Example #1
    def applyMatrix(self, matrix4):

        normal_matrix = getNormalMatrix(matrix4)
        verts = self.vertices
        for i in range(len(verts)):
            vertex = verts[i]
            verts[i] = applyMatrix4(matrix4, vertex)
        faces = self.faces
        for i in range(len(faces)):
            face = faces[i]
            normal = normalizeV3(applyMatrix3(normal_matrix, face.normal))
            faces[i] = Face(normal, face.v1, face.v2, face.v3)
Example #2
    def applyMatrix(self, matrix4):

        normal_matrix = getNormalMatrix( matrix4 );
        verts = self.vertices
        for i in range(len(verts)):
            vertex = verts[i]
            verts[i] = applyMatrix4(matrix4, vertex)
        faces = self.faces
        for i in range(len(faces)):
            face = faces[i]
            normal = normalizeV3(applyMatrix3(normal_matrix, face.normal))
            faces[i] = Face(normal, face.v1, face.v2, face.v3)
Example #3
    def __init__(self,
        Order of vertices added changes normals calculation
        so whether cylinder is in the y or z direction changes
        things so that's why some code is commented out.  y used
        to be the default
        super(HalfCylinder, self).__init__(name)
        self.radius = radius
        self.length = length
        self.height_segments = height_segments
        self.radial_segments = radial_segments

        # local vars
        segment_length = length / height_segments
        half_length = length / 2.
        vertices = []
        uvs = []

        for y in range(height_segments + 1):

            vertices_row = []
            uvs_row = []

            v = y / (height_segments)

            for x in range(radial_segments + 1):

                u = x / (2 * radial_segments)

                vertex = Vector3(radius * math.sin(u * math.pi * 2),
                                 radius * math.cos(u * math.pi * 2),
                                 v * length - half_length)
                # vertex = Vector3(   radius * math.sin( u * math.pi * 2 ),
                #     - v * length + half_length,
                #     radius * math.cos( u * math.pi * 2 )
                # )


                vertices_row.append(len(self.vertices) - 1)
                uvs_row.append(Vector2(u, 1 - v))

            # end for

        # end for

        for x in range(radial_segments):

            na = Vector3(*self.vertices[vertices[0][x]])
            nb = Vector3(*self.vertices[vertices[0][x + 1]])

            na = normalizeV3(na)
            nb = normalizeV3(nb)

            for y in range(height_segments):

                v1 = vertices[y][x]
                v2 = vertices[y + 1][x]
                v3 = vertices[y + 1][x + 1]
                v4 = vertices[y][x + 1]

                n1 = Vector3(*na)
                n2 = Vector3(*na)
                n3 = Vector3(*nb)
                n4 = Vector3(*nb)

                uv1 = Vector2(*uvs[y][x])
                uv2 = Vector2(*uvs[y + 1][x])
                uv3 = Vector2(*uvs[y + 1][x + 1])
                uv4 = Vector2(*uvs[y][x + 1])

                # self.addFace(v1, v2, v4)
                # self.addFace(v1, v2, v4, vnormals=[n1, n2, n4])
                # self.face_vertex_uvs[ 0 ].append( [ uv1, uv2, uv4 ] )

                self.addFace(v1, v2, v3)
                self.face_vertex_uvs[0].append([uv1, uv4, uv2])

                # self.addFace(v2, v3, v4)
                # self.addFace(v2, v3, v4, vnormals=[Vector3(*n2), n3, Vector3(*n4)])
                # self.face_vertex_uvs[ 0 ].append( [ Vector2(*uv2), uv3, Vector2(*uv4) ] );

                self.addFace(v3, v4, v1)
                    [Vector2(*uv4), uv3, Vector2(*uv2)])
            # end for
        # end for

        # TOP CAP
        self.vertices.append(Vector3(0, 0, -half_length))

        for x in range(radial_segments):

            v1 = vertices[0][x]
            v2 = vertices[0][x + 1]
            v3 = len(self.vertices) - 1

            n1 = Vector3(0, 0, 1.)
            n2 = Vector3(0, 0, 1.)
            n3 = Vector3(0, 0, 1.)

            uv1 = Vector2(*uvs[0][x])
            uv2 = Vector2(*uvs[0][x + 1])
            uv3 = Vector2(uv2.x, 0)

            # self.addFace(v1, v2, v3, normal=n1)
            # self.face_vertex_uvs[ 0 ].append( [ uv1, uv2, uv3 ] )

            self.addFace(v1, v2, v3, normal=n1)
            self.face_vertex_uvs[0].append([uv1, uv3, uv2])

