def _remove_search_result(self, index): try: (id, search_text, found, path, index, linenr, line) = self.search_results.pop(index) pkg, rpath = package_name(os.path.dirname(path)) itemstr = '%s [%s]' % (os.path.basename(path), pkg) found_items = self.found_files_list.findItems( itemstr, Qt.MatchExactly) for item in found_items: for chi in range(item.childCount()): child = item.child(chi) if child.whatsThis(0) == id: item.removeChild(child) break # delete top level item if it is now empty for topidx in range(self.found_files_list.topLevelItemCount()): if self.found_files_list.topLevelItem( topidx).childCount() == 0: self.found_files_list.takeTopLevelItem(topidx) break # create new set with files contain the search text new_path_set = set(path for _id, _st, _fd, path, _idx, lnr, lntxt in self.search_results) self.search_results_fileset = new_path_set # self.found_files_list.setVisible(len(self.search_results_fileset) > 0) except: import traceback print traceback.format_exc()
def _resolve_abs_paths(cls, value, host, user, pw, auto_pw_request): ''' Replaces the local absolute path by remote absolute path. Only valid ROS package paths are resolved. @return: value, is absolute path, remote package found (ignore it on local host or if is not absolute path!), package name (if absolute path and remote package NOT found) ''' if isinstance(value, types.StringTypes) and value.startswith('/') and (os.path.isfile(value) or os.path.isdir(value)): if nm.is_local(host): return value, True, True, '' else: path = os.path.dirname(value) if os.path.isfile(value) else value package, package_path = package_name(path) if package: _, stdout, _, ok = nm.ssh().ssh_exec(host, ['rospack', 'find', package], user, pw, auto_pw_request, close_stdin=True, close_stderr=True) output = stdout.close() if ok: if output: value.replace(package_path, output) return value.replace(package_path, output.strip()), True, True, package else: # package on remote host not found! # TODO add error message # error = pass return value, True, False, '' else: return value, False, False, ''
def dropEvent(self, e): cursor = self.cursorForPosition(e.pos()) if not cursor.isNull(): text = e.mimeData().text() # the files will be included if text.startswith('file://'): text = text[7:] if os.path.exists(text) and os.path.isfile(text): # find the package name containing the included file (package, path) = package_name(os.path.dirname(text)) if text.endswith('.launch'): if package: cursor.insertText('<include file="$(find %s)%s" />' % (package, text.replace(path, ''))) else: cursor.insertText('<include file="%s" />' % text) else: if package: cursor.insertText( '<rosparam file="$(find %s)%s" command="load" />' % (package, text.replace(path, ''))) else: cursor.insertText( '<rosparam file="%s" command="load" />' % text) else: cursor.insertText(e.mimeData().text()) e.accept()
def _refill_tree(self, included_from, includes, create_tree=True): deep = 0 file_dsrc = self._root_path try: file_dsrc = os.path.basename(self._root_path) except Exception: pass self.setWindowTitle("Include Graph - %s" % file_dsrc) if not self._created_tree and create_tree: with CHACHE_MUTEX: if self._root_path in GRAPH_CACHE: pkg, _ = package_name(os.path.dirname(self._root_path)) itemstr = '%s [%s]' % (os.path.basename(self._root_path), pkg) inc_item = QStandardItem('%s' % itemstr) inc_item.setData(self._root_path, self.DATA_FILE) inc_item.setData(-1, self.DATA_LINE) inc_item.setData(self._root_path, self.DATA_INC_FILE) inc_item.setData(deep, self.DATA_LEVEL) self._append_items(inc_item, deep + 1) self.graphTreeView.model().appendRow(inc_item) # self.graphTreeView.expand(self.graphTreeView.model().indexFromItem(inc_item)) self._created_tree = True items = self.graphTreeView.model().match(self.graphTreeView.model().index(0, 0), self.DATA_INC_FILE, self._current_path, 10, Qt.MatchRecursive) first = True self.graphTreeView.selectionModel().clearSelection() for item in items: if first: self._current_deep = self.graphTreeView.selectionModel().select(item, QItemSelectionModel.SelectCurrent) first = False else: self.graphTreeView.selectionModel().select(item, QItemSelectionModel.Select) self.graphTreeView.expandAll()
