Example #1
def main(argv):

    # Initialize Notifier and assign is to a variable. Get your Slack API key here: https://api.slack.com/docs/oauth-test-tokens
    notifier = Notifier(
        'xoxp-< https://api.slack.com/docs/oauth-test-tokens >', 'slack')

    # Configure Notifier by setting your own username and channel
    notifier.configure({'username': '******', 'channel': 'general'})

    # Send your first notification
    notifier.message('random message')
        'text': 'random message with custom color',
        'color': '#0017D9'

    # Some helper functions to keep
    notifier.info('info text...')
    notifier.info({'text': 'Info text with a title', 'title': 'The Title'})

    notifier.good('Green means that everything is good')
        'Orange means that something went wrong but it\'s not critical')
    notifier.danger('Red means that something critical has occured')