Example #1
def create_incomplete_consumers(ctx, batch_size):
    """Finds all the consumer records that are missing for allocations and
    creates consumer records for them, using the "incomplete consumer" project
    and user CONF options.

    Returns a tuple containing two identical elements with the number of
    consumer records created, since this is the expected return format for data
    migration routines.
    # Create a record in the projects table for our incomplete project
    incomplete_proj_id = project_obj.ensure_incomplete_project(ctx)

    # Create a record in the users table for our incomplete user
    incomplete_user_id = user_obj.ensure_incomplete_user(ctx)

    # Create a consumer table record for all consumers where
    # allocations.consumer_id doesn't exist in the consumers table. Use the
    # incomplete consumer project and user ID.
    alloc_to_consumer = sa.outerjoin(
        rp_obj._ALLOC_TBL, CONSUMER_TBL,
        rp_obj._ALLOC_TBL.c.consumer_id == CONSUMER_TBL.c.uuid)
    cols = [
    sel = sa.select(cols)
    sel = sel.select_from(alloc_to_consumer)
    sel = sel.where(CONSUMER_TBL.c.id.is_(None))
    sel = sel.limit(batch_size)
    target_cols = ['uuid', 'project_id', 'user_id']
    ins_stmt = CONSUMER_TBL.insert().from_select(target_cols, sel)
    res = ctx.session.execute(ins_stmt)
    return res.rowcount, res.rowcount
Example #2
def create_incomplete_consumers(ctx, batch_size):
    """Finds all the consumer records that are missing for allocations and
    creates consumer records for them, using the "incomplete consumer" project
    and user CONF options.

    Returns a tuple containing two identical elements with the number of
    consumer records created, since this is the expected return format for data
    migration routines.
    # Create a record in the projects table for our incomplete project
    incomplete_proj_id = project_obj.ensure_incomplete_project(ctx)

    # Create a record in the users table for our incomplete user
    incomplete_user_id = user_obj.ensure_incomplete_user(ctx)

    # Create a consumer table record for all consumers where
    # allocations.consumer_id doesn't exist in the consumers table. Use the
    # incomplete consumer project and user ID.
    alloc_to_consumer = sa.outerjoin(
        _ALLOC_TBL.c.consumer_id == CONSUMER_TBL.c.uuid)
    cols = [
    sel = sa.select(cols)
    sel = sel.select_from(alloc_to_consumer)
    sel = sel.where(CONSUMER_TBL.c.id.is_(None))
    sel = sel.limit(batch_size)
    target_cols = ['uuid', 'project_id', 'user_id']
    ins_stmt = CONSUMER_TBL.insert().from_select(target_cols, sel)
    res = ctx.session.execute(ins_stmt)
    return res.rowcount, res.rowcount
Example #3
def create_incomplete_consumers(ctx, batch_size):
    """Finds all the consumer records that are missing for allocations and
    creates consumer records for them, using the "incomplete consumer" project
    and user CONF options.

    Returns a tuple containing two identical elements with the number of
    consumer records created, since this is the expected return format for data
    migration routines.
    # Create a record in the projects table for our incomplete project
    incomplete_proj_id = project_obj.ensure_incomplete_project(ctx)

    # Create a record in the users table for our incomplete user
    incomplete_user_id = user_obj.ensure_incomplete_user(ctx)

    # Create a consumer table record for all consumers where
    # allocations.consumer_id doesn't exist in the consumers table. Use the
    # incomplete consumer project and user ID.
    alloc_to_consumer = sa.outerjoin(
        _ALLOC_TBL.c.consumer_id == CONSUMER_TBL.c.uuid)
    cols = [
    sel = sa.select(cols)
    sel = sel.select_from(alloc_to_consumer)
    sel = sel.where(CONSUMER_TBL.c.id.is_(None))
    # NOTE(mnaser): It is possible to have multiple consumers having many
    #               allocations to the same resource provider, which would
    #               make the INSERT FROM SELECT fail due to duplicates.
    sel = sel.group_by(_ALLOC_TBL.c.consumer_id)
    sel = sel.limit(batch_size)
    target_cols = ['uuid', 'project_id', 'user_id']
    ins_stmt = CONSUMER_TBL.insert().from_select(target_cols, sel)
    res = ctx.session.execute(ins_stmt)
    return res.rowcount, res.rowcount