def on_search_result(self, search_text, found, path, index, linenr, line): ''' Slot to handle the signals for search result. This signals are forwarded used search_result_signal. ''' if found and search_text == self.current_search_text: id = "%d:%s" % (index, path) self.search_results_fileset.add(path) item = (search_text, found, path, index) if item not in self.search_results: self.search_results.append((id, search_text, found, path, index, linenr, line)) if self._wait_for_result: self._search_result_index += 1 if index >= self._tabwidget.currentWidget().textCursor().position() or self._tabwidget.currentWidget().filename != path: self._wait_for_result = False self.search_result_signal.emit(search_text, found, path, index) self.replace_button.setEnabled(True) pkg, rpath = package_name(os.path.dirname(path)) itemstr = '%s [%s]' % (os.path.basename(path), pkg) if not self.found_files_list.findItems(itemstr, Qt.MatchExactly): list_item = QTreeWidgetItem(self.found_files_list) list_item.setText(0, itemstr) list_item.setToolTip(0, path) self.found_files_list.insertTopLevelItem(0, list_item) self.found_files_list.expandAll() for i in range(self.found_files_list.topLevelItemCount()): top_item = self.found_files_list.topLevelItem(i) if top_item.text(0) == itemstr: sub_item_str = "%d: %s" % (linenr, line) list_item2 = QTreeWidgetItem() list_item2.setText(0, sub_item_str) list_item2.setWhatsThis(0, id) top_item.addChild(list_item2) #self.found_files_list.setVisible(len(self.search_results_fileset) > 0) self._update_label()
def on_search_result(self, search_text, found, path, index): ''' Slot to handle the signals for search result. This signals are forwarded used search_result_signal. ''' if found and search_text == self.current_search_text: self.search_results_fileset.add(path) item = (search_text, found, path, index) if item not in self.search_results: self.search_results.append((search_text, found, path, index)) if self._wait_for_result: self._search_result_index += 1 if index >= self._tabwidget.currentWidget().textCursor( ).position() or self._tabwidget.currentWidget( ).filename != path: self._wait_for_result = False self.search_result_signal.emit( *self.search_results[self._search_result_index]) self.replace_button.setEnabled(True) if self.search_results: if len(self.search_results_fileset) > 1: for item in self.search_results_fileset: pkg, path = package_name(os.path.dirname(item)) itemstr = '%s [%s]' % (os.path.basename(item), pkg) if not self.found_files_list.findItems( itemstr, Qt.MatchExactly): list_item = QListWidgetItem(itemstr) list_item.setToolTip(item) self.found_files_list.addItem(list_item) self.found_files_frame.setVisible(True) self.found_files_list.setVisible( len(self.search_results_fileset) > 0) self._update_label()
def _append_items(self, item, deep): path = if not path: path = if path in GRAPH_CACHE: for inc_lnr, inc_path in GRAPH_CACHE[path]: pkg, _ = package_name(os.path.dirname(inc_path)) itemstr = '%s [%s]' % (os.path.basename(inc_path), pkg) inc_item = QStandardItem('%d: %s' % (inc_lnr + 1, itemstr)) inc_item.setData(path, self.DATA_FILE) inc_item.setData(inc_lnr + 1, self.DATA_LINE) inc_item.setData(inc_path, self.DATA_INC_FILE) inc_item.setData(deep, self.DATA_LEVEL) self._append_items(inc_item, deep + 1) item.appendRow(inc_item)
