Example #1
def lif_mc_refrac_feed_forward_step(
    input_tensor: torch.Tensor,
    state: LIFRefracFeedForwardState,
    g_coupling: torch.Tensor,
    p: LIFRefracParameters = LIFRefracParameters(),
    dt: float = 0.001,
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, LIFRefracFeedForwardState]:
    # compute whether neurons are refractory or not
    refrac_mask = threshold(state.rho, p.lif.method, p.lif.alpha)
    # compute voltage
    dv = (1 - refrac_mask) * dt * p.lif.tau_mem_inv * (
        (p.lif.v_leak - state.lif.v) +
        state.lif.i) + torch.nn.functional.linear(state.lif.v, g_coupling)
    v_decayed = state.lif.v + dv

    # compute current updates
    di = -dt * p.lif.tau_syn_inv * state.lif.i
    i_decayed = state.lif.i + di

    # compute new spikes
    z_new = threshold(v_decayed - p.lif.v_th, p.lif.method, p.lif.alpha)
    # compute reset
    v_new = (1 - z_new) * v_decayed + z_new * p.lif.v_reset

    # compute current jumps
    i_new = i_decayed + input_tensor

    # compute update to refractory counter
    rho_new = (1 - z_new) * torch.nn.functional.relu(
        state.rho - refrac_mask) + z_new * p.rho_reset

    return z_new, LIFRefracFeedForwardState(LIFFeedForwardState(v_new, i_new),
Example #2
File: lif.py Project: norse/norse
def _lif_step_jit(
    input_tensor: torch.Tensor,
    state: LIFState,
    input_weights: torch.Tensor,
    recurrent_weights: torch.Tensor,
    p: LIFParametersJIT,
    dt: float = 0.001,
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, LIFState]:  # pragma: no cover
    # compute voltage updates
    dv = dt * p.tau_mem_inv * ((p.v_leak - state.v) + state.i)
    v_decayed = state.v + dv

    # compute current updates
    di = -dt * p.tau_syn_inv * state.i
    i_decayed = state.i + di

    # compute new spikes
    z_new = threshold(v_decayed - p.v_th, p.method, p.alpha)
    # compute reset
    v_new = (1 - z_new) * v_decayed + z_new * p.v_reset
    # compute current jumps
    i_new = (i_decayed +
             torch.nn.functional.linear(input_tensor, input_weights) +
             torch.nn.functional.linear(state.z, recurrent_weights))

    return z_new, LIFState(z_new, v_new, i_new)
Example #3
File: lif.py Project: norse/norse
def lif_step_sparse(
    input_tensor: torch.Tensor,
    state: LIFState,
    input_weights: torch.Tensor,
    recurrent_weights: torch.Tensor,
    p: LIFParameters = LIFParameters(),
    dt: float = 0.001,
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, LIFState]:  # pragma: no cover
    # compute voltage updates
    dv = dt * p.tau_mem_inv * ((p.v_leak - state.v) + state.i)
    v_decayed = state.v + dv

    # compute current updates
    di = -dt * p.tau_syn_inv * state.i
    i_decayed = state.i + di

    # compute new spikes
    z_new = threshold(v_decayed - p.v_th, p.method, p.alpha)
    # compute reset
    v_new = (1 - z_new) * v_decayed + z_new * p.v_reset
    # compute current jumps
    i_new = (i_decayed + torch.sparse.mm(input_tensor, input_weights.t()) +
             torch.sparse.mm(state.z, recurrent_weights.t()))

    z_sparse = z_new.to_sparse()
    return z_sparse, LIFState(z_sparse, v_new, i_new)
Example #4
File: lif.py Project: norse/norse
def lif_current_encoder(
    input_current: torch.Tensor,
    voltage: torch.Tensor,
    p: LIFParameters = LIFParameters(),
    dt: float = 0.001,
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
    r"""Computes a single euler-integration step of a leaky integrator. More
    specifically it implements one integration step of the following ODE

