Example #1
def _designer(noto_font, phase):
    if noto_font.manufacturer == 'Adobe':
        return '-'
    if noto_font.manufacturer == 'Monotype':
        if phase == 3:
            family_id = noto_fonts.noto_font_to_family_id(noto_font)
            designer_key = FAMILY_ID_TO_DESIGNER_KEY_P3.get(family_id)
            if designer_key:
                return DESIGNER_STRINGS[designer_key]
        if noto_font.family == 'Noto':
            if noto_font.style == 'Serif' and noto_font.script in [
                    'Beng', 'Gujr', 'Knda', 'Mlym', 'Taml', 'Telu'
                return 'Indian Type Foundry'
            if noto_font.script == 'Arab' and phase == 3:
                return 'Nadine Chahine'
            return 'Monotype Design Team'
        if noto_font.family in ['Arimo', 'Cousine', 'Tinos']:
            return 'Steve Matteson'
        raise ValueError('unknown family "%s"' % noto_font.family)
    if noto_font.manufacturer == 'Khmertype':
        return 'Danh Hong'
    if noto_font.manufacturer == 'Google':
        return 'Google, Inc.'
    raise ValueError('unknown manufacturer "%s"' % noto_font.manufacturer)
Example #2
def _designer(noto_font, phase):
    if noto_font.manufacturer == "Adobe":
        return "-"
    if noto_font.manufacturer == "Monotype":
        if phase == 3:
            family_id = noto_fonts.noto_font_to_family_id(noto_font)
            designer_key = FAMILY_ID_TO_DESIGNER_KEY_P3.get(family_id)
            if designer_key:
                return DESIGNER_STRINGS[designer_key]
        if noto_font.family == "Noto":
            if noto_font.style == "Serif" and noto_font.script in [
                return "Indian Type Foundry"
            if noto_font.script == "Arab" and phase == 3:
                return "Nadine Chahine"
            return "Monotype Design Team"
        if noto_font.family in ["Arimo", "Cousine", "Tinos"]:
            return "Steve Matteson"
        raise ValueError('unknown family "%s"' % noto_font.family)
    if noto_font.manufacturer == "Ek Type":
        if phase == 3:
            family_id = noto_fonts.noto_font_to_family_id(noto_font)
            designer_key = FAMILY_ID_TO_DESIGNER_KEY_P3.get(family_id)
            if designer_key:
                return DESIGNER_STRINGS[designer_key]
    if noto_font.manufacturer == "JamraPatel LLC":
        if phase == 3:
            family_id = noto_fonts.noto_font_to_family_id(noto_font)
            if family_id.startswith("sans-tfng"):
                return "JamraPatel"
            designer_key = FAMILY_ID_TO_DESIGNER_KEY_P3.get(family_id)
            if designer_key:
                return DESIGNER_STRINGS[designer_key]
    if noto_font.manufacturer == "Khmertype":
        return "Danh Hong"
    if noto_font.manufacturer == "Google":
        return "Google LLC"
    raise ValueError('unknown manufacturer "%s"' % noto_font.manufacturer)
Example #3
def _designer(noto_font, phase):
  if noto_font.manufacturer == 'Ek Type':
      if noto_font.script in ['Gonm', 'Taml_Sup']:
          return 'Ek Type & Mukund Gokhale'
          return 'Ek Type'
  if noto_font.manufacturer == 'JamraPatel LLC':
      if noto_font.script in ['Adlm']:
          return 'Mark Jamra, Neil Patel'
          return 'Designed by JamraPatel LLC'
  if noto_font.manufacturer == 'Adobe':
    return '-'
  if noto_font.manufacturer == 'Monotype':
    if phase == 3:
      family_id = noto_fonts.noto_font_to_family_id(noto_font)
      designer_key = FAMILY_ID_TO_DESIGNER_KEY_P3.get(family_id)
      if designer_key:
        return DESIGNER_STRINGS[designer_key]
    if noto_font.family == 'Noto':
      if noto_font.style == 'Serif' and noto_font.script in [
          'Beng', 'Gujr', 'Knda']:
        return 'Juan Bruce, Universal Thirst, Indian Type Foundry and the Monotype Design Team.'
      if noto_font.script in [
        return 'Indian Type Foundry, Tom Grace, and the Monotype Design Team'
      if noto_font.script in [
          'Telu', 'Knda', 'Guru']:
        return 'Jelle Bosma - Monotype Design Team'
      if phase == 3:
          if noto_font.script == 'Tang':
              return 'Julius Hui - Monotype Design Team'
          if noto_font.script == 'Arab':
              return 'Nadine Chahine - Monotype Design Team'
          if noto_font.script == 'Deva':
              return 'Universal Thirst, Indian Type Foundry and the Monotype Design Team'
          if noto_font.script == 'Syrc':
              return 'Patrick Giasson and the Monotype Design Team'
          if noto_font.script == 'Mlym':
              return 'Indian type Foundry, Jelle Bosma, Monotype Design Team'
          if noto_font.script == 'Sora':
              return 'Monotype Design Team. David Williams.'    
          return 'Monotype Design Team'
    if noto_font.family in ['Arimo', 'Cousine', 'Tinos']:
      return 'Steve Matteson'
    raise ValueError('unknown family "%s"' % noto_font.family)
  if noto_font.manufacturer == 'Khmertype':
    return 'Danh Hong'
  if noto_font.manufacturer == 'Google':
    return 'Google, Inc.'
  raise ValueError('unknown manufacturer "%s"' % noto_font.manufacturer)
Example #4
def _designer(noto_font, phase):
  if noto_font.manufacturer == 'Adobe':
    return '-'
  if noto_font.manufacturer == 'Monotype':
    if phase == 3:
      family_id = noto_fonts.noto_font_to_family_id(noto_font)
      designer_key = FAMILY_ID_TO_DESIGNER_KEY_P3.get(family_id)
      if designer_key:
        return DESIGNER_STRINGS[designer_key]
    if noto_font.family == 'Noto':
      if noto_font.style == 'Serif' and noto_font.script in [
          'Beng', 'Gujr', 'Knda', 'Mlym', 'Taml', 'Telu']:
        return 'Indian Type Foundry'
      if noto_font.script == 'Arab' and phase == 3:
        return 'Nadine Chahine'
      return 'Monotype Design Team'
    if noto_font.family in ['Arimo', 'Cousine', 'Tinos']:
      return 'Steve Matteson'
    raise ValueError('unknown family "%s"' % noto_font.family)
  if noto_font.manufacturer == 'Khmertype':
    return 'Danh Hong'
  if noto_font.manufacturer == 'Google':
    return 'Google, Inc.'
  raise ValueError('unknown manufacturer "%s"' % noto_font.manufacturer)