ps(mesh_ex,"")
) mat_Fe = nmag.MagMaterial("Fe", Ms=SI(1.7e6,"A/m"), J=SI(2.07e-11,"J/m") ) sim=nmag.SimulationContext("sphere") # sim.timestepper_tuning_params=[1e-6,1e-6,2,300] # These are the defaults... sim.timestepper_tuning_params=[1e-6,1e-6,4,300] sim.set_magnetization([0.0,1.0,0.0]) # ^ just to show we can place set_magnetization() where we want... sim.defregion("Py", nmesh.ellipsoid([2.0,2.0,2.0],transform=[('shift',[5,0,0])]), mag_mat=mat_Py) sim.defregion("Fe", nmesh.ellipsoid([2.0,2.0,2.0]), mag_mat=mat_Fe) def initial_magnetization(coords,mag_type): if mag_type == "m_Fe": return [1,0,0] else: return [0.8*math.sin(coords[0]/3.0)*1e6, 0.8*math.cos(coords[0]/3.0)*1e6, 0.6*1e6 ] sim.generate_mesh(([-2.5,-2.5,-2.5],[7.5,2.5,2.5]), # bounding box a0=1.0, max_steps=1200,
"""Compounds outer_skin() with order_mesh() to obtain a cross-section of the outer skin of an ellipsoid. Author: James Kenny Last modified: $Date$ """ import nmesh ellipsoid = nmesh.ellipsoid([1.5,2.5,2]) # create mesh bbox = [[-1.5,-2.5,-2],[1.5,2.5,2]] mesh = nmesh.mesh(objects = [ellipsoid], bounding_box=bbox,a0=0.5) # now extract the outer layer of cells and order the mesh in the y-axis # to see an outer skin with only elements containing at least 2 surface # points, the user should uncomment the end of the 2nd following line mesh_info = mesh.tolists() mesh_info = nmesh.visual.outer_skin(mesh_info)#, condition='>=2') # visualise with in2circ as a solid and order it in the y-axis v = nmesh.visual.solid_in2circ(mesh_info, order=1)
#nmag.set_log_level('debug') intensive_param_by_name={"H_x":0.1,"H_y":0.0,"H_z":0.0} # very slightly pulling in x-direction mat_Py = nmag.MagMaterial("Py", Ms=SI(1e6,"A/m"), exchange_coupling=SI(13.0e-12,"J/m"), ) sim=nmag.SimulationContext("sphere") # sim.timestepper_tuning_params=[1e-6,1e-6,2,300] # These are the defaults... sim.timestepper_tuning_params=[1e-6,1e-6,2,300] sim.defregion("Py", nm.ellipsoid([3.0,3.0,3.0]), mag_mat=mat_Py) def initial_magnetization(coords,mag_type): return [0.8*math.sin(coords[0]/1.0)*1e6, 0.8*math.cos(coords[0]/1.0)*1e6, 0.6*1e6 ] sim.generate_mesh(([-5.0,-5.0,-5.0],[5.0,5.0,5.0]), # bounding box a0=0.7, max_steps=450, cache_name="sphere" ) #sim.set_magnetization([1.0,0.0,0.0]) #sim.set_magnetization([0.0,1.0,0.0])
J=13.0, anisotropy_order=2, anisotropy=test_anisotropy_energy) mat_Fe = nmag.MagMaterial("Fe", Ms=SI(1.7e6, "A/m"), J=SI(2.07e-11, "J/m")) sim = nmag.SimulationContext("sphere") # sim.timestepper_tuning_params=[1e-6,1e-6,2,300] # These are the defaults... sim.timestepper_tuning_params = [1e-6, 1e-6, 4, 300] sim.set_magnetization([0.0, 1.0, 0.0]) # ^ just to show we can place set_magnetization() where we want... sim.defregion("Py", nmesh.ellipsoid([2.0, 2.0, 2.0], transform=[('shift', [5, 0, 0])]), mag_mat=mat_Py) sim.defregion("Fe", nmesh.ellipsoid([2.0, 2.0, 2.0]), mag_mat=mat_Fe) def initial_magnetization(coords, mag_type): if mag_type == "m_Fe": return [1, 0, 0] else: return [ 0.8 * math.sin(coords[0] / 3.0) * 1e6, 0.8 * math.cos(coords[0] / 3.0) * 1e6, 0.6 * 1e6 ] sim.generate_mesh(