    .. math::
            \dot{v} &= 1/\tau_{\text{mem}} (v_{\text{leak}} - v + i) \\
            \dot{i} &= -1/\tau_{\text{syn}} i

        input (torch.Tensor): the input current at the current time step
        voltage (torch.Tensor): current state of the LIF neuron
        p (LIFParameters): parameters of a leaky integrate and fire neuron
        dt (float): Integration timestep to use
    dv = dt * p.tau_mem_inv * ((p.v_leak - voltage) + input_current)
    voltage = voltage + dv
    z = threshold(voltage - p.v_th, p.method, p.alpha)

    voltage = voltage - z * (voltage - p.v_reset)
    return z, voltage
Example #5
def test_threshold():
    alpha = 10.0

    methods = ["super", "heaviside", "tanh", "tent", "circ", "heavi_erfc"]

    for method in methods:
        x = torch.ones(10)
        out = threshold(x, method, alpha)
        assert torch.equal(out, torch.ones(10))

        x = torch.full((10, ), 0.1)
        out = threshold(x, method, alpha)
        assert torch.equal(out, torch.ones(10))

        x = torch.full((10, ), -0.1)
        out = threshold(x, method, alpha)
        assert torch.equal(out, torch.zeros(10))
Example #6
def lsnn_feed_forward_step(
    input_tensor: torch.Tensor,
    state: LSNNFeedForwardState,
    p: LSNNParameters = LSNNParameters(),
    dt: float = 0.001,
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, LSNNFeedForwardState]:
    r"""Euler integration step for LIF Neuron with threshold adaptation.
    More specifically it implements one integration step of the following ODE

    .. math::
            \dot{v} &= 1/\tau_{\text{mem}} (v_{\text{leak}} - v + i) \\
            \dot{i} &= -1/\tau_{\text{syn}} i \\
            \dot{b} &= -1/\tau_{b} b

    together with the jump condition

    .. math::
        z = \Theta(v - v_{\text{th}} + b)

    and transition equations

    .. math::
            v &= (1-z) v + z v_{\text{reset}} \\
            i &= i + \text{input} \\
            b &= b + \beta z

        input_tensor (torch.Tensor): the input spikes at the current time step
        s (LSNNFeedForwardState): current state of the lsnn unit
        p (LSNNParameters): parameters of the lsnn unit
        dt (float): Integration timestep to use
    # compute voltage updates
    dv = dt * p.tau_mem_inv * ((p.v_leak - state.v) + state.i)
    v_decayed = state.v + dv

    # compute current updates
    di = -dt * p.tau_syn_inv * state.i
    i_decayed = state.i + di

    # compute threshold updates
    db = dt * p.tau_adapt_inv * (p.v_th - state.b)
    b_decayed = state.b + db

    # compute new spikes
    z_new = threshold(v_decayed - b_decayed, p.method, p.alpha)
    # compute reset
    v_new = (1 - z_new) * v_decayed + z_new * p.v_reset
    # compute b update
    b_new = (1 - z_new) * b_decayed + z_new * state.b
    # compute current jumps
    i_new = i_decayed + input_tensor

    return z_new, LSNNFeedForwardState(v=v_new, i=i_new, b=b_new)
Example #7
def test_threshold_backward():
    alpha = 10.0
    x = torch.ones(10)

    methods = ["super", "tanh", "tent", "circ", "heavi_erfc"]

    for method in methods:
        x = torch.ones(10, requires_grad=True)
        out = threshold(x, method, alpha)

        x = torch.full((10, ), 0.1, requires_grad=True)
        out = threshold(x, method, alpha)

        x = torch.full((10, ), -0.1, requires_grad=True)
        out = threshold(x, method, alpha)
Example #8
def ada_lif_step(
    input_tensor: torch.Tensor,
    state: LSNNState,
    input_weights: torch.Tensor,
    recurrent_weights: torch.Tensor,
    p: LSNNParameters = LSNNParameters(),
    dt: float = 0.001,
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, LSNNState]:
    r"""Euler integration step for LIF Neuron with adaptation. More specifically
    it implements one integration step of the following ODE

