def main(): x_range = numpy.linspace(fbmin, fbmax, STEPS_X) y_range = range(STEPS_Y) costs = numpy.zeros((STEPS_Y, STEPS_X)) for ix, x in enumerate(x_range): for iy, y in enumerate(y_range): filename = os.path.join(TMPDIR, "%i-%i-x%.3f-y%.3f" % (ix, iy, x, y)) K_attack = 0.0 K_main = 0.0 K_velocity = 0.0 controller.set_stable_K(st, dyn, 0, K_attack) controller.set_stable_K_main(st, dyn, 0, K_main) controller.set_K_velocity(K_velocity) single_file(filename, x) nac = note_actions_cats.NoteActionsCats() nac.load_file(filename, None) to_find = "finger_midi" nac.load_note(to_find, full=True) cats = [b for a, b in nac.get_note_cats()] cost = get_costs(cats) costs[iy][ix] = cost #print "Done %i / %i" % (ix+1, STEPS_X) # clean up remove_these = glob.glob(os.path.join(TMPDIR, "*")) for r in remove_these: os.remove(r) #print costs stable_file = open('%s.txt' % (name), 'w') for ix, x in enumerate(x_range): for iy, y in enumerate(y_range): stable_file.write("%g\t%g\t%g\n" % (x, y, costs[iy][ix])) stable_file.write("\n") stable_file.close() means = numpy.mean(costs, axis=0) stable_file = open('%s-means.txt' % (name), 'w') for ix, x in enumerate(x_range): #for iy, y in enumerate(y_range): stable_file.write("%g\t%g\n" % (x, means[ix])) #stable_file.write("\n") stable_file.close() lows = numpy.percentile(costs, 25, axis=0) highs = numpy.percentile(costs, 75, axis=0) stable_file = open('%s-lows.txt' % (name), 'w') for ix, x in enumerate(x_range): stable_file.write("%g\t%g\n" % (x, lows[ix])) stable_file.close() stable_file = open('%s-highs.txt' % (name), 'w') for ix, x in enumerate(x_range): stable_file.write("%g\t%g\n" % (x, highs[ix])) stable_file.close()
def get_stable_files_info(self): files = self._get_files() self._setup_lists_from_files(files) # ASSUME: no screw-ups in the file creation self.num_rows = len(self.counts[0]) * len(self.extras[0]) #self.num_cols = len(self.forces_initial[0])*len(self.finger_midis) self.num_cols = len(self.forces_initial[0]) self.num_counts = len(self.counts[0]) #self.num_rows = STEPS_X #self.num_cols = STEPS_Y # initialize 3d array self.notes = [] for fmi in range(len(self.finger_midis)): self.notes.append([]) for i in range(self.num_rows): self.notes[fmi].append([]) for j in range(self.num_cols): self.notes[fmi][i].append(None) for filename in files: params, extra, count = self.files.get_audio_params_extra(filename) finger_midi = params.finger_midi force = params.bow_force fmi = self.finger_midis.index(finger_midi) K_i = self.extras[finger_midi].index(extra) force_i = self.forces_initial[finger_midi].index(force) # and setup self.examines row = ( self.num_counts*self.extras[finger_midi].index(extra) + self.counts[finger_midi].index(count) ) col = ( #len(self.finger_midis) * self.forces_initial[finger_midi].index(force) #+ self.finger_midis.index(finger_midi) ) nac = note_actions_cats.NoteActionsCats() nac.load_file(filename[0:-4], self.files) #to_find = "finger_midi %i" % fm to_find = "finger_midi" nac.load_note(to_find, full=True) #print nac.note_cats_means #print nac.note_forces #stability = self.get_stability(nac.note_cats_means, # nac.note_forces) cats = [ b for a,b in nac.get_note_cats() ] stability = self.get_cost(cats) #self.notes[fmi][K_i][force_i] = (nac, stability) #print fmi, row, col self.notes[fmi][row][col] = (nac, stability)
def get_notes_costs(audio_basename, pncs): nac = note_actions_cats.NoteActionsCats() nac.load_file(audio_basename) note_costs = [] for pnc in pncs: nac.load_note(pnc) cats = map(lambda x: x[1], nac.note_cats) filt = filter(lambda x: x != vivi_defines.CATEGORY_NULL, cats) filt = filter(lambda x: x != vivi_defines.CATEGORY_WAIT, filt) cost = sum(map(lambda x: x * x, filt)) note_costs.append(cost) return note_costs
def get_cats(basename): nac = note_actions_cats.NoteActionsCats() nac.load_file(basename, self.files) #to_find = "finger_midi %i" % basic_training.FINGER_MIDIS[] to_find = "finger_midi" nac.load_note(to_find, full=True) cats = [b for a, b in nac.get_note_cats()] #att = self.portion_attack(cats_means) #att = cats_means # consider entire note #cost = self.get_cost(att) notes = split_cats(cats) return notes
