Example #1
    def _build_new_node_from_last_branch(self, branches):
        """ Combines nibble of the only branch left with underlying node and creates new node. """

        # Find the index of the only stored branch.
        idx = 0
        for i in range(len(branches)):
            if len(branches[i]) > 0:
                idx = i

        # Path in leaf will contain one nibble (at this step).
        prefix_nibble = NibblePath([idx], offset=1)

        child = self._get_node(branches[idx])

        path = None
        node = None

        # Build new node.
        # If next node is leaf or extension, merge it.
        # If next node is branch, create an extension node with one nibble in path.
        if type(child) == Node.Leaf:
            path = NibblePath.combine(prefix_nibble, child.path)
            node = Node.Leaf(path, child.data)
        elif type(child) == Node.Extension:
            path = NibblePath.combine(prefix_nibble, child.path)
            node = Node.Extension(path, child.next_ref)
        elif type(child) == Node.Branch:
            path = prefix_nibble
            node = Node.Extension(path, branches[idx])

        reference = self._store_node(node)

        return MerklePatriciaTrie._DeleteAction.USELESS_BRANCH, (path,
Example #2
    def _create_branch_leaf(self, path, value, branches):
        """ If path isn't empty, creates leaf node and stores reference in appropriate branch. """
        if len(path) > 0:
            idx = path.at(0)

            leaf_ref = self._store_node(Node.Leaf(path.consume(1), value))
            branches[idx] = leaf_ref
Example #3
    def _delete(self, node_ref, path):
        """ Delete method helper """

        node = self._get_node(node_ref)

        if type(node) == Node.Leaf:
            # If it's leaf node, then it's either node we need or incorrect key provided.
            if path == node.path:
                return MerklePatriciaTrie._DeleteAction.DELETED, None
                raise KeyError

        elif type(node) == Node.Extension:
            # Extension node can't be removed directly, it passes delete request to the next node.
            # After that several options are possible:
            # 1. Next node was deleted. Then this node should be deleted too.
            # 2. Next node was updated. Then we should update stored reference.
            # 3. Next node was useless branch. Then we have to update our node depending on the next node type.

            if not path.starts_with(node.path):
                raise KeyError

            action, info = self._delete(node.next_ref,

            if action == MerklePatriciaTrie._DeleteAction.DELETED:
                # Next node was deleted. This node should be deleted also.
                return action, None
            elif action == MerklePatriciaTrie._DeleteAction.UPDATED:
                # Next node was updated. Update this node too.
                child_ref = info
                new_ref = self._store_node(Node.Extension(
                    node.path, child_ref))
                return action, new_ref
            elif action == MerklePatriciaTrie._DeleteAction.USELESS_BRANCH:
                # Next node was useless branch.
                stored_path, stored_ref = info

                child = self._get_node(stored_ref)

                new_node = None
                if type(child) == Node.Leaf:
                    # If next node is the leaf, our node is unnecessary.
                    # Concat our path with leaf path and return reference to the leaf.
                    path = NibblePath.combine(node.path, child.path)
                    new_node = Node.Leaf(path, child.data)
                elif type(child) == Node.Extension:
                    # If next node is the extension, merge this and next node into one.
                    path = NibblePath.combine(node.path, child.path)
                    new_node = Node.Extension(path, child.next_ref)
                elif type(child) == Node.Branch:
                    # If next node is the branch, concatenate paths and update stored reference.
                    path = NibblePath.combine(node.path, stored_path)
                    new_node = Node.Extension(path, stored_ref)

                new_reference = self._store_node(new_node)
                return MerklePatriciaTrie._DeleteAction.UPDATED, new_reference

        elif type(node) == Node.Branch:
            # For branch node things are quite complicated.
            # If rest of the key is empty and there is stored value, just clear value field.
            # Otherwise call _delete for the appropriate branch.
            # At this step we will have delete action and (possibly) index of the branch we're working with.
            # Then, if next node was updated or was useless branch, just update reference.
            # If `_DeleteAction` is `DELETED` then either the next node or value of this node was removed.
            # We have to check if there is at least 2 branches or 1 branch and value still persist in this node.
            # If there are no branches and no value left, delete this node completely.
            # If there is a value but no branches, create leaf node with value and empty path
            # and return `USELESS_BRANCH` action.
            # If there is an only branch and no value, merge nibble of this branch and path of the underlying node
            # and return `USELESS_BRANCH` action.
            # Otherwise our branch isn't useless and was updated.

            action = None
            idx = None
            info = None

            assert len(path) != 0 or len(
                node.data) != 0, "Empty path or empty branch node in _delete"