    .. math::
            \dot{v} &= 1/\tau_{\text{mem}} (v_{\text{leak}} - v + b + i) \\
            \dot{i} &= -1/\tau_{\text{syn}} i \\
            \dot{b} &= -1/\tau_{b} b

    together with the jump condition

    .. math::
        z = \Theta(v - v_{\text{th}})

    and transition equations

    .. math::
            v &= (1-z) v + z v_{\\text{reset}} \\
            i &= i + w_{\text{input}} z_{\\text{in}} \\
            i &= i + w_{\text{rec}} z_{\\text{rec}} \\
            b &= b + \beta z

    where :math:`z_{\text{rec}}` and :math:`z_{\text{in}}` are the recurrent
    and input spikes respectively.

        input_tensor (torch.Tensor): the input spikes at the current time step
        s (LSNNState): current state of the lsnn unit
        input_weights (torch.Tensor): synaptic weights for input spikes
        recurrent_weights (torch.Tensor): synaptic weights for recurrent spikes
        p (LSNNParameters): parameters of the lsnn unit
        dt (float): Integration timestep to use
    di = -dt * p.tau_syn_inv * state.i
    i = state.i + di
    i = i + torch.nn.functional.linear(input_tensor, input_weights)
    i = i + torch.nn.functional.linear(state.z, recurrent_weights)
    dv = dt * p.tau_mem_inv * ((p.v_leak - state.v) + state.i - state.b)
    v = state.v + dv
    db = -dt * p.tau_adapt_inv * state.b
    b = state.b + db
    z_new = threshold(v - p.v_th, p.method, p.alpha)
    v = v - z_new * (p.v_th - p.v_reset)
    b = b + z_new * p.tau_adapt_inv * p.beta
    return z_new, LSNNState(z_new, v, i, b)
Example #9
def izhikevich_step(
    input_current: torch.Tensor,
    s: IzhikevichState,
    p: IzhikevichParameters,
    dt: float = 0.001,
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, IzhikevichState]:
    v_ = s.v + p.tau_inv * dt * (p.sq * s.v**2 + p.mn * s.v + p.bias - s.u +
    u_ = s.u + p.tau_inv * dt * p.a * (p.b * s.v - s.u)
    z_ = threshold(v_ - p.v_th, p.method, p.alpha)
    v_ = (1 - z_) * v_ + z_ * p.c
    u_ = (1 - z_) * u_ + z_ * (u_ + p.d)
    return z_, IzhikevichState(v_, u_)
Example #10
def lif_adex_current_encoder(
    input_current: torch.Tensor,
    voltage: torch.Tensor,
    adaptation: torch.Tensor,
    p: LIFAdExParameters = LIFAdExParameters(),
    dt: float = 0.001,
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
    r"""Computes a single euler-integration step of an adaptive exponential LIF neuron-model
    adapted from http://www.scholarpedia.org/article/Adaptive_exponential_integrate-and-fire_model.
    More specifically it implements one integration step of the following ODE

    .. math::
            \dot{v} &= 1/\tau_{\text{mem}} \left(v_{\text{leak}} - v + i + \Delta_T exp\left({{v - v_{\text{th}}} \over {\Delta_T}}\right)\right) \\
            \dot{i} &= -1/\tau_{\text{syn}} i \\
            \dot{a} &= 1/\tau_{\text{ada}} \left( a_{current} (V - v_{\text{leak}}) - a \right)

    together with the jump condition

    .. math::
        z = \Theta(v - v_{\text{th}})

    and transition equations

    .. math::
            v &= (1-z) v + z v_{\text{reset}} \\
            i &= i + i_{\text{in}} \\
            a &= a + a_{\text{spike}} z_{\text{rec}}

        input (torch.Tensor): the input current at the current time step
        voltage (torch.Tensor): current state of the LIFAdEx neuron
        adaptation (torch.Tensor): membrane adaptation parameter in nS
        p (LIFAdExParameters): parameters of a leaky integrate and fire neuron
        dt (float): Integration timestep to use
    dv_leak = p.v_leak - voltage
    dv_exp = p.delta_T * torch.exp((voltage - p.v_th) / p.delta_T)
    dv = dt * p.tau_mem_inv * (dv_leak + dv_exp + input_current - adaptation)
    voltage = voltage + dv
    z = threshold(voltage - p.v_th, p.method, p.alpha)

