def sample_in_process(): def send_sample(x): #280 yield design.samples_in.i_valid.eq(True) #280 yield design.samples_in.i_data.eq(x) yield i_valid.eq(True) yield i_data.eq(x) yield for i in range(N + 2): if (yield design.samples_in.received()): break yield #280 yield design.samples_in.i_valid.eq(False) yield i_valid.eq(False) R = cfg.osc_rate // cfg.out_rate assert isinstance(R, int) yield from delay(3) # for i in range(200): # x = i == 10 and 32767 or i # x = i # yield from send_sample(x) # yield from delay(R - 1) freq = 1000 nsamp_in = int(4 * cfg.osc_rate // freq) for i in range(nsamp_in): from math import sin, tau y = sin(tau * i * freq / cfg.osc_rate) y *= 0.95 y = (y + 1) % 1 y = 2 * y - 1 y = int(32767 * y) yield from send_sample(y) yield from delay(R - 1)
def data_source(): class Pause: pass data = [ 0x93, 60, 64, # note on C4 Pause, 67, 96, # note on G4 (running status) Pause, 0x83, 60, 32, # note off C4 0x93, 67, 0, # note off G4 (note on w/velocity 0) ] for i, d in enumerate(data): if d is Pause: yield from delay(5) else: yield design.serial_data.eq(d) yield design.serial_rdy.eq(True) yield yield design.serial_rdy.eq(False) yield from delay(i % 3) yield from delay(2)
def send_char(): char = 'Q' yield from delay(2) yield design.tx_data.eq(ord(char)) yield design.tx_trg.eq(True) yield yield design.tx_trg.eq(False) yield from delay(10 * divisor + 2)
def trigger_proc(): trg = top.trigger for i in range(10): yield trg.eq(True) yield if i % 3: yield trg.eq(False) yield from delay((i + 1) % 3) yield trg.eq(False) yield from delay(3)
def note_sink(): NoteMsg = namedtuple('NoteMsg', 'onoff channel note velocity') expected = [ NoteMsg(True, 3, 60, 64), NoteMsg(True, 3, 67, 96), NoteMsg(False, 3, 60, 32), NoteMsg(False, 3, 67, 0), ] expected_index = 0 yield Passive() #280 yield i_note_ready.eq(False) while True: valid = yield design.note_msg_out.o_valid #280 ready = yield i_note_ready if valid and not ready: yield from delay(expected_index) #280 yield i_note_ready.eq(True) elif valid and ready: #280 yield i_note_ready.eq(False) actual = NoteMsg( (yield design.note_msg_out.o_data.onoff), (yield, (yield design.note_msg_out.o_data.note), (yield design.note_msg_out.o_data.velocity), ) assert expected_index < len(expected) assert actual == expected[expected_index], ( f'expected {expected[expected_index]}, got {actual}' ) expected_index += 1 yield
def recv_char(): char = 'Q' char = chr(0x95) # Test high bit yield design.rx_pin.eq(1) yield from delay(3) for i in range(2): # Start bit yield design.rx_pin.eq(0) yield from delay(divisor) # Data bits for i in range(8): yield design.rx_pin.eq(ord(char) >> i & 1) yield from delay(divisor) # Stop bit yield design.rx_pin.eq(1) yield from delay(divisor) yield from delay(2)
def note_proc(): # from C5 to C7 by major thirds: for note in range(60 + 12, 60 + 36 + 1, 4): for _ in range(200): yield design.note_in.eq(note) yield design.pw_in.eq(50 * note - 360) yield yield design.sync_in.eq(0) yield from delay(divisor - 1)
def note_proc(): # from C5 to C7 by major thirds: for note in range(60 + 12, 60 + 36 + 1, 4): pw = (50 * note - 360) % 128 print(f'note = {note}, pw = {pw}') yield design.pw_in.eq(pw) yield design.note_in.i_valid.eq(True) yield design.note_in.i_data.note.eq(note) for _ in range(200): yield yield from delay(divisor - 1) yield design.note_in.i_valid.eq(False)
def sample_out_process(): def recv_sample(): #280 yield design.samples_out.i_ready.eq(True) yield i_ready.eq(True) for i in range(N + 2): yield if (yield design.samples_out.o_valid): break #280 yield design.samples_out.i_ready.eq(False) yield i_ready.eq(False) yield Passive() while True: yield from recv_sample() yield from delay(M)
def sim_notes(): notes = [ (1, 0, 60, 100), # wrong channel (1, 3, 62, 99), # ok, play D4 (1, 3, 64, 98), # ok, play E4 (1, 0, 64, 97), # wrong channel (0, 3, 62, 0), # wrong note (0, 3, 64, 0), # ok, stop ] for (on, chan, key, vel) in notes: yield i_valid.eq(True) yield i_onoff.eq(on) yield i_channel.eq(chan) yield i_note.eq(key) yield i_velocity.eq(vel) yield yield i_valid.eq(False) yield from delay(3)
def sim_notes(): notes = [ (1, 0, 60, 100), # wrong channel (1, 3, 62, 99), # ok, play D4 (1, 3, 64, 98), # ok, play E4 (1, 0, 64, 97), # wrong channel (0, 3, 62, 0), # wrong note (0, 3, 64, 0), # ok, stop ] for (on, chan, key, vel) in notes: yield design.note_on_rdy.eq(on) yield design.note_off_rdy.eq(not on) yield design.note_chan.eq(chan) yield design.note_key.eq(key) yield design.note_vel.eq(vel) yield yield design.note_on_rdy.eq(False) yield design.note_off_rdy.eq(False) yield from delay(3)