def transfer_files(cls, host, path, auto_pw_request=False, user=None, pw=None): ''' Copies the given file to the remote host. Uses caching of remote paths. ''' # get package of the file if nm.is_local(host): # it's local -> no copy needed return (pkg_name, pkg_path) = package_name(os.path.dirname(path)) if pkg_name is not None: # get the subpath of the file subfile_path = path.replace(pkg_path, '') # get the path of the package on the remote machine try: output = '' error = '' ok = True if host in CACHED_PKG_PATH and pkg_name in CACHED_PKG_PATH[host]: output = CACHED_PKG_PATH[host][pkg_name] else: if host not in CACHED_PKG_PATH: CACHED_PKG_PATH[host] = dict() _, stdout, stderr, ok = nm.ssh().ssh_exec(host, [nm.settings().start_remote_script, '--package', pkg_name], user, pw, auto_pw_request, close_stdin=True) output = error = stdout.close() stderr.close() if ok: if error: rospy.logwarn("ERROR while transfer %s to %s: %s", path, host, error) raise StartException(utf8(''.join(['The host "', host, '" reports:\n', error]))) if output: CACHED_PKG_PATH[host][pkg_name] = output nm.ssh().transfer(host, path, os.path.join(output.strip(), subfile_path.strip(os.sep)), user) else: raise StartException("Remote host no returned any answer. Is there the new version of node_manager installed?") else: raise StartException("Can't get path from remote host. Is there the new version of node_manager installed?") except nm.AuthenticationRequest as e: raise nm.InteractionNeededError(e, cls.transfer_files, (host, path, auto_pw_request))
def transfer_files(cls, host, path, auto_pw_request=False, user=None, pw=None): ''' Copies the given file to the remote host. Uses caching of remote paths. ''' # get package of the file if nm.is_local(host): # it's local -> no copy needed return (pkg_name, pkg_path) = package_name(os.path.dirname(path)) if pkg_name is not None: # get the subpath of the file subfile_path = path.replace(pkg_path, '') # get the path of the package on the remote machine try: output = '' error = '' ok = True if host in CACHED_PKG_PATH and pkg_name in CACHED_PKG_PATH[host]: output = CACHED_PKG_PATH[host][pkg_name] else: if host not in CACHED_PKG_PATH: CACHED_PKG_PATH[host] = dict() _, stdout, stderr, ok = nm.ssh().ssh_exec(host, [nm.settings().start_remote_script, '--package', pkg_name], user, pw, auto_pw_request, close_stdin=True) output = error = stdout.close() stderr.close() if ok: if error: rospy.logwarn("ERROR while transfer %s to %s: %s", path, host, error) raise StartException(str(''.join(['The host "', host, '" reports:\n', error]))) if output: CACHED_PKG_PATH[host][pkg_name] = output nm.ssh().transfer(host, path, os.path.join(output.strip(), subfile_path.strip(os.sep)), user) else: raise StartException("Remote host no returned any answer. Is there the new version of node_manager installed?") else: raise StartException("Can't get path from remote host. Is there the new version of node_manager installed?") except nm.AuthenticationRequest as e: raise nm.InteractionNeededError(e, cls.transfer_files, (host, path, auto_pw_request))
def on_search_result(self, search_text, found, path, index, linenr, line): ''' Slot to handle the signals for search result. This signals are forwarded used search_result_signal. ''' if found and search_text == self.current_search_text: id = "%d:%s" % (index, path) self.search_results_fileset.add(path) item = (search_text, found, path, index) if item not in self.search_results: self.search_results.append( (id, search_text, found, path, index, linenr, line)) if self._wait_for_result: self._search_result_index += 1 if index >= self._tabwidget.currentWidget().textCursor( ).position() or self._tabwidget.currentWidget( ).filename != path: self._wait_for_result = False self.search_result_signal.emit(search_text, found, path, index) self.replace_button.setEnabled(True) pkg, rpath = package_name(os.path.dirname(path)) itemstr = '%s [%s]' % (os.path.basename(path), pkg) if not self.found_files_list.findItems(itemstr, Qt.MatchExactly): list_item = QTreeWidgetItem(self.found_files_list) list_item.setText(0, itemstr) list_item.setToolTip(0, path) self.found_files_list.insertTopLevelItem(0, list_item) self.found_files_list.expandAll() for i in range(self.found_files_list.topLevelItemCount()): top_item = self.found_files_list.topLevelItem(i) if top_item.text(0) == itemstr: sub_item_str = "%d: %s" % (linenr, line) list_item2 = QTreeWidgetItem() list_item2.setText(0, sub_item_str) list_item2.setWhatsThis(0, id) top_item.addChild(list_item2) #self.found_files_list.setVisible(len(self.search_results_fileset) > 0) self._update_label()