    voltage = voltage - z * (voltage - p.v_reset)
    adaptation = (p.tau_ada_inv * (p.adaptation_current *
                                   (voltage - p.v_leak) - adaptation) +
                  z * p.adaptation_spike)
    return z, voltage, adaptation
Example #11
File: iaf.py Project: norse/norse
def iaf_feed_forward_step(
    input_tensor: torch.Tensor,
    state: IAFFeedForwardState,
    p: IAFParameters = IAFParameters(),
    dt: float = 0.001,
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, IAFFeedForwardState]:
    # compute new spikes
    z_new = threshold(state.v - p.v_th, p.method, p.alpha)
    # compute reset
    v_new = (1 - z_new) * state.v + z_new * p.v_reset
    # compute current jumps
    v_new = v_new + input_tensor

    return z_new, IAFFeedForwardState(v=v_new)
Example #12
File: iaf.py Project: norse/norse
def iaf_step(
    input_tensor: torch.Tensor,
    state: IAFState,
    input_weights: torch.Tensor,
    recurrent_weights: torch.Tensor,
    p: IAFParameters = IAFParameters(),
    dt: float = 0.001,
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, IAFState]:
    # compute new spikes
    z_new = threshold(state.v - p.v_th, p.method, p.alpha)
    # compute reset
    v_new = (1 - z_new) * state.v + z_new * p.v_reset
    v_new = (v_new + torch.nn.functional.linear(input_tensor, input_weights) +
             torch.nn.functional.linear(state.z, recurrent_weights))

    return z_new, IAFState(z_new, v_new)
Example #13
def izhikevich_recurrent_step(
    input_current: torch.Tensor,
    s: IzhikevichRecurrentState,
    input_weights: torch.Tensor,
    recurrent_weights: torch.Tensor,
    p: IzhikevichParameters,
    dt: float = 0.001,
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, IzhikevichRecurrentState]:
    input_current = torch.nn.functional.linear(input_current, input_weights)
    recurrent_current = torch.nn.functional.linear(s.z, recurrent_weights)
    v_ = s.v + p.tau_inv * dt * (p.sq * s.v**2 + p.mn * s.v + p.bias - s.u +
                                 input_current + recurrent_current)
    u_ = s.u + p.tau_inv * dt * p.a * (p.b * s.v - s.u)
    z_ = threshold(v_ - p.v_th, p.method, p.alpha)
    v_ = (1 - z_) * v_ + z_ * p.c
    u_ = (1 - z_) * u_ + z_ * (u_ + p.d)
    return z_, IzhikevichRecurrentState(z_, v_, u_)
Example #14
File: lif.py Project: norse/norse
def lif_feed_forward_step_sparse(
    input_tensor: torch.Tensor,
    state: LIFFeedForwardState,
    p: LIFParameters = LIFParameters(),
    dt: float = 0.001,
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, LIFFeedForwardState]:  # pragma: no cover
    # compute voltage updates
    dv = dt * p.tau_mem_inv * ((p.v_leak - state.v) + state.i)
    v_decayed = state.v + dv

    # compute current updates
    di = -dt * p.tau_syn_inv * state.i
    i_decayed = state.i + di

    # compute new spikes
    z_new = threshold(v_decayed - p.v_th, p.method, p.alpha)
    # compute reset
    v_new = (1 - z_new) * v_decayed + z_new * p.v_reset
    # compute current jumps
    i_new = i_decayed + input_tensor

    return z_new.to_sparse(), LIFFeedForwardState(v=v_new, i=i_new)
Example #15
def compute_refractory_update(
    z_new: torch.Tensor,
    v_new: torch.Tensor,
    p: LIFRefracParameters = LIFRefracParameters(),
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
    """Compute the refractory update.

        state (LIFRefracState): Initial state of the refractory neuron.
        z_new (torch.Tensor): New spikes that were generated.
        v_new (torch.Tensor): New voltage after the lif update step.
        p (torch.Tensor): Refractoryp.
    refrac_mask = threshold(state.rho, p.lif.method, p.lif.alpha)
    v_new = (1 - refrac_mask) * v_new + refrac_mask * state.lif.v
    z_new = (1 - refrac_mask) * z_new