# This example handles both demag and exchange. import os, time, sys, math import nmesh execfile("../../interface/nsim/") #ocaml.init_hlib("/home/fangohr/build/HLib-1.3/Library/.libs/") ocaml.init_hlib("/home/tf/HLib-1.3/Library/.libs/") objects = [nmesh.ellipsoid([3.0, 3.0, 3.0])] mesh = nmesh.mesh( objects=objects, a0=1.0, bounding_box=[[-5.0, -5.0, -5.0], [5.0, 5.0, 5.0]], cache_name="geometry.mesh", ) raw_mesh = mesh.raw_mesh if ocaml.petsc_is_mpi(): print "*** PARALLEL EXECUTION ***" nr_nodes = ocaml.petsc_mpi_nr_nodes() nr_points = ocaml.mesh_nr_points(raw_mesh) z = nr_points / nr_nodes distrib = [ int(round(z * (i + 1))) - int(round(z * i)) for i in range(0, nr_nodes) ] slack = nr_points - reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, distrib)
"""Compounds outer_skin() with order_mesh() to obtain a cross-section of the outer skin of an ellipsoid. Author: James Kenny Last modified: $Date$ """ import nmesh ellipsoid = nmesh.ellipsoid([1.5, 2.5, 2]) # create mesh bbox = [[-1.5, -2.5, -2], [1.5, 2.5, 2]] mesh = nmesh.mesh(objects=[ellipsoid], bounding_box=bbox, a0=0.5) # now extract the outer layer of cells and order the mesh in the y-axis # to see an outer skin with only elements containing at least 2 surface # points, the user should uncomment the end of the 2nd following line mesh_info = mesh.tolists() mesh_info = nmesh.visual.outer_skin(mesh_info) #, condition='>=2') # visualise with in2circ as a solid and order it in the y-axis v = nmesh.visual.solid_in2circ(mesh_info, order=1)
ocaml.sys_profiling("on") #get user-specific logger log=logging.getLogger('user') #could modify debug level for this logger log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) nfem.set_default_dimension(3) nfem.set_default_order(1) ##### Creating the mesh ##### # For now, we use a very very simple mesh... ball = nmesh.ellipsoid([3.0,3.0,3.0]) density = "density=1.;" the_mesh = nmesh.mesh(objects = [ball], cache_name="bem-ball", a0=1.0, bounding_box=[[-5.0,-5.0,-5.0],[5.0,5.0,5.0]], neigh_force_scale = 1., density = density, initial_settling_steps = 50, max_relaxation = 4, max_steps=500 ) nfem.set_default_mesh(the_mesh)
nfem.set_default_dimension(2) nfem.set_default_order(1) # Simulation parameters sigma0=1.0 print """ ** Example: meshing half ring and compute current density for contacts at either side. This is for possible collaboration with Uni Hamburg. ** """ ##### Creating the mesh ##### ring = nmesh.difference(nmesh.ellipsoid([4.0,4.0]),[nmesh.ellipsoid([2.5,2.5])]) halfring=nmesh.intersect([ring,[-4.0,-0.0],[4.0,4.0])]) the_mesh = nmesh.mesh(objects = [halfring], cache_name="halfring", a0=0.2, bounding_box=[[-4.0,-4],[4.0,4.0]], neigh_force_scale = 1., initial_settling_steps = 50, max_relaxation = 4, max_steps=400 ) nfem.set_default_mesh(the_mesh)
import nmesh nx = 2 #how many ellipsoids in x direction x0 = 3. #spacing of ellipsoids in x ny = 3 #how many ellipsoids in y direction y0 = 3. #spacing of ellipsoids in x rx,ry = 1,1.5 #radii of ellipsoids angle = 45 #orientation of ellipsoids #create list 'objects' with ellipsoids objects = [] for i in range(nx): for j in range(ny): objects.append( nmesh.ellipsoid([rx,ry], \ [("rotate2d",angle),\ ("shift",[i*x0,j*y0])])) #bounding box bbox = [[-2,-2],[(nx-1)*x0+2,(ny-1)*y0+2]] #create the mesh mesh = nmesh.mesh(objects=objects,a0=0.5,bounding_box=bbox) #Create post script plot of mesh nmesh.visual.plot2d_ps(mesh,"") #save plot to file'ellipsoid_array.nmesh')