            # Decide if we need to remove value of this node or go deeper.
            if len(path) == 0 and len(node.data) == 0:
                # This branch node has no value thus we can't delete it.
                raise KeyError
            elif len(path) == 0 and len(node.data) != 0:
                node.data = b''
                action = MerklePatriciaTrie._DeleteAction.DELETED
                # Store idx of the branch we're working with.
                idx = path.at(0)

                if len(node.branches[idx]) == 0:
                    raise KeyError

                action, info = self._delete(node.branches[idx],
                node.branches[idx] = b''

            if action == MerklePatriciaTrie._DeleteAction.DELETED:
                non_empty_count = sum(
                    map(lambda x: 1 if len(x) > 0 else 0, node.branches))

                if non_empty_count == 0 and len(node.data) == 0:
                    # Branch node is empty, just delete it.
                    return MerklePatriciaTrie._DeleteAction.DELETED, None
                elif non_empty_count == 0 and len(node.data) != 0:
                    # No branches, just value.
                    path = NibblePath([])
                    reference = self._store_node(Node.Leaf(path, node.data))

                    return MerklePatriciaTrie._DeleteAction.USELESS_BRANCH, (
                        path, reference)
                elif non_empty_count == 1 and len(node.data) == 0:
                    # No value and one branch
                    return self._build_new_node_from_last_branch(node.branches)
                    # Branch has value and 1+ branches or no value and 2+ branches.
                    # It isn't useless, so action is `UPDATED`.
                    reference = self._store_node(node)
                    return MerklePatriciaTrie._DeleteAction.UPDATED, reference
            elif action == MerklePatriciaTrie._DeleteAction.UPDATED:
                # Just update reference.
                next_ref = info
                node.branches[idx] = next_ref
                reference = self._store_node(node)
                return MerklePatriciaTrie._DeleteAction.UPDATED, reference
            elif action == MerklePatriciaTrie._DeleteAction.USELESS_BRANCH:
                # Just update reference.
                _, next_ref = info
                node.branches[idx] = next_ref
                reference = self._store_node(node)
                return MerklePatriciaTrie._DeleteAction.UPDATED, reference
Example #4
    def _update(self, node_ref, path, value):
        """ Update support method """
        if not node_ref:
            return self._store_node(Node.Leaf(path, value))

        node = self._get_node(node_ref)

        if type(node) == Node.Leaf:
            # If we're updating the leaf there are 2 possible ways:
            # 1. Path is equals to the rest of the key. Then we should just update value of this leaf.
            # 2. Path differs. Then we should split this node into several nodes.

            if node.path == path:
                # Path is the same. Just change the value.
                node.data = value
                return self._store_node(node)

            # If we are here, we have to split the node.

            # Find the common part of the key and leaf's path.
            common_prefix = path.common_prefix(node.path)

            # Cut off the common part.

            # Create branch node to split paths.
            branch_reference = self._create_branch_node(
                path, value, node.path, node.data)

            # If common part isn't empty, we have to create an extension node before branch node.
            # Otherwise, we need just branch node.
            if len(common_prefix) != 0:
                return self._store_node(
                    Node.Extension(common_prefix, branch_reference))
                return branch_reference

        elif type(node) == Node.Extension:
            # If we're updating an extenstion there are 2 possible ways:
            # 1. Key starts with the extension node's path. Then we just go ahead and all the work will be done there.
            # 2. Key doesn't start with extension node's path. Then we have to split extension node.

            if path.starts_with(node.path):
                # Just go ahead.
                new_reference = self._update(node.next_ref,
                return self._store_node(
                    Node.Extension(node.path, new_reference))

            # Split extension node.

            # Find the common part of the key and extension's path.
            common_prefix = path.common_prefix(node.path)

            # Cut off the common part.

            # Create an empty branch node. It may have or have not the value depending on the length
            # of the rest of the key.
            branches = [b''] * 16
            branch_value = value if len(path) == 0 else b''

            # If needed, create leaf branch for the value we're inserting.
            self._create_branch_leaf(path, value, branches)
            # If needed, create an extension node for the rest of the extension's path.
            self._create_branch_extension(node.path, node.next_ref, branches)

            branch_reference = self._store_node(
                Node.Branch(branches, branch_value))

            # If common part isn't empty, we have to create an extension node before branch node.
            # Otherwise, we need just branch node.
            if len(common_prefix) != 0:
                return self._store_node(
                    Node.Extension(common_prefix, branch_reference))
                return branch_reference

        elif type(node) == Node.Branch:
            # For branch node things are easy.
            # 1. If key is empty, just store value in this node.
            # 2. If key isn't empty, just call `_update` with appropiate branch reference.

            if len(path) == 0:
                return self._store_node(Node.Branch(node.branches, value))

            idx = path.at(0)
            new_reference = self._update(node.branches[idx], path.consume(1),

            node.branches[idx] = new_reference

            return self._store_node(node)