    # compute update to refractory counter
    rho_new = (1 - z_new) * torch.nn.functional.relu(
        state.rho - refrac_mask) + z_new * p.rho_reset

    return v_new, z_new, rho_new
Example #16
def test_threshold_throws():
    alpha = 10.0
    x = torch.ones(10)

    with raises(ValueError):
        _ = threshold(x, "noasd", alpha)
Example #17
def lif_adex_feed_forward_step(
    input_tensor: torch.Tensor,
    state: LIFAdExFeedForwardState = LIFAdExFeedForwardState(0, 0, 0),
    p: LIFAdExParameters = LIFAdExParameters(),
    dt: float = 0.001,
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, LIFAdExFeedForwardState]:
    r"""Computes a single euler-integration step of an adaptive exponential
    LIF neuron-model adapted from
    It takes as input the input current as generated by an arbitrary torch
    module or function. More specifically it implements one integration step of
    the following ODE

    .. math::
            \dot{v} &= 1/\tau_{\text{mem}} \left(v_{\text{leak}} - v + i + \Delta_T exp\left({{v - v_{\text{th}}} \over {\Delta_T}}\right)\right) \\
            \dot{i} &= -1/\tau_{\text{syn}} i \\
            \dot{a} &= 1/\tau_{\text{ada}} \left( a_{current} (V - v_{\text{leak}}) - a \right)

    together with the jump condition

    .. math::
        z = \Theta(v - v_{\text{th}})

    and transition equations

    .. math::
            v &= (1-z) v + z v_{\text{reset}} \\
            i &= i + i_{\text{in}} \\
            a &= a + a_{\text{spike}} z_{\text{rec}}

    where :math:`i_{\text{in}}` is meant to be the result of applying an
    arbitrary pytorch module (such as a convolution) to input spikes.

        input_tensor (torch.Tensor): the input spikes at the current time step
        state (LIFAdExFeedForwardState): current state of the LIF neuron
        p (LIFAdExParameters): parameters of a leaky integrate and fire neuron
        dt (float): Integration timestep to use
    # compute voltage updates
    dv_leak = p.v_leak - state.v
    dv_exp = p.delta_T * torch.exp((state.v - p.v_th) / p.delta_T)
    dv = dt * p.tau_mem_inv * (dv_leak + dv_exp + state.i - state.a)
    v_decayed = state.v + dv

    # compute current updates
    di = -dt * p.tau_syn_inv * state.i
    i_decayed = state.i + di

    # Compute adaptation update
    da = dt * p.tau_ada_inv * (p.adaptation_current *
                               (state.v - p.v_leak) - state.a)
    a_decayed = state.a + da

    # compute new spikes
    z_new = threshold(v_decayed - p.v_th, p.method, p.alpha)
    # compute reset
    v_new = (1 - z_new) * v_decayed + z_new * p.v_reset
    # compute current jumps
    i_new = i_decayed + input_tensor
    # compute adaptation update
    a_new = a_decayed + z_new * p.adaptation_spike

    return z_new, LIFAdExFeedForwardState(v_new, i_new, a_new)
Example #18
def lsnn_step(
    input_tensor: torch.Tensor,
    state: LSNNState,
    input_weights: torch.Tensor,
    recurrent_weights: torch.Tensor,
    p: LSNNParameters = LSNNParameters(),
    dt: float = 0.001,
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, LSNNState]:
    r"""Euler integration step for LIF Neuron with threshold adaptation
    More specifically it implements one integration step of the following ODE

    .. math::
            \dot{v} &= 1/\tau_{\text{mem}} (v_{\text{leak}} - v + i) \\
            \dot{i} &= -1/\tau_{\text{syn}} i \\
            \dot{b} &= -1/\tau_{b} b

    together with the jump condition

    .. math::
        z = \Theta(v - v_{\text{th}} + b)

    and transition equations

    .. math::
            v &= (1-z) v + z v_{\text{reset}} \\
            i &= i + w_{\text{input}} z_{\text{in}} \\
            i &= i + w_{\text{rec}} z_{\text{rec}} \\
            b &= b + \beta z

    where :math:`z_{\text{rec}}` and :math:`z_{\text{in}}` are the recurrent
    and input spikes respectively.