        # end for

        # BOTTOM CAP
        self.vertices.append(Vector3(0, 0, half_length))
        y = height_segments
        for x in range(radial_segments):

            v1 = vertices[y][x + 1]
            v2 = vertices[y][x]
            v3 = len(self.vertices) - 1

            n1 = Vector3(0, 0, -1.)
            n2 = Vector3(0, 0, -1.)
            n3 = Vector3(0, 0, -1.)

            uv1 = Vector2(*uvs[y][x + 1])
            uv2 = Vector2(*uvs[y][x])
            uv3 = Vector2(uv2.x, 1)

            # self.addFace(v1, v2, v3, normal=n1)
            # self.face_vertex_uvs[ 0 ].append( [ uv1, uv2, uv3 ] )

            self.addFace(v1, v2, v3, normal=n1)
            self.face_vertex_uvs[0].append([uv1, uv3, uv2])
        # end for

        # SIDE CAPS
        for y in range(height_segments):

            v1 = vertices[y][0]
            v2 = vertices[y + 1][0]
            v3 = vertices[y + 1][-1]
            v4 = vertices[y][-1]

            n1 = Vector3(-1., 0, 0)

            uv1 = Vector2(*uvs[y][0])
            uv2 = Vector2(*uvs[y + 1][0])
            uv3 = Vector2(*uvs[y + 1][-1])
            uv4 = Vector2(*uvs[y][-1])

            # self.addFace(v1, v4, v2, normal=n1)
            self.addFace(v1, v4, v3, normal=n1)
            self.face_vertex_uvs[0].append([uv1, uv4, uv2])

            # self.addFace(v4, v3, v2, normal=Vector3(*n1))
            self.addFace(v3, v2, v1, normal=Vector3(*n1))
            self.face_vertex_uvs[0].append([Vector2(*uv4), uv3,
        # end for

        # apply twist
        if twist_per_segment is not None:
            # twist all vertices
            delta_ang = twist_per_segment * math.pi / 180.
            i = 0
            for y in range(height_segments + 1):
                m4 = makeRotationZ(y * delta_ang)
                for x in range(radial_segments + 1):
                    vert = self.vertices[i]
                    # print(vert.z)
                    self.vertices[i] = applyMatrix4(m4, vert)
                    i += 1
            # recompute face normals
Example #4
    def __init__(self, name, radius, length, height_segments,
                                 twist_per_segment=None, radial_segments=64):
        Order of vertices added changes normals calculation
        so whether cylinder is in the y or z direction changes
        things so that's why some code is commented out.  y used
        to be the default
        super(HalfCylinder, self).__init__(name)
        self.radius = radius
        self.length = length
        self.height_segments = height_segments
        self.radial_segments = radial_segments

        # local vars
        segment_length = length/height_segments
        half_length = length / 2.
        vertices = []
        uvs = []

        for y in range(height_segments+1):

            vertices_row = []
            uvs_row = []

            v = y / (height_segments)

            for x in range(radial_segments+1):

                u = x / (2*radial_segments)

                vertex = Vector3(   radius * math.sin( u * math.pi * 2 ),
                                    radius * math.cos( u * math.pi * 2 ),
                                    v * length - half_length
                # vertex = Vector3(   radius * math.sin( u * math.pi * 2 ),
                #     - v * length + half_length,
                #     radius * math.cos( u * math.pi * 2 )
                # )

                self.vertices.append( vertex )

                vertices_row.append( len(self.vertices) - 1 )
                uvs_row.append( Vector2( u, 1 - v ) )

            # end for

            vertices.append( vertices_row )
            uvs.append( uvs_row )
        # end for

        for x in range(radial_segments):

            na = Vector3(*self.vertices[ vertices[ 0 ][ x ] ])
            nb = Vector3(*self.vertices[ vertices[ 0 ][ x + 1 ] ])

            na = normalizeV3(na)
            nb = normalizeV3(nb)

            for y in range(height_segments):

                v1 = vertices[ y ][ x ]
                v2 = vertices[ y + 1 ][ x ]
                v3 = vertices[ y + 1 ][ x + 1 ]
                v4 = vertices[ y ][ x + 1 ]

                n1 = Vector3(*na)
                n2 = Vector3(*na)
                n3 = Vector3(*nb)
                n4 = Vector3(*nb)

                uv1 = Vector2(*uvs[ y ][ x ])
                uv2 = Vector2(*uvs[ y + 1 ][ x ])
                uv3 = Vector2(*uvs[ y + 1 ][ x + 1 ])
                uv4 = Vector2(*uvs[ y ][ x + 1 ])

