def forwards(self): handlers = set() for h, in db.execute( "SELECT DISTINCT config_filter_handler FROM sa_managedobject"): if h: handlers.add(h) for h, in db.execute( "SELECT DISTINCT config_diff_filter_handler FROM sa_managedobject" ): if h: handlers.add(h) if handlers: coll = get_db()["handlers"] for h in handlers: name = h.split(".")[-2] coll.insert({ "_id": h, "name": name, "allow_config_filter": True }) handlers = set() for h, in db.execute( "SELECT DISTINCT config_validation_handler FROM sa_managedobject" ): if h: handlers.add(h) if handlers: coll = get_db()["handlers"] for h in handlers: name = h.split(".")[-2] coll.insert({ "_id": h, "name": name, "allow_config_validation": True })
def schedule_next(self, status): if self.check_timings: "Timings: %s", ", ".join("%s = %.2fms" % (n, t * 1000) for n, t in self.check_timings)) super(MODiscoveryJob, self).schedule_next(status) # Update alarm statuses self.update_alarms() # Write job log key = "discovery-%s-%s" % (self.attrs[self.ATTR_CLASS], self.attrs[self.ATTR_KEY]) problems = {} for p in self.problems: if p["check"] in problems and p["path"]: problems[p["check"]][p["path"]] = p["message"] elif p["check"] in problems and not p["path"]: # p["path"] == "" problems[p["check"]][p["path"]] += "; %s" % p["message"] else: problems[p["check"]] = {p["path"]: p["message"]} get_db()["noc.joblog"].update({"_id": key}, { "$set": { "log": bson.Binary(zlib.compress(self.out_buffer.getvalue())), "problems": problems } }, upsert=True)
def forwards(self): # Get profile record mappings pcoll = get_db()["noc.profiles"] acoll = get_db()["noc.actioncommands"] pmap = {} # name -> id for d in pcoll.find({}, {"_id": 1, "name": 1}): pmap[d["name"]] = d["_id"] # Update for p in pmap: acoll.update_many({"profile": p}, {"$set": {"profile": pmap[p]}})
def get_last_extract(self, name): coll = get_db()["noc.bi_timestamps"] d = coll.find_one({"_id": name}) if d: return d["last_extract"] else: return None
def forwards(self): PROBEUSER = "******" mdb = get_db() # Check probe has no storage and credentials if != 1: return p ={}) if p.get("storage") or p.get("user"): return # Check user probe is not exists if db.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM auth_user WHERE username=%s", [PROBEUSER])[0][0] > 0: return # Check ./noc user is valid command if not os.path.exists("main/management/commands/"): return # Check ./scripts/ is exists if not os.path.exists("scripts/"): return # Check probe config is exists if not os.path.exists("etc/noc-probe.conf"): return # Create user and set config os.system("./scripts/ etc/noc-probe.conf autoconf user %s" % PROBEUSER) os.system( "PW=`./noc user --add --username=%s [email protected] --template=probe --pwgen` &&" "./scripts/ etc/noc-probe.conf autoconf passwd $PW" % PROBEUSER) uid = db.execute("SELECT id FROM auth_user WHERE username=%s", [PROBEUSER])[0][0] sid ={})["_id"]{}, {"$set": {"storage": sid, "user": uid}})
def forwards(self): db = get_db() if == 0: ## Create PMDB{ "name": "default", "database":, "host":, "port": db.connection.port, "user": config.get("nosql_database", "user"), "password": config.get("nosql_database", "password") }) ## Create PMStorage db_id =[0]["_id"]{ "db": db_id, "name": "default", "collection": "noc.ts.default", "raw_retention": 86400 }) ## Create PMProbe{ "name": "default", "is_active": True })
