def composed(*dclasses): dclasses = noconflict.remove_redundant(dclasses) decname = ''.join([d.__name__ for d in dclasses]) decorator = MetaDecorator.dic.get(decname) if not decorator: decorator = makecls()(decname, dclasses, {}) return decorator
def _call_(dec, *args): "Returns a decorated class" a = args[0] # first argument; can be a string or a class if inspect.isclass(a): args = a.__name__, a.__bases__, a.__dict__.copy() return makecls(dec)(*args)
def _call_(dec,*args): "Returns a decorated class" a=args[0] # first argument; can be a string or a class if inspect.isclass(a): args=a.__name__,a.__bases__,a.__dict__.copy() return makecls(dec)(*args)
def composed(*dclasses): dclasses=noconflict.remove_redundant(dclasses) decname=''.join([d.__name__ for d in dclasses]) decorator=MetaDecorator.dic.get(decname) if not decorator: decorator=makecls()(decname,dclasses,{}) return decorator
class BaseLayout(wx.Frame): """Abstract base class for all layouts A custom layout needs to implement at least three methods: * _init_custom_layout: A method to initialize all relevant parameters. This method will be called in the class constructor, after initializing common parameters, right before creating the GUI layout. * _create_custom_layout: A method to create a custom GUI layout. This method will be called in the class constructor, after initializing common parameters. Every GUI contains the camera feed in the variable self.pnl. Additional layout elements can be added below the camera feed by means of the method self.panels_vertical.Add. * _process_frame: A method to process the current RGB camera frame. It needs to return the processed RGB frame to be displayed. """ __metaclass__ = makecls(ABCMeta) def __init__(self, capture, title=None, parent=None, id=-1, fps=5): """Class constructor This method initializes all necessary parameters and generates a basic GUI layout that can then be modified by self.init_custom_layout() and self.create_custom_layout(). :param parent: A wx.Frame parent (often Null). If it is non-Null, the frame will be minimized when its parent is minimized and restored when it is restored. :param id: The window identifier. Value -1 indicates default value. :param title: The caption to be displayed on the frame's title bar. :param capture: A cv2.VideoCapture object to be used as camera feed. :param fps: frames per second at which to display camera feed """ self.capture = capture self.fps = fps # determine window size and init wx.Frame success, frame = self._acquire_frame() if not success: print "Could not acquire frame from camera." raise SystemExit self.imgHeight, self.imgWidth = frame.shape[:2] self.bmp = wx.BitmapFromBuffer(self.imgWidth, self.imgHeight, frame) wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title, size=(self.imgWidth, self.imgHeight)) self._init_base_layout() self._create_base_layout() def _init_base_layout(self): """Initialize parameters This method performs initializations that are common to all GUIs, such as the setting up of a timer. It then calls an abstract method self.init_custom_layout() that allows for additional, application-specific initializations. """ # set up periodic screen capture self.timer = wx.Timer(self) self.timer.Start(1000. / self.fps) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self._on_next_frame) # allow for custom modifications self._init_custom_layout() def _create_base_layout(self): """Create generic layout This method sets up a basic layout that is common to all GUIs, such as a live stream of the camera (capture device). This stream is assigned to the variable self.pnl, and arranged in a vertical layout self.panels_vertical. Additional layout elements can be added below the livestream by means of the method self.panels_vertical.Add. """ # set up video stream self.pnl = wx.Panel(self, size=(self.imgWidth, self.imgHeight)) self.pnl.SetBackgroundColour(wx.BLACK) self.pnl.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self._on_paint) # display the button layout beneath the video stream self.panels_vertical = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.panels_vertical.Add(self.pnl, 1, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.TOP, border=1) # allow for custom layout modifications self._create_custom_layout() # round off the layout by expanding and centering self.SetMinSize((self.imgWidth, self.imgHeight)) self.SetSizer(self.panels_vertical) self.Centre() def _on_next_frame(self, event): """ This method captures a new frame from the camera (or capture device) and sends an RGB version to the method self.process_frame. The latter will then apply task-specific post-processing and return an image to be displayed. """ success, frame = self._acquire_frame() if success: # process current frame frame = self._process_frame(cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) # update buffer and paint (EVT_PAINT triggered by Refresh) self.bmp.CopyFromBuffer(frame) self.Refresh(eraseBackground=False) def _on_paint(self, event): """ This method draws the camera frame stored in the bitmap self.bmp onto the panel self.pnl. Make sure self.pnl exists and is at least the size of the camera frame. This method is called whenever an event wx.EVT_PAINT is triggered. """ # read and draw buffered bitmap deviceContext = wx.BufferedPaintDC(self.pnl) deviceContext.DrawBitmap(self.bmp, 0, 0) def _acquire_frame(self): """ This method is called whenever a new frame needs to be acquired. :returns: (success, frame), whether acquiring was successful (via Boolean success) and current frame """ return @abstractmethod def _init_custom_layout(self): """ This method is called in the class constructor, after setting up relevant event callbacks, and right before creation of the GUI layout. """ pass @abstractmethod def _create_custom_layout(self): """ This method is responsible for creating the GUI layout. It is called in the class constructor, after setting up relevant event callbacks and self.init_layout, and creates the layout. Every GUI contains the camera feed in the variable self.pnl. Additional layout elements can be added below the camera feed by adding them to self.panels_vertical. """ pass @abstractmethod def _process_frame(self, frame_rgb): """ This method is responsible for any post-processing that needs to be applied to the current frame of the camera (capture device) stream. :param frame_rgb: The RGB camera frame to be processed. :returns: The processed RGB camera frame to be displayed. """ pass