                # self.addFace(v1, v2, v4)
                # self.addFace(v1, v2, v4, vnormals=[n1, n2, n4])
                # self.face_vertex_uvs[ 0 ].append( [ uv1, uv2, uv4 ] )

                self.addFace(v1, v2, v3)
                self.face_vertex_uvs[ 0 ].append( [ uv1, uv4, uv2 ] )

                # self.addFace(v2, v3, v4)
                # self.addFace(v2, v3, v4, vnormals=[Vector3(*n2), n3, Vector3(*n4)])
                # self.face_vertex_uvs[ 0 ].append( [ Vector2(*uv2), uv3, Vector2(*uv4) ] );

                self.addFace(v3, v4, v1)
                self.face_vertex_uvs[ 0 ].append( [ Vector2(*uv4), uv3, Vector2(*uv2) ] );
            # end for
        # end for

        # TOP CAP
        self.vertices.append( Vector3( 0, 0, -half_length) )

        for x in range(radial_segments):

            v1 = vertices[ 0 ][ x ]
            v2 = vertices[ 0 ][ x + 1 ]
            v3 = len(self.vertices) - 1

            n1 = Vector3( 0, 0, 1. )
            n2 = Vector3( 0, 0, 1.)
            n3 = Vector3( 0, 0, 1. )

            uv1 = Vector2(*uvs[ 0 ][ x ])
            uv2 = Vector2(*uvs[ 0 ][ x + 1 ])
            uv3 = Vector2( uv2.x, 0 )

            # self.addFace(v1, v2, v3, normal=n1)
            # self.face_vertex_uvs[ 0 ].append( [ uv1, uv2, uv3 ] )

            self.addFace(v1, v2, v3, normal=n1)
            self.face_vertex_uvs[ 0 ].append( [ uv1, uv3, uv2 ] )

        # end for

        # BOTTOM CAP
        self.vertices.append( Vector3( 0, 0 , half_length) )
        y = height_segments
        for x in range(radial_segments):

            v1 = vertices[ y ][ x + 1]
            v2 = vertices[ y ][ x ]
            v3 = len(self.vertices) - 1

            n1 = Vector3( 0, 0, -1.)
            n2 = Vector3( 0, 0, -1.)
            n3 = Vector3( 0, 0, -1.)

            uv1 = Vector2(*uvs[ y ][ x + 1 ])
            uv2 = Vector2(*uvs[ y ][ x ])
            uv3 = Vector2( uv2.x, 1 )

            # self.addFace(v1, v2, v3, normal=n1)
            # self.face_vertex_uvs[ 0 ].append( [ uv1, uv2, uv3 ] )

            self.addFace(v1, v2, v3, normal=n1)
            self.face_vertex_uvs[ 0 ].append( [ uv1, uv3, uv2 ] )   
        # end for

        # SIDE CAPS
        for y in range(height_segments):

            v1 = vertices[ y ][ 0 ]
            v2 = vertices[ y + 1 ][ 0 ]
            v3 = vertices[ y + 1 ][ -1 ]
            v4 = vertices[ y ][ -1 ]

            n1 = Vector3( -1., 0, 0)

            uv1 = Vector2(*uvs[ y ][ 0 ])
            uv2 = Vector2(*uvs[ y + 1 ][ 0 ])
            uv3 = Vector2(*uvs[ y + 1 ][ -1 ])
            uv4 = Vector2(*uvs[ y ][ -1 ])

            # self.addFace(v1, v4, v2, normal=n1)
            self.addFace(v1, v4, v3, normal=n1)
            self.face_vertex_uvs[ 0 ].append( [ uv1, uv4, uv2 ] )

            # self.addFace(v4, v3, v2, normal=Vector3(*n1))
            self.addFace(v3, v2, v1, normal=Vector3(*n1))
            self.face_vertex_uvs[ 0 ].append( [ Vector2(*uv4), uv3, Vector2(*uv2) ] );  
        # end for

        # apply twist
        if twist_per_segment is not None:
            # twist all vertices
            delta_ang = twist_per_segment*math.pi/180.
            i = 0
            for y in range(height_segments+1):
                m4 = makeRotationZ(y*delta_ang)
                for x in range(radial_segments+1):
                    vert = self.vertices[i]
                    # print(vert.z) 
                    self.vertices[i] = applyMatrix4(m4, vert)
                    i += 1
            # recompute face normals
Example #5
    def __init__(self, name, radius,  length, radial_segments=32):
        Order of vertices added changes normals calculation
        so whether cylinder is in the y or z direction changes
        things so that's why some code is commented out.  y used
        to be the default
        super(Cylinder, self).__init__(name)
        self.radius = radius
        self.length = length