def forwards(self): def convert(doc): def convert_caps(ci): return { "capability": ci["capability"], "value": ci["discovered_value"], "source": sources.get(ci["capability"], "caps") } return { "_id": doc["object"], "caps": [convert_caps(c) for c in doc["caps"]] } db = get_db() caps = db[""] if not caps.count_documents({}): return caps.rename("", dropTarget=True) old_caps = db[""] new_caps = db[""] sources = {} d = db["noc.inv.capabilities"].find_one({"name": "DB | Interfaces"}) if d: sources[d["_id"]] = "interface" CHUNK = 500 data = [convert(x) for x in old_caps.find({}) if x.get("object")] while data: chunk, data = data[:CHUNK], data[CHUNK:] new_caps.insert(chunk)
def forwards(self): db = get_db() for c in (db.noc.alarmclasses, db.noc.eventclasses): bulk = [] for d in c.find({}): text = d["text"]["en"] bulk += [ UpdateOne({"_id": d["_id"]}, { "$set": { "subject_template": text["subject_template"], "body_template": text["body_template"], "symptoms": text["symptoms"], "probable_causes": text["probable_causes"], "recommended_actions": text["recommended_actions"] }, "$unset": { "text": "" } }) ] if bulk: print("Commiting changes to database") try: print("Database has been synced") except BulkWriteError as e: print("Bulk write error: '%s'", e.details) print("Stopping check")
def extract(self): i_type = "physical" match = {"type": i_type} if self.sync_ids: match = {"type": i_type, "managed_object": {"$in": self.sync_ids}} value = get_db()["noc.interfaces"].with_options( read_preference=ReadPreference.SECONDARY_PREFERRED).aggregate([{ "$match": match }, { "$group": { "_id": "$managed_object", "count": { "$sum": 1 } } }, { "$sort": { "_id": 1 } }]) for v in value: if not v["_id"]: continue yield v["_id"], v["count"]
def __init__(self, name, cleanup=None, reset_running=False, initial_submit=False, max_threads=None, preserve_order=False, max_faults=None, mrt_limit=None): self.logger = PrefixLoggerAdapter(logger, name) = name self.job_classes = {} self.collection_name = self.COLLECTION_BASE + self.collection = get_db()[self.collection_name] self.active_mrt = {} # ReduceTask -> Job instance self.cleanup_callback = cleanup self.reset_running = reset_running self.ignored = [] self.initial_submit = initial_submit self.initial_submit_next_check = {} # job class -> timestamp self.max_threads = max_threads self.preserve_order = preserve_order self.max_faults = max_faults self.mrt_limit = mrt_limit self.mrt_overload = False self.running_lock = threading.Lock() self.running_count = defaultdict(int) # Group -> Count self.log_jobs = None self.metrics = MetricsHub( "noc.scheduler.%s" % name, "jobs.count", "jobs.success", "jobs.failed", "jobs.dereference.count", "jobs.dereference.success", "jobs.dereference.failed", "jobs.time" )
def forwards(self): # Get profile record mappings pcoll = get_db()["noc.profiles"] pmap = {} # name -> id for d in pcoll.find({}, {"_id": 1, "name": 1}): pmap[d["name"]] = str(d["_id"]) # Create .profile column db.add_column( "peer_peeringpoint", "profile", DocumentReferenceField( "sa.Profile", null=True, blank=True ) ) # Update profiles for p, in list(db.execute("SELECT DISTINCT profile_name FROM peer_peeringpoint")): db.execute(""" UPDATE peer_peeringpoint SET profile = %s WHERE profile_name = %s """, [pmap[p], p]) # Set profile as not null db.execute("ALTER TABLE peer_peeringpoint ALTER profile SET NOT NULL") # Drop legacy profile_name db.delete_column("peer_peeringpoint", "profile_name")