""" ** Example: meshing four rings & solving the laplace equation for a space-dependent resistivity that depends on outer parameters (Presumably, we will encounter bugs at our first try) ** """ ##### Creating the mesh ##### # For now, we use a very very simple mesh... rings = nmesh.union( [ nmesh.difference( nmesh.ellipsoid([3.0, 3.0], transform=[("shift", [-2.5, 0.0])]), [nmesh.ellipsoid([1.0, 1.0], transform=[("shift", [-2.5, 0.0])])], ), nmesh.difference( nmesh.ellipsoid([3.0, 3.0], transform=[("shift", [2.5, 0.0])]), [nmesh.ellipsoid([1.0, 1.0], transform=[("shift", [2.5, 0.0])])], ), ] ) boxed_rings = nmesh.intersect([rings,[-8.0, -2.5], [8.0, 2.5])]) N = 100 density = "density=1.;" the_mesh = nmesh.mesh(
import nmesh box =[0.0,0.0], [1.0,1.0], \ transform=[("rotate2d",45), \ ("shift",[-1.0,-2.0]), \ ("scale",[1.5,1.5])]) # create ellipsoid ell = nmesh.ellipsoid([1.0,2.0], \ transform=[("rotate2d",45), \ ("shift",[1.0,1.0]),]) rod = 0.5 bbox = [[-3., -3.], [4., 4.]] # create mesh mesh = nmesh.mesh(objects=[box, ell], a0=rod, bounding_box=bbox) # plot mesh nmesh.visual.plot2d_ps(mesh, "")
m=[0.0,1.0,0.0] return m[dof_name_indices[1][0]] # Note that we can easily also use the 3d differential operators for # the 2d problems... diffop_laplace=nfem.diffop("-<d/dxj rho_M||d/dxj phi_M>, j:3") diffop_div_M=nfem.diffop("<rho_M||d/dxj M(j)>, j:3") diffop_grad_phi=nfem.diffop("<H(j)||d/dxj phi_M>, j:3") ##### Creating the mesh ##### # For now, we use a very very simple mesh... double_disc_2d = nmesh.union([nmesh.ellipsoid([3.0,3.0], transform=[("shift",[-1.0,0.0])]), nmesh.ellipsoid([3.0,3.0], transform=[("shift",[1.0,0.0])])]) double_disc_3d = nmesh.union([nmesh.conic([-1.0,0.0,thickness2d*0.5],3.0,[-1.0,0.0,-thickness2d*0.5],3.0), nmesh.conic([ 1.0,0.0,thickness2d*0.5],3.0,[ 1.0,0.0,-thickness2d*0.5],3.0)]) density = "density=1.;" mesh_2d = nmesh.mesh(objects = [double_disc_2d], cache_name="double-disc-2d", a0=0.4, bounding_box=[[-5.0,-5.0],[5.0,5.0]], neigh_force_scale = 1., density = density, initial_settling_steps = 50,
nfem.set_default_dimension(2) nfem.set_default_order(1) # Simulation parameters sigma0 = 1.0 print """ ** Example: meshing half ring and compute current density for contacts at either side. This is for possible collaboration with Uni Hamburg. ** """ ##### Creating the mesh ##### ring = nmesh.difference( nmesh.ellipsoid([4.0, 4.0]), [nmesh.ellipsoid([2.5, 2.5])]) halfring = nmesh.intersect([ring,[-4.0, -0.0], [4.0, 4.0])]) the_mesh = nmesh.mesh( objects=[halfring], cache_name="halfring", a0=0.2, bounding_box=[[-4.0, -4], [4.0, 4.0]], neigh_force_scale=1., initial_settling_steps=50, max_relaxation=4, max_steps=400) nfem.set_default_mesh(the_mesh)
import nmesh ellipsoid = nmesh.ellipsoid([1.25,0.75]) bbox = [[-1.25,-0.75],[1.25,0.75]] #Define all parameters, for example in string: myconf = """ [nmesh-2D] a0 : 1.0 shape_force_scale : 0.1 volume_force_scale : 0.0 neigh_force_scale : 1.0 irrel_elem_force_scale : 0.0 thresh_add : 0.6 thresh_del : 1.6 initial_settling_steps : 200 sliver_correction : 1.0 max_relaxation : 3.0 topology_threshold : 0.2 max_relaxation : 3.0 topology_threshold : 0.2 time_step_scale : 0.1 tolerated_rel_move : 0.002 max_steps : 2000 """ #Then create MeshingParameters object mp = nmesh.MeshingParameters(string=myconf) #and use MeshingParameter object when computing the mesh:
import nmesh cigar = nmesh.ellipsoid( [4,2] ) bbox = [[-5,-5],[5,5]] mesh = nmesh.mesh(objects=[cigar], bounding_box=bbox, a0=0.5, mesh_bounding_box=True) nmesh.visual.plot2d_ps( mesh, "")
