class BuildRequest(API_BASE): """Represents the information passed to the scheduler.""" __tablename__ = 'build_requests' __table_args__ = (Index('build_requests_project_id_idx', 'project_id'), schema.UniqueConstraint( 'request_spec_id', name='uniq_build_requests0request_spec_id')) id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) request_spec_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) request_spec = orm.relationship( RequestSpec, foreign_keys=request_spec_id, primaryjoin=request_spec_id == project_id = Column(String(255), nullable=False) user_id = Column(String(255), nullable=False) display_name = Column(String(255)) instance_metadata = Column(Text) progress = Column(Integer) vm_state = Column(String(255)) task_state = Column(String(255)) image_ref = Column(String(255)) access_ip_v4 = Column(types.IPAddress()) access_ip_v6 = Column(types.IPAddress()) info_cache = Column(Text) security_groups = Column(Text, nullable=False) config_drive = Column(Boolean, default=False, nullable=False) key_name = Column(String(255)) locked_by = Column(Enum('owner', 'admin'))
class Network(BASE, NovaBase): """Represents a network.""" __tablename__ = 'networks' __table_args__ = (schema.UniqueConstraint("vpn_public_address", "vpn_public_port"), ) id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) label = Column(String(255)) injected = Column(Boolean, default=False) cidr = Column(types.CIDR(), unique=True) cidr_v6 = Column(types.CIDR(), unique=True) multi_host = Column(Boolean, default=False) gateway_v6 = Column(types.IPAddress()) netmask_v6 = Column(types.IPAddress()) netmask = Column(types.IPAddress()) bridge = Column(String(255)) bridge_interface = Column(String(255)) gateway = Column(types.IPAddress()) broadcast = Column(types.IPAddress()) dns1 = Column(types.IPAddress()) dns2 = Column(types.IPAddress()) vlan = Column(Integer) vpn_public_address = Column(types.IPAddress()) vpn_public_port = Column(Integer) vpn_private_address = Column(types.IPAddress()) dhcp_start = Column(types.IPAddress()) rxtx_base = Column(Integer) project_id = Column(String(255)) priority = Column(Integer) host = Column(String(255)) # , ForeignKey('')) uuid = Column(String(36))
def upgrade(migrate_engine): meta = MetaData(bind=migrate_engine) networks = Table('networks', meta, autoload=True) shadow_networks = Table(db._SHADOW_TABLE_PREFIX + 'networks', meta, autoload=True) create_column(networks, shadow_networks, 'description', String(255)) create_column(networks, shadow_networks, 'range_start', types.IPAddress()) create_column(networks, shadow_networks, 'range_end', types.IPAddress())
def upgrade(migrate_engine): compute_nodes = utils.get_table(migrate_engine, 'compute_nodes') host_ip = Column('host_ip', types.IPAddress()) supported_instances = Column('supported_instances', Text) compute_nodes.create_column(host_ip) compute_nodes.create_column(supported_instances) shadow_compute_nodes = utils.get_table( migrate_engine, db._SHADOW_TABLE_PREFIX + 'compute_nodes') host_ip = Column('host_ip', types.IPAddress()) supported_instances = Column('supported_instances', Text) shadow_compute_nodes.create_column(host_ip) shadow_compute_nodes.create_column(supported_instances)
class FixedIp(BASE, NovaBase): """Represents a fixed ip for an instance.""" __tablename__ = 'fixed_ips' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) address = Column(types.IPAddress()) network_id = Column(Integer, nullable=True) virtual_interface_id = Column(Integer, nullable=True) instance_uuid = Column(String(36), nullable=True) # associated means that a fixed_ip has its instance_id column set # allocated means that a fixed_ip has its virtual_interface_id column set allocated = Column(Boolean, default=False) # leased means dhcp bridge has leased the ip leased = Column(Boolean, default=False) reserved = Column(Boolean, default=False) host = Column(String(255)) network = relationship(Network, backref=backref('fixed_ips'), foreign_keys=network_id, primaryjoin='and_(' 'FixedIp.network_id ==,' 'FixedIp.deleted == 0,' 'Network.deleted == 0)') instance = relationship(Instance, foreign_keys=instance_uuid, primaryjoin='and_(' 'FixedIp.instance_uuid == Instance.uuid,' 'FixedIp.deleted == 0,' 'Instance.deleted == 0)')