        # local vars
        half_length = length / 2.
        vertices = []
        uvs = []

        for y in range(2):

            vertices_row = []
            uvs_row = []

            v = y

            for x in range(radial_segments+1):

                u = x / radial_segments

                vertex = Vector3(   radius * math.sin( u * math.pi * 2 ),
                                    radius * math.cos( u * math.pi * 2 ),
                                    - v * length + half_length
                # vertex = Vector3(   radius * math.sin( u * math.pi * 2 ),
                #     - v * length + half_length,
                #     radius * math.cos( u * math.pi * 2 )
                # )

                self.vertices.append( vertex )

                vertices_row.append( len(self.vertices) - 1 )
                uvs_row.append( Vector2( u, 1 - v ) )

            # end for

            vertices.append( vertices_row )
            uvs.append( uvs_row )
        # end for

        for x in range(radial_segments):

            na = Vector3(*self.vertices[ vertices[ 0 ][ x ] ])
            nb = Vector3(*self.vertices[ vertices[ 0 ][ x + 1 ] ])

            na = normalizeV3(na)
            nb = normalizeV3(nb)

            y = 0

            v1 = vertices[ y ][ x ]
            v2 = vertices[ y + 1 ][ x ]
            v3 = vertices[ y + 1 ][ x + 1 ]
            v4 = vertices[ y ][ x + 1 ]

            n1 = Vector3(*na)
            n2 = Vector3(*na)
            n3 = Vector3(*nb)
            n4 = Vector3(*nb)

            uv1 = Vector2(*uvs[ y ][ x ])
            uv2 = Vector2(*uvs[ y + 1 ][ x ])
            uv3 = Vector2(*uvs[ y + 1 ][ x + 1 ])
            uv4 = Vector2(*uvs[ y ][ x + 1 ])

            # self.addFace(v1, v2, v4)
            # self.addFace(v1, v2, v4, vnormals=[n1, n2, n4])
            # self.face_vertex_uvs[ 0 ].append( [ uv1, uv2, uv4 ] )

            self.addFace(v1, v4, v2)
            self.face_vertex_uvs[ 0 ].append( [ uv1, uv4, uv2 ] )

            # self.addFace(v2, v3, v4)
            # self.addFace(v2, v3, v4, vnormals=[Vector3(*n2), n3, Vector3(*n4)])
            # self.face_vertex_uvs[ 0 ].append( [ Vector2(*uv2), uv3, Vector2(*uv4) ] );

            self.addFace(v4, v3, v2)
            self.face_vertex_uvs[ 0 ].append( [ Vector2(*uv4), uv3, Vector2(*uv2) ] );
        # end for

        # TOP CAP
        self.vertices.append( Vector3( 0, 0, half_length) )

        for x in range(radial_segments):

            v1 = vertices[ 0 ][ x ]
            v2 = vertices[ 0 ][ x + 1 ]
            v3 = len(self.vertices) - 1

            n1 = Vector3( 0, 0, 1. )
            n2 = Vector3( 0, 0, 1.)
            n3 = Vector3( 0, 0, 1. )

            uv1 = Vector2(*uvs[ 0 ][ x ])
            uv2 = Vector2(*uvs[ 0 ][ x + 1 ])
            uv3 = Vector2( uv2.x, 0 )

            # self.addFace(v1, v2, v3, normal=n1)
            # self.face_vertex_uvs[ 0 ].append( [ uv1, uv2, uv3 ] )

            self.addFace(v1, v3, v2, normal=n1)
            self.face_vertex_uvs[ 0 ].append( [ uv1, uv3, uv2 ] )

        # end for

        # BOTTOM CAP
        self.vertices.append( Vector3( 0, 0 , -half_length) )
        y = 1
        for x in range(radial_segments):

            v1 = vertices[ y ][ x + 1]
            v2 = vertices[ y ][ x ]
            v3 = len(self.vertices) - 1

            n1 = Vector3( 0, 0, -1.)
            n2 = Vector3( 0, 0, -1.)
            n3 = Vector3( 0, 0, -1.)

            uv1 = Vector2(*uvs[ y ][ x + 1 ])
            uv2 = Vector2(*uvs[ y ][ x ])
            uv3 = Vector2( uv2.x, 1 )

