def start_status_thread(vesseldict,sleeptime): if should_start_waitable_thread('status','Status Monitoring Thread'): # start the StatusThread and set it to a daemon. I think the daemon # setting is unnecessary since I'll clobber on restart... statusthread = nmstatusmonitor.statusthread(vesseldict, sleeptime, nmAPI) statusthread.setDaemon(True) statusthread.start() started_waitable_thread('status')
def start_status_thread(vesseldict, sleeptime): if should_start_waitable_thread('status','Status Monitoring Thread'): # start the StatusThread and set it to a daemon. I think the daemon # setting is unnecessary since I'll clobber on restart... statusthread = nmstatusmonitor.statusthread(vesseldict, sleeptime, nmAPI) statusthread.setDaemon(True) statusthread.start() started_waitable_thread('status')