Example #1
def train(net: NeuralNet,
          inputs: Tensor,
          targets: Tensor,
          num_epochs: int = 5000,
          iterator: DataIterator = BatchIterator(),
          loss: Loss = MSE(),
          optimizer: Optimizer = SGD()
          ) -> None:
    for epoch in range(num_epochs):
        epoch_loss = 0.0
        for batch in iterator(inputs, targets):
            predicted = net.forward(batch.inputs)
            epoch_loss += loss.loss(predicted, batch.targets)
            grad = loss.grad(predicted, batch.targets)
        print(epoch, epoch_loss)
Example #2
        return [0, 0, 0, 1]
    elif x % 5 == 0:
        return [0, 0, 1, 0]
    elif x % 3 == 0:
        return [0, 1, 0, 0]
        return [1, 0, 0, 0]

inputs = np.array([binary_encode(x) for x in range(101, 1024)])

targets = np.array([fizz_buzz_encode(x) for x in range(101, 1024)])

net = NeuralNet([
    Linear(input_size=10, output_size=50),
    Linear(input_size=50, output_size=4)

train(net, inputs, targets, num_epochs=5000, optimizer=SGD(lr=0.001))

for x in range(1, 101):
    inputs = binary_encode(x)
    prediction = net.forward(inputs)
    actual = fizz_buzz_encode(x)
    labels = [str(x), "fizz", "buzz", "fizzbuzz"]
    prediction_idx = np.argmax(prediction)
    actual_idx = np.argmax(actual)

    print(x, labels[prediction_idx], labels[actual_idx])
Train a model to predict exclusive or of its inputs

import numpy as np
from nn import NeuralNet
from layers import Linear, Tanh
from train import train

inputs = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 1]])

targets = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1], [0, 1], [1, 0]])

net = NeuralNet([
    Linear(input_size=2, output_size=2),
    Linear(input_size=2, output_size=2)

train(net, inputs, targets, num_epochs=5000)

for x, y in zip(inputs, targets):
    print(x, net.forward(x), y)
Example #4
The canonical example of a function that can't be
learned with a simple linear model is XOR
import numpy as np

from train import train
from nn import NeuralNet
from layers import Linear, Tanh

inputs = np.array([[0, 0], [1, 0], [0, 1], [1, 1]])

targets = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1], [0, 1], [1, 0]])

net = NeuralNet([
    Linear(input_size=2, output_size=2),
    Linear(input_size=2, output_size=2)

train(net, inputs, targets)

for x, y in zip(inputs, targets):
    predicted = net.forward(x)
    print(x, predicted, y)
for parameter in model.parameters():
    parameter.requires_grad = False
if (use_cuda):
summary(model, (1, 64, 64))

print("Loaded model...")

preds = []
labels = []

for local_batch, local_labels in tqdm(test_generator):
    local_batch, local_labels = local_batch.to(device), local_labels.to(device)
    output = model.forward(local_batch)
    output = model.softmax(output)
    output = torch.max(output, 1)[1]

recall = recall_score(y_true=labels, y_pred=preds, average='weighted')
prec = precision_score(y_true=labels, y_pred=preds, average='weighted')
f1 = f1_score(y_true=labels, y_pred=preds, average='weighted')
acc = accuracy_score(labels, preds)
print("Accuracy: {}".format(acc))
print("Recall: {}\tPrecision: {}\tF1 Score: {}".format(recall, prec, f1))
                          target_names=["No Findings", "Pneumonia"]))
idx_to_classes = {v: k for k, v in classes_to_idx.items()}

criterion = nn.BCELoss()
model = NeuralNet(0.01, criterion, 256, len(classes_to_idx))
if use_cuda:

id = random.choice(os.listdir(os.path.join(root_dir, "images"))).split(".")[0]
data = torch.load(os.path.join(root_dir, "images", id + ".pt"))
true_labels = torch.load(os.path.join(root_dir, "labels", id + ".pt"))

diseases = []
for x in range(len(true_labels)):
    if (true_labels[x] == 1.0):


with torch.no_grad():
    data_cuda, labels_cuda = data.to(device), true_labels.to(device)
    output_cuda = torch.round(model.forward(data_cuda.unsqueeze(0)))

# plt.imshow(data.permute(1,2,0))
# plt.show()
Example #7
    return [x >> i & 1 for i in range(10)]

inputs = np.array([
    for x in range(101, 1024)

targets = np.array([
    for x in range(101, 1024)

net = NeuralNet([
    Linear(input_size = 10, output_size = 50),
    Linear(input_size = 50, output_size = 4)

      num_epochs = 5000,
      optimizer = SGD(lr = 0.001))

for x in range(1, 101):
    predicted = net.forward(binary_encode(x))
    predicted_idx = np.argmax(predicted)
    actual_idx = np.argmax(fizz_buzz_encode(x))
    labels = [str(x), "fizz", "buzz", "fizzbuzz"]
    print(x, labels[predicted_idx], labels[actual_idx])
Example #8
l4 = Layer(100, 25, 'linear')
layers = [l1, l2, l3, l4]
learning_rate = 0.0002
loss_type = 'mean_square'
opt_type = 'RMSprop'