def main(): x_range = numpy.linspace(0, 0.2, STEPS_X) x_range = numpy.linspace(0, 0.05, STEPS_X) #y_range = numpy.linspace(-0.1, 0.1, STEPS_Y) #y_range = numpy.linspace(-0.5, 0.0, STEPS_Y) y_range = numpy.linspace(0.0, 0.1, STEPS_Y) costs = numpy.zeros((STEPS_Y, STEPS_X)) for ix, x in enumerate(x_range): for iy, y in enumerate(y_range): filename = os.path.join(TMPDIR, "%i-%i-x%.3f-y%.3f" % (ix, iy, x, y)) K_attack = y K_main = x K_velocity = 0 controller.set_stable_K(st, dyn, 0, K_attack) controller.set_stable_K_main(st, dyn, 0, K_main) controller.set_K_velocity(K_velocity) single_file(filename, x, y) nac = note_actions_cats.NoteActionsCats() nac.load_file(filename, None) to_find = "finger_midi" nac.load_note(to_find, full=True) cats = [b for a, b in nac.get_note_cats()] cost = get_costs(cats) costs[iy][ix] = cost print "Done %i / %i" % (ix + 1, STEPS_X) # clean up remove_these = glob.glob(os.path.join(TMPDIR, "*")) for r in remove_these: os.remove(r) #print costs stable_file = open('%s.txt' % (name), 'w') for ix, x in enumerate(x_range): for iy, y in enumerate(y_range): stable_file.write("%g\t%g\t%g\n" % (x, y, costs[iy][ix])) stable_file.write("\n") stable_file.close()
def try_file(descr, filename, good_flag=False): #pylab.figure() nac = note_actions_cats.NoteActionsCats() nac.load_file(filename[0:-5], None) nac.load_note("finger_midi", full=True) cats = nac.note_cats_means #print cats #cats = [c for t,c in nac.note_cats] # remove weird final (0,0) if nac.note_cats[-1][0] == 0: cats = cats[:-1] title = filename[-12:-7] stability = TaskStable.get_stability(cats, nac.note_forces, plot=True, name=descr, good_flag=good_flag) #plot_cats = [c for c in cats if c > -10] #cats = numpy.array(plot_cats) #pylab.title(descr + " " + title) #pylab.legend() print "%s final:\t%s\t%.2f" % (descr, title, stability)
def get_file_info(self): files = self._get_files() self._setup_lists_from_files(files) self.num_rows = len(self.counts[0]) self.num_cols = len(self.extras[0]) self.notes = [] for i in range(self.num_rows): self.notes.append([]) for j in range(self.num_cols): self.notes[i].append(None) for filename in files: params, extra, count = self.files.get_audio_params_extra(filename) row = self.counts[0].index(count) col = self.extras[0].index(extra) nac = note_actions_cats.NoteActionsCats() nac.load_file(filename[0:-4], self.files) nac.load_note("note", full=True) self.notes[row][col] = (nac, 0, filename)
def new_examine_note(self): self.examine_note = note_actions_cats.NoteActionsCats()
def _examine_files(self): #files = self._get_files() #self._setup_lists_from_files(files) #self.num_rows = len(self.counts[]) #self.num_cols = len(self.forces_initial[]) self.num_rows = STEPS_Y self.num_cols = STEPS_X # hack #self.forces = self.forces_initial[] self.forces = self.test_range # initialize 2d array notes = [] for i in range(self.num_rows): notes.append([]) for j in range(self.num_cols): notes[i].append(None) shape = (self.num_rows, self.num_cols) costs = numpy.zeros(shape, dtype=numpy.float64) forces = [ float(str("%.03f" % f)) for f in self.test_range] for filename in self.kept_files: params, extra, count = self.files.get_audio_params_extra(filename) #print filename, params, extra, count finger_midi = params.finger_midi if finger_midi != continue #row = self.counts[finger_midi].index(count) #col = self.forces_initial[finger_midi].index(params.bow_force) row = count col = forces.index(params.bow_force) nac = note_actions_cats.NoteActionsCats() nac.load_file(filename, self.files) #to_find = "finger_midi %i" % basic_training.FINGER_MIDIS[] to_find = "finger_midi" nac.load_note(to_find, full=True) cats = [ b for a,b in nac.get_note_cats() ] #att = self.portion_attack(cats_means) #att = cats_means # consider entire note #cost = self.get_cost(att) K = self.K_range[row] #cost = (1.0 + K)*get_cost(cats) cost = get_cost(cats) #print row, col notes[row][col] = (nac, cost, filename) costs[row][col] = cost stable_file = open('orig-%i.txt' % self.fmi, 'w') for K_i, K in enumerate(self.K_range): for Fbi, Fb in enumerate(self.test_range): stable_file.write("%g\t%g\t%g\n" % ( K, Fb, costs[K_i][Fbi])) stable_file.write("\n") stable_file.close() #numpy.savetxt("orig.txt", costs) newcosts = numpy.zeros( shape ) for i in range(shape[0]): for j in range(shape[1]): squares = 0 if j > 0: squares += 1 