def get_data(self, request, repo="config", days=1, **kwargs): data = [] baseline = - datetime.timedelta(days=days) if repo == "config": mos = ManagedObject.objects.filter() if not request.user.is_superuser: mos = mos.filter(administrative_domain__in=UserAccess.get_domains(request.user)) mos = dict(mos.values_list("id", "name")) config_db = get_db()["noc.gridvcs.config.files"].with_options( read_preference=ReadPreference.SECONDARY_PREFERRED) pipeline = [{"$match": {"ts": {"$gte": baseline}}}, {"$group": {"_id": "$object", "last_ts": {"$max": "$ts"}}}, {"$sort": {"_id": 1}}] for value in config_db.aggregate(pipeline): if value["_id"] not in mos: continue data += [(mos[value["_id"]], value["last_ts"])] else: oc = Object.get_object_class(repo) data = [(o, o.last_modified) for o in oc.objects.filter(last_modified__gte=baseline).order_by("-last_modified")] return self.from_dataset( title="%s: %s in %d days" % (self.title, repo, days), columns=[ "Object", TableColumn(_("Last Changed"), format="datetime")], data=data, enumerate=True)
def extract(self): sync_ids_set = set(self.sync_ids) value = get_db()["noc.links"].with_options( read_preference=ReadPreference.SECONDARY_PREFERRED).aggregate([ { "$unwind": "$interfaces" }, { "$lookup": { "from": "noc.interfaces", "localField": "interfaces", "foreignField": "_id", "as": "int" } }, # {"$match": {"int.managed_object": {"$in": self.sync_ids}}}, { "$group": { "_id": "$int.managed_object", "count": { "$sum": 1 } } }, { "$sort": { "_id": 1 } } ]) for v in value: if not v["_id"] or v["_id"][0] not in sync_ids_set: continue yield v["_id"][0], v["count"]
def archive(self): """ Move data to archive collection :return: """ def spool(collection_name): coll = db[collection_name] try: r = coll.insert_many(data[collection_name]) except BulkWriteError as e: print(e.details) return None return r db = get_db() # Compile name template tpl = self.get_archived_template() # collection name -> data data = defaultdict(list) # Collect data and spool full batches for d in self.iter_archived_items(): cname = str(tpl.render({"doc": d})) data[cname] += [d] if len(data[cname]) >= self.archive_batch_limit: result = spool(cname) if result: data[cname] = [] else: break # Spool remaining incomplete batches for cname in data: if data[cname]: spool(cname)
def forwards(self): if db.execute(""" select count(*) from pg_class where relname='gis_geodata' """)[0][0] == 0: return # No PostGIS c = get_db().noc.geodata bulk = [] for layer, label, object, data in db.execute(""" SELECT layer, label, object, ST_AsGeoJSON(data) FROM gis_geodata """): data = json.loads(data) bulk += [ InsertOne({ "layer": ObjectId(layer), "object": ObjectId(object), "label": label, "data": data }) ] if bulk: print("Commiting changes to database") try: c.bulk_write(bulk) print("Database has been synced") except BulkWriteError as e: print("Bulk write error: '%s'", e.details) print("Stopping check")
def forwards(self): # Update mongodb collections mdb = get_db() for coll_name in ["noc.firmwares", "noc.interface_profiles", "noc.networksegments", "noc.networksegmentprofiles", "noc.objects", "noc.platforms", "noc.vendors"]: coll = mdb[coll_name] updates = [] for d in coll.find({"bi_id": {"$exists": False}}, {"_id": 1}): updates += [ UpdateOne({ "_id": d["_id"] }, { "$set": { "bi_id": bson.Int64(bi_hash(d["_id"])) } }) ] if len(updates) >= MONGO_CHUNK: coll.bulk_write(updates) updates = [] if updates: coll.bulk_write(updates)