            # self.addFace(v1, v2, v3, normal=n1)
            # self.face_vertex_uvs[ 0 ].append( [ uv1, uv2, uv3 ] )

            self.addFace(v1, v3, v2, normal=n1)
            self.face_vertex_uvs[ 0 ].append( [ uv1, uv3, uv2 ] )   
Example #6
    def __init__(self, name, radius, length, radial_segments=32):
        Order of vertices added changes normals calculation
        so whether cylinder is in the y or z direction changes
        things so that's why some code is commented out.  y used
        to be the default
        super(Cylinder, self).__init__(name)
        self.radius = radius
        self.length = length

        # local vars
        half_length = length / 2.
        vertices = []
        uvs = []

        for y in range(2):

            vertices_row = []
            uvs_row = []

            v = y

            for x in range(radial_segments + 1):

                u = x / radial_segments

                vertex = Vector3(radius * math.sin(u * math.pi * 2),
                                 radius * math.cos(u * math.pi * 2),
                                 -v * length + half_length)
                # vertex = Vector3(   radius * math.sin( u * math.pi * 2 ),
                #     - v * length + half_length,
                #     radius * math.cos( u * math.pi * 2 )
                # )


                vertices_row.append(len(self.vertices) - 1)
                uvs_row.append(Vector2(u, 1 - v))

            # end for

        # end for

        for x in range(radial_segments):

            na = Vector3(*self.vertices[vertices[0][x]])
            nb = Vector3(*self.vertices[vertices[0][x + 1]])

            na = normalizeV3(na)
            nb = normalizeV3(nb)

            y = 0

            v1 = vertices[y][x]
            v2 = vertices[y + 1][x]
            v3 = vertices[y + 1][x + 1]
            v4 = vertices[y][x + 1]

            n1 = Vector3(*na)
            n2 = Vector3(*na)
            n3 = Vector3(*nb)
            n4 = Vector3(*nb)

            uv1 = Vector2(*uvs[y][x])
            uv2 = Vector2(*uvs[y + 1][x])
            uv3 = Vector2(*uvs[y + 1][x + 1])
            uv4 = Vector2(*uvs[y][x + 1])

            # self.addFace(v1, v2, v4)
            # self.addFace(v1, v2, v4, vnormals=[n1, n2, n4])
            # self.face_vertex_uvs[ 0 ].append( [ uv1, uv2, uv4 ] )

            self.addFace(v1, v4, v2)
            self.face_vertex_uvs[0].append([uv1, uv4, uv2])

            # self.addFace(v2, v3, v4)
            # self.addFace(v2, v3, v4, vnormals=[Vector3(*n2), n3, Vector3(*n4)])
            # self.face_vertex_uvs[ 0 ].append( [ Vector2(*uv2), uv3, Vector2(*uv4) ] );

            self.addFace(v4, v3, v2)
            self.face_vertex_uvs[0].append([Vector2(*uv4), uv3,
        # end for

        # TOP CAP
        self.vertices.append(Vector3(0, 0, half_length))

        for x in range(radial_segments):

            v1 = vertices[0][x]
            v2 = vertices[0][x + 1]
            v3 = len(self.vertices) - 1

            n1 = Vector3(0, 0, 1.)
            n2 = Vector3(0, 0, 1.)
            n3 = Vector3(0, 0, 1.)

            uv1 = Vector2(*uvs[0][x])
            uv2 = Vector2(*uvs[0][x + 1])
            uv3 = Vector2(uv2.x, 0)

            # self.addFace(v1, v2, v3, normal=n1)
            # self.face_vertex_uvs[ 0 ].append( [ uv1, uv2, uv3 ] )

            self.addFace(v1, v3, v2, normal=n1)
            self.face_vertex_uvs[0].append([uv1, uv3, uv2])

        # end for

        # BOTTOM CAP
        self.vertices.append(Vector3(0, 0, -half_length))
        y = 1
        for x in range(radial_segments):

            v1 = vertices[y][x + 1]
            v2 = vertices[y][x]
            v3 = len(self.vertices) - 1

            n1 = Vector3(0, 0, -1.)
            n2 = Vector3(0, 0, -1.)
            n3 = Vector3(0, 0, -1.)

            uv1 = Vector2(*uvs[y][x + 1])
            uv2 = Vector2(*uvs[y][x])
            uv3 = Vector2(uv2.x, 1)

            # self.addFace(v1, v2, v3, normal=n1)
            # self.face_vertex_uvs[ 0 ].append( [ uv1, uv2, uv3 ] )

            self.addFace(v1, v3, v2, normal=n1)
            self.face_vertex_uvs[0].append([uv1, uv3, uv2])