The time delay is taken to be the delay at which the derivative of the
ADFD falls to 40% of its initial value.  The actual time delay used for
generating the time series is 17, and the estimated time delay is 15.
Compare with Fig. 8 of Rosenstein et al. (1994).

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from nolitsa import data, delay

sample = 0.25
x = data.mackey_glass(length=2500,

dim = 7
maxtau = 50
tau = np.arange(maxtau)

disp = delay.adfd(x, dim=dim, maxtau=maxtau)
ddisp = np.diff(disp)
forty = np.argmax(ddisp < 0.4 * ddisp[1])

print(r'Time delay %d' % forty)

fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()
Example #2
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Generate time series using the Mackey-Glass equation.

Generates time series using the discrete approximation of the
Mackey-Glass delay differential equation described by Grassberger &
Procaccia (1983).

Typical values of the parameters in the Mackey-Glass delay differential
equation are: a = 0.2, b = 0.1, c = 10.0, and tau = 23.0 with the grid
size n usually taken larger than 1000.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from nolitsa import data

x = data.mackey_glass(tau=23.0, sample=0.46, n=1000)

# Since we're resampling the time series using a sampling step of
# 0.46, the time delay of the resampled series is 23.0/0.46 = 50.
plt.title('Mackey-Glass delay differential equation')
plt.plot(x[50:], x[:-50])
plt.xlabel(r'$x(t - \tau)$')
Example #3
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""D2 for the Mackey-Glass system.

The estimates here are, depending on the initial condition, sometimes
lower than the value (D2 ~ 2.4) calculated by Grassberger & Procaccia
(1983).  One should use average over an ensemble of initial conditions
in such a case.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from nolitsa import d2, data, utils

x = utils.rescale(data.mackey_glass(tau=23.0, sample=0.46, n=1000))

# Since we're resampling the time series using a sampling step of
# 0.46, the time delay required is 23.0/0.46 = 50.
tau = 50
dim = np.arange(1, 10 + 1)

plt.title('Local $D_2$ vs $r$ for Mackey-Glass system')
plt.xlabel(r'Distance $r$')
plt.ylabel(r'Local $D_2$')

for r, c in d2.c2_embed(x, tau=tau, dim=dim, window=100,
                        r=utils.gprange(0.001, 1.0, 100)):
    plt.semilogx(r[3:-3], d2.d2(r, c), color='#4682B4')

plt.semilogx(utils.gprange(0.001, 1.0, 100), 2.4 * np.ones(100),
length_ms_hom_short = 60
length_ms_hom_long = 240
length_ms_het = 240

series_per_dataset = 100
frequency = 12
no_of_datasets = 100

# create the data folder if not existing
if not os.path.exists('data'):

########### SS and MS-Hom-Short Scenarios
all_series = list()
for dataset in range(no_of_datasets):
    ts = data.mackey_glass(length=length_ss, sample=5)

    min = np.min(ts)
    if min < 0:
        ts = ts - min
    if min < 1:
        ts = ts + 1

# SS scenario
required_multiples_list = list([100])
for dataset_index in range(no_of_datasets):
    output_path_ss = "./data/mackey_glass_dgp_ss_dataset_" + str(dataset_index + 1) + ".txt"
    with open(output_path_ss, "a") as data_file_object:
        ts = all_series[dataset_index]
        for multiple in required_multiples_list:
Example #5
of the delayed mutual information (DMI) of the series.  The
probabilities required for its computation are estimated by binning the
time series.

For many examples, the DMI at a lag of zero computed with 2^m bins is
approximately m bits.  This is because the distribution is nearly flat
when the number of bins is small, making the probability of being in a
bin ~ 2^-m.

Surprisingly, using a small number of bins doesn't seem to affect the
estimation of the delay.  Even with two bins, the extremas of the DMI
are clearly visible.  (Why?)

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from nolitsa import data, delay

x = data.mackey_glass()

plt.title(r'Delayed mutual information for the Mackey-Glass system')

for bins in (2**np.arange(1, 8 + 1)):
    ii = delay.dmi(x, maxtau=500, bins=bins)
    plt.plot(ii, label=(r'Bins = $%d$' % bins))