        input_tensor (torch.Tensor): the input spikes at the current time step
        s (LSNNState): current state of the lsnn unit
        input_weights (torch.Tensor): synaptic weights for input spikes
        recurrent_weights (torch.Tensor): synaptic weights for recurrent spikes
        p (LSNNParameters): parameters of the lsnn unit
        dt (float): Integration timestep to use
    # compute voltage decay
    dv = dt * p.tau_mem_inv * ((p.v_leak - state.v) + state.i)
    v_decayed = state.v + dv

    # compute current decay
    di = -dt * p.tau_syn_inv * state.i
    i_decayed = state.i + di

    # compute threshold adaptation update
    db = dt * p.tau_adapt_inv * (p.v_th - state.b)
    b_decayed = state.b + db

    # compute new spikes
    z_new = threshold(v_decayed - b_decayed, p.method, p.alpha)
    # compute reset
    v_new = (1 - z_new) * v_decayed + z_new * p.v_reset
    # compute current jumps
    i_new = (i_decayed +
             torch.nn.functional.linear(input_tensor, input_weights) +
             torch.nn.functional.linear(state.z, recurrent_weights))

    b_new = b_decayed + z_new * p.tau_adapt_inv * p.beta
    return z_new, LSNNState(z_new, v_new, i_new, b_new)
Example #19
def lif_adex_step(
    input_tensor: torch.Tensor,
    state: LIFAdExState,
    input_weights: torch.Tensor,
    recurrent_weights: torch.Tensor,
    p: LIFAdExParameters = LIFAdExParameters(),
    dt: float = 0.001,
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, LIFAdExState]:
    r"""Computes a single euler-integration step of an adaptive exponential LIF neuron-model
    adapted from http://www.scholarpedia.org/article/Adaptive_exponential_integrate-and-fire_model.
    More specifically it implements one integration step of the following ODE

    .. math::
            \dot{v} &= 1/\tau_{\text{mem}} \left(v_{\text{leak}} - v + i + \Delta_T exp\left({{v - v_{\text{th}}} \over {\Delta_T}}\right)\right) \\
            \dot{i} &= -1/\tau_{\text{syn}} i \\
            \dot{a} &= 1/\tau_{\text{ada}} \left( a_{current} (V - v_{\text{leak}}) - a \right)

    together with the jump condition

    .. math::
        z = \Theta(v - v_{\text{th}})

    and transition equations

    .. math::
            v &= (1-z) v + z v_{\text{reset}} \\
            i &= i + w_{\text{input}} z_{\text{in}} \\
            i &= i + w_{\text{rec}} z_{\text{rec}} \\
            a &= a + a_{\text{spike}} z_{\text{rec}}

    where :math:`z_{\text{rec}}` and :math:`z_{\text{in}}` are the recurrent
    and input spikes respectively.

        input_tensor (torch.Tensor): the input spikes at the current time step
        s (LIFAdExState): current state of the LIF neuron
        input_weights (torch.Tensor): synaptic weights for incoming spikes
        recurrent_weights (torch.Tensor): synaptic weights for recurrent spikes
        p (LIFAdExParameters): parameters of a leaky integrate and fire neuron
        dt (float): Integration timestep to use
    # compute voltage updates
    dv_leak = p.v_leak - state.v
    dv_exp = p.delta_T * torch.exp((state.v - p.v_th) / p.delta_T)
    dv = dt * p.tau_mem_inv * (dv_leak + dv_exp + state.i - state.a)
    v_decayed = state.v + dv

    # compute current updates
    di = -dt * p.tau_syn_inv * state.i
    i_decayed = state.i + di

    # Compute adaptation update
    da = dt * p.tau_ada_inv * (p.adaptation_current *
                               (state.v - p.v_leak) - state.a)
    a_decayed = state.a + da

    # compute new spikes
    z_new = threshold(v_decayed - p.v_th, p.method, p.alpha)
    # compute reset
    v_new = (1 - z_new) * v_decayed + z_new * p.v_reset
    # compute current jumps
    i_new = (i_decayed +
             torch.nn.functional.linear(input_tensor, input_weights) +
             torch.nn.functional.linear(state.z, recurrent_weights))
    # Compute spike adaptation
    a_new = a_decayed + z_new * p.adaptation_spike

    return z_new, LIFAdExState(z_new, v_new, i_new, a_new)