if j < shape[1]-1: squares += 1 if i > 0: squares += 1 if i < shape[0] - 1: squares += 1 left = costs[i][j-1] if j>0 else 0 right = costs[i][j+1] if j<shape[1]-1 else 0 top = costs[i-1][j] if i>0 else 0 bot = costs[i+1][j] if i>shape[0]-1 else 0 newcosts[i][j] = (costs[i][j]/2.0 + (left+right+top+bot) / squares) / 2.0 stable_file = open('stable-%i.txt' % self.fmi, 'w') for K_i, K in enumerate(self.K_range): for Fbi, Fb in enumerate(self.test_range): stable_file.write("%g\t%g\t%g\n" % ( K, Fb, newcosts[K_i][Fbi])) stable_file.write("\n") stable_file.close() #newcosts = costs # avoid picking edges r = 0 c = 0 while True: #while r == 0 or c == 0 or r == newcosts.shape[0] or c == newcosts.shape[1]: #r, c = numpy.unravel_index(costs.argmin(), shape) r, c = numpy.unravel_index(newcosts.argmin(), shape) #print r, c, newcosts[r][c] if r == 0 or c == 0 or r == newcosts.shape[0]-1 or c == newcosts.shape[1]-1: newcosts[r][c] = 99999 else: break #print r, c, costs[r][c] self.best_attack = self.test_range[c] self.best_stability = self.K_range[r] # #print best_attack, best_stability if self.second: self.notes2 = list(notes) self.best_attack2 = self.best_attack self.best_stability2 = self.best_stability else: self.notes1 = list(notes) self.best_attack1 = self.best_attack self.best_stability1 = self.best_stability return 0,0 cands = [] for col, bow_force in enumerate(self.test_range): #for col, bow_force in enumerate(self.forces_initial[]): vals = [] #for row, count in enumerate(self.counts[]): for row in range(STEPS_Y): val = notes[row][col] #print val #if val[1] > 0: # vals.append(val[1]) if len(vals) > 0: val = scipy.mean(vals) std = scipy.std(vals) worst = max(vals) else: val = 0 cands.append( (val, col, bow_force) ) #cands.append( (worst, col, bow_force) ) #cands.append( (val+5*std, col, bow_force) ) #cands.append( (val**2+std**2, col, bow_force) ) cands.sort() lowest_index = cands[0][1] self.best_attack = cands[0][2] #if self.fmi != 0: # return lowest_index, self.best_attack #print '------' #for c in cands: # print c #print '------' #print self.fmi, lowest_index, self.best_attack return lowest_index, self.best_attack
def get_stable_files_info(self): #files = self._get_files() #self._setup_lists_from_files(files) # ASSUME: no screw-ups in the file creation #fm = basic_training.FINGER_MIDIS[self.finger_midi_index] #fm = self.finger_midi #self.num_rows = len(self.counts[0]) * len(self.extras[0]) #self.num_rows = len(self.counts[0]) #self.num_cols = len(self.forces_initial[0])*len(self.finger_midis) #self.num_counts = len(self.counts[0]) self.num_rows = REPS * 3 self.num_counts = REPS self.num_cols = STEPS #print self.num_rows, self.num_cols # initialize 2d array self.notes = [] for i in range(self.num_rows): self.notes.append([]) for j in range(self.num_cols): self.notes[i].append(None) row = 0 col = 0 for i in range(3): row = i * self.num_counts col = 0 #print len(self.kept_files[i]) for vals in self.kept_files[i]: force, filename, direction = vals nac = note_actions_cats.NoteActionsCats() nac.load_file(filename, self.files) #to_find = "finger_midi %i" % fm to_find = "finger_midi" nac.load_note(to_find, full=True) #print row, col self.notes[row][col] = (nac, direction, filename) row += 1 if (row % REPS) == 0: row = i * self.num_counts col += 1 return for filename in files: params, extra, count = self.files.get_audio_params_extra(filename) finger_midi = params.finger_midi fmi = FINGERS.index(finger_midi) force = params.bow_force #if finger_midi != self.finger_midi: #if finger_midi != basic_training.FINGER_MIDIS[self.finger_midi_index]: # continue #print filename, self.finger_midis, finger_midi, fmi, self.finger_midi_index count_i = self.counts[finger_midi].index(count) #K_i = self.extras[finger_midi].index(extra) force_i = self.forces_initial[finger_midi].index(force) #force_i = self.test_range.index(force) # and setup self.examines row = count_i col = force_i + len(self.finger_midis) * fmi #print row, col nac = note_actions_cats.NoteActionsCats() nac.load_file(filename[0:-4], self.files) #to_find = "finger_midi %i" % fm to_find = "finger_midi" nac.load_note(to_find) examine_cats = nac.note_cats_means rms = self.get_rms(examine_cats) self.notes[row][col] = (nac, rms, filename)