def handle(self, host=None, port=None, *args, **options): from noc.lib.nosql import get_db db = get_db() collections = set(db.list_collection_names()) for model_id in iter_model_id(): model = get_model(model_id) if not model: self.die("Invalid model: %s" % model_id) if not is_document(model): continue # Rename collections when necessary legacy_collections = model._meta.get("legacy_collections", []) for old_name in legacy_collections: if old_name in collections: new_name = model._meta["collection"] self.print("[%s] Renaming %s to %s" % (model_id, old_name, new_name)) db[old_name].rename(new_name) break # Ensure only documents with auto_create_index == False if model._meta.get('auto_create_index', True): continue # Index model self.index_model(model_id, model) # Index datastreams self.index_datastreams() # @todo: Detect changes self.print("OK")
def forwards(self): db = get_db() for om in db.noc.objectmodels.find(): if "data" not in om: continue if "asset" not in om["data"]: continue part_no = [] order_part_no = [] uso = {} so = {} for k in om["data"]["asset"]: if k.startswith("part_no") and k != "part_no": part_no += [om["data"]["asset"][k]] uso["data.asset.%s" % k] = "" elif k.startswith("order_part_no") and k != "order_part_no": order_part_no += [om["data"]["asset"][k]] uso["data.asset.%s" % k] = "" if not part_no and not order_part_no: continue if part_no: so["data.asset.part_no"] = part_no if order_part_no: so["data.asset.order_part_no"] = order_part_no db.noc.objectmodels.update({"_id": om["_id"]}, { "$set": so, "$unset": uso })
def forwards(self): c = get_db().noc.subinterfaces for i in ("is_ipv4_1", "is_ipv6_1", "is_bridge_1"): try: c.drop_index(i) except: pass
def forwards(self): db = get_db() metrics = db.noc.ts.metrics has_children = {} for m in metrics.find({}).sort("name", 1): has_children[m["name"]] = False if "." in m["name"]: parent = ".".join(m["name"].split(".")[:-1]) has_children[parent] = True if has_children: bulk = [] for name in has_children: bulk += [ UpdateOne({"name": name}, {"$set": { "has_children": has_children[name] }}) ] if bulk: print("Commiting changes to database") try: metrics.bulk_write(bulk) print("Database has been synced") except BulkWriteError as e: print("Bulk write error: '%s'", e.details) print("Stopping check")
def __init__(self): self.mhashes = {} # metric -> metric hash # self.hash_width = config.getint("pm_storage", "hash_width") self.key_mask = "!%dsL" % self.hash_width # Set key-value store class kvtype = config.get("pm_storage", "type")"Initializing %s storage. %d-byte wide hash", kvtype, self.hash_width) self.kvcls = load_name("", kvtype, KVStorage) if not self.kvcls: logger.critical("Invalid storage type: '%s'", kvtype) raise ValueError("Invalid storage type: '%s'" % kvtype) # Set partitioning scheme ps = config.get("pm_storage", "partition")"Setting %s partitioning scheme", ps) self.partition = load_name("", ps, Partition) # Index collection self.metrics = get_db()["noc.ts.metrics"] self.metrics_batch = self.metrics.initialize_ordered_bulk_op() self.new_metrics = 0 self.flush_lock = threading.Lock() self.epoch = int( time.mktime( time.strptime(config.get("pm_storage", "epoch"), "%Y-%m-%d"))) self.zero_hash = Binary("\x00" * self.hash_width)
def forwards(self): now = sc = get_db()["noc.synccaches"] for zone_id, sync_id in db.execute( "SELECT, s.sync " "FROM " " dns_dnszone z JOIN dns_dnszoneprofile p ON (z.profile_id = " " JOIN dns_dnszoneprofile_masters m ON (m.dnszoneprofile_id = " " JOIN dns_dnsserver s ON ( = m.dnsserver_id) " "WHERE " " z.is_auto_generated = TRUE " " AND s.sync IS NOT NULL"): if not sc.count_documents({ "sync_id": str(sync_id), "model_id": "dns.DNSZone", "object_id": str(zone_id) }): sc.insert({ "uuid": str(uuid.uuid4()), "model_id": "dns.DNSZone", "object_id": str(zone_id), "sync_id": str(sync_id), "instance_id": 0, "changed": now, "expire": now })
