def get_tags(self): tags = set() for tag in self.rqh.get_arguments('existing_tags'): tags.add(utils.normalize(tag)) for tag in self.rqh.get_argument('new_tags', '').split('\n'): tags.add(utils.normalize(tag)) self['tags'] = [t for t in sorted(tags) if t]
def get(self, tag): tag = utils.normalize(tag) count = self.get_tag_count(tag) paging = self.get_paging_parameters(count=count) view = self.db.view('tag/modified', include_docs=True, descending=True, startkey=[tag, constants.CEILING], endkey=[tag], skip=paging['skip'], limit=paging['limit']) notes = [r.doc for r in view] if count == 1: self.see_other('note', notes[0]['_id']) return if count == 0: error = "No such tag '{}'".format(tag) else: error = None self.render('tag.html', tag=tag, notes=notes, error=error, **paging)
def create_user(db): "Get user information from command line." print('Provide information for the new user...') username = raw_input('username > ') if not username: raise ValueError('username is required') if not constants.NAME_RX.match(username): raise ValueError('invalid username') view = db.view('user/username') if len(view[username]) > 0: raise ValueError('username already in use') email = raw_input('email > ') if not email: raise ValueError('email is required') if not constants.EMAIL_RX.match(email): raise ValueError('invalid email') role = raw_input('role [admin] > ') if not role: role = 'admin' role = utils.normalize(role) if role not in constants.ROLES: raise ValueError('invalid role') password = getpass.getpass('password > ') if not password: raise ValueError('password is required') if len(password) < constants.MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH: raise ValueError("too short password; must be at least {} characters". format(constants.MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH)) doc = {'_id': utils.get_iuid(), constants.DOCTYPE: constants.USER, 'username': username, 'email': email, 'role': role, 'password': utils.hashed_password(password), 'owner': username, 'created': utils.timestamp(), 'modified': utils.timestamp()}
def get(self): "Get title and process into same state as index in database." orig = self.get_argument('title', '') # Keep this in sync with JavaScript 'keyword.js' title = orig.replace(':', ' ') title = title.replace(',', ' ') title = title.replace("'", ' ') title = utils.normalize(title) iuids = set() view = self.db.view('note/keyword') id_sets = [] for part in [p for p in title.split() if len(p) > 2]: id_sets.append(set([ for r in view[part : part+constants.CEILING]])) if id_sets: id_set = reduce(lambda i,j: i.intersection(j), id_sets) result = [self.get_note(id) for id in id_set] else: result = [] if len(result) == 1: self.see_other('note', result[0]['_id']) result.sort(lambda i,j: cmp(i['modified'], j['modified']), reverse=True) paging = self.get_paging_parameters(len(result)) self.render('search.html', notes=result, title=orig, **paging)
def get_title(self): self['title'] = self.rqh.get_argument('title', None) or '[no title]' self['title_normalized'] = utils.normalize(self['title'])