Example #1
 def __init__(self, init_value="0"):
     self._head = TwoWayNode(init_value[0])
     self._tail = self._head
     self.negative = True if int(init_value) < 0 else False
     self.size = len(init_value)
     for i in range(1, len(init_value)):
         self._tail.next = TwoWayNode(int(init_value[i]), self._tail)
         self._tail = self._tail.next
Example #2
 def append(self, value):
     newNode = TwoWayNode(value)
     if self.size == 0:
         self.tail = newNode
         self.head = newNode
         self.tail.next = newNode
         newNode.previous = self.tail
         self.tail = self.tail.next
     self.size += 1
Example #3
 def __init__(self, initValue="0"):
     self.initValue = initValue
     self._head = TwoWayNode("")
     # print(len(initValue))
     for i in range(0, len(initValue)):
         # if self._
         rest = self._head
         # print("J")
         self._head = TwoWayNode(initValue[i])
         self._head.next = rest
def make_two_way(singlyll):
    if singlyll == None:
        return (None, None)
    temp = singlyll
    doublyll = TwoWayNode(temp.data)
    temp2 = doublyll
    while temp.next != None:
        temp = temp.next
        new_node = TwoWayNode(temp.data, previous=doublyll)
        doublyll.next = new_node
        doublyll = doublyll.next
    return (temp2, doublyll)
Example #5
 def insert(self, item):
     """Inserts item after the current cursor position."""
     newNode = TwoWayNode(item, self._cursor.previous, self._cursor)
     self._cursor.previous.next = newNode
     self._cursor.previous = newNode
     self._size += 1
     self._lastItemPos = None
Example #6
 def __init__(self):
     self._head = TwoWayNode(None, None, None)
     self._head.next = self._head
     self._head.previous = self._head
     self._cursor = self._head
     self._lastItemPos = None
     self._size = 0
Example #7
 def __init__(self, sourceCollection=None):
     """Sets the initial state of self, which includes the
     contents of sourceCollection, if it's present."""
     # Uses a circular linked structure with a dummy header node
     self._head = TwoWayNode()
     self._head.previous = self._head.next = self._head
     AbstractList.__init__(self, sourceCollection)
 def append(self, data):
     node = TwoWayNode(data)
     if self.head == None:
         self.head = node
         self.head.next = self.head
         self.tail = self.head
         self.size += 1
         probe = self.head
         while probe.next != self.head:
             probe = probe.next
         probe.next = node
         node.next = self.head
         node.previous = probe
         self.tail = node
         self.size += 1
    def enqueue(self, data):
        new_node = TwoWayNode(data)

        if self.count == 0:
            self.head = new_node
            self.head.next = self.head
            self.tail = self.head
            probe = self.head
            while probe.next != self.head:
                probe = probe.next
            probe.next = new_node
            new_node.next = self.head
            new_node.previous = probe
            self.tail = new_node

        self.count += 1
Example #10
def makeTwoWay(head):
    """Creates and returns a doubly linked structure that
    contains the items in the structure referred to by head."""
    if head is None:
        # Empty structure
        return None
        # Set the first node
        twoWayHead = TwoWayNode(head.data)
        twoWayProbe = twoWayHead
        probe = head
        # Set remaining nodes, if any
        while probe.next != None:
            newNode = TwoWayNode(probe.next.data, twoWayProbe)
            twoWayProbe.next = newNode
            twoWayProbe = newNode
            probe = probe.next
        return twoWayHead
Example #11
 def insert(self, i, item):
     if i < 0: i = 0
     elif i > len(self): i = len(self)
     theNode = self._getNode(i)
     newNode = TwoWayNode(item, theNode.previous, theNode)
     theNode.previous.next = newNode
     theNode.previous = newNode
     self._size += 1
Example #12
 def insert(self, i, item):
     """Inserts the item at position i."""
     if i < 0: i = 0
     elif i > len(self): i = len(self)
     theNode = self.getNode(i)
     newNode = TwoWayNode(item, theNode.previous, theNode)
     theNode.previous.next = newNode
     theNode.previous = newNode
     self.size += 1
Example #13
    def __init__(self, sourceCollection=None) -> None:
        '''uses a circular structure with a "dummy" sentinel node
           the empty TwoWayNode instance self.head is the sentinel node... 
           the cursor will set its head NOT to the head node, which is the dummy sentinel, but to the next node, which is the first node containing data (if it exists)
           when the cursor cycles around to the dummy head sentinel node, the iterators loop terminates.