class SecurityGroupIngressRule(BASE, NovaBase): """Represents a rule in a security group.""" __tablename__ = 'security_group_rules' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) parent_group_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) parent_group = relationship( "SecurityGroup", backref="rules", foreign_keys=parent_group_id, primaryjoin='and_(' 'SecurityGroupIngressRule.parent_group_id ==,' 'SecurityGroupIngressRule.deleted == 0)') protocol = Column(String(5)) # "tcp", "udp", or "icmp" from_port = Column(Integer) to_port = Column(Integer) cidr = Column(types.IPAddress()) # Note: This is not the parent SecurityGroup. It's SecurityGroup we're # granting access for. group_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) grantee_group = relationship( "SecurityGroup", foreign_keys=group_id, primaryjoin='and_(' 'SecurityGroupIngressRule.group_id ==,' 'SecurityGroupIngressRule.deleted == 0)')
class FloatingIp(BASE, NovaBase): """Represents a floating ip that dynamically forwards to a fixed ip.""" __tablename__ = 'floating_ips' __table_args__ = ( schema.UniqueConstraint("address", "deleted", name="uniq_floating_ips0address0deleted"), Index('fixed_ip_id', 'fixed_ip_id'), Index('floating_ips_host_idx', 'host'), Index('floating_ips_project_id_idx', 'project_id'), Index('floating_ips_pool_deleted_fixed_ip_id_project_id_idx', 'pool', 'deleted', 'fixed_ip_id', 'project_id') ) id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) address = Column(types.IPAddress()) fixed_ip_id = Column(Integer) project_id = Column(String(255)) host = Column(String(255)) # , ForeignKey('')) auto_assigned = Column(Boolean, default=False) # TODO(sshturm) add default in db pool = Column(String(255)) interface = Column(String(255)) fixed_ip = orm.relationship(FixedIp, backref=orm.backref('floating_ips'), foreign_keys=fixed_ip_id, primaryjoin='and_(' 'FloatingIp.fixed_ip_id ==,' 'FloatingIp.deleted == 0,' 'FixedIp.deleted == 0)')
class ComputeNode(BASE, NovaBase): """Represents a running compute service on a host.""" __tablename__ = 'compute_nodes' __table_args__ = () id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) service_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) service = orm.relationship(Service, backref=orm.backref('compute_node'), foreign_keys=service_id, primaryjoin='and_(' 'ComputeNode.service_id ==,' 'ComputeNode.deleted == 0)') vcpus = Column(Integer, nullable=False) memory_mb = Column(Integer, nullable=False) local_gb = Column(Integer, nullable=False) vcpus_used = Column(Integer, nullable=False) memory_mb_used = Column(Integer, nullable=False) local_gb_used = Column(Integer, nullable=False) hypervisor_type = Column(MediumText(), nullable=False) hypervisor_version = Column(Integer, nullable=False) hypervisor_hostname = Column(String(255)) # Free Ram, amount of activity (resize, migration, boot, etc) and # the number of running VM's are a good starting point for what's # important when making scheduling decisions. free_ram_mb = Column(Integer) free_disk_gb = Column(Integer) current_workload = Column(Integer) running_vms = Column(Integer) # Note(masumotok): Expected Strings example: # # '{"arch":"x86_64", # "model":"Nehalem", # "topology":{"sockets":1, "threads":2, "cores":3}, # "features":["tdtscp", "xtpr"]}' # # Points are "json translatable" and it must have all dictionary keys # above, since it is copied from <cpu> tag of getCapabilities() # (See libvirt.virtConnection). cpu_info = Column(MediumText(), nullable=False) disk_available_least = Column(Integer) host_ip = Column(types.IPAddress()) supported_instances = Column(Text) metrics = Column(Text) # Note(yongli): json string PCI Stats # '{"vendor_id":"8086", "product_id":"1234", "count":3 }' pci_stats = Column(Text) # extra_resources is a json string containing arbitrary # data about additional resources. extra_resources = Column(Text) # json-encode string containing compute node statistics stats = Column(Text, default='{}')
class ProviderFirewallRule(BASE, NovaBase): """Represents a rule in a security group.""" __tablename__ = 'provider_fw_rules' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) protocol = Column(String(5)) # "tcp", "udp", or "icmp" from_port = Column(Integer) to_port = Column(Integer) cidr = Column(types.IPAddress())
class ConsolePool(BASE, NovaBase): """Represents pool of consoles on the same physical node.""" __tablename__ = 'console_pools' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) address = Column(types.IPAddress()) username = Column(String(255)) password = Column(String(255)) console_type = Column(String(255)) public_hostname = Column(String(255)) host = Column(String(255)) compute_host = Column(String(255))