""") mag.set_default_material(PermAlloy) mag.set_intensive_parameters(["T", "p", "H_x", "H_y", "H_z"]) #mag.defregion("Ball 1",nm.ellipsoid([3.0,3.0,3.0],transform=[("shift",[-3.0,0.0,0.0])])) print "OK 1" sys.stdout.flush() #mag.defregion("Ball 2",nm.ellipsoid([3.0,3.0,3.0],transform=[("shift",[3.0,0.0,0.0])])) mag.defregion( "Ball 2", nm.ellipsoid([2.0, 2.0, 2.0], transform=[("shift", [3.0, 0.0, 0.0])])) # Note: clearly, we DO need a better way to specify geometries. Ideally, I would like to be # able to write instead: # # mag.defregion("Ball 1",nm.shifted([-3,0,0],nm.sphere(3))) # mag.defregion("Ball 2",nm.shifted([ 3,0,0],nm.sphere(3))) # # or alternatively: # # sphere = nm.sphere(3) # mag.defregion("Ball 1",nm.shifted([-3,0,0],sphere)) # mag.defregion("Ball 2",nm.shifted([ 3,0,0],sphere)) mag.set_meshing_parameters(cache_name="two-balls")
# plan. There is a problematic issue with the dof name resolution of # the EOM LHS! FIXME! # Notes: # # (1) It is somewhat problematic/annoying that the first script does # not really make clear when a name is a MWE name and when it is a # field/vector name. Corrected that for this example. import os, time, sys, math import nmesh execfile("../../interface/nsim/") objects = [ nmesh.difference(nmesh.ellipsoid([3.0, 3.0], [("shift", [0, 0])]), [nmesh.ellipsoid([2.5, 2.5], [("shift", [0, 0])])]) ] mesh = nmesh.mesh( objects=objects, a0=0.25, bounding_box=[[-5.0, -5.0], [5.0, 5.0]], cache_name="geometry.mesh", ) raw_mesh = mesh.raw_mesh if ocaml.petsc_is_mpi(): print "*** PARALLEL EXECUTION ***" nr_nodes = ocaml.petsc_mpi_nr_nodes()
rings_box =[-17, -15], [17,15]) bbox = [[-half_bbox_dimx,-half_bbox_dimy],[half_bbox_dimx,half_bbox_dimy]] fix_pts = [] rings = [] voltage_probes = [] for x in range(-1,2): for y in range(-1,2): # external ring R = nmesh.ellipsoid( [outer_radius, outer_radius], transform=[("shift",[x*centres_distance, y*centres_distance])] ) #internal ring r = nmesh.ellipsoid( [inner_radius, inner_radius], transform=[("shift",[x*centres_distance, y*centres_distance])] ) # take the difference rings.append(nmesh.difference(R,[r])) # cut the rings at top and bottom union_rings = nmesh.union(rings) rings_array = nmesh.intersect([union_rings,rings_box]) # semiaxis of a rhombus on the diagonals of the array
# A parallelizable demo script implementing a reaction/diffusion system # ("burning sparkler") import os,time,sys,math import nmesh execfile("../interface/nsim/") objects=[nmesh.difference(nmesh.ellipsoid([3.0,3.0],[("shift",[0,0])]), [nmesh.ellipsoid([2.5,2.5],[("shift",[0,0])])]) ] mesh = nmesh.mesh(objects=objects, a0=0.25, bounding_box=[[-5.0,-5.0],[5.0,5.0]], cache_name="linalg_machine_rd.mesh", ) raw_mesh=mesh.raw_mesh if ocaml.petsc_is_mpi(): print "*** PARALLEL EXECUTION ***" nr_nodes=ocaml.petsc_mpi_nr_nodes() nr_points=ocaml.mesh_nr_points(raw_mesh) z=nr_points/nr_nodes distrib = [int(round(z*(i+1)))-int(round(z*i)) for i in range(0,nr_nodes)] slack=nr_points-reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,distrib) distrib[0] = distrib[0] + slack print "*** RAW MESH %s *** DISTRIB %s ***" %(repr(raw_mesh),repr(distrib)) ocaml.mesh_set_vertex_distribution(raw_mesh,distrib)
import nmesh ellipse = nmesh.ellipsoid([1]) bbox = [[-2],[2]] mesh = nmesh.mesh(objects = [ellipse], bounding_box=bbox, a0 = 0.5, mesh_bounding_box=True)"simple1d.nmesh")