def forwards(self): phash = {} db = get_db() metrics = db.noc.ts.metrics bulk = [] for m in metrics.find({}).sort("name", 1): phash[m["name"]] = m["hash"] if "." in m["name"]: pn = ".".join(m["name"].split(".")[:-1]) parent = phash[pn] else: parent = Binary("\x00" * 8) bulk += [ UpdateOne({"_id": m["_id"]}, { "$set": { "local": m["name"].split(".")[-1], "parent": parent } }) ] if bulk: print("Commiting changes to database") try: metrics.bulk_write(bulk) print("Database has been synced") except BulkWriteError as e: print("Bulk write error: '%s'", e.details) print("Stopping check")
def forwards(self): def process_event(event_id, alarm_id): e = None for c in (active_events, archived_events): e = c.find_one(event_id) if e: break if not e: return assert e["_id"] == event_id alarms = e.get("alarms", []) if alarm_id not in alarms: alarms += [alarm_id] e["alarms"] = alarms def process_alarm(collection, doc): if "events" not in doc: return a_id = doc["_id"] for e_id in doc["events"]: process_event(e_id, a_id) del doc["events"] db = get_db() active_alarms = archived_alarms = db.noc.alarms.archive active_events = archived_events = for ac in (active_alarms, archived_alarms): for doc in ac.find(): process_alarm(ac, doc)
def forwards(self): db = get_db() coll = db["noc.networksegmentprofiles"] result = coll.insert({ "name": "default", "description": "Default segment profile", "discovery_interval": 0, "mac_restrict_to_management_vlan": False, "enable_lost_redundancy": True, "topology_methods": [{ "method": m, "is_active": True } for m in [ "oam", "lacp", "udld", "lldp", "cdp", "huawei_ndp", "stp", "nri" ]] }) if isinstance(result, bson.ObjectId): profile_id = result else: profile_id = result.inserted_id db["noc.networksegments"].update_many( {}, {"$set": { "profile": profile_id }})
def sliding_job(scheduler_name, job_class, key=None, ts=None, delta=None, data=None, cutoff_delta=0): # if ts is None: ts = if delta: ts += datetime.timedelta(seconds=delta) # Check the job exists now = c = get_db()["noc.schedules.%s" % scheduler_name] j = c.find_one({Scheduler.ATTR_CLASS: job_class, Scheduler.ATTR_KEY: key}) if j: cutoff = j[Scheduler.ATTR_SCHEDULE].get("cutoff") if not cutoff or ts <= cutoff: # Slide job c.update({"_id": j["_id"]}, {"$set": {Scheduler.ATTR_TS: ts}}) else: # Submit job cutoff = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=cutoff_delta) c.insert({ Scheduler.ATTR_CLASS: job_class, Scheduler.ATTR_KEY: key, Scheduler.ATTR_STATUS: Scheduler.S_WAIT, Scheduler.ATTR_TS: ts, Scheduler.ATTR_DATA: data, Scheduler.ATTR_SCHEDULE: { "cutoff": cutoff } })
def __iter__(self): for p in self.mos_pools: r = get_db()[self.coll_name %].with_options( read_preference=ReadPreference.SECONDARY_PREFERRED).aggregate( self.pipelines.get(, self.pipeline())) for x in r: # @todo Append info for MO yield x
def check_mongo(): from noc.lib.nosql import get_db import pymongo try: db = get_db() except pymongo.errors.OperationFailure, why: sys.stderr.write("ERROR: %s\n" % why) sys.exit(1)
def has_origin_routes(cls): """ Returns True if cache contains origin.routes :return: """ db = nosql.get_db() collection = db.noc.whois.origin.route return bool(collection.count_documents({}))
def has_asset_members(cls): """ Returns True if cache contains asset.members :return: """ db = nosql.get_db() collection = db.noc.whois.asset.members return bool(collection.count_documents({}))