        self.head = TwoWayNode()

        self.head.previous = self.head.next = self.head
Example #14
    def insert(self, i, item):
        """Inserts the item at position i."""
        if i < 0: i = 0
        elif i > len(self): i = len(self)

        pointer = self._getNode(i)
        newNode = TwoWayNode(item, pointer.previous, pointer)
        pointer.previous.next = newNode
        pointer.previous = newNode

        self._size += 1
Example #15
def two_way():
    Two-way linked example
    # Create a doubly linked structure with one node
    head = TwoWayNode(1)
    tail = head

    # Add four nodes to the end of the doubly linked structure
    for data in range(2, 6):
        node = TwoWayNode(data, tail)
        print('1', node.data, node.next, node.previous)
        tail.next = node
        tail = tail.next
        print('2', node.data, node.next, node.previous)

    # Print the contents of the linked structure in reverse order
    probe = tail
    while probe is not None:
        probe = probe.previous
Example #16
 def __add__(self, other):
     self + other
     new_big_integer = ""
     if self.negative != other.negative:
         if self.negative:
             new_big_other_integer = BigInteger(self.to_string())
             new_big_other_integer.negative = False
             return other - self
         elif other.negative:
             new_big_other_integer = BigInteger(other.to_string())
             new_big_other_integer.negative = False
             return self - other
     elif self.negative == other.negative and self.negative:
         new1 = BigInteger(self.to_string())
         new1.negative = False
         new2 = BigInteger(other.to_string())
         new2.negative = False
         new_big_integer = BigInteger(str(self + other))
         new_big_integer.negative = True
         return new_big_integer
     elif self.negative == other.negative and not other.negative:
         if self.size > other.size:
             while self.size != other.size:
                 other._head.previous = TwoWayNode(0, None, other._head)
                 other._head = other._head.previous
                 other.size += 1
             new_big_integer = self._add(other)
         elif self.size < other.size:
             while self.size != other.size:
                 self._head.previous = TwoWayNode(0, None, self._head)
                 self._head = self._head.previous
                 self.size += 1
             new_big_integer = self._add(other)
         elif self.size == self.size:
             new_big_integer = self._add(other)
         return new_big_integer
Example #17
def makeTwoWay(listHead):
    This function takes in the "head" of a singly-linked-list, creates a
    doubly-linked-list with the same data, and returns the head and tail of the 
    created list. 
    @param listHead: the pointer to the first node of a singly-linked-list 

    probe = listHead
    newListHead = TwoWayNode(probe.data)  #creates first node and point to it
    tempPointer = newListHead  #pointer used to move forward while creating
    newListTail = None  #to point at the end of the list later
    while probe.next != None and probe.next != listHead:
        probe = probe.next
        tempPointer.next = TwoWayNode(probe.data, tempPointer, None)
        tempPointer = tempPointer.next
    newListTail = tempPointer  #assigns tail pointer to last node
    tempPointer.next = newListHead  #points the "next" pointer of last node to first node
    newListHead.previous = newListTail  #points the "previous" pointer of first node to last node
    print("Circular Doubly linked list created.")
    return (newListHead, newListTail)
Example #18
    def replace(self, i, item):
        '''do not increment mod count with replace method'''
        if i < 0:
            i = 0
        elif i > len(self):
            i = len(self)

        theNode = self.getNode(i)
        newNode = TwoWayNode(item, theNode.previous, theNode.next)

        # break link of the node being replaced
        theNode.previous.next = newNode
        theNode.next.previous = newNode
        return theNode.data
Example #19
def makeTwoWay(linkedList):
    """This function converts a linked list into a double linked list. Element that is fed will be made into the head
    cur = linkedList
    #marks what element the tail will be
    tail_tracker = None

    #iterates through linked list and coverts it into a double linked list by adding previous element, tail, and head.
    #head and tail are accessible by the first element
    while cur is not None:
        if cur.next is None:
            cur.tail = cur
            tail_tracker = cur
        holder = cur
        cur = cur.next
        cur.previous = holder
    linkedList.head = linkedList
    linkedList.previous = None
    linkedList.tail = tail_tracker
Example #20
 def insert(self, item):
     The list has not been modified except by this iterator's mutators.
     Adds item to the end if the current position is undefined, or
     inserts it at that position."""
     if self._modCount != self._backingStore.getModCount():
         raise AttributeError("List has been modified illegally.")
     if self._lastItemPos is None:
         newNode = TwoWayNode(item, self._lastItemPos.previous,
         self._lastItemPos.previous.next = newNode
         self._lastItemPos.previous = newNode
         self._backingStore._size += 1
         self._lastItemPos = None
     self._modCount += 1
Example #21
    def insert(self, item):
        Preconditions: the current position is defined
        The list has not been modified except by this iterator's mutators.
        Inserts the item at current cursor position."""
        if self._modCount != self._backingStore.getModCount():
            raise AttributeError("List has been modified illegally.")
        if self._lastMovement == None:  #insert to last position
            theNode = self._backingStore._head
            theNode = self._cursor