class FloatingIp(BASE, NovaBase): """Represents a floating ip that dynamically forwards to a fixed ip.""" __tablename__ = 'floating_ips' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) address = Column(types.IPAddress()) fixed_ip_id = Column(Integer, nullable=True) project_id = Column(String(255)) host = Column(String(255)) # , ForeignKey('')) auto_assigned = Column(Boolean, default=False, nullable=False) pool = Column(String(255)) interface = Column(String(255))
class FixedIp(BASE, NovaBase): """Represents a fixed ip for an instance.""" __tablename__ = 'fixed_ips' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) address = Column(types.IPAddress()) network_id = Column(Integer, nullable=True) virtual_interface_id = Column(Integer, nullable=True) instance_uuid = Column(String(36), nullable=True) # associated means that a fixed_ip has its instance_id column set # allocated means that a fixed_ip has its virtual_interface_id column set allocated = Column(Boolean, default=False) # leased means dhcp bridge has leased the ip leased = Column(Boolean, default=False) reserved = Column(Boolean, default=False) host = Column(String(255))
class ConsolePool(BASE, NovaBase): """Represents pool of consoles on the same physical node.""" __tablename__ = 'console_pools' __table_args__ = ( schema.UniqueConstraint( "host", "console_type", "compute_host", "deleted", name="uniq_console_pools0host0console_type0compute_host0deleted"), ) id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) address = Column(types.IPAddress()) username = Column(String(255)) password = Column(String(255)) console_type = Column(String(255)) public_hostname = Column(String(255)) host = Column(String(255)) compute_host = Column(String(255))
class FixedIp(BASE, NovaBase): """Represents a fixed ip for an instance.""" __tablename__ = 'fixed_ips' __table_args__ = ( schema.UniqueConstraint( "address", "deleted", name="uniq_fixed_ips0address0deleted"), Index('fixed_ips_virtual_interface_id_fkey', 'virtual_interface_id'), Index('network_id', 'network_id'), Index('address', 'address'), Index('fixed_ips_instance_uuid_fkey', 'instance_uuid'), Index('fixed_ips_host_idx', 'host'), Index('fixed_ips_network_id_host_deleted_idx', 'network_id', 'host', 'deleted'), Index('fixed_ips_address_reserved_network_id_deleted_idx', 'address', 'reserved', 'network_id', 'deleted'), Index('fixed_ips_deleted_allocated_idx', 'address', 'deleted', 'allocated') ) id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) address = Column(types.IPAddress()) network_id = Column(Integer) virtual_interface_id = Column(Integer) instance_uuid = Column(String(36), ForeignKey('instances.uuid')) # associated means that a fixed_ip has its instance_id column set # allocated means that a fixed_ip has its virtual_interface_id column set # TODO(sshturm) add default in db allocated = Column(Boolean, default=False) # leased means dhcp bridge has leased the ip # TODO(sshturm) add default in db leased = Column(Boolean, default=False) # TODO(sshturm) add default in db reserved = Column(Boolean, default=False) host = Column(String(255)) network = orm.relationship(Network, backref=orm.backref('fixed_ips'), foreign_keys=network_id, primaryjoin='and_(' 'FixedIp.network_id ==,' 'FixedIp.deleted == 0,' 'Network.deleted == 0)') instance = orm.relationship(Instance, foreign_keys=instance_uuid, primaryjoin='and_(' 'FixedIp.instance_uuid == Instance.uuid,' 'FixedIp.deleted == 0,' 'Instance.deleted == 0)')
class FloatingIp(BASE, NovaBase): """Represents a floating ip that dynamically forwards to a fixed ip.""" __tablename__ = 'floating_ips' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) address = Column(types.IPAddress()) fixed_ip_id = Column(Integer, nullable=True) project_id = Column(String(255)) host = Column(String(255)) # , ForeignKey('')) auto_assigned = Column(Boolean, default=False, nullable=False) pool = Column(String(255)) interface = Column(String(255)) fixed_ip = relationship(FixedIp, backref=backref('floating_ips'), foreign_keys=fixed_ip_id, primaryjoin='and_(' 'FloatingIp.fixed_ip_id ==,' 'FloatingIp.deleted == 0,' 'FixedIp.deleted == 0)')