def _refill_tree(self, included_from, includes, create_tree=True): deep = 0 file_dsrc = self._root_path try: file_dsrc = os.path.basename(self._root_path) except Exception: pass self.setWindowTitle("Include Graph - %s" % file_dsrc) if not self._created_tree and create_tree: with CHACHE_MUTEX: if self._root_path in GRAPH_CACHE: pkg, _ = package_name(os.path.dirname(self._root_path)) itemstr = '%s [%s]' % (os.path.basename( self._root_path), pkg) inc_item = QStandardItem('%s' % itemstr) inc_item.setData(self._root_path, self.DATA_FILE) inc_item.setData(-1, self.DATA_LINE) inc_item.setData(self._root_path, self.DATA_INC_FILE) inc_item.setData(deep, self.DATA_LEVEL) self._append_items(inc_item, deep + 1) self.graphTreeView.model().appendRow(inc_item) # self.graphTreeView.expand(self.graphTreeView.model().indexFromItem(inc_item)) self._created_tree = True items = self.graphTreeView.model().match( self.graphTreeView.model().index(0, 0), self.DATA_INC_FILE, self._current_path, 10, Qt.MatchRecursive) first = True self.graphTreeView.selectionModel().clearSelection() for item in items: if first: self._current_deep = self.graphTreeView.selectionModel().select( item, QItemSelectionModel.SelectCurrent) first = False else: self.graphTreeView.selectionModel().select( item, QItemSelectionModel.Select) self.graphTreeView.expandAll()
def dropEvent(self, e): cursor = self.cursorForPosition(e.pos()) if not cursor.isNull(): text = e.mimeData().text() # the files will be included if text.startswith('file://'): text = text[7:] if os.path.exists(text) and os.path.isfile(text): # find the package name containing the included file (package, path) = package_name(os.path.dirname(text)) if text.endswith('.launch'): if package: cursor.insertText('<include file="$(find %s)%s" />' % (package, text.replace(path, ''))) else: cursor.insertText('<include file="%s" />' % text) else: if package: cursor.insertText('<rosparam file="$(find %s)%s" command="load" />' % (package, text.replace(path, ''))) else: cursor.insertText('<rosparam file="%s" command="load" />' % text) else: cursor.insertText(e.mimeData().text()) e.accept()
def _remove_search_result(self, index): try: (id, search_text, found, path, index, linenr, line) = self.search_results.pop(index) pkg, rpath = package_name(os.path.dirname(path)) itemstr = '%s [%s]' % (os.path.basename(path), pkg) found_items = self.found_files_list.findItems(itemstr, Qt.MatchExactly) for item in found_items: for chi in range(item.childCount()): child = item.child(chi) if child.whatsThis(0) == id: item.removeChild(child) break # delete top level item if it is now empty for topidx in range(self.found_files_list.topLevelItemCount()): if self.found_files_list.topLevelItem(topidx).childCount() == 0: self.found_files_list.takeTopLevelItem(topidx) break # create new set with files contain the search text new_path_set = set(path for _id, _st, _fd, path, _idx, lnr, lntxt in self.search_results) self.search_results_fileset = new_path_set # self.found_files_list.setVisible(len(self.search_results_fileset) > 0) except: import traceback print traceback.format_exc()
def __getTabName(self, lfile): base = os.path.basename(lfile).replace('.launch', '') (package, _) = package_name(os.path.dirname(lfile)) return '%s [%s]' % (base, package)