        # this portion ensures a constant time operation b/c
        # the cursor is already where we want it.
        newNode = TwoWayNode(item, theNode.previous, theNode)
        theNode.previous.next = newNode
        theNode.previous = newNode
        self._backingStore._size += 1
        self._modCount += 1
        self._lastMovement = None
Example #22
    def __init__(self, sourceCollection=None):
        """Sets the initial state of self, which includes the
        contents of sourceCollection, if it's present."""
        #Uses a circular struture with a sentinel node
        self._head = TwoWayNode()
        self._head.previous = self._head.next = self._head
        AbstractList.__init__(self, sourceCollection)

        # Accessor methods
        def __iter__(self):
            """Supports iteration over a view of self."""
            cursor = self._head.next
            while cursor != self._head:
                yield cursor.data
                cursor = cursor.next

        # Helper method returns node at position i
        def _getNode(self, i):
            """Helper method: returns a pointer to the node
            at positon i."""
            if i == len(self):
                return self._head
            if i == len(self) - 1:
                return self._head.previous
            probe = self._head.next
            while i > 0:
                probe = probe.next
                i -= 1
            return probe

        #Mutator methods
        def __getitem__(self, i):
            """Precondition: 0 <= i < len(self)
            Returns the item at position i."""
            if i < 0 or i >= len(self):
                raise IndexError("List index out of range")
            return self._getNode(i).data

        def __setitem__(self, i, item):
            """Precondition: 0 <= i < len(self)
            Replace the item at position i.
            Raises: IndexError."""
            if i < 0 or i >= len(self):
                raise IndexError("List index out of range")
            self._getNode(i).data = item

        def insert(self, i, item):
            """Inserts the item at position i."""
            if i < 0:
                i = 0
            elif i > len(self):
                i = len(self)
            theNode = self._getNode(i)
            newNode = TwoWayNode(item, theNode.previous, theNode)
            theNode.previous.next = newNode
            theNode.previous = newNode
            self._size += 1

        def pop(self, i=None):
            """Precondition: 0 <= i < len(self)
            Removes and returns the item at position i.
            If i ins None, i is given a default of len(self) - 1.
            Raises: IndexError."""
            if i == None:
                i = len(self) - 1
            if i < 0 or i >= len(self):
                raise IndexError("List index out of range")
            theNode = self._getNode(i)
            item = theNode.data
            theNode.previous.next = theNode.next
            theNode.next.previous = thenode.previous
            self._size -= 1
            return item
Example #23
File: test_twowaynode.py
Tests the TwoWayNode class.

from node import TwoWayNode

# Create a doubly linked structure with one node
head = TwoWayNode(1)
tail = head

# Add four nodes to the end of the doubly linked structure
for data in range(2, 6):
    node = TwoWayNode(data, tail)
    print('1', node.data, node.next, node.previous)
    tail.next = node
    tail = tail.next
    print('2', node.data, node.next, node.previous)

# Print the contents of the linked structure in reverse order
probe = tail
while probe is not None:
    probe = probe.previous
Example #24
File: two_way_nodes_test.py
Tests the TwoWayNode class.

from node import TwoWayNode

# Create a doubly linked structure with one node
head = TwoWayNode(1)
tail = head

# Add four nodes to the end of the doubly linked structure
for data in range(2, 6):
    tail.next = TwoWayNode(data, tail)
    tail = tail.next

# Print the contents of the linked structure in reverse order
probe = tailwhile probe != None:
probe = probe.previous
Example #25
 def clear(self):
     """Makes self become empty."""
     self._size = 0
     self._head = TwoWayNode()
     self._head.previous = self._head.next = self._head
Example #26
 def clear(self):
     self._size = 0
     self._head = TwoWayNode()
     self._head.previous = self._head.next = self._head
Example #27
 def addFirst(self, value):
     if not self.size:
         self.head = TwoWayNode(value, self.head)
         self.head = TwoWayNode(value, None, self.head)
     self.size += 1
Example #28
 def __init__(self, sourceCollection):
     self._head = TwoWayNode()
     self._head.previous = self._head.next = self._head
     AbstractList.__init__(self, sourceCollection)