class Instance(BASE, NovaBase): """Represents a guest VM.""" __tablename__ = 'instances' injected_files = [] id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) @property def name(self): try: base_name = CONF.instance_name_template % except TypeError: # Support templates like "uuid-%(uuid)s", etc. info = {} # NOTE(russellb): Don't use self.iteritems() here, as it will # result in infinite recursion on the name property. for column in iter(object_mapper(self).columns): key = # prevent recursion if someone specifies %(name)s # %(name)s will not be valid. if key == 'name': continue info[key] = self[key] try: base_name = CONF.instance_name_template % info except KeyError: base_name = self.uuid return base_name def _extra_keys(self): return ['name', 'system_metadata'] user_id = Column(String(255)) project_id = Column(String(255)) image_ref = Column(String(255)) kernel_id = Column(String(255)) ramdisk_id = Column(String(255)) hostname = Column(String(255)) # image_ref = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=True) # kernel_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=True) # ramdisk_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=True) # ramdisk = relationship(Ramdisk, backref=backref('instances', order_by=id)) # kernel = relationship(Kernel, backref=backref('instances', order_by=id)) launch_index = Column(Integer) key_name = Column(String(255)) key_data = Column(Text) power_state = Column(Integer) vm_state = Column(String(255)) task_state = Column(String(255)) memory_mb = Column(Integer) vcpus = Column(Integer) root_gb = Column(Integer) ephemeral_gb = Column(Integer) # This is not related to hostname, above. It refers # to the nova node. host = Column(String(255)) # , ForeignKey('')) # To identify the "ComputeNode" which the instance resides in. # This equals to ComputeNode.hypervisor_hostname. node = Column(String(255)) # *not* flavor_id instance_type_id = Column(Integer) user_data = Column(Text) reservation_id = Column(String(255)) scheduled_at = Column(DateTime) launched_at = Column(DateTime) terminated_at = Column(DateTime) availability_zone = Column(String(255)) # User editable field for display in user-facing UIs display_name = Column(String(255)) display_description = Column(String(255)) # To remember on which host an instance booted. # An instance may have moved to another host by live migration. launched_on = Column(Text) locked = Column(Boolean) os_type = Column(String(255)) architecture = Column(String(255)) vm_mode = Column(String(255)) uuid = Column(String(36)) root_device_name = Column(String(255)) default_ephemeral_device = Column(String(255), nullable=True) default_swap_device = Column(String(255), nullable=True) config_drive = Column(String(255)) # User editable field meant to represent what ip should be used # to connect to the instance access_ip_v4 = Column(types.IPAddress()) access_ip_v6 = Column(types.IPAddress()) auto_disk_config = Column(Boolean()) progress = Column(Integer) # EC2 instance_initiated_shutdown_terminate # True: -> 'terminate' # False: -> 'stop' # Note(maoy): currently Nova will always stop instead of terminate # no matter what the flag says. So we set the default to False. shutdown_terminate = Column(Boolean(), default=False, nullable=False) # EC2 disable_api_termination disable_terminate = Column(Boolean(), default=False, nullable=False) # OpenStack compute cell name. This will only be set at the top of # the cells tree and it'll be a full cell name such as 'api!hop1!hop2' cell_name = Column(String(255))
class Network(BASE, NovaBase): """Represents a network.""" __tablename__ = 'networks' __table_args__ = ( schema.UniqueConstraint("vlan", "deleted", name="uniq_networks0vlan0deleted"), Index('networks_bridge_deleted_idx', 'bridge', 'deleted'), Index('networks_host_idx', 'host'), Index('networks_project_id_deleted_idx', 'project_id', 'deleted'), Index('networks_uuid_project_id_deleted_idx', 'uuid', 'project_id', 'deleted'), Index('networks_vlan_deleted_idx', 'vlan', 'deleted'), Index('networks_cidr_v6_idx', 'cidr_v6') ) id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False) label = Column(String(255)) injected = Column(Boolean, default=False) cidr = Column(types.CIDR()) cidr_v6 = Column(types.CIDR()) multi_host = Column(Boolean, default=False) gateway_v6 = Column(types.IPAddress()) netmask_v6 = Column(types.IPAddress()) netmask = Column(types.IPAddress()) bridge = Column(String(255)) bridge_interface = Column(String(255)) gateway = Column(types.IPAddress()) broadcast = Column(types.IPAddress()) dns1 = Column(types.IPAddress()) dns2 = Column(types.IPAddress()) vlan = Column(Integer) vpn_public_address = Column(types.IPAddress()) vpn_public_port = Column(Integer) vpn_private_address = Column(types.IPAddress()) dhcp_start = Column(types.IPAddress()) rxtx_base = Column(Integer) project_id = Column(String(255)) priority = Column(Integer) host = Column(String(255)) # , ForeignKey('')) uuid = Column(String(36)) mtu = Column(Integer) dhcp_server = Column(types.IPAddress()) enable_dhcp = Column(Boolean, default=True) share_address = Column(Boolean, default=False)