Q = NeuralNet(layers, learning_rate, loss_type, opt_type)
Q.recover('model/', 'Q_net_all_11_0_1000')

for i in range(test_num):

    video = Episode(i, test_num, test_name, feat_path, gt_path)
    frame_num = np.shape(video.feat)[0]

    summary = np.zeros(frame_num)
    Q_value = []
    id_curr = 0
    while id_curr < frame_num:
        action_value = Q.forward([video.feat[id_curr]])
        a_index = np.argmax(action_value[0])
        id_next = id_curr + a_index + 1
        if id_next > frame_num - 1:
        summary[id_next] = 1
        id_curr = id_next

    name = 'output/sum_' + test_name[i % test_num]
    sio.savemat(name, {'summary': summary})
print('Test done.')
Example #9
File: agent.py Project: NU-1/FFNET
class Agent(object):
    def __init__(self, layers, batch, explore, explore_l, explore_d, learning,
                 decay, path):
        # layers: architecture of Q network
        # batch: number of observations in mini-batch set
        # explore: exploration rate
        # decay: future reward decay rate
        # path: model path
        self.layers = layers
        self.batch_size = batch
        self.decay_rate = decay
        self.learning_rate = learning
        self.explore_low = explore_l
        self.explore_decay = explore_d
        self.explore_rate = explore
        self.directory = path
        self.num_action = self.layers[len(self.layers) - 1].num_output
        ##### build Q network
        self.Q = NeuralNet(self.layers, self.learning_rate, 'mean_square',
        ##### data-related variables
        self.feat = []
        self.gt = []
        self.memory = Memo()
        self.selection = []

    # initialize with data
    def data_init(self, current_eps):
        self.feat = current_eps.feat
        self.gt = current_eps.gt

    # select an action based on policy
    def policy(self, id_curr):
        exploration = np.random.choice(
            range(2), 1, p=[1 - self.explore_rate, self.explore_rate])
        # exploration==1: explore
        # exploration==0: exploit
        if exploration == 1:  # exploration
            action_index = np.random.choice(range(self.num_action), 1)[0]

            #print('              explore:  '+str(action_index))
            action_value = self.Q.forward([self.feat[id_curr]])
            # record average Q value

            # print(action_value[0])
            return action_index
        else:  # exploitation
            action_value = self.Q.forward([self.feat[id_curr]])
            # record average Q value
            # self.Q.ave_value = np.append(self.Q.ave_value,np.mean(action_value[0]))

            action_index = np.argmax(action_value[0])

            ##print('exploit:  '+str(action_index))
            # print(action_value[0])
            return action_index

    # perform action to get next state
    def action(self, id_curr, a_index):
        id_next = id_curr + a_index + 1  #action 0,1,2,...
        return id_next

    # compute the reward
    # REWARD 3:reward with distribution and terms on length of skipping
    def reward(self, id_curr, a_index, id_next):
        gaussian_value = [
            0.0001, 0.0044, 0.0540, 0.2420, 0.3989, 0.2420, 0.0540, 0.0044,
        # skipping interval,missing part
        seg_gt = self.gt[0][id_curr + 1:id_next]
        total = len(seg_gt)
        n1 = sum(seg_gt)
        n0 = total - n1
        miss = (0.8 * n0 - n1) / 25  #largest action step.
        # accuracy
        acc = 0
        if id_next - 4 > -1:
            if self.gt[0][id_next - 4] == 1:
                acc = acc + 0.0001
        if id_next - 3 > -1:
            if self.gt[0][id_next - 3] == 1:
                acc = acc + 0.0044
        if id_next - 2 > -1:
            if self.gt[0][id_next - 2] == 1:
                acc = acc + 0.0540
        if id_next - 1 > -1:
            if self.gt[0][id_next - 1] == 1:
                acc = acc + 0.2420
        if self.gt[0][id_next] == 1:
            acc = acc + 0.3989
        if id_next + 1 < len(self.gt[0]):
            if self.gt[0][id_next + 1] == 1:
                acc = acc + 0.2420
        if id_next + 2 < len(self.gt[0]):
            if self.gt[0][id_next + 2] == 1:
                acc = acc + 0.0540

        if id_next + 3 < len(self.gt[0]):
            if self.gt[0][id_next + 3] == 1:
                acc = acc + 0.0044
        if id_next + 4 < len(self.gt[0]):
            if self.gt[0][id_next + 4] == 1:
                acc = acc + 0.0001
        r = miss + acc
        return r

    # update target Q value
    def update(self, r, id_curr, id_next, a_index):
        target = self.Q.forward([self.feat[id_curr]])  # target:[ [] ]
        target[0][a_index] = r + self.decay_rate * max(
        return target

    # run an episode to get case set for training
    def episode_run(self):
        frame_num = np.shape(self.feat)[0]
        self.selection = np.zeros(frame_num)
        id_curr = 0
        self.selection[id_curr] = 1
        while id_curr < frame_num:
            a_index = self.policy(id_curr)
            id_next = self.action(id_curr, a_index)
            if id_next > frame_num - 1:
            self.selection[id_next] = 1
            r = self.reward(id_curr, a_index, id_next)
            target_vector = self.update(r, id_curr, id_next, a_index)[0]
            input_vector = self.feat[id_curr]
            self.memorize(input_vector, target_vector)
            if self.memory.get_size() == self.batch_size:
            id_curr = id_next

    # training Q net using one batch data
    def train(self):
        self.explore_rate = max(self.explore_rate - self.explore_decay,
        x = self.memory.state
        y = self.memory.target
        self.Q.train(x, y)

    # store current observation to memory
    def memorize(self, state, target):
        # observation: new observation (s,a,r,s')
        self.memory.add(state, target)

    # reset data-related variables
    def data_reset(self):
        self.feat = []
        self.gt = []
        self.selection = []

    # save trained Q net
    def save_model(self, filename):
        # module backup
        path = self.directory
        self.Q.saving(path, filename)